City: I Started As a Rich Second-generation Villain

Chapter 271: Gu Junqing's Versailles

"Xiao Ningyu, are you worried that you won't be able to go to Huaqing University with me?"

Gu Junqing touched Luo Ningyu's little head and comforted him.

"But, I also want to rely on my own efforts."

Luo Ningyu's expression was still a little sullen, which made Gu Junqing feel a little distressed.

Luo Ningyu's position in his heart is also somewhat special.

Cough, it should be said that the heroine and the supporting actress are a bit special in his heart...

"Don't worry, I will be able to help you with tuition at that time, but you have to pay a little tuition."

Gu Junqing raised his eyebrows and said in an ambiguous tone beside Luo Ningyu's ear.

Hearing this, Luo Ningyu opened those eyes that looked forward to the brilliance, clear and gentle, with an indescribably clean beauty.

"I want to do something bad again." Luo Ningyu looked at Gu Junqing blankly and muttered.

"What's wrong with paying tuition? Isn't that what it should be? How can there be a free lunch in the world?"

Unless you eat hot dogs, not only can you eat them for free, but it is even possible that you can eat Telunsu, Gu Junqing muttered in his heart.

"I'll take the deposit now."

Gu Junqing looked at Luo Ningyu with a small purple hairpin on the blue silk at this time, her beautiful eyes were full of autumn water, her cherry lips were bright and dripping, and she looked like she was budding.

Gently hugging Luo Ningyu's amazing waist, in a condescending posture, she greedily grabbed the breath that belonged to her.

Luo Ningyu could only bear Gu Junqing's attack with his head up.

Two mouths swallow each other, the man contains the woman's lower lip, the woman contains the man's upper lip, sucking at each other for a while, licking his **, or biting his tongue, or biting his lip slightly, or inviting him to hug his head, or forcefully twisting his ear, and touching it Take a photo, kiss east and bite.

Fortunately, the seat is in the back row, otherwise this look will definitely cause a sensation again, it is too sweet.

Murong Wan was a little envious, but after all, she was a good sister who wore a pair of trousers. Although she was a little jealous, she was generally able to control it.

If Li Xixue was kissed by Gu Junqing in such a protective and pampering manner, she would probably have vomited to death.

Who made Li Xixue usually so arrogant in front of them!

Finally, under Gu Junqing's unremitting attack, Luo Ningyu was defeated.

Panting, with spring water on his face.

A pair of big eyes finally returned to the original piercing posture.

It seems that the nourishment of men is still lacking, and Gu Junqing murmured twice in his heart.

"Isn't it sad this time?"

Gu Junqing held Luo Ningyu's white and tender weed and pinched it in his palm, feeling the tenderness on his hand.


Luo Ningyu was attacked like that by Gu Junqing, and his body had already lost the strength, and said in a voice like a mosquito.

A um word goes back and forth.

If it wasn't for Gu Junqing supporting her soft and boneless body, she would have wanted to lie down on the table.

His eyes were filled with spring water, apparently being provoked by Gu Junqing.

Fortunately, Luo Ningyu also knew a little sense of proportion, which was in the public eye.

Just now Luo Ningyu's hand even wanted to start down Gu Junqing's lower abdomen...

Gu Junqing relaxed after seeing that Luo Ningyu had nothing to do.

He felt that since he had won the hearts of so many female protagonists and female supporting roles, he should be responsible for them.

Otherwise, he will become a scumbag, he is just a fish farmer...

Gu Junqing didn't want to admit that he was a scumbag, he just made mistakes that men would make.

It's like you can't hide when you love someone, even if you hide in the closet, you will be discovered, and you can't even claim to fix the faucet.

Seeing that Luo Ningyu's mood had improved, Gu Junqing turned around and spoke to Murong Wan.

A bowl of water should be evenly distributed, and it should not be biased.

"Wan'er, how are your test scores this time?"

Gu Junqing took a little interest and wanted to see if the protagonist had made any progress under his pressure.

If even Murong Wan couldn't surpass it, then Gu Junqing really didn't have much interest in him.

Now the levels between them are too different, one is still a student studying hard in the cold window, and Gu Junqing is already the uncrowned king of Luodu.

However, Gu Junqing will not be careless because of this. After all, there are not a few incidents of villains overturning their cars.

"The third place is still not surpassing that Mingren."

Said that Murong Wan was a little angry, this **** Mingren made the distance between her and Gu Junqing another three centimeters on the leaderboard.

Gu Junqing nodded, this is normal.

Even if Gu Junqing's luck is lower than Mingren's, it's not impossible that Mingren might even be able to be side by side with him.

After all, Mingren's system is also a super learning system, and his experience in learning this aspect must still surpass that of Gu Junqing.

But at most, he can only stand side by side with Gu Junqing. After all, Gu Junqing has reached the number of total points, and the strength of the test can be as much as possible.

It stands to reason that Akihito should be able to activate the super **** system soon.

Gu Junqing noticed a little change when he passed the exam last time, and Mingren's luck also increased significantly at that time.

Gu Junqing showed a meaningful smile. For Mingren, the protagonist, he has a better way to deal with him. He can only slaughter this fat sheep after it is a little fatter.

"We are only three centimeters away from each other."

Murong Wan's slender and fair palms gently brushed her long hair, letting it fall wantonly on her shoulders and behind her ears, revealing her delicate and graceful cheeks, her slender and fair neck like a noble white swan, and her delicate collarbone. Like the most precious jade.

Murong Wan's eyes were a little unwilling, and she was obviously brooding over the three centimeters.

"What's so confusing about this?" Gu Junqing laughed.

"But I want to be closer to you, whether it's in life or in exam rankings."

Murong Wan said pitifully.

She actually wanted Gu Junqing to comfort her like he comforted Luo Ningyu.

Gu Junqing's aggressive attitude just now made her a little envious.

"It doesn't matter, it's not less than three centimeters. In a short while, the distance between us may be minus twenty centimeters."

Gu Junqing's expression moved slightly, with a serious smile on his face. He was originally a serious person, driving in the invisible.

"Minus twenty centimeters?" Murong Wan muttered for a while before realizing what she meant.

In an instant, the glamorous and moving cheeks were like haze, and the blush was all over the cheeks.

Her delicate face is as splendid as haze, and like a dream.

I have to say that Murong Wan is worthy of being the heroine described by Xiaobaiwen, and the quality is really good.

The face without makeup is already several times more beautiful than the stars under most lenses.

Gu Junqing tutted twice in his heart, feeling a little emotional.

Luo Ningyu, who was on the side, also came to join in the fun, giggling at Murong Wan's shy cheeks.

He even imitated Gu Junqing's way of kissing her just now and gave Murong Wan a small peck on the face, which made Murong Wan uneasy ლ(°◕‵ƹ′◕ლ).

The two started laughing and fighting, which made Gu Junqing have a lot of eye addiction.

What a pleasant day, Gu Junqing touched his waist.

He's been sucked dry by several banshees these days, and it's still good.

Do you know the bitterness of living a life of devotion all the time?

Forget it, you haven't experienced it anyway. (manual dog head)

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