City: I Started As a Rich Second-generation Villain

Chapter 240: Meet the dangerous little young woman

With the arrival of Gu Junqing, the mosquitoes around the entire training base avoided one after another, and the noise and crawling sound of the surrounding mosquitoes had disappeared.

Although Gu Fei didn't know why, it didn't hinder his admiration for Gu Junqing.

You must know that this is a deep mountain and old forest. Even in winter, there are many insects, animals and other creatures.

And they like to drill into their warm camps, and the sound of mosquitoes that have not frozen to death at night can be heard endlessly.

You must know that the mosquitoes in the forest are so big that they can move people away, and the bag that **** your blood is the size of half a fist.

Although these are all rumors, they can also explain the horror of mosquitoes in the forest.

If mosquitoes can **** fat, wouldn't they be the cutest creatures in the world?

Gu Junqing interrupted his wild thoughts, and his mosquito repelling halo actually came into play here. It really was a tasteless halo. Isn't this a humanoid mosquito coil + toilet water?

However, seeing the members of the team looking at him with more respect, Gu Junqing accepted it readily.

Since it is a god, what is strange about expelling insects.

Following Gu Fei into the small house built in the center, he found Gu Ming who was maintaining vital signs for Hepburn.

He was still wearing a pair of gold-wire glasses, and there was some light and sharpness in his eyes.

"Master, I can barely maintain her vital signs."

Gu Ming's face was a little guilty. Although he was considered a young talent, he always felt that his role under Gu Junqing was not that obvious.

Gu Junqing first glanced at Hepburn's face, with brown hair and a beautiful face, she was considered a great beauty.

Ocean horse? Gu Junqing raised his lips.

But how could the serious Gu Junqing think crookedly, just to investigate Hepburn's injury. He found that it was a miracle that Hepburn's injury could survive.

Even hanging her life is not easy.

"You have done a good job, don't feel guilty, prepare the surgical tools, give me a hand, and prepare for the operation."

Gu Junqing put on a mask and ordered.

He himself is a member of the wolf-toothed mercenary created by the protagonist of the King of Soldiers, and he must know a lot of information about him.

This is also an opportunity for Gu Junqing to smash the wool of the protagonist of the King of Soldiers.

The operation is in full swing, while Luodu's corner is on the other side.

Yu Feng didn't know that the base he created was still alive, or it was Hepburn who he was thinking about and wanted to go to.

In winter, the sky is earlier than usual, and it is already starting to get dark.

Yu Feng was bored walking down the street. To be honest, he was a little unaccustomed to a life without blood and murder.

However, there are beautiful women.

Yu Feng looked at some off-duty female employees who were passing by in a hurry, and a trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

He has slept with a lot of women, but sleeping with those big bucks always feels like a toothpick is stirring up a big tank, and there is a kind of unpleasantness.

Sure enough, only oriental women can make me happy, Yu Feng licked his lips.

He went abroad to be a mercenary when he was very young, so he just heard that women in the East are somewhat good, a kind that can wrap you perfectly.

Therefore, he has always been yearning in his heart, but the task is tight, and he has never had the opportunity to come back.

But now the opportunity has come, Yu Feng looked at the young woman surrounded by a few gangsters in front, and felt that his opportunity had come.

He has already experienced this kind of hero saving the beauty plot many times, and every time he can reap a full love.

In fact, it can't be called full, it should be an empty love. Every time he can't stir the vat with toothpicks and can't satisfy those female foreigners, he is tragically abandoned.

And every time he would despise him before leaving, "Don't be the king of soldiers at such a young age, just be a toothpick for people to pick their teeth."

However, this time this young woman can still be satisfied.

"Beauty, here I come!"

This young-looking woman made his heart so much, she was full of femininity.

However, just as he was about to approach there and plan to come to a hero to save the beauty, a man in a black robe suddenly appeared there like a ghost.

Yu Feng's pupils tightened. He didn't even see this ghostly speed very clearly. Luo Du even had such a master?

I saw that the man in the black robe just knocked a few knives on the back of the rogue's neck, and in just a few rounds, these people who were besieging the young woman were beaten to the ground.

The young woman looked extremely grateful, but she didn't seem to dare to approach the black robe. After all, whoever saw a person wearing a black robe appearing on a winter night would not dare to approach.

Yu Feng is a little itchy. His biggest hobby in his life is to find various challenges in life, besides playing with women.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so big as to assassinate the president of a country, but only this kind of exciting life can make his tenacious nerves beat, and there is an exciting feeling of wandering between life and death.

And now encountering a master, it is naturally a bit of an itchy skill.

Soldier king is to have the courage to challenge.

However, he still had to find an excuse, and Yu Feng's eyes turned.

For example, on the pretext of protecting young women? In this way, there may be a chance for a kiss to Fang Ze.

"Girl, I have no ill intentions, I just asked where your family lives, for fear of other dangers on your way."

Ji Zhuyue was a little helpless when she saw the scared young woman she had just rescued in front of her.

However, her appearance is really intimidating.

"It's okay, brawny, I'll just go home alone."

This little young woman was teary-eyed. Either she was surrounded by a group of gangsters, or she was asked her home address by a weirdo. Woo, she was so scared.

Ji Zhuyue, who was called a strong man, was a little dumbfounded.

This area is under the jurisdiction of her eldest apprentice Chen Lingyue, and she naturally has to take action to discipline and discipline in case of injustice.

However, seeing the young woman's very frightened expression, Ji Zhuyue nodded understandingly and wanted to get out of the way.

"Don't be afraid, this lady, in broad daylight, he doesn't dare to do anything to you."

Yu Feng jumped out and shouted loudly.

The little young woman looked at the dark night sky in the sky. Is this also called broad daylight?

Why is there another lunatic? Woohoo, husband, I will never go out alone again.

When the young woman saw another person jumping out, she finally couldn't help being afraid and ran away, whimpering as she ran.

Yu Feng looked at the direction in which the young woman fled, and secretly said that it was a pity.

However, there is still an opponent in front of him that makes him happy.

"You are a master."

Ji Zhuyue looked at the man in front of her, and from his temperament, he could feel that this man was killed from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

"You too."

Yu Feng also replied lightly.

You must know that he is a famous soldier in the world. Even if the president with heavy defenses was killed by him, there are not many people who can make him feel like a master.

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