Lin Wudao realized this suddenly, but immediately thought Lin Fei was even more incredible. He didn't think that Lin Fei could understand so many things just by getting along with him for such a short time. The young monk in front of him was so extraordinary. ...

As for the foundation without regret, Lin Wudao naturally knows.

At that time, he built the foundation based on the practice of moving the mountain sect, but later the situation of [tata novel] developed very badly. Lin Wudao did n’t seem to have any talent for moving the mountain sect. No matter how he practiced, it was only the most obsolete school. At that time, he was almost ridiculed by the school ’s brothers almost every day. Even those who later joined the Qianshan Sect and later surpassed his strength were all kind of to him. Glance.

Among the ten thousand people, Lin Wudao's life was the most difficult period of his time. Although he has a firm heart for enlightening the Dao, he is helpless in his strength and has never made any progress. How many times he has spent his sleep and sleep, can't let his strength get any change ...

Under the extremely sad situation, Lin Wudao wanted to leave the Clan Shanzong. He was moving the Clan Shanzong anyway. He estimated that there was nothing to do. He left the Clan Shanzong and went out to go alone. In the future, he would not need to be laughed at by the Clan Shanzong ... …

Thinking this way, Lin Wudao then left Qianshanzong.

At that time, he left Qianshanzong and didn't dare to shake down the mountain. It happened that he was guarding the teleportation formation.

However, after entering the teleportation array, Lin Wudao did not know where to go. The spirit stone placed in the teleportation array was not enough to support him to go too far away, so Lin Wudao hesitated in the space.

Unexpectedly, it was this hesitation, and suddenly encountered space turbulence, causing Lin Wudao to be ripped to other places in the space ... There was a corpse in the sky, and there was a strange all around. Later, Lin Wudao knew that place, which was rumored Corpse bone world.

It ’s just that Lin Wudao did n’t know it at the time. He wandered back and forth in the corpse world. He did n’t expect to turn over a book of exercises next to a bone. This exercise did n’t even have a complete name, and Lin Wudao did n’t know it at the time. Which kind of muscle is wrong? After I got this exercise, I felt that it was not normal. After thinking about it for a day and night, I finally decided to abandon the previous exercise and instead practiced it.

As a result, after a period of uncontrollability, it was only three months of practice. Lin Wudao actually ascended to the real state. Later, he became famous on the top of the Qianshanzong, and later became the leader of the predecessor. Relying on the prestige that he has accumulated, he has successfully become the head of the new generation of Qianshanzong.

"How can the Shanshan Sect's mountain-building skills be simple? You have never had an orthodox real body before your martial arts?" Lin Fei asked back.

Lin Wudao thought for a while, "This is really there. Just three thousand years ago, when the most beautiful mountain moved, there were three real bodies. They all relied on the exercises of the mountain moved to the real body. Realm. "

"That's right." Lin Fei nodded: "You have no achievements in the practice of moving the Shanzong. This does not mean that the practice of moving the Shanzong is useless. It can only be said that you are not suitable for this practice. But after all, you have practiced this exercise method. Although it was abandoned at the time, you should not forget that you built it on this exercise method, and it has remained in your body, forming your hidden danger. As your realm is getting higher and higher, these hidden dangers also absorb some of your strength, and the hidden dangers are getting more and more serious. Now these hidden dangers are only just exposed. Waiting for the two exercises to collide After you do it, your cultivation will disappear. This is the least serious consequence. If it is more serious, you might be killed. "

"This ... how is this possible?" Lin Wudao also heard for the first time that there can be two kinds of exercises at the same time in a monk's body, and these two kinds of exercises can also collide. Record!

"The road of monasticism is already strange. Anything can happen, can it be easily explained by people's words." Lin Fei said lightly.

"Then what should I do?"

"It's very simple. The exercises you practiced in the past haven't been cleaned up, which has left you with many hidden dangers. This has led to your continuous degradation of your cultivation practice. There is only one exercise left in your body, how can you be affected? "Lin Fei explained.

Lin Wudao was overjoyed after hearing Lin Fei's words. It turned out that there was really a way to resolve this matter. He was busy: "Lin Daoyou, what should I do?"

"With your strength, you can't accomplish this." Lin Fei said with a smile: "This kind of hidden trouble has already become one with you, and it is almost impossible to forcefully clean it with brute force. If you ca n’t tell you, you will have to die for this. This is not to scare you. Do n’t say you are a real body, even if you find ten more real bodies, it ’s impossible.

When Lin Wudao heard Lin Fei's words, his expression changed for a moment, and his heart was full of despair. Could it be that even if he knew the reason for the cultivation retreat, he could not solve it? Doesn't it degenerate to the state of law sooner or later? He didn't dare to think about the future of moving Shanzong once his degeneration was revealed ...

While Lin Wudao's heart was full of despair, he suddenly saw a faint smile on Lin Fei's face. Lin Wudao's heart was shocked and lying down. Why did I forget that Lin Fei was still there? Just hearing Lin Fei's warning, Lin Wudao didn't even have any thoughts in his heart. He was only worried about the future of Qian Shanzong, but Lin Fei was omitted.

Now I want to think, since Lin Fei can see his own physical problems, maybe Lin Fei has a solution?

"Lin Daoyou, you must save me. If you can save me, don't say teleportation, even if you move the resources of Shanzong, you can take it at will!" Lin Wudao said quickly.

Although such a promise made Lin Wudao feel painful, but everything has a stake. If Lin Fei can help him recover, then moving the mountain can continue to stand up. If Lin Fei is unwilling to help him, then what resources are still involved, and the Qianshanzong may no longer exist ...

"Me? It's really not difficult to help you, but I will talk about this problem after I restore the teleportation formation. And, to start the teleportation formation, it really needs a resource ..." Lin Fei looked at Lin Wudao and laughed .

In fact, Lin Fei is indeed not fooling Lin Wudao.

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