As he said, Lin Wudao ’s predecessor exercises left huge hidden dangers in his body, and with the passage of time, he has merged with his Daoji base, and human power cannot solve it at all. However, Lin Fei did not say that he could not be refined! The hidden dangers brought by those exercises, Lin Fei only needs to use the Heavenly Buddhism to make all that no longer exist.

When the time comes, Lin Wudao can be rescued by this alternative method.

However, of course, Lin Fei cannot do it now. After all, his current transaction with Lin Wudao is not yet completed. As the so-called guarding heart is indispensable, Lin Fei is also worried that if Lin Wudao is cured directly, Lin Wudao will inevitably give birth to other thoughts.

Now that Lin Gudao ’s fate is in hand, Lin Fei should naturally make good use of it. At least he has to wait for the teleportation method to be arranged, and Lin Fei himself can be sure that he can teleport to the Fire Phoenix City. Care about the treatment ...

Although Lin Wudao was in a hurry to treat, and even wanted Lin Fei to do it now, he also knew that Lin Fei is not trusting himself wholeheartedly, but this is also normal. After all, they haven't met each other for less than a day. If you switch to yourself, you should not trust someone so easily.

Although he was anxious, Lin Wudao knew that he could not eat hot tofu. He could wait a few days and wait for a few days. Anyway, as long as he is sincere and sincere, he is not afraid of any problems. And now with Lin Fei, Lin Wudao can understand Lin Fei as much as possible. He knows that the young monk in front of him is not a traitor. He can keep his promise and believes that he should also keep his promise.

It was exactly this idea, so in the end Lin Wudao still respected Lin Fei's meaning, and waited for Lin Fei to repair the teleportation circle first.

Since Lin Fei decided to repair the teleportation formation, he naturally didn't want to continue to delay the time anymore, and now he started to prepare.

In the teleportation formation, he condensed a gathering formation formation.

The reason for condensing a spiritual gathering circle is that the current teleportation circle has no aura, and many auras are dispelled by the soul eater demon thunder and disappeared in the void, so Lin Fei condensed a spiritual gathering circle. Let this teleportation method regain a little aura.

Although he just wants to refine the soul eater demon mine in the teleportation formation, during the refining process, the true element may leak to the teleportation formation, which may affect the teleportation formation, so Lin Fei now needs a lot of aura , Used to protect the transmission array.

In this way, Lin Fei can rest assured to refine soul eater demon mine.

Lin Fei did not continue to stay here after arranging the Juling Circle. Although there is an aura of magic, the introduction of aura into the teleportation array, after all, takes a short time. The aura of magic arranged by Lin Fei is not a general aura of magic, the ability to guide aura is extremely strong. But even so, it takes at least one night to guide spiritual power.

Lin Fei has no choice. The teleportation array is really too long to be abandoned. Although it has been carefully protected, it has not been cultivated for many years, and it also causes the teleportation array itself to be very fragile. With little care, it may destroy the teleportation array.

Lin Fei must be careful every step ...

No longer caring for the teleportation method, Lin Fei was in the moving mountain sect, but he had nothing to do for a while. When he first came to this sect, Lin Fei was not familiar with everything here, and it was not easy to rush to walk here. Once you break into someone's forbidden land, it's really hard to explain ...

But having said that, Lin Fei was still moving Shanzong aimlessly.

Soon, a very large square appeared in Lin Fei's sight, and many monks gathered on the square, but these monks did not practice at the moment, but gathered together, it seemed that they were in intense discussion What.

Lin Fei listened, and found that there were monks fighting ...

Among the two monks at war, Lin Fei was relatively familiar, and it was Liu Weiqing who brought him to Qianshanzong. Thinking that he was competing with others, Lin Fei couldn't help but get interested and squeezed into the crowd.

After waiting for the crowd, I suddenly saw that Liu Weiqing was standing on the open space in the middle of the crowd, but at the moment Liu Weiqing was a little embarrassed, his body was covered with mud, and there was a blood stain on his face, and blood was leaking out. .

Opposite him, there was a very good young monk. The monk was wearing a robe and his face was full of pride. He raised his hands and raised his feet, without concealing his contempt for Liu Weiqing.

"This is also true of Liu Weiqing. Isn't it just taking two three generations of disciples to go out to practice? What should I do to scold others? This would anger Jiang Hai. He didn't know that it was Jiang Tao's brother?"

"Liu Weiqing had just promoted the second generation of disciples a few days ago, and his anger was normal, but he really didn't take a look. Although the third generation of disciples was far inferior to the second generation of disciples, they couldn't hold up some related households.

"It is said that Jiang Hai said today that he would break Liu Weiqing's legs! It's really a good show now."

Whispering around.

Lin Fei only heard a few words and probably knew what was happening. The two monks who followed Liu Weiqing at the time appeared in his mind. When dealing with the demon scale demon, he saw with his own eyes that Liu Weiqing How to protect the two three generations of disciples as much as possible.

It's just that the two three-generation disciples themselves are indeed too wasteful. In the face of the Demon Scale Demon, they dare not even dare to resist. It can be said that if Liu Weiqing didn't protect them, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to support themselves. Here ...

Judging from the current situation, it is obvious that after the two monks came back, they were very worried about Liu Weiqing's insulting them at that time, so they found Jiang Hai, who was also a second-generation disciple, to teach Liu Weiqing.

This is really a farmer and a snake ...

Lin Fei shook his head secretly. The difference between the performance of the two monks. If they were to change to themselves, they might have been left unattended and let them be killed by the demon scales. This Liu Weiqing kindly protected, but was annoyed and cursed a few more words, but I did not expect to be in trouble after returning ...

This Liu Weiqing is indeed suffocating.

And as Lin Fei thought, Liu Weiqing is indeed very stubborn ... I wish I could capture the two unbelieving three generations of disciples and throw them all into the sea to feed the sharks.

At that time, after Lin Fei left with Lin Wudao, as Liu Weiqing, there was no way to accompany him, so he left and returned to his home to heal.

But what Liu Weiqing didn't expect was that Jiang Hai came to the door shortly after he had just taken the pill.

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