After Gu Junqing sent the two daughters back to their home, he drove to Li's home.

If the Wang family had expected it well, Wang Wu would definitely not tell his family about the matter between them.

Gu Junqing has always been accurate in looking at people. Wang Wu is a selfish person. For his own interests, it is nothing to betray his family.

But because Wang Wu wanted to hand over the entire family to Gu Junqing alone, he obviously couldn't do it alone.

The Wang family is a big family no matter what, and it is obvious that measures to prevent the behavior of the white-eyed wolf are indispensable.

Otherwise, it is impossible to become one of the four major families.

Therefore, Gu Junqing's help is still needed, and it is possible to steal the entire Wang family's family property under the cooperation of the inside and outside.

However, there are people who are more professional than Gu Junqing to do this, and there is no need for Gu Junqing to take responsibility step by step.

Now Luodu's situation has gradually become clear.

The underground forces were led by Gu Junqing's senior sister Chen Lingyue and assisted by his subordinate Yang Shixiong.

On the bright side, the four major families of Luodu are already directly led by two Gu Junqing.

And the Wang family is about to join the ranks if there is no accident.

It can be said that the entire Luodu four major families have won the third place, and Gu Junqing's expansion in the entire Luodu is no longer hindered.

If the Ye family can also be planned in the future, it can be said that the entire Luo can become Gu Junqing's one-word hall.

But the whole Luo did not feel any fluctuations in the situation, and the situation changed suddenly almost imperceptibly.

So if there is a protagonist who wants to rely on Luodu's power to rise in the future, it is close to impossible.

At that time, the protagonist will be very surprised when he finds out that the family he supports is actually in Gu Junqing's palm for a long time.

I have to say that Gu Junqing is really an old yin, ahem, a wily person.

He himself thinks so...

But Gu Junqing's future will not be limited to Luodu.

He will not stop the path of strengthening himself. Only when he is strong can he not be defeated by others.

Moreover, he didn't want a hundred years to pass and he would grow old, and he also didn't want the heroine whom he worked so hard to get to disappear because of the loss of time.

Although these are problems that will happen in the future, but he is not strong now, it is likely that this will happen in the future.

He will not let go of any method that can make him improve, and the protagonist is the most shortcut method.

Because of his systematic existence, he will eventually become the villain in the heavens.

However, the problems in the future still have to be handed over. The problem now is how he will appease Li Xixue and Yue Jinlian.

The main thing is how to appease the woman Haoyue Jinlian.

"It's up to you again."

Gu Junqing touched his waist and said with some emotion.

Only in this way will his harem not catch fire.

Thinking that there will be more and more women in the future, Gu Junqing feels that his future is a little dark.

Even if it is a thousand dollars, it can't bear the demands of so many female protagonists.

If it is all for the purpose of draining Gu Junqing, if Gu Junqing does not have the dual cultivation and daily nourishment of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, it is estimated that he may be prematurely senile.

Gu Junqing had also read some novels with thousands of female protagonists in his previous life.

And now Gu Junqing began to call it unscientific.

Well, however, it is normal for the fantasy male protagonist to be unscientific.

When Gu Junqing arrived at the door of Li's house, he was still thinking about it.

The doorman of the Li family had already recognized Gu Junqing's vehicle sharply.

He ran up quickly and opened the door for Gu Junqing.

Gu Junqing was a little puzzled. The last time he came to Li's house, the guard of Li's house still had time to come and ask.

Obviously, it is impossible for the Li family to let people in at will, and most people have to ask in advance.

So Gu Junqing also lowered the car window and asked why.

Even if the Li family is already under Gu Junqing's control, obviously these hired people are not qualified to know.

"It was Mrs. Yue who ordered it. The guards at each of her gates have instructed her. As long as she encounters Young Master Junqing, she will go all the way without obstruction."

"And Mrs. Yue has been a little more diligent in asking recently, so we dare not stop it."

When the guard heard Gu Junqing's question, he answered patiently.

Gu Junqing was a little silent. In his opinion, Yue Jinlian's body was extremely itchy again, and he couldn't wait to be like this...

It reminded Gu Junqing of that song.

Come on~ Be happy~ I have a lot of time anyway~

The Li family mansion in front of Gu Junqing was no longer that solemn and grand building.

Instead, it has become a veritable gold-selling cave.

The kind that will make people feel bad~

Gu Junqing parked the car and walked into Yue Jinlian's room.

I plan to feed this huge appetite killer whale first, and I'm going to discuss some matters.

The reason why she was called a killer whale was because when they had a relationship, Yue Jinlian's snow-white skin had a great relationship with the black lace dress on her body.

It looked like a killer whale that would push the belly of a great white shark in the sea.

The figure is enchanting and moving, and the face is alluring.

Well, in fact, the main thing is that she has always liked to push against Gu Junqing's belly.

Anyone who understands.

Gu Junqing opened the door and found that Yue Jinlian was handling the affairs of the Li family.

Obviously, most of the affairs of the Li family were on her, and there were many documents on the table for her to handle.

Although Yue Jinlian usually acts carelessly, as if she doesn't care about anything, she has always loved Li Xixue.

So she took over a lot of affairs and lightened a lot of burdens for Li Xixue.

At this time, she was a little overwhelmed, not only the tedious affairs, but also the anger in her heart!

"He's really a big scumbag, a heartless man, and he's not afraid of cheating, so he hasn't come to see him for so long."

Yue Jinlian muttered to herself, obviously alluding to someone's behavior of not recognizing someone when they put on their pants.

"Didn't I know that you arranged me like this behind your back?"

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