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Chapter 924 True Lord Yongle is ambitious

Mingque Mansion is not big, only a few acres in circumference. Not to mention Taoist masters like them, even a new Qi practitioner can get through it in an instant.

However, this small Mingque Mansion seemed to have turned into a bottomless pit, which stumped most of the experts who came here.

As a disciple of Hongwu Palace, Xu Ying broke into other people's Taoist temples and said that others were practicing wrongly. It would definitely be a great shame and humiliation for the disciples of the Taoist Alliance.

To say that others are practicing wrongly in other people's Taoist houses means that their path is wrong and their Taoist inheritance is also wrong, and there is no need to exist.

This is equivalent to smashing other people's orthodoxy to pieces in front of all the disciples. How can we not be resented by others?

This is just a ban on the Nine Innate Paths. What's the problem?

At this time, a beautiful woman walked over with graceful grace and walked straight into Mingque Mansion. She sneered, Xu Xu used a mere restriction to stop us. You really don't know how high the sky is! Let's see if I break him.

The moment she stepped into Mingque Mansion, she saw the energy of chaos surging and drowning her. The beautiful woman disappears.

Wen Nanxun exclaimed in shock: Ren Tianzhen, one of the three true disciples of the master of Yin Yang Palace! I'm afraid Xu Ying will be in trouble this time!

Although she said it was bad, there was no sign of worry for Xu Ying on her face. Instead, she was very excited.

Changsun Shenghai looked at the restrictions left by Mingque Mansion and asked, Is Ren Tianzhen very powerful?

His guide was Luo Taizong, but unfortunately Luo Taizong died on the other side, and there was no one in the Taoist alliance to guide him. Over the years, Changsun Shenghai has not joined any palace master, nor has he learned the secret skills of any palace master.

He just entered the Taoist mansion and understood the great ways of the palace masters again and again. Because he was too selfless, he was not familiar with the characters in the Dao League.

Wen Nanxun was very familiar with the Taoist sect and said: Ren Tianzhen is one of the three true disciples of Yin Changzang's sect. Her Taoist name is Tianzhen. Her Yin and Yang Dao has been cultivated to the perfection of the Taoist master. Yin Changzang once said that she is about to practice. It’s time for Yin and Yang to transform into the Nine Paths. Her strength can be ranked among the top three in the Yin and Yang Palace! Her first battle to become famous was when she was attacked by the rebellious An Tianzun in the Sea of ​​Chaos. Ren Tianzhen switched to fighting under the attack of An Tianzun. Thousands of universes actually escaped without a trace!

While he was talking, strange phenomena appeared one after another in Mingque Mansion. In the energy of chaos, there was a Hongmeng Dao light rising into the sky, and the Fifth Queen changed accordingly!

Everyone's expressions changed slightly, and one person praised: Chaos Hongmeng, three ways are based on evidence. These three ways are the evolution of pure innate avenues, and are not evolved from some kind of avenue. The promise of Hongwu Palace is not a vain name, and it can be defeated. It is not a fluke that I have so many Taoist houses. However, Ren Tianzhen has already seen the secrets of the nine innate ways, and with only three evidences, there is nothing he can do to stop her!

This person is obviously a well-known figure in the Dao League. As soon as his words came out, many people nodded in approval.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the three paths in Mingque Mansion were in chaos. It was no longer the evidence-based grand mist of chaos, but the evidence-based grand mist of annihilation, with the addition of the avenue of annihilation.

Ren Tianzhen's exclamation came from the Mingque Mansion, followed by an extremely violent aura. It was obvious that Ren Tianzhen had used all his strength!

The man just now said in surprise: It can actually force Ren Tianzhen to use all his strength. This promise seems to have some tricks...

Suddenly, Ren Tianzhen's arrogance steamed, and the yin and yang avenues swirled around him, and he flew out of Mingque Mansion.

Ren Tianzhen actually quit on his own initiative!

Everyone was stunned and surprised. Ren Tianzhen, one of the three true disciples of Yin Yang Palace, actually thinks that he cannot break through the restrictions of Mingque Mansion and exit Mingque Mansion!

Ren Tianzhen landed on the ground, with streamers flying and the sound of Taoism lingering. He looked around and said calmly: Hongwu Palace Xu Ying is very powerful. I am no opponent. If anyone thinks that his strength is better than mine, he can try his best.

Changsun Shenghai's eyes fell on her body and whispered: She is injured, and the injury is not serious. Xu Daoyou's evidence-based method is more advanced than that of the Taoist Alliance, and she has not been able to crack it.

Wen Nanxun looked at Ren Tianzhen and saw that her expression was as usual, with no sign of injury, and thought to herself: Fellow Taoist Changsun must be a boaster. Not only did he brag a lot about himself, but even Taoist Xu was praised by him. It's like the world. The only talented people are him and Xu Ying.

Ren Tianzhen did not stop, flicked his sleeves, and said calmly: All the disciples of Yin Yang Palace, let's go!

She walked away and quickly embraced the sand island.

Other disciples of the Yin Yang Palace followed one after another. Yuan Qingyun, Senior Brother Ma and others caught up with Ren Tianzhen and said: Senior Sister Ren, Xu Ying relied on the support of True Lord Yongle to destroy the orthodoxy of our Yin Yang Palace. Is this the end of it?

Ren Tianzhen didn't say a word, but suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he was breathless.

Everyone was shocked and hurried forward.

Ren Tianzhen raised his hand to stop the crowd, activated his Taoist skills alone, refined his Taoist injuries, and sacrificed an innate spiritual treasure to suppress the annihilating heavenly fire in his body. After doing this, she breathed a sigh of relief and whispered: Why is the evidence-based evidence in Mingque Mansion different from the evidence-based evidence I cultivate? Shouldn't the evidence-based chaos be extinguished? Why is the evidence-based Hongmeng extinguished? ?”

There was a look of confusion in her eyes, and she murmured: I can't understand...

She encountered the restriction promised in Mingque Mansion, which changed from chaos, Hongmeng, and Wuji to annihilation, chaos, and Hongmeng. She immediately couldn't understand it. Her Taoist heart was greatly shocked, and her Taoism was directly broken, and she was severely injured.

Yuan Qingyun, Senior Brother Ma and others looked at each other with inexplicable horror in their hearts.

Is it true that Xu Ying was right and that we practiced wrongly? Is my Yin Yang Temple's Taoism really a mistake?

When everyone thought of this, they couldn't help but feel shaken.

Ren Tianzhen saw what they were thinking and immediately knew what they were thinking. He shouted softly to calm their inner demons and shouted: Yin and Yang are unified, and the wonderful principles of the universe's birth and death are evolved. The nine evidence-based principles are unified under the Yin and Yang Avenue. , this is the secret skill of my Yin Yang Palace! You just haven’t realized this, it’s not that my Yin Yang Palace’s orthodoxy is wrong!”

Everyone woke up like they were dreaming, covered in cold sweat, almost disturbed by their inner demons, and secretly murmured with shame.

Senior Brother Ma hesitated for a moment and said, Now that Senior Sister has not been able to enter Mingque Mansion to see Xu Ying, she has been forced out by his restraint. If the teacher punishes her...

Ren Tianzhen shook his head and said: My skills are inferior to others this time. If the teacher punishes me, I will bear it fully and will not harm you. However, if there are many disciples in other halls who are injured, then I will not be killed in Mingque Mansion this time. It’s not like I, the Yin Yang Palace, have been embarrassed.”

A smile appeared on her lips.

Just then, she knew she was outmatched and did not dare to stay. She immediately suppressed her injuries and exited the Mingque Mansion, pretending as if nothing had happened, in order to let other Taoist temples also come in to seek bad luck on Xu Ying.

This time, I, the Yin Yang Palace, will definitely not be the only one to be embarrassed!

Ren Tianzhen's eyes flashed and he whispered, Now we'll see how much Xu Ying can damage the face of the Taoist Temple!

Outside Mingque Mansion, a Taoist priest suddenly came up and said with a smile: Hongwu Hall Xu Ying is just a disciple of the outer sect, but he cannot stand up to the realm of Taoist Master. He ruined the Taoist tradition of our Gods and Demons Tao Mansion, and I, Huai Siyi, came to teach him. unique skills.

Huai Siyi? A disciple of the God and Demon Taoist Mansion, known as the Immortal God King in the Sea of ​​Chaos, Huai Siyi?

Wen Nanxun's eyes lit up and he said to Changsun Shenghai, This person's ability is no weaker than Ren Tianzhen!

Changsun Shenghai took a look at it and said: It's just a piece of grass that is sold first.

Just as Huai Siyi walked into Mingque Mansion, another loud laugh came: Zhenjun Yongle of Hongwu Palace doesn't dare to say that he is the number one in the Taoist Alliance. His disciples actually want to destroy our Taicang Taoist Tradition. It's really lawless. ! I, Cang Shaoqiong, will come and meet him for a while!

That Cang Shaoqiong weapon is majestic, the avenues flow, and the cave is like a universe composed of Tai Cang Avenue, it is amazing!

At this moment, Taoist Yiyi from Taishi Hall and Taoist Master Buer from Creation Hall also walked into Mingque Mansion from different directions.

The four avenue masters all entered the Mingque Mansion to break Xu Ying's restriction, causing an uproar around him!

The four of them are quite clever.

Wen Nanxun smiled and said, Seeing that Ren Tianzhen was forced to retreat, these four people thought that they could not please them, so they took this opportunity to join forces!

Changsun Shenghai shook his head and said: Although the cultivation of these four people is powerful, they still cannot break the ban left by fellow Taoist Xu.

As soon as he said this, all kinds of Taoist restrictions in Mingque Mansion suddenly broke out. For a moment, Mingque Mansion seemed to be floating in the deep starry sky, and strange phenomena appeared on the avenue, suppressing everything!

Changsun Shenghai's eyes flashed and he said: Nine paths came out at the same time, it is indeed so!

He was so excited that he almost clapped his hands, but he still endured it and said: What Xu Daoyou is best at is the unification of the nine paths. This is something that all the hall masters of the Dao Alliance have never achieved. Even I don't know what method he uses. , to unify the nine paths!

Wen Nanxun was stunned. The terrifying noise coming from the Mingque Mansion just now stunned her, so much so that she could not hear clearly the words of Changsun Shenghai.

If she had listened clearly, she would have said that Changsun Shenghai was full of nonsense and was treasonous and treasonous. There was no distinction between the nine innate paths, they were all the supreme avenue. How could there be any unification of the nine paths?

Suddenly, four people, including Huai Siyi and Cang Shaoqiong, were covered in blood and staggered out of Mingque Mansion.

The corner of Huai Siyi's mouth moved, and his voice was hoarse: Send me back to see Master!

When he said this, he fell down with a thud and passed out.

Behind him, Cang Shaoqiong, Taoist Buyi, and Taoist Fuji also fell down, their injuries erupting!

The disciples from the four halls of Shenmo, Taicang, Taishi, and Creation hurriedly stepped forward to help them suppress their injuries, lifted them up, and left in a hurry.

When the Taoist masters from other halls saw this, they felt awe-inspiring and did not dare to step forward easily.

Is Zhenjun Yongle planning to rebel?

A Taoist master from the Taiji Hall frowned and said, He deliberately planned to let this promise sweep across other halls and destroy the Taoist traditions of the major hall masters. Could it be that he has built the nine innate paths at the end of the avenue and wants to challenge the alliance leader and seize the alliance leader's position?

Outside Mingque Mansion, there was a sea of ​​people. When everyone heard this, they all had doubts in their hearts: Is Zhenjun Yongle really so powerful?

Could it be that True Lord Yongle wants to rebel?

Wen Nanxun looked around and saw that there were still people coming here. Apparently Xu Ying was still smashing the dojos of other Taoist houses and beating up the disciples in those Taoist houses, so these people invited their senior brothers and sisters to come. Lessons are promised.

Does Fellow Daoist Xu want to search all the dojos in the Dao Alliance?

Wen Nanxun blinked and thought to himself, If he continues to challenge me, he will blame me, the Temple of Annihilation. But having said that, after all, he said that he and my master, Taoji, have an old relationship, so he will definitely save some face. …”

As soon as she thought of this, she saw dozens of outer disciples of the Temple of Nirvana walking towards her, each with a gloomy look on their face, as if they wished they could destroy everything around them.

When everyone saw them, it was like seeing the god of plague, and they gave in one after another. There was a lot of chatter in the crowd for a while, and someone whispered: The scum of the Temple of Annihilation are here too! Looking at them, they look like they were beaten by Xu Ying!

Well done!

Silence! Be careful they turn you into ashes!

Wen Nanxun was surprised and happy when he saw Taoist Kuigang, and he quickly stepped forward: Elder brother, why are you here?

Taoist Kui Gang sighed and said: The disciples of Ji Mie Taoist House were beaten by Xu Ying. They found me and asked me to save face for Ji Mie Taoist House.

He saluted Changsun Shenghai and said with a smile: Fellow Taoist Changsun's cultivation has become more and more powerful.

Changsun Shenghai returned the gift and said, It's still not as good as Taoist brother.

Taoist Kui Gang's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: The fact that you can see that you are not as good as me means that your cultivation level has reached the point where I am almost the same. Without this level of cultivation, you would definitely not have such eyesight. I wonder if Fellow Taoist Changsun Are you interested in making gestures and discussing the depth of Taoism?

Wen Nanxun showed an expression of disbelief. Taoist Kuigang clearly planned to challenge Changsun Shenghai, believing that Changsun Shenghai was someone who could keep pace with him!

However, Taoist Kuigang is already one of the top beings under the Palace Master in the Dao League, but Changsun Shenghai has only been in the Dao League for more than six thousand years. How can he grow up to be on par with him?

The outer disciple headed by the Nirvana Taoist House called him Taoist Jingting and said, Senior Sister Wen, the disciple who promised to come to our Nirvana Taoist House and call himself the Hongwu Palace made rude remarks, saying that we practiced the Nirvana Dao in the wrong way.

Wen Nanxun looked strange and sneered: Xu Ying really said that?

Xu Ying's words were equivalent to directly denying the Taoism of Zhenjun Daoji, and denying the lifelong practice and persistence of Tao masters like them. No wonder Wen Nanxun couldn't help but get angry.

Taoist Jingting said: That's what he said, and then he wanted to give us instructions.

Wen Nanxun said angrily: What then?

Taoist Jingting looked ashamed and said, We are no match, but he knocked us out of the Nirvana Taoist Palace.

Wen Nanxun was furious and said to Taoist Kuigang: Senior brother, this is too much to bear. Let's break in and arrest Xu and make him kowtow and apologize!

Taoist Kui Gang smiled and said: There is no need for us to take action, the senior brothers from Chaos Hall are here too.

Wen Nanxun was startled, and when he looked back, he saw a group of dozens of Chaos Taoist Masters, exuding a heavy aura, arriving outside the Mingque Mansion.

These Chaos Dao Lords are full of murderous intent, their eyes are filled with Chaos Dao Light, and everything they look at turns into the energy of Chaos!

Wen Nanxun looked directly behind these Chaos Taoist masters and murmured: Xu Ying not only picked the Chaos Taoist House, he also picked the Hongmeng Palace...

Behind these Chaos Taoist Masters, purple and bright, Hongmeng Taoist Master with supreme merit and virtue walked towards this side with a solemn expression.

After a while, in the six avenue halls of Wuji, Taiyi, Reincarnation, Cause and Effect, Tribulation, and Killing, there was also a Taoist master whose cultivation was unfathomable and came together.

There are nine halls: Chaos, Hongmeng, Wuji, Taiyi, Reincarnation, Cause and Effect, Destiny, Killing and Annihilation.

The Lords of the Nine Halls are the nine most powerful beings in the Dao Alliance.

These nine halls all practice the Nine Paths of Evidence, but each hall has a different emphasis. For example, the View of Nirvana is based on the Great Way of Nirvana as the starting point for evidence.

The Hall of Chaos is based on the evidence-based starting point of the Avenue of Chaos.

The disciples of the Nine Halls practice all the innate avenues, and use their own avenues to prove other innate avenues, so that they can reach perfection and achieve the end of the avenue.

This is the purest path to the end of the Tao!

Luo Taizong is a disciple of Wuji Hall among the nine halls, and is good at the seven innate avenues.

The disciples of the Ninth Hall, even the outer disciples waiting for selection, have extraordinary qualifications and understanding, and cannot be matched by the disciples of other halls!

For example, what Mr. Zhong obtained was the Dao Alliance Order of the Temple of Nirvana in the Nine Halls, and his status was naturally higher than the Hongwu Palace Dao Alliance Order in Xu Ying's hand!

Xu Ying, you are too courageous. He chose the Ninth Hall of the Taoist Alliance and destroyed the Taoist tradition of the nine hall masters...

Wen Nanxun looked strange, Is it true that as others have guessed, True Lord Yongle is very ambitious and wants to take this opportunity to surrender the masters of the halls and seize the position of Taoist leader?

Suddenly, a group of disciples from Hongwu Hall came towards this side aggressively. The leader was Hongwu Hall's senior brother Canghai Taoist. He was furious and shouted from a distance: Xu Ying, get out of here! As a foreigner from Hongwu Hall, Disciple, you can even destroy the Hongwu Dao Mansion, are you still a human being?

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Xu Ying even kicked down the Taoism of Hongwu Palace? That's right, if True Lord Yongle wants to be the Taoist leader, he really doesn't need the Taoism of Hongwu Palace.

Zhenjun Yongle is indeed very ambitious!

It’s a big chapter of 4,600 words. I can’t finish the second chapter before midnight, so go to bed early.

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