City: I Started As a Rich Second-generation Villain

Chapter 267: Countdown to Yu Feng's Life

Gu Junqing thought about the news of the Ye family that he knew, and inexplicably thought of Ye Qingxian, the direct daughter of the Ye family.

That is, the childhood sweetheart who was rejected by Gu Junqing's predecessor because he liked Murong Wan and rejected him.

Now she is also the female president of a company.

"Bingshan female president?" Gu Junqing thought about the information about Ye Qingxian in his mind.

"Would you like to have an accident by prescribing medicine and cooking the cooked rice first?"

Gu Junqing thought about the possibility of the plan, and felt that it was inappropriate to do so.

There are many villains who do this and overturn, and they can often be cut off by the protagonist for various reasons.

So Gu Junqing couldn't make such a stupid move just in case.

For Ye Qingxian, a childhood sweetheart who has had a sweet relationship, it is not very difficult to flirt.

The difficulty is that Ye Qingxian is an arrogant person. After being rejected by Gu Junqing once, he fell out with Gu Junqing and has never met again.

If it is an ordinary woman, she just needs to apologize, and then use all kinds of horse flea manipulations to restore the beauty of her heart.

But the heroine obviously has a little temper, and it must be much more difficult to operate in practice.

But fortunately, the heroine was a Yangou in his memory.

In this regard, Gu Junqing has the right to speak.

Who can stand up to a rogue with good looks and wealth?

As for the character of the hero of the soldier king, Gu Junqing looked at the investigation data in his hand, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

Like women?

Gu Junqing covered the documents and went back to the room to rest. He had to recharge his batteries. There was nothing he could do. Too many female protagonists was also an annoyance.

Go to bed earlier to keep your body healthy.


On the other side, Yu Feng was in a big hotel.

"You did a good job. I didn't expect you to do this for your boyfriend."

"Sure enough, the affection is deep, but I don't know if your boyfriend will be grateful to you or resent you when he finds out, hahaha."

At this time, Yu Feng was embracing Xiaoyue, the female receptionist who had despised him during the day, with an evil smile flashing in his eyes.

Xiaoyue's eyes were dull, and her face was pale.

"You promise me that you won't attack him." Xiaoyue's face did not fluctuate, and she said byte by byte like a robot.

"Guaranteed to do this, if you say no, you won't."

Yu Feng is already finished, although this woman is not as beautiful as Ye Qingxian, but the taste is still good.

Xiaoyue's eyes were slightly red, her eyes were bloody, and her mental attitude became a little crazy.

"You promise me, you promise me!" Xiaoyue roared hysterically, startling Yu Feng.

"Okay, I promise."

Seeing Xiaoyue's appearance, Yu Feng let go of Xiaoyue subconsciously for some reason.

Like a walking corpse, Xiaoyue walked out of the door of the hotel on her own, with tears all over her face.

"Why is it different from foreign women, didn't it just happen once?"

Yu Feng was sent abroad when he was a child, and his understanding of women is that of a foreign country.

Moreover, there are many women he has interacted with in foreign countries, and none of them will have such a reaction after a relationship.

Even if he doesn't want to be caught by Yu Feng, he will treat it as a mosquito bite, and he won't bother about it.

"Forget it, forget it."

Yu Feng was smoking a cigarette, and today he threatened her with Xiaoyue's boyfriend.

After all, it was Xiaoyue who got on his head first, and her boyfriend just acted in response to her behavior.

"Sure enough, it's better to take a good look at the tender women in Xia Country, which is different from the dry women in Ying Country and Xiong Country."

Yu Feng sighed, dropped the cigarette **** and stepped on the ground, he planned to find a new way to flirt.

He is the king of mercenaries. He lives in the sound of guns all day, and sells his life. Naturally, he has high requirements for that.

"Hey, is it an intermediary company?"

"Yes, this is a marriage contract agency." There was a female voice, "Sir, are you looking for a blind date?"

"Yes." Yu Feng said with interest.

"Then do you have any requests?"

"Help me find someone who looks good, preferably between the twenties and thirties."

"Here is a person who meets your requirements, looks beautiful, and is a teacher. It will be very helpful for your family and children's education in the future. I have a photo for you to see."

"Oh? This one is okay, what's her name?" Yu Feng glanced at the photo in his hand, and was stunned by the person in the photo. He deserved to meet this kind of beauty.

"I'll take a look." The female voice over there flipped through the information, "It seems to be Yu Miaokui."

"The name sounds nice too."

"Yu Miaoyu..." Yu Feng laughed with satisfaction.

"Then give me an appointment, I can't wait."

"Okay, sir, I'll make an appointment for you. You only need to pay the pre-payment fee of 5888."

Yu Feng hung up the phone, and for the time being he couldn't figure out Ye Qingxian's Bingshan female president, but that didn't stop him from hunting - Yan Luodu.

He has been lost by the beauties of Luodu these days.

He feels that he really suits the domestic life, both aesthetics and lifestyle are more in line with his genes.

For a soldier like him who has experienced countless lives and deaths abroad, he has seen the fragility and strength of human nature many times, and his nerves are becoming more and more numb in such a life-threatening life. More and more blood was smeared.

At first, he was also afraid, but in the slaughter, he gradually lost his weak self at the beginning.

For him only the pursuit of pleasure and pleasure is the only goal in life.

But fortunately, God favored him, not only let him escape from danger many times, but also gave him a lot, such as the strength that surpassed many people, such as the many women, and some contacts, all of him The help of the rise in Luodu in the future.

What he has to do now is to step up and strengthen his power and strength.

Looking at the news that the appointment was successful, Yu Feng whistled away happily.

Yu Miaoyu, this is a woman who is not inferior to Ye Qingxian, he must get her.

A trace of interest flashed in Yu Feng's eyes.

But he didn't know that he was doing this, it would only hasten his death and provoke a being he could not match.

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