Gu Junqing avoided the sight and monitoring of the Li family, and it was best not to be discovered by others.

After all, it will take a long time to be alone and widowed in the same room. It's strange that others will not think about it when they know it.

Gu Junqing slipped in skillfully.

Mainly because he had slipped into Yu Miaoyu's room a lot, so it was easy to do this kind of thing.

The first thing to do was to lock the door of the room, hey hey, he didn't have the slightest sense of stealing someone's wife.

Although this person and wife didn't have any actual results, but after all, she still occupied the title of Li Xixue's little mother.

Well, there are still some effects to be aware of.

Gu Junqing murmured.

Looking at Yue Jinlian's charming and charming body, Prime Minister, I realized!

Without any pressure, she sneaked behind Yue Jinlian, but heard her mumbling silently that she hadn't been looking for her for a long time.

Gu Junqing laughed, taking advantage of Yue Jinlian's rest in the middle and stretching her body to show the curves of her body, she suddenly hugged Yue Jinlian's slender waist, "Did I not know that you used to arrange me like this behind your back?"

Yue Jinlian was startled at first, but she breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Gu Junqing's voice.

Turning around, her eyes were moist and translucent, with a hint of tenderness permeating, she raised her half-stunning and enchanting face, her figure was enchanting and moving, and a pair of slender and fair legs were exposed outside the skirt, revealing a pair of delicate stiletto heels. feet.

A fairy indeed.

Gu Junqing murmured in his heart.

However, such a beautiful woman is not a heroine, not even a supporting actress, Gu Junqing sighed a little.

Sure enough, the beauty of the world cannot be limited to just one corner, but it is necessary to discover the beauty around you.

Looking at Gu Junqing's smiling eyes, the surprise in Yue Jinlian's eyes was undoubtedly revealed, a pair of phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and their eyeballs turned.

The body is weak and boneless, and collapsed in Gu Junqing's arms, "Hey, my legs seem to be a little itchy, and my body is too weak. Doctor Gu, please help me heal."

Are you sure it's just the legs that itches...

This acting is so flamboyant.

But I like it.

Gu Junqing's expression instantly became serious.

"I really want to check it out for you. It's better to do another acupuncture or something. This genius doctor thinks that your body has a great evil."

"Cough, need to be released."

This evil is quite white. Gu Junqing did not explain this sentence, but he understood it naturally.

Needless to say it is too clear.

Gu Junqing picked up Yue Jinlian while speaking, buried her pretty face in his chest, and hung a pair of slender legs around his waist, looking very worried.

Yue Jinlian rolled her eyes secretly, but this unconscionable man finally came, and she didn't have to endure the unbearable pain of ordinary people, oh, no, it's itchy~

Lonely days alone are very boring, especially after a lot of things have happened recently, all alone in the room to deal with documents.

That's why Li Xixue usually comes to help her after finishing her affairs.

Now the burden of the Li family is gradually passing over to them, but it is still in a transitional stage, and it may be even busier in the future.

So her loneliness can be imagined, and there is no one to comfort her physically and mentally.

Especially after having tasted it a few times, it is even more so after eating the marrow and knowing the taste.

However, when he saw other men, he didn't feel anything, and he didn't see Gu Junqing's intense emotion at all.

Passionate, turbulent emotions.

It's as if after having tasted the best things in the world, everything else is lackluster and has no fun.

"I'm going to take a bath first, why are you in such a hurry?"

Yue Jinlian gave Gu Junqing a tired look, and the charming and moving style in it naturally goes without saying.

Gu Junqing raised his eyebrows, and just now collapsed in his arms in a hurry, wasn't she the one who was worried?

Is this a thief calling to catch a thief?


However, it's good to take a bath. After all, Gu Junqing's characteristic of being a licking dog is well known.

Yue Jinlian turned her back to Gu Junqing, her blue silk hanging down to her waist like satin.

The beautiful side face can be broken, and the amazing curves are all coveted.

Gu Junqing rubbed his chin, commenting like a storyteller.

"Beautiful body and unparalleled face."

"The most important thing is to have the blessing of identity."


Gu Junqing followed Yue Jinlian into the bathroom with a smile, cough, he is not a decent gentleman.

It's possible to be so obediently waiting in place.

He also likes mandarin duck baths.

Passive waiting is not his style, taking the initiative is his style.

I only heard an exclamation from the bathroom, "Why did you come in?"

"Why can't I come in, fishing or something, I'm the best at it."

Then there was only a sound of the door closing.

The room fell into complete silence.


The showers have stopped, and the wind and rain have settled.

A killer whale with a big white belly was already floating on the water.

Gu Junqing, an old fisherman with a steel fork, was hit on the spot after just a few hits.

It seems that Gu Junqing not only has the talent to be a run-in-the-earth, but also an old fisherman who hunts whales.

Kung fu is getting deeper and deeper.

A beautiful killer whale is obviously out of the question.

Anyway, Gu Junqing thinks that unless a few great white sharks and a few killer whales are besieged, the big ship Gu Junqing can be overturned.

Yue Jinlian was held by Gu Junqing in her arms, breathing Gu Junqing's scent, and she felt that she was truly alive.

At first she thought that after gaining power, her life would become happy and vibrant.

But she only now understands that without this little man by her side, even if her life is stable, it will become like a pool of stagnant water.

There is no hope in life.

Only Gu Junqing can comfort her lonely life.

"Are you still complaining about me?"

The water mist rose, Yue Jinlian's charming and moving face showed an intoxicating red glow, and her eyes were half-squinted lazily.

After hearing Gu Junqing's words, he raised his head and looked at the face of the little man in front of him.

"Hmph, if you come to see me more, I won't complain anymore."

Yue Jinlian's half-complaining, half-complaining words made Gu Junqing feel a touch of tenderness in her heart, but she was more helpless.

If he came to see her more, his body would not be empty.

It's not enough to give everything, and I want to do my best many times.

It seems that this killer whale's appetite is no less than that of a big shark.

Gu Junqing muttered silently, but of course he couldn't say these words, and he would lose face as a man.

"I'm also very busy now, my career has just started, and there are still many things that I need to do. Every day I correct documents and my hair is almost bald."

Gu Junqing said sincerely, looking very sincere.

There was no conscience at all.

On the other hand, Gu Junxiong, Gu Junqing's father, who was correcting documents, suddenly yawned.

Touching his hair, he sighed that the years make people grow old, and the hair is almost gone.

The son doesn't care, the more and more things can only let this old man go into battle.

He was so busy that he didn't even see his wife for a long time.

"I don't know what my son is busy with. He says he is busy every day."

Gu Junxiong rubbed his scalp and fell into a lot of work again.

There are more and more things he has to be responsible for now, and even the affairs of the four major families and the royal family, so that he does not dare to slack off.

The person in power in his family has the good fortune to carry out 996, which is really bald.

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