City: I Started As a Rich Second-generation Villain

Chapter 270: The name falls Luoshan.... (please ask for a ticket, thank you...

"Junqing, don't forget, you must come when the time comes, or I will promise the other party!"

Yu Miaokui turned around angrily and turned her back to Gu Junqing.

Gu Junqing raised his eyebrows. Isn't this posture better... Once you're in the end?

"Of course not, how could I make it difficult for you?"

Gu Junqing burst into laughter, combed Yu Miaowei's hair down, and felt the silky touch on her hands.

Teacher Yu must have grown up eating Dove, Gu Junqing sighed with emotion.

However, Yu Miaoyu's angry words were so like the unfolding of some plots.

Gu Junqing pondered, but soon Gu Junqing was interrupted by Yu Miaoyu's actions, and Teacher Yu dared to twist himself.

I don't know if he is thinking about rewarding himself, but Gu Junqing feels that it is because of this.

Is this refueling the engine?

Then how can Gu Junqing be weaker than Yu Miaowei, naturally he is meeting Yu Miaowei's challenge.

He Gu Junqing was never weaker than others in his life.

Although there is no ploughed land, there are only exhausted cattle.

But it is still possible for Gu Junqing to overturn a piece of land.

Just like what the popular anchors said today.

Enjoy~ Squeeze... Squeeze. Full, xdm.

Like a swan, Yu Miaoku raised her white neck proudly and sang a touching song for Gu Junqing~


After another cloud and rain, the bell for class has been ringing for an unknown time.

Fortunately, there was no Yu Miaokui's class this morning, otherwise I probably wouldn't have attended it.

Yu Miaokui didn't want to lift a finger that was already tired, after all, it was her who was frozen this time.

It's still the same sentence, whoever freezes is powerless.

Turning around and looking into Gu Junqing's eyes, Yu Miaoyu's eyes gradually became blurred.

"Jun Qing, why does your eyes seem to have light? It's so beautiful."

Am I Ultraman? Is there light in your eyes? Gu Junqing muttered in his heart.

"That's because I have your presence in my eyes, so my life is full of light."

Who doesn't know earthy love stories?

However, although these words are very crude, they are not practical, especially for women whose perceptual thinking is greater than rational thinking.

What's more, it was said from Gu Junqing's mouth. Maybe this is the charm of Yan Zhi.

Those who are handsome are flirting with girls, and those who are ugly are harassment. It's a reason.

"Do you have so many sweet words in your mouth?"

Yu Miaoqing was amused by Gu Junqing, she just wanted to sigh that Gu Junqing's eyes were beautiful, but she didn't expect Gu Junqing to give her such a show.

However, this also made her mood really changed, and the depressed mood of quarreling with the family because of Gu Junqing also became cheerful.

Isn't this a must for flirting? As a philanthropist, speaking skills are naturally indispensable.

Gu Junqing muttered in his heart.

"Then do you like it?"

Gu Junqing still smiled and asked gently.

"What if I like it, and what if I don't?"

Yu Miaokui held back the smile in her heart and asked instead of answering.

She wanted to know how well Gu Junqing, the little thief who stole her teacher, was able to flirt with girls.

"If you like it, I'm willing to tell you all the time, for the rest of my life."

Gu Junqing hugged Yu Miaoyu and said in a burning tone, as if showing her enthusiasm to Yu Miaoyu to prove the truth of the words.

"If you don't like it, then I actually prefer to illustrate this with practical actions."

Yu Miaokui felt the scorching aura, and she was moved and speechless.

"It might be more convincing if you could keep this thing away."

Yu Miaoyu rolled her eyes at Gu Junqing and leaned against Gu Junqing's arms, feeling the warmth and peace of mind that existed between the two of them.

She quarreled with her family for Gu Junqing, and naturally there was some pressure.

Every time she needed Gu Junqing to appear the most, he always appeared in front of her, which made Yu Miaoyu very reassured.

"Go to sleep for a while, you must have been tired just now."

Gu Junqing looked at the weakness hidden in Yu Miao's eyes, and felt moved and pity in his heart.

He felt that Yu Miaoyu needed a good rest, both physically and mentally, this chick was exhausted both physically and mentally.

In this way, I didn't know whether to live or die just now and freeze myself.

It seems that Yu Miaoyu just likes the feeling of fullness and fulfillment~

"Are you still going to class?" Yu Miaoyu said tiredly, she was really tired after being disturbed by the students.

"Let's go in the afternoon, I'll wait until you fall asleep."

Gu Junqing patted Yu Miaoyu on the back and gradually coaxed her to sleep.

It seems that the mature eldest sister also needs comfort, Gu Junqing muttered inwardly as she looked at Yu Miaokui who was sleeping soundly.

After Yu Miao fell asleep, Gu Junqing locked the door and walked out of Yu Miao's office softly, moving her somewhat stiff body.

Noticing that the sun was already shining brightly outside, Gu Junqing sighed that time was really useless, and he worked all morning without realizing it.

"Where has the time gone~"

"Well, they all went to make babies."

Gu Junqing hummed a song and added a sentence in his heart.

After walking to the class, there was still a commotion.

Murong Wan and Luo Ningyu also saw him, but they didn't come forward to speak in surprise as before, especially Luo Ningyu was lying on the table with a sullen expression, Murong Wan seemed to be comforting her.

Gu Junqing approached in surprise.

"Is this someone bullying my little cutie? They're all listless."

"It's not that you bullied your little cutie yourself."

Luo Ningyu looked up and admired Gu Junqing's handsome face, and then fell down in a fit of anger.

He will also joke, explaining that it is not a serious matter, Gu Junqing pondered in his heart.

His eyes gestured to Murong Wan.

Murong Wan's blue silk was scattered behind, but her student uniform couldn't hide her cool elegance, but instead highlighted her unique temperament. Her pretty face was delicate and beautiful, but her expression was a little helpless.

"She disliked why you suddenly entered the competition. The problem was so much more difficult that she didn't make it to the list."

Murong Wan was also a little helpless. She had tutored Luo Ningyu. In fact, according to normal subjects, Luo Ningyu should be stable.

But who asked Gu Junqing to suddenly announce the competition made the question a lot more difficult, which also prevented Luo Ningyu from being admitted to the recommended spot.

"Cough, how many?"

Gu Junqing coughed, leaned into Murong Wan's ear, and asked in a low voice.

"Just one more to go."

Murong Wan was a little surprised by the heat in Gu Junqing's mouth, her delicate little ears were already red, she looked at Luo Ningyu and replied in a low voice.

That should really be a complaint. Gu Junqing said silently in his heart.

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