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Chapter 964 Nine reincarnations, a shocking slash

Xu Ying looked at the person coming, and saw that the surrounding chaotic sea seemed to turn into glass as the person approached, and the glass contained time and space.

But time and space were affected by the Sea of ​​Chaos and became fragmented. The glass-shaped space-time in front of Xu Ying, Wen Nanxun and the big clock was broken. The closer to them, the more serious the fragmentation became, becoming as dense as a spider web.

The strange thing is that every broken time and space has a big bell, a Xu Ying and a Wen Nanxun.

In different time and space, the movements of the two people are also different. Some are flying around, some are looking around, some are saying something, some are confused, some stretch out their hands, like It's touching a section of space-time.

When these broken time and space came to Xu Ying and others, they were broken like grains of sand, but there was also a complete time and space in each grain of sand, which contained Xu Ying, Wen Nanxun and Dazhong.

Immediately, these time-space sand grains turned into flying sand rolling away behind them, becoming more slender.

The flying sand broke into countless tiny particles and mixed into the sea of ​​chaos, making it muddy and confused.

At this moment, Xu Ying, Wen Nanxun and Dazhong felt that countless of themselves were dying and turning into the energy of chaos!

This is an attack from the end of the road!

This kind of attack does not directly use powerful magical powers to obliterate them in the present, but in countless time sections, countless past and future, turn all of them into chaos, and use the power of the Chaos Sea to obliterate them!

The big bell is clanging, and my own Taoism has a tendency to flow away as the energy of chaos along with the chaos in those time and space!

It couldn't help but be horrified. For hundreds of years, it had stayed in the Taoist Alliance and asked the various palace masters for advice on the ends of various Taoist methods.

Because it is a big shot, it has been taken care of by many palace masters of the Tao Alliance. If it wants to learn any Tao method, these palace masters will definitely teach it to them without any secrets!

Over the past few hundred years, its cultivation has reached a height that was previously unattainable. The Nine Innate Paths have been proven to be the master of the Tao, running without hindrance, and it has a tendency to become the master of the Tao Alliance.

It also thinks very highly of itself, thinking that it can be on an equal footing with the master of the palace.

However, the arrival of the end of time and space made it see the gap.

The vast gap.

infinite distance.


Wen Nanxun was even more unbearable than it. When the time and space master came towards her, she realized that countless selves in the past and future were buried one after another and turned into the energy of chaos!

Her past and future are dead, death is approaching her, and there is nothing she can do to prevent her death from coming!

Even if she has mastered the Dao Alliance's Huizhao method to unify the past and future, even if she has learned other secret methods to avoid disaster and annihilation, she is still full of mistakes in front of this time and space Daoji.

Because when this time and space comes to an end, they in all time and space will be annihilated one after another, and death is inevitable!

Wen Nanxun noticed that at this time, the avenue began to disintegrate. She saw the energy of chaos overflowing from the skin of her hands and floating backward.

Not only her hands, but also her arms, body, and legs, the energy of chaos also overflowed and flowed backwards.

Her skin was like burning paper, curling up from her flesh and gradually turning to ashes.

She is dying!

At this time, Xu Ying's voice suddenly reached her ears very clearly: Hongwu Palace, True Lord Yongle, is worthy of being at the end of the great avenue of time and space!

After saying these words, Wen Nanxun noticed that countless fragmented time and space in her past and future suddenly stopped flowing, and countless flying sand and glass fragments were floating quietly beside her.

In each fragment of time and space, all Wen Nanxun suddenly unified and became the same Wen Nanxun.

It was as if she were looking into a mirror, and her behavior in the mirror was one with hers.

Wen Nanxun was extremely surprised, and Da Zhong was also shocked.

At this time, among these fragments of time and space, it is also unified in behavior and time and space!

Next to them, Xu Ying's voice rang out and he said with a smile: Zhenjun Yongle, you and I have a great connection. It was because of your Dao Alliance Order that I was destined to enter the Dao Alliance. I never thought that we would meet at war today.

Following his voice, I could see the flying sand and broken objects all around gradually closing up, the broken mirror being reunited, and returning to a complete glazed space and time.

At the end of the Time and Space Avenue, Zhenjun Yongle's surprised voice came, saying: The big shot is indeed a big shot. When you entered the Dao League, you already amazed all the hall masters, making people even doubt that you are the big shot. I didn't expect that you are only a few hundred. Years have passed and you have made it this far.”

Wen Nanxun took a step forward, mustered up his courage, and said loudly: Zhenjun, I betrayed the concept of annihilation. This is my fault and has nothing to do with anyone else! You are the master of the palace. At the end of the road, why bother others? Let it go. Fellow Daoist Xu, I will go back with you!

True Lord Yongle walked from the flowing light, his figure became clearer and clearer, and his sense of oppression became stronger and stronger.

Wearing a yellow robe, a golden crown on his head, and a python belt around his waist, he should have been an emperor before entering the Taoist League.

But now, his pressure is heavier than during the emperor's time, as if the common time and space master of countless universes in the Chaos Sea controls the power of time and space in these universes and is eternal!

His eyes fell on Wen Nanxun and he said calmly: You misunderstood. Wen Nanxun, you are not important. Neither are the Dao Alliance disciples who died in your hands.

His eyes moved away and fell on Xu Ying: Fellow Daoist Xu is the important one.

Xu Ying smiled and said, Because you are my guide, leading me to the Dao Alliance.

True Lord Yongle also showed a smile and said: What Taoist Fellow Daoist Xu has done is very harmful to our Taoist Alliance. I also have a connection with Daoist Fellow Xu, so when Xu Taoist Fellow betrays the Taoist Alliance, I must come and resolve this issue. cause and effect.

Xu Ying said sternly: The cause and effect between you and me doesn't end there. You also sent someone to pick me up. Even when I was on my way to the Dao League, you came personally to cover our journey to the Great Sky Ming Realm.

True Lord Yongle sighed: The cause and effect between you and me is too heavy. Although I am at the end of the road, I am still worried about being implicated by you.

Xu Ying smiled and said, Brother Yongle, have you ever thought that what you call the end of the road is not the real end of the road?

True Lord Yongle smiled and said, Do you want to show off your Taoism in front of me, fellow Taoist Xu? You are the Taoist Master, and I am Dao Jin. You should know the difference between Taoist Master and Dao Jin in terms of Taoism.

Xu Ying laughed and said: Zhenjun, there is a world in the sea of ​​chaos, called Yuanshou. There were some blind people who touched the elephant with their hands. Some said it was a pillar, some said it was a wall, and some said it was a python. They touched the elephant. Some of the palace masters of the Dao Alliance sensed the avenue and sensed thunder, so they said it was thunder, some sensed flames, so they said it was flames, and some sensed the starry sky, so they said it was Starry sky. Some people sense the nine innate paths and say they are the nine innate paths. Brother Yongle, you sensed time and space.

True Lord Yongle said with a smile: What you want to say is that I am also a blind man who is trying to figure out the Tao?

Xu Ying nodded lightly and said leisurely: You use the avenue of time and space to evolve the nine innate ways, so as to achieve the nine ways of evidence within the scope of time and space, and think it is brilliant. However, your qualifications are limited, and you only have extraordinary talents in time and space. You can only practice to the end of the avenue of time and space. But what you call the end of the avenue of time and space is not the real end of time and space.

True Lord Yongle laughed loudly: A Taoist master who says that I am not the real end of time and space is really an idiot.

As he spoke, he had already taken action.

When his sleeves shook, the boundless energy of chaos in the sea of ​​chaos was rolled up by him, and Xu Ying and Wen Nanxun were drawn into the whirlpool of the energy of chaos!

Wen Nanxun suddenly felt that he was like duckweed, drifting and helpless, falling into the chaos of time and space.

The nine paths of chaos in time and space flowed in an instant, and the evidence-based changes of the nine innate paths evolved through the avenue of time and space. They started from chaos, evolved with the power of the sea of ​​chaos, and turned into Hongmeng, Wuji, and Taiyi!

In an instant, this power was evidenced into reincarnation. Wen Nanxun knew that this was his last chance to escape.

She has extremely high attainments on the Great Way of Reincarnation, and although Zhenjun Yongle has reached the end of his path, it is still the end of time and space. Although his understanding of the reincarnation of time and space is high, the Great Way of Reincarnation is more than just the reincarnation of time and space!

Wen Nanxun activated the Avenue of Reincarnation to form a circle of reincarnation. She was about to cut into the cycle of time and space and escape, but the moment she came into contact with the cycle of time and space, she suddenly felt a boundless Dao power coming back!

This power comes from the reincarnation of time and space in the infinite universe of the Chaos Sea. It is so majestic that she cannot resist it!

Her reincarnation path collapsed at the first touch, but True Lord Yongle was not targeting her. It was just that she touched part of True Lord Yongle's supernatural power that caused her to be severely injured.

Wen Nanxun gritted his teeth and looked for a second chance, but the next moment, the supernatural power of True Lord Yongle had evolved to the point of annihilation of time and space!

From the chaos of time and space to the annihilation of time and space, it only took a short moment. In front of this power of annihilation, even if she had understood the annihilation of reincarnation at a higher level, she could not find any hope!

At this moment, I only heard a bell ringing, Dang——, the bell sounded so long, it actually reappeared in the silence of time and space, re-opened the infinite, and re-opened the universe!

Wen Nanxun looked over hurriedly and saw Xu Ying holding a big bell in his hand. The bell vibrated and the nine innate paths were blooming!

But this bloom is not evidence-based.

This kind of nine-way blooming starts from chaos with the bell nose of the big bell pointing downward. It is the avenue of chaos that bursts out, like something out of nothing in the sea of ​​chaos, creating the world.

The next level of the big bell is the re-enactment of Hongmeng, evolving from chaos to Hongmeng, and the next level is the evolution of Hongmeng to Wuji, followed by Taiyi, reincarnation, cause and effect, disaster, and killing. At the mouth of the outermost bell, there are Destroy the sky fire!

In this way, the nine paths were unified in the bell. Under Xu Ying's sacrifice, this big bell actually mixed the nine paths, and the power it unleashed was close to that of True Lord Yongle!

The perfect nine-way evidence is the condition for reaching the end of the road, and now this sign is faintly visible on this big clock!

I'm so powerful!

Da Zhong couldn't help but be surprised and delighted, Over the past few hundred years, I have transcribed... well, I have understood the Taoism of the Taoist League's temples, and I have indeed been promoted to the level of the temple master! Of course, Aying also has merit, if not He brought my strength to this level, and I couldn’t bring my strength to this level either.”

True Lord Yongle's sleeves shook slightly, and he saw Xu Ying holding a bronze bell in his hand, flying out of his chaotic space and time. The bells vibrated one after another, and his sleeves also swayed slightly, making his move unable to deal with Xu Ying. You should wait to cause harm to others.

Nan Xun, you go first.

Xu Ying waved his sleeve, and Wen Nanxun was involuntarily sent into chaos.

When she regained her ability to move, she immediately activated her Taoist skills and rushed towards the depths of the Chaos Sea. She thought to herself: How did Xu Daoyou's strength increase to such a level in such a short period of time? Although he was very powerful when he first came, It’s not enough to compete with Senior Brother Kuigang. Now he can actually take one of True Lord Yongle’s moves!”

This level of cultivation is really rare!

Little did she know that she had promised to acquire Taoism the day after tomorrow, and since then she had made some small achievements in Taoism, and finally achieved great success in her cultivation and Taoism.

In addition, he has become the Chaos Lord, embarked on the road to the end of the Chaos Lords of the past generations, and understood the great avenues of the Chaos Lords of the past generations. In terms of the breadth of the Taoism and the concept of the Great Dao, he has surpassed the Dao Alliance by many.

Wen Nanxun looked at the sea of ​​chaos. It was vast and unpredictable. He didn't know the depth or the way forward. He suddenly felt sad in his heart: Now, where should I go?

At this moment, a light suddenly came from the front, like a lamp, shooting out from the chaos, and the beam of light shone on her body.

Is this fellow Daoist Wen Nanxun Wen? a familiar voice came from under the light.

Wen Nanxun's heart moved slightly and he said: Exactly.

The voice under the light said: I was ordered to come to fetch you.

Wen Nanxun rushed after the light, but saw that the light was never far or near, leading her. After an unknown amount of time, the lights suddenly stopped.

Wen Nanxun caught up and saw a dilapidated Cuiyan building boat. On the building boat was Taoist Zuo Lian, the leader of the Taoist League.

Wen Nanxun was stunned: Zuolian, you...

Behind Taoist Zuo Lian, several figures walked out and stood on the building boat.

One of them had a kind face, and Wen Nanxun's face changed drastically when he saw it: The anti-king of the Chaos Sea, Shen Tulun!

Shen Tu Lun smiled back at her, looked at the sea of ​​chaos behind Wen Nanxun with a faint look, and said with a smile: Today, the Dao League lost its big shot, and our Yimeng will get a big shot.

Wen Nanxun looked back and saw a looming light deep in the sea of ​​chaos, illuminating the sea of ​​chaos.

Suddenly, a huge bell roared and turned, shattering the sea of ​​chaos, clearing a sea area, revealing the figures of Xu Ying and True Lord Yongle!

True Lord Yongle had already exchanged several moves with Xu Ying, but still could not defeat him and Master Zhong. He immediately pulled out the two swords from his waist and said: Xu Ying, you are the way to prove the Tao with treasures, so I have to use magic weapons. . These two swords, one is Zhouguang, which I refined using time, and the other is Yuqing, which I refined using space.

The two swords crossed each other and struck the bell, causing the bell to be damaged immediately.

The figure of True Lord Yongle shook, and at the next moment, from every inch of time and space in the sea of ​​chaos, a True Lord Yongle walked out, also holding two swords!

True Lord Yongle invited himself out of the past and future time and space. In an instant, countless of them formed an extremely huge time and space reincarnation. They each raised the two swords of Yuqing Cosmic Light and killed Xu Ying!

Ah Ying! I can't stop him! Master Zhong exclaimed.

Xu Ying hurriedly put away the big clock, and saw countless Yongle True Monarchs in the cycle of time and space, with their swords like two long dragons, cutting towards him!

Where the two swords meet at the neck, the power of the Nine Innate Paths bursts out, the power is terrifying!

Countless Yuqing Zhouguang twin swords, countless cross-neck cuts, even if Xu Ying is also proficient in this move, he will definitely be killed by him!

Suddenly, a broken knife appeared in Xu Ying's hand.

Xu Ying held the knife in his hand, and the light of the knife burst out at this moment. At the next moment, one after another extremely thick reincarnation rings centered on Xu Ying, cutting in all directions, rumbling and severing the sea of ​​chaos!

Xu Ying was like a giant with nine reincarnations in his body. He held up the broken knife in both hands. The supreme power formed by the nine reincarnations turned into the extremely sharp light of the broken knife and slashed it at Zhenjun Yongle!

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