Immortal cultivation resources are not for Qin Hao alone, but for all mankind.

The benefits of cultivating immortals should also be shared by everyone, instead of giving Qin Hao to whomever he wants, let alone a big man! Everyone should unite! Resist Qin Hao's selfish behavior! Let him benefit the world.

And hand over the cultivation method! This statement.

Rapid fermentation.

And accepted by countless people! People from all over the world.

They all began to join the movement! "We must be fair, Qin Hao cannot exclusively enjoy the resources of global immortality, but only benefits Dahan!"

"Qin Hao, as an immortal, you should be detached, not biased against a big man!"

"Qin Hao, announce the method of cultivating immortals, immortal cultivation belongs to all mankind!"

people of all countries.

Holding signs, they began to appear on the streets.

at the same time.

many people in the world.

People who look at their own country.

To express his demands to Qin Hao with such great fanfare, some of his remarks are even more intense.

didn't say anything.

They were watching what Qin Hao would do.

Is it strong repression, or some talk! When this trend occurs.

Officials from various countries have discovered this situation.

On the one hand, they closely monitor the people.

Don't let them make drastic moves.

On the other hand, he watched Qin Hao's reaction anxiously.

I am very afraid of the parades that appear.

It will make Qin Hao angry at them! And Dahan officials, although they also know about this situation.

But it didn't make much sense.

after all.

Although the remarks involve Qin Hao.

However, the current big man is in a very embarrassing situation.

After all, they are vested interests.

At this time, inform all countries, or speak out about this incident.


This will lead to further escalation of the situation.

lead to an unstoppable situation.


They also looked at Qin Hao's Weibo.

Always pay attention to how Qin Hao will react! The world.

They all waited for Qin Hao to respond to this incident.

The protagonist of the incident, Qin Hao.

But didn't know about it at all.

Still meditating.


Three days have passed.

There are more and more people expressing dissatisfaction on the Internet in various countries.

The number of parades in various countries is also increasing.

But Qin Hao still didn't say anything.

This immediately gave a false impression to the people of various countries, and even to the officials of various countries.

they thought.

Qin Hao is the person who is intimidated by this involvement, and the country involved is too broad.

Therefore, there is no means of strong repression.

Qin Hao.

Not the devil.

He will not destroy the world! "Qin Hao hasn't compromised yet, because our boycott is not strong enough, we should unite and let Qin Hao hand over the cultivation method!"

"Yes, everyone united, marched together, and made demands to Qin Hao!"

"Yeah, what if he is a fairy? Does he dare to kill all of us? Does he dare to kill everyone in the world?"

And after such speculation.

People in various countries thought that their own protests and boycotts were not enough.

So Qin Hao did not compromise with them.

In addition, people have the mentality of not blaming the law! So.

More and more people joined the team to speak to Qin Hao.

The scale of the parade in various countries is also getting bigger and bigger! As for the official of each country.

They also adopted a laissez-faire attitude and did not stop the people from marching.


within the globe.

Countless people, holding signs, took to the streets.

joined the parade.

as the situation expands.

The Han nationality also noticed these things.

On Dahan's network, discussions erupted in an instant.

"Qin Xian's own immortal, he will give benefits to whoever he wants, and keep that group of... foreigners what's the matter!"

"Yeah, they dare to put pressure on Qin Xian, they are afraid they are impatient!"

"Qin Xian can't compromise, or they'll have to make an inch!"

"Qin Xian, kill them all, let's see if they dare!"

There are some Han nationals who are very dissatisfied with the practice of foreigners gathering forces to put pressure on Qin Hao.

at the same time.

Some radical Han nationals even said that Qin Hao would directly kill those people! "You're light, look at the countries that are holding parades now.

Domineering country, country, country, country The people of almost all countries in the world have all joined the team to put pressure on Qin Xian.

If Qin Xian really kills, how many people will he kill!"

"If you want me to tell you, Qin Xian will just pretend, give them some benefits, and put them in their mouths!"

"That's right, there are too many countries involved this time, Qin Xian should calm down!"

Of course, there are also some people.

Seeing so many countries involved, they all think Qin Hao should deal with it calmly.

Don't blindly kill everyone! "You bastards, stay calm! If Qin Xian doesn't teach the people of those countries a deep lesson, they will go too far!"

"Yes, if it's good for them.

They will think that if they can talk, they will definitely raise higher demands!"

"You really underestimate people's greed. Give them some favors, will they be satisfied? Now that you haven't given them any favors, let Qin Xian hand over the cultivation method! Give them favors, and they won't go to heaven!"

For the remarks that made Qin Hao calmly deal with, other Dahan people quickly turned back! Suddenly, Dahan domestic.

People with two viewpoints, quarreling

as the situation develops.

countless people.

Staring at Qin Hao's scarf.

after all.

This is the only place the world knows, Qin Hao's public voice.

And this made the flow of Qin Hao's scarf to an incredible height.

Every second, hundreds of millions of people pour in and out.

It can be called a miracle in the history of Dahan Network! When the world is watching.

They don't know.

Qin Hao didn't know about this.

And at this moment.

Qin Hao sitting cross-legged in the hut.

Finally slowly opened his eyes.

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