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Chapter 963 I have attained enlightenment

Chaos Lord?

Kuigang Taoist was extremely surprised and said, Fellow Taoist Xu, your performance in our Taoist League is indeed amazing. When you first entered the Taoist League, you penetrated all the Taoist mansions in the Taoist League. Such Taoist behavior astonished the Taoist League. You protected Wen Nanxun, He helped her understand the evidence of reincarnation and annihilation, and saved the disciples of the Dao Alliance who were traveling with her. Her attainments in annihilation can be regarded as extraordinary and holy. But it’s a bit ridiculous for you to say that you are the Lord of Chaos.

His words were not meant to be sarcastic, but the weight of the words Chaos Lord was too heavy, especially for the Dao Alliance.

The Chaos Lord suppressed the Dao Alliance for trillions of years. What frustrated them the most was that the Chaos Lord didn't even pay attention to the Dao Alliance. What really hit the Dao Alliance was the Chaos Lord's bell.

And it was this bell that beat the Taoist League so hard that they couldn't even lift their heads.

Therefore, in the eyes of Taoist Kui Gang and other Taoists in the Taoist League, the three words Chaos Lord are both terrifying and sacred, making them both respectful and fearful.

Xu Ying said that he was the Chaos Lord, so in his opinion, he was naturally not qualified.

Xu Ying said with a smile: What is there to value about the Chaos Lord? I am not willing to be this Chaos Lord. Fellow Taoist Kuigang, your rules of the Temple of Annihilation are too rigid. Since Wen Nanxun doesn't want to be a Daoji Disciple, then she can be replaced by other Taoist temples, why bother to kill them all?

Taoist Kui Gang stepped forward, shook his head and said: Disciples of the Temple of Nirvana aim to practice Nirvana. From the moment they enter the Taoist League, they will understand that all the thoughts, attachments and obsessions in the world are all dreams and bubbles. Monk The only goal is to attain the Tao of Nirvana, become the master of the Tao of Nirvana, and become the end of Nirvana. When Junior Sister Nanxun abandons the Tao of Nirvana, she betrays the view of Nirvana and goes against my master. A traitor. , it is already extremely gracious to hand back what you have learned.”

Xu Ying frowned slightly and said, The Dao Alliance aims to see the truth of the Dao, so why is it so concerned about the Dao?

Kuigang Taoist said: The Taoist Alliance is an alliance of people who share the same Taoism, not fellow Taoists. Naturally, we have to recover what we have learned.

Xu Ying nodded lightly and said: In this case, the actions of the Dao Alliance are understandable. Now that I am leaving the Dao Alliance and become the Chaos Lord, do I also have to return what I have learned in the Dao Alliance?

Kuigang Taoist said: In those days, fellow Taoist Xu showed extraordinary strength, but at that time, fellow daoist Xu had not yet become a Taoist master. It was originally agreed that after fellow Taoist Xu cultivated himself as a Taoist master, we would discuss Taoism again. Today is the perfect time for the meeting. Fellow Taoist Xu, please!

Xu Ying shook his head and said: Kui Gang, when I didn't attain enlightenment, you still had a chance to defeat me. Now that I have attained enlightenment, you don't have the slightest chance.

Kuigang Taoist took a step forward. As he took this step, the annihilating sky fire in the surrounding chaotic sea suddenly burned, and in an instant, a annihilating cosmic flood was formed!

When the source of this cosmic flood is reversed, it will turn into a universe in the midst of a killing spree. The planet will be covered with scars from swords, and it will look terrifying!

There is a murderous energy in the starry sky that gathers in the galaxy, like the divine creature who created the world, waving a long whip, swinging up hundreds of millions of stars, whipping them back and forth!

And by the way, it is the source of chaos. The power of chaos is unparalleled. It contains chaotic and majestic power. It is the cemetery and birthplace of countless avenues!

His nine innate paths have been cultivated to the point where they can move forward and backward, and the changes are so subtle and breathtaking. This level of cultivation can be said to be second only to the Palace Master among the Dao Alliance!

He is much stronger than the last time he saw him. He has comprehended the most difficult Chaos Hongmeng evidence and has made up for his missing link. He is already very close to his master Dao Ji.

Xu Ying stood in front of Wen Nanxun. Kuigang raised his hand and lowered it. The power from the source of destruction suddenly burst out, and the sea of ​​chaos shook violently!

However, when his heaven-destroying blow came in front of Xu Ying, all his power suddenly receded, leaving no trace of power left!

Kui Gang was shocked. The flood source of Nirvana behind him was still there, and so was the avenue of Nirvana. The two innate avenues of chaos and killing evidenced by Nirvana were also there. But it just doesn’t have any power!

Kui Gang, you and I are no longer on the same level.

Xu Ying looked apologetic and said, In other words, I am no longer on the same level as everyone under Dao. My attainment is really attainment.

Kuigang Taoist hurriedly stopped his hand and immediately changed his moves. His flood source of annihilation was still in operation, but the flood source was divided into nine, starting from the innate avenues of annihilation, chaos, Hongmeng, etc., based on this evidence!

This is the simplest evidence based on the nine paths. When the power of the nine paths is combined into one, you can see the end of the road.

He is not yet able to combine the nine paths, but being able to display the evidence-based flood source of the nine paths is already an incredible achievement!

However, when this move reached Xu Ying, all his Taoist power retreated, leaving no trace of power left.

His magical powers have no effect.

Kui Gang's face suddenly changed, and for the first time he felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

He clearly felt that all the great ways were there, but the power of the Tao disappeared. His Tao behavior and his Tao methods were all there, but he was unable to exert any power.

Gong Daochuan once told a story about a farmer who raised a group of chickens and fed them every day at midnight. One of the chickens was smarter and discovered that food fell from the sky at midnight, so he thought he had discovered the way of the universe.

Xu Ying told Taoist Master Kuigang's story about the Chicken Taoist Master, saying, The Taoist alliance has nine ways and is stuck in its own way, which is no different from the chicken whose food fell from the sky when it found its baby. In addition to the nine ways, there are also Daodao. Kui Gang, don’t be a Chicken Daoist.

He walked past Kuigang with Wen Nanxun and said, I am not Dao Ji, so I will spare your life.

Taoist Kuigang was sweating coldly and stood there unable to move.

He doesn't have any power, and if he takes action now, he is seeking death.

After Xu Ying left, the surrounding sea of ​​chaos came over him and was extremely heavy. He still had no power to resist the pressure and could only let the sea of ​​chaos press forward.

The energy of chaos is corroding him, corroding his avenue, and wants to turn him into chaos.

Fortunately, his physical body is so powerful that even the Sea of ​​Chaos cannot melt him for a moment. But if it were others, who did not have such strong strength, they would be crushed and assimilated by the Sea of ​​Chaos in an instant!

Gradually, Kui Gang felt that his Dao power was slowly recovering, and he felt relieved: Xu Ying did not kill them all and left me a glimmer of hope!

His Dao power gradually recovered, but he became more and more frightened. For the first time, he had doubts about the Avenue of Nirvana and the Dao Alliance.

The Taoist League seems to be tirelessly pursuing the Tao, but we are most likely just a bunch of chickens and will never see the reality of the Tao!

Just when he thought of this, he suddenly saw fairy palaces, ships, and magic weapons in the chaotic sea, flying out of the clear sky and flying towards this side.

Among the immortal palaces, ships, and magic weapons are the disciples of the Dao League, coming to hunt down Wen Nanxun!

Don't go there!

Taoist Kui Gang suddenly became frightened. The so-called heart of annihilation and the so-called eternal immobility all turned into fear at this moment.

He loudly shouted to these Taoist brothers and sisters: His Taoism is too high, don't go there! It's dangerous! Under the master of the palace, no matter how many people go there, they will die!

His voice was swallowed up by the energy of chaos and turned into a vague murmur.

Kuigang Taoist looked at this scene in horror, struggled hard, and flew towards these immortal temples and ships. However, the pressure of the Chaos Sea was so terrifying that he moved like an ant and was unable to catch up with these immortal temples and ships.

Wen Nanxun, the abandoned son of the Taoist League, will be crowned!

Getting rid of the abandoned disciples of the Dao Alliance is a service to the Dao Alliance!

Wen Nanxun killed his fellow disciples and was extremely vicious. Everyone must be careful!

Taoist Kui Gang watched groups of Dao Alliance disciples rushing over. There were hundreds of Dao Alliance masters, including many disciples of the Nine Halls who were not inferior to him. His heart felt cold.

His cultivation level recovered a little, his movement speed became faster and faster, and he hurriedly chased after these people.

But behind him, there were hundreds of Dao Alliance disciples chasing him, surpassing him one after another, chasing in the direction Xu Ying and Wen Nanxun left.

Don't go there! Kui Gang shouted to dissuade them.

Some Dao League disciples knew Kuigang, so they slowed down and said, Senior Brother Kuigang of the Temple of Annihilation? It's really you! What's wrong?

Kui Gang said eagerly: Quick! Take me to catch up with the Taoist disciples in front and tell them that Xu Ying is a big shot and is protecting Wen Nanxun. He must not pass by! His Taoist deeds are a thousand times better than ours, and a single thought can determine life or death!

The man hurriedly invited him to the Immortal Palace and led him forward quickly. However, the other disciples of the Dao Alliance were not slow because they wanted to achieve great achievements.

Kui Gang worked hard to restore his Tao power, and his heart became more and more anxious.

But fortunately, his Dao power recovered a lot, and he helped to activate the Immortal Palace, which moved faster in the sea of ​​chaos.

This Immortal Palace was built by the Dao Alliance and was specially used for traveling. There is no intrusion from the Qi of Chaos in the palace, and there is no resistance when traveling in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

They caught up with more and more Dao Alliance disciples. Kui Gang was overjoyed and murmured: They can still be saved, they can still be saved...

Suddenly, the rich light in front pierced the sea of ​​chaos and shone on his face. The smile on Kui Gang's face froze. It was the brilliant light formed by the disciples of the Dao Alliance who used their magical powers on Xu Ying and Wen Nanxun.

The light shone as if the Qi of Chaos did not exist. Every fairy palace, every fairy ship, every magic weapon, and even the people in these fairy palaces, fairy ships, and magic weapons are clearly visible, as if they are full of artistic conception like a black and white picture scroll.

The only colors in this chaotic sea are Xu Ying, Wen Nanxun, and a big bell.

Wen Nanxun's red dress looks extremely eye-catching in this black and white picture.

Suddenly, Kui Gang felt that his Tao power was receding rapidly, and his expression changed drastically, and he said loudly: Fellow Taoist Xu, please be merciful! You are a big shot, why do you need to haggle with the juniors?

His voice suddenly faded, unable to reach the Immortal Palace, and was swallowed up by the energy of chaos.

Kui Gang's expression was dull, and he saw immortal temples, ships, and magic weapons, all of which suddenly lost all their power.

The Immortal Palace was crushed and twisted by the power of the Chaos Sea, like paper that had been crumpled into a ball. The Immortal Ship curled up like a twist, and then became shriveled again, and the powerful magic weapons were also lost at this moment. All powers are distorted and deformed!

Those Dao Alliance disciples suddenly exploded one by one, like paint exploding in the sea water, dyeing the surrounding sea of ​​chaos red.

But then, the blood color returned to chaos.

Some of the more powerful ones had all the bones in their bodies broken by the terrifying pressure, and they were still alive. They were eroded by the energy of chaos, their skin festered, their blood evaporated, and their flesh and blood melted away!

His face was distorted, his mouth was wide open, and his face was ferocious. Although he couldn't hear the sound, Kui Gang seemed to hear it.

Such scenes made him panic and overwhelmed him.

The Immortal Palace he was in was also twisting and collapsing. Kuigang wanted to rescue another Dao Alliance disciple, but saw the Immortal Palace collapse, pressing the man underneath, and then the sea of ​​chaos poured in, swallowing him up.

Kui Gang felt sad and looked towards the back of the Immortal Palace. He saw that the Immortal Palaces, ships and magic weapons behind them were also twisting, collapsing and folding. One by one, the disciples of the Dao Alliance exploded and were annihilated.

There was no scream from them in the sea of ​​chaos, and every scene was extremely silent. Only the noise of the avenue that filled the entire sea of ​​chaos sounded in Kui Gang's ears.

Many people died, many people died...

His pupils bulged, he lost all strength, and he slid down against the balled up Immortal Temple.

In the Sea of ​​Chaos, there are some powerful beings like him still alive, but there are not many such beings in the Dao Alliance.

Promise you to do this, even more than the Chaos Lord! Aren't you afraid of offending our Dao Alliance?

At this time, a tall figure walked up to him.

Taoist Kui Gang looked up and saw that the person coming was a young man with a gentle complexion. He was well-dressed and every hair was combed perfectly.

Changsun Shenghai!

Taoist Kui Gang was shocked, How can he walk in the sea of ​​chaos?

Changsun Shenghai looked with deep eyes in the direction where Xu Ying left. Suddenly, another figure came, causing the sea of ​​chaos around him that had originally had its Tao power dissipated to suddenly become alive, with all kinds of Tao power coming in one after another.

Taoist Kuigang was finally able to breathe, and he quickly looked around, but it was Zhenjun Yongle of Hongwu Palace.

Zhenjun Yongle, at the end of the road, is finally ready to take action!

Kui Gang was startled and thought to himself, To deal with a Taoist master, do you need to dispatch the end of the road?

There was no trace of sadness or joy in the face of True Lord Yongle. He just paused for a moment and then continued to move forward.

Xu Ying, you received my Dao Alliance Order and were supposed to become a disciple of my Hongwu Palace. However, you are too capable of causing trouble, so I have to expel you from the Hongwu Palace.

True Lord Yongle looked at the bones of the dead Dao League disciples and whispered, You came to the Dao League because of my Dao League order. This cause and effect must be broken by me personally.

Xu Ying continued to move forward with Wen Nanxun, but Wen Nanxun and Dazhong were already stunned.

Xu Ying didn't even take action and didn't see him channeling his magic power. The surrounding sea of ​​chaos crushed those powerful Dao Alliance men to death!

This scene is really shocking.

Daomeng has suffered losses before, but never such a big loss.

This Dao Alliance will definitely not give up! Wen Nanxun said worriedly.

Xu Ying's heart suddenly moved. He turned back to look at the Chaos Sea and said, The Taoist Alliance will indeed not give up. The pursuers are already here.

At this moment, immeasurable light illuminated the Chaos Sea, and a road composed of pure avenues suddenly spread out, extending to the feet of Xu Ying and Wen Nanxun.

The end of the road! Xu Ying raised his eyebrows and looked at the hazy light at the end of the road.

I saw light flashing, and a figure walked out of the light, gradually becoming clearer.

Thanks to Cha Cha Cha Hao Hao, Zhaicai, and the two big guys for their silver treasure chest! !

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