Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 2033: opportunity

And the ground is full of volcanic eruptions, the earth is cracking out of huge gullies, a world-like scene.

And the waves of escape are flying between the sky and the earth. From time to time, bursts of magical light from the Tao, bursting against some of the monsters, burst into battle.

Zhou Xiangfu stood in the void and looked at the battle scene below. Beside him, many monks joined the war constantly, and sometimes monks came back to return to him, and then joined the war below. Among.

This small world was clearly discovered, and it was a world that had been infiltrated secretly by the forces of the Black Abyss. It is said that it was occupied by a great demon, and there were countless monsters under it, and Li Qingshan was summoned. The many monsters are brought from here.

Only now, this world seems to be abandoned by red-haired real people, and countless monks are like giant waves, madly ravaging this demon world ...


There was another earth-shattering roar, and then I saw only that a gigantic claw, rising from the sky, almost torn the whole world apart, in which there was an endless sense of killing. Underneath, even if it's a pinnacle of the Fa, it's hard to be at the forefront. If it's a common law, I'm afraid it will be shot alive.

However, when you saw this giant claw rising, you only saw that a golden armor **** would be out of thin air, waving a huge gilt hammer in his hand, and fell down fiercely.


Suddenly, a piercing expansion sound resounded through the sky.

Under the collision of the two, the entire void was slowly collapsing, and then I saw only another golden armor general, I do n’t know when it appeared on the ground, I took it in my hand With a golden sword.

Then it stretched out towards the giant claw, and couldn't help but say that it penetrated fiercely.

Followed by, I only heard a trembling noise under the ground, a black blood fluttered from below the ground, and the sputtered place was all corroded Voices.

However, as the golden giant sword penetrated completely, the roaring sound also changed from strong to weak, and then suddenly stopped, there was no sound ...

A dark soul escaped from the rapid escape underground, but unfortunately it didn't run far, that is, the golden armor **** will give him a hand, that is, he will be caught in the palm of his hand.

The soul was revealed, the black air was entangled, the green face fangs, a fierce and desperate roaring sound broke out in his mouth: "When the black abyss comes, you all have to die without a burial place!"

As this roar fell, the whole soul was unpredictable, and suddenly burst out, and the extremely powerful demon raged out, and the world was swept toward the surrounding monks.

It is a pity that immediately afterwards, I saw that the Golden Armor God would utter breath of fire, and for a while, it would burn the monstrous demon spirit into nothingness ...

Zhou Xiangfu slowly raised his hands, and the two golden armor gods would die out of thin air, and turned into two golden lights, and came into his hands. They were two ordinary yellow paper seals. A majestic golden armor general.

In a wave of his hand, the horror monster was exterminated, but Zhou Xiangfu seemed to have done nothing, but just glanced around casually.

At this moment, there is one less force permeating between the world and the black abyss ...

In these three years, Zhou Xiangfu has already done this three times ...

Every time, countless creatures are slaughtered, and the powerful creatures encountered are numerous, like this big demon, which can only be ranked second.

One of the strongest is that Zhou Xiangfu has experienced a tragic battle. It is already infinitely close to the real body. The forced Zhou Xiangfu uses the secret method to take the risk of temporarily entering the threshold of the real body before killing him.

However, in this kind of war, it also made Zhou Xiangfu's strength stronger and stronger ...

Between the invisible and the invisible obstacles, they are getting closer and closer, and they can even be touched ...

Before this, Zhou Xiangfu would definitely say nothing, immediately shut down and seek a breakthrough.

But now he didn't think of it anymore, but continued to look at the world, frowning a little.

During this time, there were still no traces of Li Qingshan and Longhuang ...

Although this also made their war, there has been no real danger, but Zhou Xiangfu still has a faint uneasiness in his heart.

I really do n’t know if it ’s a good thing or a bad thing ...


In a dark hall, several candlelights, but helpless light, but it seems more dim here.

Li Qingshang sat with Long Huangpan, and suddenly the two opened their eyes almost at the same time, looking at the candlelight.

I only saw that the two of them looked at the candlelight and it suddenly went out ...

This candlelight means that another **** that has benefited from the abyss has been destroyed ...

"These people are dissatisfied with their actions ..."

A gloomy color flashed in the eyes of Dragon Emperor, but there was no regret, because those chess pieces themselves did not reach their true bodies, and the value for Blackpool was not too great.

It ’s no pity to use it to delay the search of opponents ...

During the speech, Li Qingshan also raised his eyes and looked into the depths of the hall, where there were layers of swords and shrouds, like a heaven and earth net.

Among them, there is a majestic and terrifying atmosphere, slowly flowing, it seems that something terrible is brewing.

Li Qingshang withdrew his gaze and looked out of the hall, but he showed a sneer: "Lin Fei, don't worry, when the real person is out of customs, even if your waste master comes again, you won't be able to protect you. Time ... "


At this time, ask Jianzong, on the altar.


Just listening to this roar, a terrifying coercion was suddenly erupted from the central position of the altar, but it spread out with the momentum of sweeping the world.

The majestic momentum is wandering around every corner of Jianzong.

Suddenly countless fierce beasts slept, and many monks were horrified.

Qiqi looked at the top of the altar ...

Sitting on Yuezuo, who was sitting not far away from the Dharma protector, he suddenly opened his eyes, staring nervously, staring at the center of the altar.

At this moment, the volatility that came out there was already at this moment, and it really came to the peak of the real body!

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