City: I Started As a Rich Second-generation Villain

Chapter 239: Come on, change the trousers for the young master

Gu Junqing clenched the bullet that had been stagnant in his hand in the palm of his hand, and shattered it with the strength of his hand.

The surrounding Gu family's subordinates were stunned. They never thought that their young master's strength was so strong.

You must know that their young master is only eighteen years old, and he will not be able to take off after that.

They were a little excited, this was the **** they cared for, the object of their belief.

Although Gu Junqing said he had gambling elements, he succeeded.

There are no more worries in his eyes, and the firearms pose no serious threat to him.

He had died once, so he regarded his life as more important.

Generally speaking, the protagonist of the King of Soldiers is not only powerful, but also has top marksmanship.

The protagonist of the King of Soldiers was able to break in while the presidents of the two countries were interviewing. It was impossible not to be too powerful.

Therefore, Gu Junqing has to be careful of his various methods.

The most important thing for the villain is to pay attention to the protagonist, pay attention tactically, and despise it strategically. This is the attitude you should have when dealing with the protagonist.

Gu Junqing didn't want to capsize in the gutter, the villain died after talking too much, not once or twice.

Therefore, Gu Junqing never talks to the protagonist too much, and always acts in fact.

Whether it is possessing the female protagonists or hitting the protagonist through a series of behaviors, it is just one method.

Gu Junqing has always been omnipotent in doing things. Only by living can he have everything.

So it's normal to be shameless.

Talking to people and talking to ghosts is normal operation.

As for the heroine, it's just a little bit of bullshit. After all, you can only help you when you meet a noble person, and the heroine can help you a few times.

A few words really need to be carefully considered.

Therefore, for the heroine, Gu Junqing has always tried his best.

But it's too much to say that all the means have been exhausted. With Gu Junqing's good looks, it's hard not to be loved. Coupled with Gu Junqing's ability on the waist, Diaochan can be called a heroine killer.

Gu Junqing is now relieved, just like he is full, his heart is in his stomach.

As for what to think about after being full and warm, that is, you understand everything you know.

However, there are still some things that need to be handled by Gu Junqing himself.

Gu Junqing dropped the protective gear on key parts of his body and felt relieved.

The rest of the body is okay to say, but the protection of the younger brother cannot be dropped.

Who knows if there will be an accident, Gu Junqing can bet on the safety of his own life, and he does not dare to bet on the safety of his younger brother.

Old Kong Rong gave up the pear and loved the young.

Qi Jue was afraid of Gu Junqing's injury, so she looked at Gu Junqing's side to see if there was any problem.

Seeing that Gu Junqing seemed to be taking off his pants, his heart moved.

"Come on, change the trousers for the young master."

Qi Jue was a little proud and felt that she was too clever. Just like the old **** next to the emperor, she understood the mind of her master.

Qi Jue's words made Gu Junqing, who was taking off the protective gear, froze, and it was not okay to continue taking off.


Gu Junqing stood up straight with no expression on his face, and still threw the protective gear in his hand on the ground.

Qi Jue's face also fell with the protective gear, feeling a little embarrassed and overwhelmed, secretly thinking that she was finished.

"Come on, send Qijue on the plane to find the bald head."

Gu Junqing waved his hand, and some of the surrounding men couldn't hold back their laughter. Although they had undergone professional training, they couldn't help it.

The surrounding men swarmed to set up Qi Jue.

"Second child, don't resist, why go to the boss?"

"That's right, maybe the young master has also found a chief wife for you."

The subordinates didn't expect that Qi Jue would follow in the footsteps of the bald head. Can the young master make fun of him?

"I really didn't make fun of it, I just thought that the young master was scared to pee by the gun... I was frightened, I dare not, young master."

Qi Jue grimaced and wanted to resist, struggling against everyone's arms. But obviously he couldn't resist most people by himself, and he was directly carried away by many younger brothers.

Hearing that Qi Jue dared to talk nonsense, "Don't send it to the bald head, it's too cheap, send it to Xishan to dig coal, you don't have to come back if you don't dig ten tons of coal for me."

"Remember to send someone to keep an eye on him and ask him to dig shovel after shovel by himself."

Gu Junqing commanded coldly again.

Under the wailing of Qi Jue, he was successfully sent away by a car to dig coal.

Gu Junqing was sitting in a jeep and was rushing to a jungle not far from the Gu family's territory.

This place is a team specially set up by Gu Junqing to investigate some secret events and secret actions that happened abroad.

The members of this team are all those who have been trained by the Gu family since childhood, or those who have a certain relationship with Gu Junqing can be selected.

And they have to go through a lot of screening, and it can be said that everyone inside is Gu Junqing's confidant.

All of them have been systematically investigated, and their loyalty to Gu Junqing has reached more than 90. They all regard Gu Junqing as a group of people who worship him like a god.

Just like Bole and Maxima, Gu Junqing is that Bole.

And it was this team that Gu Junqing ordered to inquire about the Langya mercenary base.

This jungle is the scope of the team's activities.

"Master, on behalf of the entire Ye Ming team, I welcome you to review."

The lead captain gave a military salute.

Ye Ming, derived from the dark night, serves the light, everything is empty, and everything is permitted.

night and day.

This is a team dedicated to serving Gu Junqing, walking in the dark for the ideal of light.

Gu Junqing nodded without any polite words.

There's no need to be polite in this case.

"How is the woman who survived now? Is Gu Ming not sure of being cured?"

Gu Junqing asked the leader next to him as he walked.

Gu Ming was the doctor who cut off Su Chen's second brother and performed the sterilization operation for Su Chen himself in order to report Fuchen's anger at Gu Junqing.

The leader is called Gu Fei, and he and Gu Ming are brothers, they are all descendants of the Gu family.

The level of excellence can be said to be the leader in the general family.

Only Gu Junqing can make them surrender.

"Gu Ming said that she was seriously injured, and it was difficult for her to wake up with his medical skills, so he had to ask the young master to help."

Gu Junqing once instructed Gu Ming, and with his god-level medical attainments, he is naturally qualified to instruct others.

And Gu Ming also has absolute trust and admiration for Gu Junqing's medical accomplishments, and believes that as long as Gu Junqing comes, the woman who was rescued from the ruins of the Langya mercenary base can be rescued.

So Gu Fei informed Gu Junqing to come.

Gu Junqing nodded clearly, Gu Ming probably knew his accomplishments.

Although there are some gaps between Gu Junqing and the protagonist's halo blessing like Su Chen, they are already top-notch compared to normal people.

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