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Chapter 925 The heroes fall into Mingque Mansion

Taoist Canghai was shocked when he saw so many people gathered here, and his arrogance dissipated a bit unconsciously.

Brother Dade, Xu Ying was not sent by Hongwu Hall to destroy the dojo... Xu Ying is an outer disciple of Hongwu Hall. He has not officially become an inner disciple, so he is not considered a disciple of Hongwu Hall... He is not a secretly cultivated master... ...Hahahaha, my master, Zhenjun Yongle, has absolutely no intention of aspiring to be the leader of the Tao Alliance...

Taoist Canghai answered everyone's greetings along the way, with cold sweat rolling down his forehead, and stammered, I am also looking for a person named Xu to settle accounts, and I am not trying to excuse him... I am not here to see your jokes, I want to escort him to Hongwu Palace has fallen... I am not protecting him, I guarantee that he will be killed... I will never kowtow to you...

He squeezed into the crowd and when he saw Kui Gang and others, his expression suddenly changed and he said politely: Brothers, this evildoer Xu Ying came from nowhere and has nothing to do with our Hongwu Palace. Our Hongwu Palace has also suffered greatly from it!

Kui Gang and others are disciples of the Nine Halls of the Tao League. They are famous and powerful in the Tao League. Most of them are Dzogchen Taoist masters who have cultivated the Eight Paths and are based on evidence. Canghai Taoist has to give in to them.

Although Taoist Tianyin is a sect of Hutunsheng, he practices the Great Way of Chaos, but he has a pleasant appearance. He rarely falls out with others. He said: Fellow Taoist Canghai, you have to take Xu Ying and send him to Hongwu Hall to await his fate. I won’t stop you either. Fellow Taoist, please.”

Taoist Canghai confessed to everyone, walked directly to Mingque Mansion, and shouted: Xu Ying, I am Canghai of Hongwu Palace, you have committed a big thing! I will take you to Hongwu Palace now, and wait for your fate!

Just a moment later, Taoist Canghai's exclamation came from Mingque Mansion. The next moment, this Taoist flew out upside down and passed out when he landed.

Taoist Tianyin looked at Mingque Mansion and said with emotion: Taoist Canghai's strength is not weak, but he can only last for one breath in Mingque Mansion. Huaisha Xianzhou is obviously just a place where the disciples of the outer sect live. Who would have thought that here Surprisingly, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon hides a great master.

Taoist Chongzhao of the Hall of Cause and Effect looked at the layout of the Mingque Mansion and said: In this Mingque Mansion, all the restrictions are based on the wonderful principles of the Nine Paths of Evidence. The person who set up the array is proficient in the Nine Paths of Evidence, but his Nine Paths cultivation It’s uneven, but he is able to display the nine evidence-based methods, which is indeed somewhat unique.”

Hearing this, the others nodded.

Cultivation of the Nine Innate Paths is not difficult for geniuses like them who come from different universes, but the difficulty of practicing the Nine Paths based on evidence is thousands of times more difficult than cultivating the Nine Innate Paths.

The evidence-based approach to the Nine Paths requires taking a certain avenue as the foundation, deducing other innate avenues, and then relying on evidence in turn to finally deduce the nine avenues.

As the number of times the avenues are based on evidence gradually increases, the differences in cultivation between the various avenues will become smaller and smaller, and eventually the avenues will be perfectly balanced.

Only when the realm of the nine innate avenues is equal can we continue to rely on evidence.

The nine innate paths in Mingque Mansion are uneven. Some are at a high level and are already Tao masters, while some are at a low level and are still immortal.

If we continue to rely on evidence like this, it will obviously cause big problems, either death or injury!

However, the nine restrictions here operate smoothly, and instead defeat the intruders here.

In addition, I also noticed the evidence of the inner nine paths.

Taoist Menghe from the Reincarnation Hall looked a little solemn and said, In this person's body, there are still nine evidences, which circulate endlessly and form a trend that is interlocked with the nine external evidences. For example, the external evidence is reincarnation. Cause and effect, cause and effect are based on the evidence of calamity and luck, and the cause and effect in the body is inversely evidence of reincarnation, and calamity is inversely evidence of cause and effect. The internal and external evidence is based on each other, and it is extremely powerful!

Taoist Master Wuzhi of Wuji Hall smiled and said: When he is operating according to evidence, there is still a force that comes from his seat. There must be something wrong with the Chaos Lotus under his seat.

Changsun Shenghai looked at these people and couldn't help but feel moved, thinking: Among the disciples of the Nine Halls, there are many who are no less than Taoist Masters.

His impression of Tao Zun was at the time of his duel with Luo Taizong. He did not know that in the later period of Nirvana on the other side, Zun had already cultivated the Nine Paths of Evidence and comprehended the principle of Seven Lives and Seven Destructions. Force the palace master.

But even Dao Zun during his duel with Luo Taizong was no small matter!

There were many existences like this in the Nine Halls, which made him moved.

Since you have seen through all his tricks, you can break his restrictions! Taoist Menghe took the lead and walked into Mingque Mansion.

At this time, Taoist Chongzhao also walked in and said with a smile: Brother Menghe, how can I, the Hall of Cause and Effect, make your Hall of Reincarnation more beautiful than before?

Taoist Tianyin and Taoist Wuzhi also walked into Mingque Mansion. Wuzhi said with a smile: Xu Ying's Taoism is indeed extraordinary. It's a pity that his cultivation is not good enough. Each of us can break his restrictions, but after all, he is The proud disciple of True Lord Yongle must save some face. We, the Nine Palaces, have joined forces to break his restriction, which can be regarded as giving True Lord Yongle face.

Kuigang Taoist also walked in and said, Even so, I have to follow the concept of Nirvana.

The other Hongmeng Palace, Taiyi Palace, Jie Yun Palace, and Killing Palace each also had eight evidence-based experts who entered the Mingque Mansion.

How powerful are the existences of these nine Tao masters in the Dzogchen realm? No one is inferior to the Taoist Master back then. The Taoist Master realized the mystery of the eight evidence-based methods by groping alone. He took a wild path, but they each received the true inheritance from the master of the Dao Alliance Hall!

The nine people walked towards the place where Xu Ying was. Taoist Kui Gang saw that the Nirvana Seal was about to break out. With a flick of his hand, he saw a Nirvana magical power flying out, breaking the Nirvana Seal left by Xu Ying, and said with a smile: Although it is quite weak, in terms of Taoism, the Samadhi of Nirvana has been achieved.

Taoist Wuzhi saw that the Wuji restriction left by Xu Ying was about to move, and the shadows of the five-phase gods and demons appeared behind him. He used the Five Taiyin to break Xu Ying's Wuji restriction, and said with a smile: The Taoist practice on Wuji is also the same. Not weak.

Taoist Menghe broke Xu Ying's restriction on reincarnation and said with a smile: The attainments of reincarnation are already close to those of Tao Master, but there is still one breath left.

Others also broke through Xu Ying's Chaos, Hongmeng, Cause and Effect, Taiyi and other restrictions, and were about to enter the inner hall of Mingque Mansion. Suddenly, the inner hall was filled with chaos, and the power of the Chaos Lotus under Xu Ying's seat was unleashed!

The chaotic light overflowed from the inner hall, and the power was surging. The power of the ban left by Xu Ying finally began to explode in full force!

Taoist Tianyin was moved and praised: It's really extraordinary that the Chaos Spiritual Root has such power. It's a pity that that's all!

Each of the nine people took a step forward, their auras bloomed, and they suppressed the Chaos Lotus. At this moment, the power of the fully mature cosmic flood source in Xu Ying's body exploded!

The nine people were startled, and each took action to resist. They felt the extremely terrifying Tao power operating in the inner hall. The power of the nine internal and external Taoist evidences increased to a level that could threaten them in just an instant!

The faces of the nine people suddenly changed, and they no longer hid their strength. They each took action, starting from the avenue they practiced, and displayed three evidence-based magical powers!


In the sky above the inner hall of Mingque Mansion, a flood source of astonishing size suddenly appeared, spinning crazily. In an instant, with the blessing of this flood source, the power from the inner hall instantly increased to the level of almost a complete universe!

In the inner hall, the Chaos Lotus is getting bigger and bigger, and the petals of the lotus are rotating and blooming in layers. There are twelve lotus terraces, each layer has a layer of lotus, layer upon layer, and it has even reached the outside of the hall!

When Xu Ying placed the ban, he said that the ban he left behind could only resist the existence of the Tao Master at his peak, but could not deal with the existence of the Tao Master at his perfect state, so he asked Chaos Lotus for help.

But the Tao Master peak and Tao Master perfection he refers to refer to those Tao masters who have practiced nine evidence-based Taoists, not those who have practiced a single Tao master.

At this moment, Taoist Kui Gang and others felt the fatal pressure coming!

What a chaotic spiritual root. It actually contains a cosmic flood source that can be suppressed by even the nine of us!

The nine people were each shocked, and immediately used the evidence to contend with this Taoist power. Taoist Wuzhi said with a smile: This treasure seems to be spiritual. It can actually mobilize the power of the universal flood source. If our cultivation level was slightly lower, he would have obtained it.

The nine powerful men worked together to suppress the Chaos Lotus and the cosmic flood source, forcing the flood source to get lower and lower, and the twelve-grade lotus platform of the Chaos Lotus was also suppressed to keep closing and getting smaller and smaller.

Chaos Lotus saw that it could not resist them, and became furious. Even if it wanted to take the initiative to open up the flood source of the universe and let the flood source turn into a complete universe to suppress these nine powerful men, suddenly Xu Ying Yuanshen sitting on the lotus platform returned and woke up at the right time. .

Seeing that his soul had returned, Chaos Lotus was relieved and immediately handed over the surrounding ban to him.

Xu Ying understood the situation in the blink of an eye and was shocked: Sure enough, someone came to plot against me! And it was nine masters! The strength of these nine people is really extraordinary!

He was well aware of the dangers of the world, so he spared no effort and set up a blockade around him. Unexpectedly, he encountered a powerful enemy attacking!

Xu Ying looked solemn and took a long breath: The strength of these nine people is not inferior to that of Dao Zun back then. What is their origin? With my strength, I am definitely not an opponent in a head-on confrontation. I can only borrow Master Lian's magic power. , can we trap them and slowly refine them to death!

He has now attained the Tao Master of the Three Thousand Heaven and Earth Dao. The Seven Innate Paths such as Chaos and Wuji have not yet attained the Dao Master. However, with the foundation of the Three Thousand Heaven and Earth Dao, cultivating the Seven Innate Dao Masters is only a matter of course.

But even so, the gap in cultivation between him and Kui Gang, Wuzhi and others is still huge, but with the addition of Chaos Lotus and Cosmic Flood Source, the gap is not that big.

He activated the Void Avenue, and the bans that had just been broken by Taoist Kui Gang and the other nine people were revived one after another. The entire Mingque Mansion was immediately surrounded by various bans, cutting off the escape route of the nine people!

Kui Gang, Wuzhi and others were shocked. They looked back at the way they came, only to see the vast expanse of surroundings. There was neither sky nor earth, only a vast expanse of white. They could no longer find the Huaisha Fairy Continent, nor did they know the Great Sky Ming Realm. Where is it!

Each of them is in a different void, and as for the others, there is no trace.

Infinite Void? Who used the Void Avenue?

The nine people immediately turned around and tried to leave, but it was too late.

All kinds of nine evidence-based magical powers burst out in the void and attacked them!

The nine people each took action to resist and tried their best to escape.

Xu Ying sat on the Chaos Lotus Platform, breathed a sigh of relief, and whispered: These nine people are too strong, so I have to separate them to defeat them one by one. I wonder if I can refine them to death with my current strength?

Outside the Mingque Mansion, everyone looked inside the mansion and saw the nine people breaking Xu Ying's ban and grabbing them at their fingertips. Everyone couldn't help but marvel. However, the situation changed too quickly. When the nine masters came to the inner hall, they were suddenly trapped. Everyone outside the house was shocked and said that something was wrong.

There was an uproar all around, and someone immediately rushed out of the crowd and went straight to the highest sky in the Great Sky Ming Realm.

Senior Brother Wuzhi is trapped, quickly go to Wuji Hall and report to Master!

Senior Brother Menghe has been plotted by Hongwu Palace Xu Ying, please quickly ask Master to come and surrender!

Senior Brother Tianyin has fallen into Mingque Mansion, please call Master quickly!

Wen Nanxun stood blankly outside Mingque Mansion, seeing everyone around him in chaos.

This promise seems to be no worse than Brother Zhong Dao... She murmured in her heart.

By the way, Senior Brother Kuigang is still trapped in Mingque Mansion. We must go to Master Daoji as soon as possible!

She woke up and immediately went straight to the Temple of Annihilation.

Taoist Canghai also woke up and when he heard the noise from everyone, he couldn't help but feel uneasy in his heart: Even the masters of the Nine Halls are trapped in the Mingque Mansion. This promise has caused a big mess for our Hongwu Hall! By the way, Master, Master doesn’t know about this yet!”

He immediately hurried back to the Hongwu Hall and asked to see True Lord Yongle. One of his disciples said: A big shot came to the Taoist temple of True Lord Daoji. Master was afraid that Daoji would hide his secrets, so he went to the Temple of Nirvana.

Taoist Canghai stamped his feet and said, This is too bad! I'm afraid Master doesn't know yet, but he has already rebelled and wants to be the leader of the Tao Alliance!

Wen Nanxun hurried to the Temple of Nirvana and wanted to break in, but was stopped by someone.

Junior Sister Nanxun, Master and the other palace masters are discussing matters, so no interruption is allowed, the senior brother said.

Wen Nanxun said anxiously: What are you talking about? Senior brother Kuigang has fallen into Mingque Mansion, and the master must personally save his life!

The senior brother was about to speak when suddenly he saw a sea of ​​people flying towards him, but it was the disciples from other Taoist temples who were clamoring and asking to see the masters of each temple.

At this time, in the Temple of Nirvana, the Dao Jin beings from the various Dao Halls of the Dao Alliance were sitting in the void, with Dao light overflowing in their eyes, and pairs of deep gazes fell on the big clock that was spinning slowly in front of them.

These palace masters were so focused that they turned a deaf ear to everything outside and only studied this big bell, as if this bell contained infinite mysteries.

This time, our Dao Alliance dispatched eighteen palace masters, including Daoji and Huntun. They did not hesitate to fight in the Sea of ​​Chaos and crossed from the periphery of Chaos to the middle level in order to escort Zhong Daoyou to the Dao Alliance.

Miaojian, the master of Xuanji Palace, looked at the big clock and said, Fellow Daoist Zhong is indeed worthy of our action to welcome Daoist Zhong. But is that big shot really Zhong Daoyou?

He paused and said: The big shot mentioned by the Taoist Alliance Leader is definitely not groundless. Although Zhong Daoyou will have great achievements in the future, in my opinion, he is not worthy of being called a big shot by the Taoist Alliance Leader.

Qingyun Zhenjun, the master of the Moon Palace, said: If the big shot is not Zhong Daoyou, who else could it be? This time, even the strong men in the rebellious party took action. It can be seen that they have also received the news. Zhong Daoyou must be that big shot!

True Lord Yongle coughed, looked around, and said, Our source of information is the leader of the Dao Alliance. Do you know the source of the rebel party's information? How do they know that the big shot will come to the Dao Alliance?

Each of the palace masters frowned, not knowing the answer.

Hutunsheng suddenly said: I know. The information about the rebellious party came from the chaos creatures. Those chaos creatures got the news, and the Chaos Lord is also looking for that big shot.

The Chaos Lord is also looking for him?

The palace masters were awe-inspiring, and their eyes fell on the big clock. Could it be true, as speculated, that the magic weapon cultivation method can cause the Chaos Lord's bell to rebel?

At this moment, bursts of noise came from outside, and the hall masters couldn't help but frown.

Why is it so noisy? Zhenjun Daoji called a disciple who was guarding the door and asked.

The disciple hurriedly said: Zhenjun Yongle indulged Xu Ying, provoked the Taoist orthodoxy of each Taoist temple, and wanted to establish himself as the leader of the Taoist alliance!

As soon as he finished speaking, all eyes fell on Zhenjun Yongle.

True Lord Yongle was stunned: When did this happen? When did I establish myself as the leader of the Tao Alliance? And for conniving Xu Ying, who is Xu Ying? Is he the guy who pretended to be Zhong Yuliu?

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