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Chapter 967 The Chaotic Sea of ​​Life

Miaojian shook his head and said: Xu Ying, you are wrong. The reason why I didn't leave Gong Daochuan at that time was not because I didn't want to, but because I couldn't. At that time, I didn't become a Taoist master. He took my three moves. It’s based on real ability.”

He held out his right hand, which was missing his thumb.

During that battle, Gong Daochuan cut off my thumb. Although he was seriously injured by me, I regarded it as a great shame and humiliation. I learned from the pain and finally reached the end of the avenue and became the master of the Xuanji Dao Palace.

Miaojian said, The reason why I didn't recover my finger was not because I couldn't, but because I wanted to use this finger to warn myself that I should never be benevolent as a woman again.

Xu Ying originally planned to use humanity to persuade him to give up the idea of ​​the Taoist Alliance and stop attacking him. After hearing this, his face darkened.

Furthermore, Gong Daochuan's so-called survival of the heavenly realm is just a futile struggle.

Miao Jian looked indifferent, shook his head and said, Gong Daochuan extended the life of Tianjing, so that Tianjing is completely free of disasters? Sooner or later, Tianjing will usher in the second calamity of annihilation, and at that time, there will be a second calamity. Two Gong Daochuan? Not necessarily. The Heaven Realm is not as good as the Hunyuan Universe. The Hunyuan Universe uses the Hunyuan Immortal Emperor to pass on the disaster, and the Heaven Realm uses the destruction of the other side to pass the disaster. The Hunyuan Universe cannot escape annihilation. What's more, the realm of heaven? As for your so-called humanity...

He looked sternly: This way is just human delusion, just like the so-called acquired way, such as martial arts, swordsmanship, sword way, formation way, they are just the use of natural ways. In fact, there is no acquired way.

Xu Ying smiled and said: It's a coincidence that what I practice is the acquired path. I thought that man can conquer nature...

Man can conquer nature? How ridiculous!

Miaojian laughed loudly, as if he had heard the most ridiculous joke, So far, people have not even understood what the true Tao is. Man can conquer nature, which is just a joke told by fools to encourage their ambitions!

Xu Ying smiled and said: But my way is the acquired way. I first studied martial arts, entered the way with martial arts, practiced to the enlightenment, and understood that all innate ways are just acquired ways that people understand, so I have a complete enlightenment. Now I have I attain the Tao the day after tomorrow, and when I realize the innateness the day after tomorrow, that will be the time to realize the true Dao.”

Absurd. Xu Ying, you are deviant and have gone crazy.

Miaojian shook his head and said, You betrayed the Taoist Alliance and caused heavy casualties to our Taoist Alliance. I'm here to send you on your way today!

His thoughts moved slightly, and he saw boundless true fire coming in, even the sea of ​​chaos was ignited!

Xu Ying held the broken knife, and the light of the broken knife immediately revealed the truth of the Chaos Fire. The so-called Chaos Fire was just that all other avenues in this chaotic sea were replaced by the Way of Fire, and the Way of Fire turned into chaos.

This was the first time he knew that it was so simple to understand the Great Way!

Miaojian also follows the path of nine evidence-based paths, using the path of fire to evolve the nine innate paths and relying on each other to prove the end of the avenue.

With a slight movement of his mind, he seemed to be the Taoist master who controlled the flames of the boundless universe in the chaotic sea, and a universe entirely composed of flames even formed around him!

All the great avenues in this universe, metal, wood, water and earth, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, yin and yang, time and space, are all interpreted by the way of fire!

All stars and all life in this universe are constructed from the path of fire!

His magical powers are truly exquisite and breathtaking!

Xu Ying stepped on the Chaos Lotus with his feet and the big bell on his head, activating the Houtian Dao, swung the Broken Sword, and met Miaojian's offensive.

Although Miao Jian's magical powers were exquisite and unparalleled, Xu Ying noticed that although he was also at the end of the road, his cultivation was far less advanced than Zhenjun Yongle's.

Probably because the path of fire is not as good as the path of time and space. The avenue of time and space is divided into two avenues, one is time, which is called universe, and the other is space, which is called universe. These two avenues have the ability to look back on the past and future of the universe. They are extremely powerful and can be compared with the Yin-Yang Avenue and the Avenue of Creation.

Although the Way of Fire is not as good as the Avenue of Time and Space, it is still a basic Avenue, and its power is not trivial. Chaos Fire and the Sky Fire of Annihilation are also included in the Way of Fire.

It's just that Xu Ying's injury has not yet recovered, and he is unable to exert the full power of the Broken Sword. But fortunately, there is a big bell on top and a chaos lotus on the bottom. The big bell has the Taoist secrets of each hall of the Taoist League, while the Chaos Lotus directly carries a universe on its back, and has the Taoist power of the entire universe to regulate it.

As soon as Xu Ying's sword moved, he saw that the nine paths of reincarnation were fully opened, and he could not help but stand at the end of the avenue. The sword was shining and slashing towards Miaojian!

What kind of treasure is this?

Miaojian was shocked by the power of this sword, but when he saw that Xu Ying's injuries had not recovered and could not exert the power of this sword, he felt relieved and said calmly, You use the power of this sword to forcefully stand at the end of the road, but This treasure is the end of a strong crossbow, and so are you.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Ying's sword light had already split his magical power and came to him.

Miaojian was startled and hurriedly evaded, only to hear a swish sound, and the sea of ​​chaos was split into billions of miles of chasm by this knife!

On both sides of the abyss, the Qi of Chaos was as steep as a wall, unable to fall into the abyss!

This knife is the original treasure that created the Great Rift Valley of the Sea of ​​Chaos!

Miaojian suddenly woke up.

He had just retreated hundreds of millions of miles away, narrowly avoiding the power of the sword. Just as he was recovering from his shock, he saw the sword light swirling in the sea of ​​chaos, and Xu Ying was actually swinging the sword hundreds of millions of miles away!

Miao Jian's body technique is like a fire. When it is extinguished in one place, it is ignited in another place. It avoids Xu Ying's second sword and suddenly returns to the original place. He mobilizes all his Tao power and blasts towards the place where Xu Ying stood!


The sea of ​​chaos exploded, and in an instant, a brilliant scene emerged of the opening up of the universe. Chaos separated, Hongmeng evolved, Wuji Wu Tai changed, Tai Yi became one, and then ten thousand ways were born, reincarnation was established, and cause and effect were born!

However, after all, Miaojian did not exist in the original realm and could not open up the universe. The universe created by his attack soon came to the end of catastrophe and killing, and then died and returned to chaos.

This scene was very short, from opening to destruction in just a short moment, but the power that erupted was so incredible that it even caused waves in hundreds of nearby universes under the jurisdiction of the Dao Alliance.

People in these universes suddenly found that the rays of light hanging down from various avenues were slightly turbulent with an inexplicable fluctuation.

Such visions are not uncommon, but it is extremely rare for all the great ways of heaven and earth to appear at the same time, so they are recorded.

However, Miaojian did not feel the slightest joy in delivering such an astonishing blow, because he realized that Xu Ying was not here.

His blow missed.

Xu Ying should have escaped while striking out the second sword!

You can't escape!

Miaojian immediately flew up and chased in one direction.

Xu Ying was seriously injured by True Lord Yongle. Although he was treated by Chaos Lotus, he never recovered and his cultivation level never returned to its peak. Two swings of the sword were already his limit, so he escaped immediately.

As Dazhong led him through the sea of ​​chaos, he said: Aying, I have to confess to you. I think the reason why Miaojian was able to find us so quickly is probably because I have his Taoist imprint on me.

Xu Ying had a sudden thought and quickly asked what was going on.

Da Zhong said: It was not him who imprinted it on me, but I learned his Taoism and imprinted it on myself. I think this should be my imprint.

Xu Ying asked: You copied his stuff and stamped it on yourself, so you think it's your own stamp?

Da Zhong probed: Isn't it?

Xu Ying said: Master Zhong, why do you think I can sacrifice you so easily?

The big clock was thinking about this problem. Xu Ying quickly interrupted its thinking and asked: In addition to Miaojian, what other Taoist methods have you imprinted on it?

Well, Ah Ying, are we good brothers?

You have imprinted all the Taoist methods of the Taoist temple, right?


Xu Ying had no time to think too much, because he noticed that Miao Jian was approaching quickly. Apparently he noticed the mark on the big clock and rushed here.

Xu Ying paused and said in a deep voice: Second Master, are there any lotus seeds left?

On the chaotic rosette, the cute little girl with ice and snow trembled and shook her head quickly.

Dazhong advised: Second Master, if you can't let go of the child, you won't be able to trap the wolf. If you give him a few lotus seeds and let him chop the Miaojian, everyone can survive. If you can't let go of the child, everyone will be dead.

The little girl wearing a lotus leaf and lotus dress held up seven more lotus seeds with tears in her eyes.

Xu Yingzhang took seven lotus seeds orally and felt that the damage done to him by True Lord Yongle had been reduced by a few points, and his cultivation level had also skyrocketed. He immediately waved his hand and the big bell spun involuntarily and flew forward.

Xu Ying stood on the lotus platform, holding the broken knife, staring intently at the direction Miao Jian was chasing.

There was darkness in the sea of ​​chaos. Miaojian followed the big clock at an extremely fast speed. Suddenly, a sword light lit up on his right side, illuminating the sea of ​​chaos in an instant, making the sea of ​​chaos extremely clear!

This was the first time Miaojian saw such a clear sea of ​​chaos, and then he saw nine samsaras buzzing and rotating, binding the sea of ​​chaos to form the wonder of nine universes!

But this scene was just a flash in the pan. The next moment, the bright sword light came in front of him, filling his field of vision, making him unable to see anything else.

Miaojian couldn't care less, and activated the nine evidences of the way of fire, instead of retreating, he advanced towards the source of the sword light!

His palm power contains the terrifying power when the universe dies, reaching the promise hidden there!

But Xu Ying didn't even dodge, and he struck down the sword with all his might!

The blood of the two people surged to the top of their heads, and their eyes widened. Whoever was afraid at this time and whoever avoided it would be immediately killed in the hands of the other party!

However, if you don't hide, it is very likely that both sides will suffer losses or even die together!


Miaojian's palm force imprinted on Xu Ying's body. At the same time, Xu Ying struck down with his sword. The sharp and bright sword light struck from Miaojian's forehead to the soles of his feet.

Xu Ying's body was shaken violently, his breath was scattered, and suddenly his body exploded with a bang, and his soul and the avenue were destroyed together!

At the moment of his death, nine promises appeared in each of the nine reincarnations behind him, which were clearly from the past and the future!

It's just that Xu Ying couldn't cultivate like True Lord Yongle, who could borrow countless selves from the past and future to fight together. He could only borrow the power of Broken Sword and borrow nine of his past selves.

These nine are the nine segments of time that he cut out from himself when he brushed the big bell away and hid in the chaos.

The moment Xu Ying died, Miaojian's power invaded the nine reincarnations. The second Xu Ying exploded with a bang, and the entire reincarnation ring exploded with it. Then came the third promise and the third cycle of reincarnation, exploding one after another.

Immediately came the fourth promise, the fourth cycle of reincarnation!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of loud noises came, and in just a short moment, nine promises exploded and died unexpectedly. Only the last promise tried his best to resist the power of Miaojian's palm, and finally blocked it!

However, the cycle of reincarnation he was in also collapsed and was about to be annihilated. He originally promised to cut off time, cut off time, and use the nine reincarnations of the broken sword to refine it. If the reincarnation ring is annihilated, he will also be annihilated!

Xu Ying jumped up, jumped out of the reincarnation ring before it was annihilated, landed on the rosette of chaos, covered his mouth and nose, and held back the blood that came up in his stomach.

Second Master, let's go!

Chaos Lotus immediately carried him and chased towards the big bell.

Xu Ying turned around and saw the annihilation of nine of himself, and he didn't know whether he was happy or sad. Among these nine people, one is his future self, and the other selves, like him, are fragments of time cut out by his future self.

You are just a copy of time.

However, his future self died in the life-changing battle with Miaojian.

As a copy of time, he has become the main thread of Xu Ying's life and continues Xu Ying's life.

The main line that Xu Ying was supposed to have died.

Human life is like this sea of ​​chaos. Every choice is a crossroads. If you make different choices, you will have a different future.

Standing on the lotus throne, Xu Ying seemed to see countless versions of himself standing in the vast sea of ​​chaos, facing countless intersections.

How amazing that all your choices exist in the sea of ​​chaos of your life.

He caught up with the big clock, staggered, and finally fell.

The big clock flew over quickly and said: Second Master, save people!

The little girl felt aggrieved and reluctantly took out all the lotus seeds she had left, saying that she only had so many.

Don't worry, when Ah Ying gets better, he will definitely repay you a hundredfold and let you grow many lotus seeds!

Miaojian watched Xu Ying leave in a hurry and did not stop him. Instead, he turned around and walked towards the nearest universe under the jurisdiction of the Dao Alliance.

That's the Daxia realm.

If he could arrive in Daxia Realm in time, the strong men of the Dao Alliance would definitely notice him, and he would still be saved!

Just now he exchanged lives with Xu Ying, Xu Ying hit him with a palm, and he also hit Xu Ying with a knife.

This sword was so fierce that it cut off all his vitality. Even the mark at the end of the road was invaded by the sword's energy!

His steps were steady and unhurried, but he was a little anxious in his heart.

However, at this moment, an ancient green rock building ship sailed from the sea of ​​chaos and caught his sight.

Master Zuolian's boat? Who is the one in red next to him? Miaojian was delighted.

Can we hit him to death? the girl in red asked quietly.

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