His appearance instantly became more than ten years younger.

It seems to have returned to the [-]th Fanghua! That is to say.

This elixir can not only enhance a person's strength.

It can also prolong life and return to youth! After a long time.

These people just came back to their senses.

They quickly returned to their lounges and reported their affairs to the officials of their own countries.

The officials of these countries hurriedly contacted Dahan.

At a sky-high price, I want to buy a medicine pill! It's just, these requests from them.

All were rejected by Wang Lao and others.

At this moment, Wang Lao and others all gathered together.

Waiting for Yan Shiying to bring the medicinal pill back.

Even, they formed a strong scientific research force in the first time.

I want to research the formula of this medicine.


After the precedent of the real water residue in Huiyang.

They didn't think about it.

Destroy all the pills.

they thought.

As long as one can develop a kind of medicine pill, Qin Hao's elixir is [-]%% effective.

It is also enough to improve the quality of the Han army.

I don't know how many times it has improved! And when the big man, and those countries that know about this batch of medicinal pills, act madly.

Qin Hao, having returned to the hut, sat cross-legged on the bed.

Start practicing.

He didn't take those hundred bottles of elixir, which were completely useless to him, to his heart.

days after.

Wang Lao and others have been discussing how to distribute this batch of medicinal pills.

At the same time, they formed a scientific research team.

I also started researching these pills day and night.

And after Qin Hao preached twice, the IQ of countless big Han scientists has been raised.

In addition, Qin Hao's batch of medicinal pills is not an elixir.

It is only made from ordinary medicinal materials.

Therefore, the scientific research team soon had results.

They successfully researched the medicinal materials involved in the pill.

and start practicing.

Immediately, a [-]%% efficacious elixir was produced.

This made the entire scientific research team, Wang Lao and others extremely excited.

But the world does not have an impermeable wall! Especially Qin Hao gave the medicinal pill, and the medicinal effect of the medicinal pill has been seen by the military personnel of so many countries.

News spread quickly.

many other countries.

Heard about this.

Even the folks of countless countries.

The news also started to spread.

when people.

I heard that Qin Hao left another medicine for Dahan.

This elixir can not only stimulate the strength of ordinary people to a thousand jins of strength.

It can also prolong life and return to youth.

Instantly boiled.

"Qin Xian has benefited the big Han again. I'm so jealous of the big Han people!"

"The gap between us and the big man has become bigger again!"

"The last sermon, this time the medicine pill, what kind of benefits will Qin Xian give the big man!"

"With Qin Xian here, no matter how hard we try, we won't be able to keep up with the big Han people!"

People are jealous of the big Han, the big Han people! The resentment in the language is more than enough! There are some people who are very resentful and extremely dissatisfied and secretly set up a group.

Constantly scolding, Qin Hao, scolding, big man! "Qin Hao is really too much, all the benefits are given to the big man, aren't we people from the earth?"

"Yes, cultivators are above the world, shouldn't they benefit the whole world?"

"I really can't stand it. When I think about us, all of us will become third-class citizens, and our descendants will all be oppressed by the big Han people.

I'm about to explode!"

"We can't sit still, we have to do something!"

"But what can we do? Once Qin Hao is angered, it will be a disaster of wrath, and we will all die!"

"Hmph, death! What are you afraid of! I'm afraid that we will always be ridden on our heads! If that person is only Qin Hao, that's fine! Now, the whole big man is riding on our heads!"

"Yes, there is only one immortal cultivator Qin Hao in the world.

He alone controls all the resources of immortality in the world, but he only helps the big man, no matter what.

Us people! We must resist!"

"That's right, the resources for cultivating immortals belong to all of us.

Even if Qin Hao did not teach us to cultivate immortals, it would not be 0.

6 Can you use all the resources to help the Han people!"

"Okay, it's good that everyone has a consensus.

In this way, we first go to various countries to spread the news.

Organize as many people as possible to boycott Qin Hao together and put pressure on him! I don't believe that Qin Hao can kill everyone in the world except the big man!"

"Yes, just do it! If he has the ability, Qin Hao will wipe out the world. Anyway, we have no hope!"

These secretive teams have determined a strategy.

Ready to agitate people all over the world.

Put pressure on Qin Hao! And start acting quickly! Spread a word across the country.

Immortal cultivation resources belong to all human beings, Qin Hao can't favor the big man alone! This argument.

As soon as it appeared on the network of various countries.

Immediately it was like water and oil.

It attracted heated discussions among people from all over the world.

The dissatisfaction and anger in the hearts of countless people were all aroused.

national network.

Instant hot! Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 169 Immortal is angry

Dominance on the Internet.

"Why can only the big Han people be promoted? It's not that the promotion of all of us is unfair!"

"Yes, we have to unite, we can't let: Qin Hao favor the big man alone!"

"What we're saying is, we want to make our voices heard, and we hope Qin Xian will give justice to the world!"

on the national network.

"Why, why does Qin Hao control the global resources and only improve the Han people, no matter what?

We live and die"

"Yes, Qin Hao has the resources of global immortality cultivation, so he should spread the benefits all over the world, not just for the big man!"

"We want fairness!"

on the national network.

"Qin Hao is a cultivator. We humans have experienced several times of annihilation and suffering. Now he only helps the big man and ignores us completely. How can there be such a thing!"

"That's right, Qin Hao cultivated immortals and almost made us human beings extinct, and now he even let the big Han people ride on our heads forever, how can this convince us!"

"No, everyone should unite to put pressure on Qin Hao together, and put pressure on Dahan together. It must not be like this!"

network of countries.

There have been remarks of boycotting Qin Hao and putting pressure on Qin Hao 19.

And these remarks, like a spark of fire, spread quickly.

Some disgruntled people.

Join in quickly.

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