At the top of the altar, Lin Fei also slowly opened his eyes. The power in the body was like a surging wave, surging, and feeling this power, Lin Feichang breathed out a white breath, like a white rainbow sword, straight Chongyunxiao!

it's time!

Like a blessing to the soul, Lin Fei felt that now is the most appropriate time!

It took three years of preparation and absorbed countless resources. At this time, the cultivation was unbelievably thick, and the spirit and spirit rose to the top.

Lin Fei's eyes showed a firm color, and now is the time to hit the peak of the real body!

Just listening to the rumbling, the violent true element seemed to be like a thunderous explosion, roaring wildly between heaven and earth.

In the center of this volatility, the blood stains on Lin Fei's entire body have been shocked by this true yuan, and a powerful and powerful coercion is like a frenzy.

This is the true power of true pinnacle.

Feeling the vast and terrifying truth in his body, Lin Fei exhaled gently, his face calm as water. He knew that now is the most critical time. Only when this state is completely stabilized is it a real breakthrough. To the realm peak.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly raised his hand and waved. The three real bodies across from him suddenly burst into a burst of aura, which was continuously sucked into Lin Fei's body.

The efficiency of such initiation is more than several times stronger than before.

It's just that the true element of such strength, to bear it, the difficulty is undoubtedly increased a lot.

However, Lin Fei didn't mean to stop at all. Instead, he kept instilling the speed of this real element, the faster and faster it seemed to be hitting a certain limit.

This constant urging has continued for almost an hour.

After an hour, Lin Fei's coercion was completely at its peak, and the whole person was shrouded in a terrible true elemental storm, which made people unclear about his figure.

In this state, Lin Fei's breath has become a lot more obscure. If you don't pay attention, I'm afraid it's hard for people to perceive, it's like a mortal.

But in contrast, it was Lin Fei's coercion, like a wave that was higher than a wave, and the endless fluctuations became more and more amazing.

But Lin Fei's expression is always calm.


At this time, behind Lin Fei, there is a star sea of ​​swords, which has already emerged, countless sword flashes, and bright blooming.

Lin Fei at this time is already urging his own star sea of ​​swords to evolve, but this step is to lay a solid foundation for the future.

And his physical body is also becoming stronger and stronger between these real shocks. The body emits a shining light, which is transmitted through the body, just like a vajra glass. Just sitting there, a strange feeling arises. , Awesome.

In that distance, Yue Zuo looked at this scene, but he couldn't help but change his face slightly: "This guy is too ambitious. Is this really trying to test the realm of the Fa?"

In fact, in Lin Fei's state, I am afraid that even if I am fully advanced and can work at the peak of my body, all I have to do is stabilize.

However, in Yue Zuo's perception, Lin Fei never stopped, but followed by this condensed impact of true elements, he was trying to touch a higher level ...

This is too risky ...

Lin Fei didn't seem to feel anything, but his eyes became calmer. He could clearly feel that his sword star sea was undergoing some changes at this time ...

It was an evolution towards a completely different level, like an opportunity, extremely rare, and Lin Fei was also reluctant to let this opportunity pass.

However, just as this realm was getting higher and higher, Lin Fei suddenly changed his face slightly. He felt that he seemed to have touched a certain apex.

That powerful momentum seemed to hit a layer of transparent and invisible ceiling. Although it was how to urge crazy and crazy to absorb the true elements, they couldn't break through completely ...

Lin Fei felt a pity in his heart, but he also knew that this was probably his limit. If he went further, he would be reluctant ...

Now, this is not the time ...

Lin Fei exhaled lightly, followed by raising his palm and gently traversing a curve in the air, and as Lin Fei traversed, the star sea behind the sword seemed to be gently given by the visible palm A layer of ripples wafted, slightly rippling.

Suddenly, the entire star sea of ​​swords suddenly increased by half.

When Lin Fei lowered his palm, the expansion of the sword star sea also stopped and stabilized.

However, just when Lin Fei was about to completely stabilize this state of affairs, he suddenly moved slightly, and then there was an inexplicable feeling that came to his mind.

Lin Fei fell into a strange state.

He kept the same posture as before, and there was no slight movement. After a long time, Lin Fei slowly raised his hand and waved. Suddenly, the star sea of ​​swords that had been stabilized behind him increased and expanded by half.

As a result, this star sea of ​​swords is almost different from the rest ...

Lin Fei looked at the star sea of ​​swords, and when he was almost half of the incense stick, he slowly withdrew his gaze.

Immediately afterwards, the violent True Elemental Storm dissipated, and the star sea behind him disappeared silently.

The momentum shrouded in Lin Fei was completely stabilized.

I don't know when, the three real bodies sitting in front of Lin Fei have also disappeared out of thin air, as if they never existed at all.

But the three faint traces of sitting down can prove the traces of their existence ...

At this time, Yue Zuo suddenly came out of the air, and after standing on the altar, he looked at Lin Fei with some surprise, and his face was all surprised.

Even for him, Lin Fei's state is completely unclear now ...

Lin Fei at this time actually gave him a profound feeling ...

"Are you ... successful ?!"

Although I was certain in my heart, when I was really asked, Yue Zuo couldn't help but faintly nervous. After all, Lin Fei's retreat was too important.

Fortunately, Lin Fei nodded.

At this time, Yue Zuo was also completely relieved, and could not help looking at Lin Fei with some surprise.

At this time, Lin Fei, even without any movement, also converged all the fluctuations, but still faintly caused him a sense of depression.

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