City: I Started As a Rich Second-generation Villain

Chapter 266: Yu Feng's History

"It's so late. Brother Junqing, do you want to discuss where Sister An Ran lives?"

Lin Qingzhu turned to ask Gu Junqing.

"Do you still want Sister An Ran to sleep with you?"

Gu Junqing responded reluctantly, as if he had suffered a loss. "Cough, it doesn't seem to be impossible, so I reluctantly let An Ran sleep with me."

Su Anran and Lin Qingzhu looked at each other, and at the same time were shocked by Gu Junqing's words, and said in unison.

"You think beautiful!"

I'm handsome, what's wrong with being a little more beautiful. Gu Junqing muttered in his heart.

"Since you don't want to sleep with me, then you two can sleep together if you want, or find another room if you don't."

Gu Junqing shook his head regretfully, but did not choose to sleep with him.

Gu Junqing asked them to arrange their own sleeping places, and he returned to his room.

At this moment, his phone suddenly rang. It was Li Xixue's father, Li Xiao.

Could it be that there is news about the protagonist of the King of Soldiers? Otherwise, Li Xiaoke would never call him, and it would be too late to hide from him.

Gu Junqing raised his eyebrows and answered the phone.

"Hey, Uncle Li, what's the news?"

Gu Junqing's smiling tone made Li Xiao smile bitterly.

Both were laughing, but in very different moods.

"Yes, I have found out."

"Yu Feng actually has something to do with the Ye family." Li Xiao went straight to the topic, he didn't want to talk to Gu Junqing more, and now he can't wait for Gu Junqing to immediately forget their Li family.

"Ye family? It's the Ye family of the four major families?" Gu Junqing was stunned.

"Yes, you should also know some of the background of the Ye family. They came from Kyoto. If they didn't offend others, they would not have come to our Luodu, but you should also understand the strength behind the Ye family."

"The army?" Gu Junqing raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, the old man of the Ye family once served as a high-ranking officer in the army. Although the old man Ye has passed away, the Ye family should still have some connections in the army."

"But in the end, people go to the tea to cool off. In order to prevent the old man Ye from leaving, the Ye family will lose all their connections. Naturally, they have to rely on their previous connections to cultivate a few new connections."

Li Xiao flipped through the information in his hand and said analytically.

"Oh? So Yu Feng is the senior military officer that the Ye family wants to train?" Gu Junqing thought thoughtfully.

"Yes, after all, Yu Feng has the experience of being a foreign soldier, and they were sent out to experience it."

"Furthermore, Yu Feng's father used to be the next high-level military officer that the Ye family wanted to train, but because of some accidents, they now plan to focus on Yu Feng."

Li Xiao lay on the chair and pinched his nose. He broke his leg for Gu Junqing's order, and even went abroad to learn about some secret things about Yu Feng.

There's no way people have to bow their heads under the eaves. He doesn't know what to say to this young man Gu Junqing, which inexplicably makes people feel a sense of fear.

But after all, it is a family, and his daughter is so concerned about Gu Junqing, then there is nothing he can do.

He can only check the current level, even if his Li family is not small, but the same Ye family has more power than him.

"But does the Ye family know that there is such a mess on Yu Feng's body? Assassinating the President of the Ying Nation, the Ye family would dare to cover up this?"

The behavior of the Ye family surprised Gu Junqing. Even if he was one of the four major families, in front of the state apparatus, he was no different from paper.

"I also looked into it and found that Yu Feng still has some cleverness. After Yu Feng was sent abroad by the Ye family, the news that came back was all fake news. It was not Yu Feng's experience abroad at all. A whole new identity."

"I guess it's because of this that the Ye family misjudged Yu Feng's value."

Li Xiao thought about it for a while and said solemnly.

"Okay, then I would like to thank Uncle Li for the news." Gu Junqing said with a smile, and Li Xiao's information allowed him to gradually sort out the context.

Although Yu Feng was sent out of the country by the Ye family, the Ye family knew that the news of Yu Feng's experience was faked by Yu Feng as another person.

In other words, the Ye family had no idea that Yu Feng had assassinated the President of the Ying Kingdom, and is now being wanted internationally.

Gu Junqing even thought that Yu Feng's appearance was disguised by himself.

I have to say that this soldier king is still quite cautious, like a cunning rabbit and three caves. He is ready to run away and can become another person at any time.

Dealing with such protagonists who have experienced great right and wrong is not the same as dealing with protagonists who have not experienced social beatings.

What's more, the protagonist is also the kind of extremely intelligent character.

"No, just don't let our Li family jump into any fire pit."

Li Xiao was dissatisfied, was he working so hard to find out the news just for a thank you?

"Then your daughter will not agree." Gu Junqing took Li Xixue to order Li Xiao.

"Okay, Uncle Li, let's do this first."

"As for the reward, um" Gu Junqing pondered for a while and said. "Then the few pieces of land in the western district will be handed over to your Li family for contracting."

"You Gu Junqing are so kind?"

Li Xiao couldn't believe it. Since Gu Junqing held 30% of the shares of the Li family, Li Xiao has thoroughly seen Gu Junqing.

All the benefits must be accounted for. Their Li family has always contributed money and efforts, but Gu Junqing got all the benefits, and they could only follow behind to drink soup.

He was a little regretful. It would be better to give up the head of the family to his younger brother, who would never see anyone alive or dead.

"Uncle Li, what are you talking about? Am I a good person?"

Gu Junqing was a little puzzled, isn't he Gu someone a good person? How could there not be a good heart!

"Then if you don't want Uncle Li, then it's..."

"I want!"

Li Xiao roared.

If it wasn't for Gu Junqing, he was considered half his son-in-law, and he had to rely on the support of the Gu family, he would have turned against Gu Junqing long ago, this Gu Pipi!

Gu Junqing laughed, "Okay, Uncle Li, if you have any news, just tell me, let's do this first, goodbye."

"Hmph, I'll see you again." Li Xiao was about to become an old urchin, and he really loved and hated Gu Junqing.

After Gu Junqing hung up the phone, he sat on the sofa with some headache and pinched the tip of his nose, thinking about how to deal with the protagonist.

Ye family.

In fact, in the past, among the four major families, the relationship between the Gu family and the Ye family was the best, and the two often cooperated and developed together.

The two families are also friendly.

Otherwise, the relationship between Gu Junqing and Ye Qingxian would not have been so friendly since childhood.

But it was also in Gu Junqing's generation that the crotch was pulled, because Gu Junqing rejected Ye Qingxian's confession, which made both parties a little embarrassed.

Originally, if Gu Junqing accepted it, the two would naturally be able to cooperate more closely.

Maybe even further.

But Gu Junqing's refusal made the situation of both sides a little embarrassing, and they could only go further and further.

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