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Chapter 966 Humanity

While he was using his sword, he saw the figure of the Chaos Lord Tai Huang moving at the end of the avenue.

At the end of the avenue is the brand of the Emperor of Thailand, but that brand seems to be coming to the present world and coming back to life!

However, when Xu Ying used his sword with all his strength and severely wounded True Lord Yongle, he was also severely wounded by True Lord Yongle, and the Emperor returned to his branded state.

According to what the Chaos Bell said, Emperor Tai should have died together with Yuxu Tianzun. Yuxu Tianzun's body has been preserved. Although he is in a dead state, calling his name can bring him back to life.

Xu Ying thought about it, what is the method of the Emperor's resurrection?

He took out the broken knife and looked at it repeatedly.

When this broken sword was sacrificed by him, it was temporarily completed by the great path he cultivated, and it burst out into the form of nine reincarnations, which was extremely beautiful and dazzling.

But now, it is still in the form of a broken knife.

Xu Ying looked at the broken knife repeatedly. He wanted to try it again, but now that he had not recovered, it was difficult to raise it again and complete the broken avenues.

Master Zhong and Master Lian landed and walked around him, checking his injuries. A battle with Zhenjun Yongle is no small matter. After all, the opponent is the end of the avenue. Although it is only the end of the avenue of time and space, its power is as endless as the vast ocean.

They were worried that Xu Ying would be seriously injured and die.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Don't look, I'm fine. Although True Lord Yongle has reached the end of his path, he is still far away from being like Jiudian. It's not easy to kill me.

Even so, Xu Ying still had some palpitations.

After all, he almost died.

Zhenjun Yongle is still amazing. In a real confrontation, I am far from his opponent.

He didn't know that Lord Yongle was dead yet, and thought to himself, Especially his skill of time and space reincarnation, when countless selves in the past and future are used together, the power is incredible! This magical power is somewhat similar to his mother's past and future scriptures. But it’s even stronger than before.”

Xu Ying was still filled with admiration for the extraordinary features of Lord Yongle, and he carefully thought about how to use this move.

But he immediately shook his head.

If you want to use this move, you must make even more astonishing progress on the time and space avenue. To achieve the end of time and space like Zhenjun Yongle, you cannot just become a Tao master.

Seeing that he was no longer seriously injured, Da Zhong protected him and continued on his way.

This place is still too close to the Dao Alliance, and they must leave as soon as possible.

In the Taoist alliance, Lord Qingyun, the master of the Moon Palace, suddenly opened her eyes. A light shot out of her eyes, piercing the path to the end of the Tao. After a while, tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

Fellow Taoist Yongle passed away.

At the same time, Miaojian, the master of Xuanji Hall, stepped out of Xuanji Hall, without saying a word, left the Great Sky Bright Realm and entered the sea of ​​chaos.

On the other side, Yin Changzang, the master of Yin Yang Palace, stood up with a long body, his face uncertain.

The masters of the Gods and Demons Hall, Taicang Hall, Taishi Hall, Creation Hall and other halls were also alarmed. In the Tao Alliance, there are many Taoist temples, tens of thousands in number. In each Taoist temple, there is a person who has practiced his own Taoist path and gone to the Nine Paths to follow the evidence and reach the end of the avenue!

Now, these hall masters walked out of each hall and looked at the sea of ​​chaos outside the territory of Da Kongming.

The palace masters of the Nine Xiantian Dao also walked out of the Dao Palace. Hutunsheng, Daoji and others were silent.

The death of True Lord Yongle made them hurt others, and there was an inexplicable sadness flowing in their hearts.

When Hutunsheng saw Taoist leader Yuanxu, he rushed over and said angrily: Leader, our Taoist alliance came together to prove the truth of the Taoist Taoist alliance, but Taoist friend Yongle was buried halfway! The Taoist alliance can't just let it go! You I have to let the people in the Chaos Sea know that the Dao Alliance is not someone to be bullied!

Taoist Alliance leader Yuan Xu shook his head and sighed: Yongle Taoist Brother heard that a big shot betrayed our Taoist Alliance, so he went to stop him, and was poisoned by someone. Xu Daoyou is a big shot in the Chaos Sea. His achievements in the future will be limitless. He is the Yuanshi Realm existence. The Taoist Alliance is just an alliance of seekers, why bother with him?

Hutun Sheng didn't know whose hands Zhenjun Yongle died in. Hearing this, he was furious. He immediately turned and left, shouting: We, the Taoist League, welcomed him into the Taoist League with the greatest goodwill, but he wasted his good intentions and killed me in the Taoist League. Lord! Even if he is a big shot, he must pay with blood!

The Taoist leader hurriedly called out: Huntun, don't act rashly!

But how could Hutunsheng be willing to listen? As soon as he broke out of the Great Sky Bright Realm, he turned into a chaotic creature and plunged into the chaotic sea.

Several more Dao Alliance Palace Masters also rushed into the Sea of ​​Chaos and disappeared without a trace.

The leader of the Taoist Alliance looked at the fire jujube tree from a distance. Under the fire jujube tree was the Jinyu Temple.

Fellow Taoist Jin Yu, you can stop me, how can you stop other fellow Taoists? he whispered.

Xu Ying's injury improved a little, and he saw Master Lian kneeling on the lotus throne, counting his lotus seeds one by one.

Her lotus seeds were hard-won, they were her accumulation over the years, and they were also the fruit of her path.

If it wasn't to save Xu Ying's life this time, she would never be willing to use it.

Xu Ying said with relief: Second Master, don't worry, these lotus seeds will be refined soon.

He worked hard to heal his wounds, and then recalled the situation when he activated the broken knife. In addition to seeing the brand of the Chaos Lord Taihuang coming from the end of the avenue, he also saw the Chaos Sea becoming clear and transparent under the light of the knife.

At that time, I actually saw that there are various avenues in the sea of ​​chaos! If Huntun was born here, he would probably be able to understand the avenue of chaos, and his nature would be self-sufficient, so that he could reach the end of the avenue of chaos in one fell swoop.

Xu Ying thought, However, judging from the situation caused by the sword, the Chaos Avenue is not a great avenue, but a state of the real Dao. It is most appropriate to call it a chaotic state. And the others are included in the chaos The great avenues in the sea are also the manifestations of the real Tao in the state of chaos. When the world was created, the chaotic state disappeared and became the normal state. Therefore, the Tao will express metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, rain, thunder, lightning, etc. form.

Thinking of this, he took out the broken knife and looked at it carefully.

After he got the knife, he had not observed it carefully, but he saw that the handle of the broken knife was a little strange. It was not the hilt, but the shape of the hilt.

Knives and swords have different ways of holding, different ways of exerting force, and different moves. Therefore, there are many subtle differences in the structure of the handles.

Xu Yingnai was a great master of martial arts and easily noticed these differences. He wondered why the Lord of Chaos, Tai Huang, used the hilt of his sword as the hilt.

He held the knife. Although it had a broken blade, the light of the knife was shining and stunning.

Xu Ying held the knife and adjusted the acquired avenues. Suddenly, thousands of avenues gathered together, and only where the knife was broken, the edge gradually grew longer.

With the light of the sword, the surrounding sea of ​​chaos became clear again, and all the avenues became clear and distinct.

However, the avenue reflected by the light of the sword is only the avenue contained in the sword, not all the avenues included in the sea of ​​chaos.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly: If you can see all the avenues in the sea of ​​chaos, can you see the true Tao?

At this time, they passed by the edge of a universe, which emitted a faint light in the sea of ​​chaos, hazy and mysterious.

It is a universe under the jurisdiction of the Dao League, called Daxia Realm.

Xu Ying stepped down from the Chaos Rosette and came outside the Great Xia Realm. He looked into this universe and saw that there were many types of heaven and earth avenues in the Great Xia Realm, which were different from the heaven and earth avenues in other universes.

Among them, there are actually two kinds of great avenues of heaven and earth that Xu Ying has never seen before!

This scene made Xu Ying deep in thought: In the sea of ​​chaos, various chaotic substances may not be uniform, and the avenues contained in chaos are also inconsistent. Therefore, try to open up chaos as much as possible, rebuild the universe, and see more avenues of heaven and earth. That is to say...

Aying, we should go!

Da Zhong urged, This place is under the jurisdiction of the Dao Alliance. You can see the scenes of various universes in the Great Sky Bright Realm. Our appearance outside the border of Daxia Realm must have attracted the attention of the Dao Alliance!

Xu Ying was in a daze, and the big bell was worried that his position would be exposed. The mouth of the bell rotated, and a golden light shot out, sucking Xu Ying into the bell.

Master Lian hurried over and jumped into the bell. Seeing that Xu Ying's problem was no longer serious, she simply went into Xu Ying's body and universe as usual.

The universe inside Xu Ying's body was created from the chaos of the sky. It is extremely vast, and it is the realm of acquired heaven, with all kinds of avenues. Chaos Lotus is extremely comfortable here.

Xu Ying sat cross-legged inside the clock, letting the big clock take him through the sea of ​​chaos, thinking in his heart: ...the idea of ​​the Dao Alliance may be right.

There was a roar in his mind, and the noise from the sea of ​​chaos seemed to be stuffed into his mind, deafening.

The philosophy of the Dao Alliance is to completely open up the sea of ​​chaos and see the truth of the Dao.

Xu Ying used the broken knife to reflect the sea of ​​chaos. The sea of ​​chaos was clear and all the avenues were clearly visible. However, the power of this sword cannot completely illuminate the Chaos Sea.

What's more, this knife does not cover all the avenues in the sea of ​​chaos, and cannot reflect those unknown avenues!

Therefore there is only one way to see these hidden avenues of heaven and earth.

Completely open up the Sea of ​​Chaos and turn it into an extremely huge universe. All avenues in the chaotic state in the Sea of ​​Chaos will appear at the moment when the world is created!

Xu Ying said silently in his heart, Perhaps, that is the only way to see all the avenues of chaos.

The more he saw, the more he felt that all the monks who were busy saving people were just doing their best in vain and could not possibly save others.

In other words, all the universes and creatures born in the Chaos Sea have no meaning of existence.

If we want this kind of tragedy to never happen again, the only way is to completely open up the Sea of ​​Chaos as the Dao Alliance said.

Xu Ying thought of this and shook his head hurriedly. This thought was really terrible.

This idea is to annihilate all the universes in the Chaos Sea, let all universes fall into a state of chaos, and then create the world and completely open up the Chaos Sea!

However, there are countless universes in the sea of ​​chaos, and there are countless lives in each universe.

All these people will die in this development!

When Xu Ying thought about the Three Realms and extended himself to others, he felt that it was wrong to do so.

However, Daomeng's method is feasible.

Ah Ying, why are you frowning? Dazhong asked.

Xu Ying calmed down and told Dazhong about his troubles, saying: My Taoist heart tells me that Daomeng's method is feasible and can completely unlock the mysteries of the Great Dao of the Chaos Sea. But my conscience tells me that Daomeng's method is feasible The method is not feasible and inhumane. So we are in a dilemma and don’t know what to do.”

Dazhong was silent for a moment and said: I am not the Seventh Master. The Seventh Master is talented and knowledgeable. He will definitely be able to tell you many great principles to help you solve your doubts. However, I know that there is one person who has really saved people. This person is Tao Zun.

Tao Zun? Xu Ying was slightly startled.

Da Zhong said: Yes. Dao Zun has saved his own people, and now there are a group of Heavenly Realm people living in the Heavenly Realm universe next to the Three Realms. The Heavenly Realm universe was not destroyed in the Nirvana Tribulation and the Great Dao Tide, but instead Thriving again.”

It paused and said: Ah Ying, I can't see through the Sea of ​​Chaos, and I don't know what the true Dao is, nor have I created any earth-shattering Dao or ideas. I just think that you just said it was cruel and inhumane. Since humanity is also Dao, If the Dao League's actions violate human nature, can we really see the truth of the Dao?

When Xu Ying heard the words, he suddenly felt that the gloom that had enveloped Dao's heart was swept away, and he returned to a clear and clear mind. He laughed and said: Master Zhong, although you say you don't know any big principles, you have spoken the most fundamental truth. Humanity , why not Tao? Since the Tao Alliance violates the way of humanity, it will inevitably deviate from the truth of the Tao. Even if they open up the Sea of ​​Chaos, they will not be able to see the real Tao!

That's nonsense.

At this time, a voice came, and Xu Ying's heart skipped a beat. He followed the sound and saw a person walking in waves from the chaotic sea.

Wherever he passed, the sea of ​​chaos parted, and the energy of chaos appeared at his feet like waves.

This person is wearing a round-neck robe and silk shoes. His clothes are bright yellow, but his expression is solemn, giving people the feeling of being thousands of miles away.

Da Zhong quickly said quietly: A Ying, this person is the Master of Miaojian Palace of Xuanji Palace.

Master Miaojian Palace?

Xu Ying was stunned, his eyes fell on Miaojian's right hand, and he saw that it only had four fingers and was missing his thumb.

How could such a palace-master-level being break a finger and not be able to recover it?

Master Miaojian Palace is Dao Zun's master in Dao Alliance.

Xu Ying smiled and said, Brother Miaojian, why do you say that what I said to Master Zhong is nonsense?

But Dazhong was curious and thought to himself: How did Miaojian know that I am here? Even if we were observed by the palace masters of the Dao Alliance in Daxia Realm, they would not be able to catch up with us so quickly. We are in the sea of ​​chaos. , blinded all perceptions, it is impossible for the Taoist Alliance to find us all at once. Unless...

A sudden thought occurred to it. Over the years, it had been discussing the Tao with the masters of the various halls of the Tao League. It was called discussing the Tao, but in reality it was a matter of studying and learning the views of these temple masters.

If some of the Taoist insights they asked me to learn are their Taoist imprints, then I will take the initiative to imprint their imprints on myself! Dazhong thought to himself.

Miaojian came in front of them, with a stern look on his face, and said: Humanity? That's nonsense. There is no such way in heaven and earth!

Xu Ying shook his head and smiled: Miaojian, do you think there are only the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth and the Nine Innate Paths in the chaos? The Taoist Alliance is really looking at the sky from a well. What is humanity? Humanity is the love of a mother for her child, and the support for the elderly. Love is the feeling of nurturing and educating the young, the feeling of showing strength to eliminate evil, the feeling of supporting justice, and it is born because of people. Humanity is born from people, acts on each other, and flourishes in society, so it can Civilization is produced. At the end of the road, you are also born from people and rise from people. Only by adhering to humanity can you achieve your current status. If humanity is nonsense, where did the palace masters of the Tao Alliance come from?

Miaojian shook his head and said: The righteous people of our Taoist Alliance have long been unified according to the past and the future. There is no so-called humanity and they will exist in the sea of ​​chaos. Xu Ying, your so-called humanity has no meaning of existence and will continue to exist. With the arrival of the kalpa of annihilation, it will be completely annihilated.

Xu Ying held the broken knife and said with a smile: Gong Daochuan is your disciple. When you let him go, he completed a pioneering work in the heaven realm. He saved the heaven realm universe that was supposed to be extinct, and saved his own clansman. I think he is practicing humanity.

Gong Daochuan?

The corner of Miaojian's mouth moved, as if he had some impression of this name, and said, I couldn't kill him back then, and he escaped. What he did later has nothing to do with me.

Xu Ying smiled and said: At the end of the great road, three moves cannot kill an outer disciple of the Taoist Alliance? Miaojian, you just fell in love with master and disciple. This is also humane. You practiced this Tao unintentionally.

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