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Chapter 922 You are very powerful, but you are practicing wrongly

After Da Zhong left, Xu Ying felt lost and stood there for a long time, asking Wen Nanxun, Will Master Zhong forget me after he becomes the master of the palace?

Wen Nanxun looked solemn and said: Being a friend of a big shot is sometimes not a good thing. When a big shot needs to cut off the bonds, you often die.

Xu Ying smiled and said, Master Zhong will not treat me like this.

Even so, he looked worried.

Wen Nanxun led him to fly to a fairy mountain in the distance and said: Fellow Daoist, not everyone who has obtained the Dao Alliance Order is qualified to stay in the Dao Alliance. If you want to become a member of the Dao Alliance, you must first pass various tests. . If you cannot pass these tests, you will be kicked out of the Tao Alliance. Before you are kicked out of the Tao Alliance, you have to take back what you have learned during this period!

Xu Ying knows something about this.

After Dao Zun entered the Dao Alliance, he also experienced many tests. Dao Zun failed the test and became an abandoned son of the Dao Alliance and betrayed the Dao Alliance.

This land of the Immortal Family is the place where the disciples of the outer sect of the Dao Alliance stay. It is called Huaisha Xianzhou. The place where the disciples of the outer sect live, unless they are big shots, they all stay here.

Wen Nanxun led him, flew over a mountain, found a mansion of the Immortal Family, and said, This is the residence of the disciples of the Hongwu Palace. The disciple of the Hongwu Palace who came to fetch you is dead. You stay here and wait. True Lord Yongle has arrived. After True Lord Yongle comes back, he will also encourage you.

The mansion of the Immortal Family is called Mingque Mansion. It is very clean inside and there are no other people around. The nearby Immortal Mountains are also the tops of the mountains where the disciples of True Lord Yongle live.

Xu Ying looked around and sensed it, and was secretly shocked. He realized that there were dragons and crouching tigers hidden in the Huaisha Fairy Continent, and there were many Taoist masters inhabiting it.

Taoist master, in the vast universe where the other side is located, it is already great to have one or two people in one universe.

But among the outer disciples of the Dao League, there are many of them.

The power of the Dao Alliance is too powerful.

Xu Ying calmed down and asked, Nan Xun, where do you live?

Wen Nanxun smiled and said: I live in Yuanxiang Immortal Continent, which is where the inner disciples live. If you can pass the test of the Tao Alliance, you can go to Yuanxiang Immortal Continent. If you fail, just run there, you will definitely Being kicked back.

If I were to look for you, how should I look for you? Xu Ying asked.

Wen Nanxun looked at him deeply and said warily: What are you looking for me for? I want to cultivate Nirvana, and I won't see you even if you look for me.

Xu Ying explained: I would like you to ask about someone named Changsun Shenghai. There is also a Taoist brother named Zuo Lian, who said that Xu Ying from the Three Realms has also come to the Taoist Alliance and wants to see them.

Wen Nanxun knew that he had misunderstood, so he wrote down these two names and said with a smile: After I find them, you don't need to come to me. I will just come here to find you.

Xu Ying thanked him and asked, How can I learn Taoism from the Taoist League?

Your Yuan Shen's induction will sense a place called Tao Mansion. Dao Mansion is a holy land transformed into the void by the Great Dao of the Palace Master-level existence. Only Yuan Shen can enter it.

Wen Nanxun pointed to him and said, Whatever avenue you practice, you will sense the corresponding Void Taoist Palace. This Taoist Palace will appear in front of you, and when you enter it, you can practice the corresponding avenue. The insights of the Taoist Palace in the Taoist Palace are all It is taught by the palace master-level being personally, and it is extremely precious!”

Xu Ying asked in surprise: The being at the end of the road teaches you personally? Is this something that a humble outer disciple like me can learn?

He was quite uneasy.

Wen Nanxun smiled and said: This is natural. Entering a Taoist house is an assessment. If you can learn it, you will pass the assessment and become an inner disciple. If you cannot learn the Taoist views of each Taoist house, you will be eliminated. What you have learned and understood will be taken back. You cannot take away the secret knowledge of the Dao Alliance.

Xu Ying thanks you.

After Wen Nanxun left, Xu Ying calmed down and planned to enter the Taoist Mansion to see what was going on, but suddenly stopped.

He activated the Nirvana Heavenly Fire, evolved the Nirvana Divine Power, and placed bans inside and outside the Mingque Mansion. On the basis of the Nirvana Ban, he connected with Hongmeng and set up the Hongmeng Ban.

If there are casual intruders, the Nirvana and Hongmeng bans are enough. But this is the Dao Alliance after all, and there are many strong men.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed, and the Chaos Seal was buried between the Nirvana and Hongmeng Seal.

——For others, Nirvana is based on chaos, and chaos is based on Hongmeng. However, he has repeatedly opened up the source of floods, and cultivated the Taoist Master of Nirvana, so that he can see the truth opened by Hongmeng.

Xu Ying knew that the Nirvana Sky Fire turned chaos into Hongmeng and derived the spiritual roots of Chaos, but it did not turn Nirvana into chaos and chaos evolved into Hongmeng. Therefore, the ban he arranged is very different from the traditional nine-way evidence-based ban.

Since Chaos Hongmeng and Annihilation have been deployed, then Wuji Taiyi should also be deployed. Xu Ying thought to himself.

On the basis of the triple ban, he continued to work hard, laying down the Wuji Wutai Evolution Ban, and then the Ten Thousand Hunyuan Taiyuan Ban. He pondered for a moment and thought to himself: Since the five great innate avenues have been laid, then the remaining four Let’s just lay down the Xiantian Avenue too!”

Xu Ying was like an industrious little bee, busy here and there. After a few days, he finally added the four major bans of reincarnation, cause and effect, luck, and killing to the five innate bans, forming nine evidence-based bans. of ban.

After doing this, he still felt a little uneasy.

There are so many masters in the Dao League. If a master who has mastered the Nine Paths of Evidence wants to harm me, I'm afraid it won't be too difficult to break my ban by jamming the gears. How about laying out the Inner Nine Paths of Evidence!

He had bright eyes and worked diligently, spending more than ten days laying out the nine evidences.

This way, it can't be considered foolproof.

Xu Ying's body was sitting at the core of the nine evidence-based bans inside and outside, and he whispered, With my body as the spiritual root of chaos, connecting the inside and outside, I am enough to fight against the strong ones in the middle stage of the Tao Master Realm. But if I meet the peak strong ones, I will It’s a bit embarrassing and it’s hard to kill them. If you encounter a powerful person from Dzogchen, it will be a bit difficult...Second Master, come out!”

The Chaos Lotus emerged slowly, floating in a vast ocean of chaos. ——Among Da Zhong’s disciples, he ranks second. The Zhuxian Sword is the first master, so it is naturally the second master.

The cosmic flood source above it is getting bigger and bigger.

When the other shore was extinguished, Tao Zun discovered that this cosmic flood source would mature and open up naturally in a few thousand years.

Now more than six thousand years have passed, and this cosmic source has matured and reached the edge of natural development.

Da Zhong ignorantly cultivated Chaos Lotus into a magic weapon cultivator, which caused the growth rate of this cosmic flood source to be greatly accelerated. The spiritual root of chaos and the source of the universe, which originally took hundreds of millions of years to mature, have become mature in just a few thousand years.

Now Chaos Lotus is like a Taoist master who has attained the Tao of Chaos, with a strong and boundless aura. If coupled with the cosmic flood source, its strength is probably many times more powerful than Xu Ying!

Its magic power is extremely arrogant. When the Hongyuan is opened, it will have a universe as its foundation. It is really shocking to the world. I am afraid that it will rarely find an opponent among Tao masters!

Xu Ying sat in the chaotic lotus, but hid the source of the universe in his body, and said with a smile: Second Master Lian, if anyone dares to come in, you will activate the ban I left. Even the Taoist Master of Dzogchen , and he will suffer a big loss!

He arranged it properly, and then his soul sensed the Taoist mansion.

Just as he sensed it, he suddenly felt that his Yin-Yang Avenue was about to move, and suddenly he saw a tall and majestic mansion appearing in front of his soul!

Xu Ying looked back and could no longer see Mingque Mansion and his own body. When his soul sensed the Yin-Yang Avenue, it seemed as if it had moved out of the world and entered another void!

Yin Yang Taoist House?

Xu Ying looked at the lintel of the door and saw that there were two qi of yin and yang flowing under the lintel, and there seemed to be the end of the yin and yang avenue in the door. It was high and green, the yin and yang changed, and the avenue grew. It was indescribably wonderful.

When he walked into the mansion, he saw monks from the Yin-Yang Taoist mansion studying here. They were sitting on a road formed by the light. Their figures were staggered, and they were at different distances.

And at the end of this road, there is a vague god-man, sitting between the yin and yang and the two qi, extremely high and far away, infinite and inaccessible!

All around him, the yin and yang avenues floated endlessly, like ribbons flowing through the universes. The Yin-Yang Avenue changes in different ways in different universes. After people observe it, they can understand the mystery of the Yin-Yang Avenue.

This person is the master of the Yin-Yang Palace of the Dao Alliance, the existence at the end of the Yin-Yang Avenue!

Xu Ying looked at the man in Daoguang and saw that he was one of the many strong men who rescued him in the sea of ​​chaos that day. He called himself Yin Changzang, the master of Yin Yang Palace.

Is this junior brother new here?

At this time, a Yuan Shen came up and said, Xiayuan Qingyun, are you the disciple of the master of Yin Yang Hall? Where is your token?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: I am the disciple of True Lord Yongle. My name is Xu Ying. I have not officially entered the academy yet.

Yuan Qingyun said in surprise: How come the disciples of Zhenjun Yongle are here? You should be able to sense the great avenue of time and space!

Xu Ying said yes, but did not move. He kept looking back at Yin Changzang's figure at the end of the avenue, and thought to himself: If I leave, will I fail the assessment and be kicked out of the Taoist Alliance?

When Yuan Qingyun saw this, he was about to persuade him to leave. Suddenly, the voice of an old man with a bright head came from the front: Qingyun, he can sense the Yin and Yang Taoist Palace, and it is destined that he can stay.

Yes, Senior Brother Ma. Yuan Qingyun bowed and walked towards Yin Changzang at the end of the avenue.

He walked towards Yin Changzang, but he felt the pressure getting bigger and bigger. He couldn't help but roar, and revealed the Yin and Yang avenue he practiced. The two paths changed, forming thousands of different avenues, forming a world of its own!

Yuan Qingyun insisted on taking a few more steps forward, reaching the limit, then stopped, sat down, stared at Yin Changzang's figure at the end of the avenue, and understood the mystery of yin and yang.

The white-haired and bright-headed Senior Brother Ma should be the highest in Taoism. He sat at the front of all the disciples of the Yin-Yang Taoist House, with his white eyebrows flying, and said: Heaven and earth combine to create all things, and Yin and Yang are connected to change. The two paths of Yin and Yang are the way of change. Yi Ye.

After receiving his guidance, Yuan Qingyun's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have thought of something. He stood up again and took five steps forward. Then he could no longer hold on and sat down again.

Thank you, Senior Brother Ma, for your advice! He was inexplicably grateful.

Brother Ma didn't look at him. He still turned his back to them and said directly: In the preface of the Spring and Autumn Dynasties, the yin and yang are miserably relaxed. The movement of objects makes the heart shake. This is the way of yin and yang and the heart.

In front of Yuan Qingyun, a woman was already the Taoist master of Yin Yang Avenue. She was greatly touched when she heard this: Thank you, Brother Ma, for your advice!

She stood up and walked forward, actually taking seven steps despite the pressure of Yin Changzang!

The woman knew that her cultivation had greatly improved, and she was overjoyed.

Senior Brother Ma ignored him and turned his back to everyone, and continued: The yin and yang are changed by turning and closing, and the opening and closing of the four seasons are used to change all things. This is the mystery of the yin and yang changes in the four seasons.

Another monk was so happy that he stood up quickly, bowed to Senior Brother Ma, and said, Thank you, Senior Brother Ma, for your guidance! I have been studying the changes of yin and yang in the Four Seasons for a long time, and now I finally understand it!

Having said that, he took a few steps forward despite the pressure from Yin Changzang!

From time to time, Senior Brother Ma would burst out one or two exquisite words. Whenever he finished speaking, someone would get the advice and get up and walk forward happily.

When Xu Ying saw this, he couldn't help but admire him and praised: This Senior Brother Ma is indeed a hero, with extensive knowledge and strong understanding!

He gave a thumbs up and praised: Except for Senior Brother Ma's understanding of the Yin and Yang Dao, there is a fundamental mistake, there is nothing wrong with it!

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but get angry. They turned around and glared angrily. Yuan Qingyun shouted: How arrogant! Xu Ying, you are too arrogant!

Another woman stood up and said angrily: You are not a disciple of our Yin-Yang Taoist House. You came to my Yin-Yang Taoist House to cause trouble. If I don't give an explanation today, you will never leave the Yin-Yang Taoist House!

Senior Brother Ma couldn't help but feel a little angry when he heard this. He still turned his back to everyone and said calmly: My attainments in Yin-Yang Avenue are naturally far inferior to those of the Master of Yin-Yang Hall. But I think I have some cultivation, so I won't make fundamental mistakes. This guy Junior Brother Xu, dare I ask for advice?

Xu Ying was greatly refreshed and thought to himself: Could this be the assessment that Wen Nanxun mentioned? This Senior Brother Ma is probably the person who will assess me! As long as I pass the assessment, I can stay in the Tao Alliance!

What's wrong with giving you some advice?

Xu Ying walked onto this Yin-Yang Road, stepped forward, and said with a smile, What Taoist Brother Yin Changzang presents to you is the end of the Yin-Yang Road. The so-called end, is it the wonder of the changes in the four seasons? It is the change of Yin and Yang in the heart of the Tao Is it a mystery? Is it the evolution of the Tao of Yin and Yang? No! What Brother Vain wants you to understand is the wonder of the changes in the nine innate ways within the system of the Yin and Yang Tao! Brother Ma, you have fundamentally understood it wrong. !”

He walked forward and his eyes fell on Yin Changzang at the end of the avenue. He observed the wonderful evolution of the Yin-Yang Avenue of this Taoist being, and his own Yin-Yang Avenue also began to operate.

Yuan Qingyun sneered and said: Xu Ying, your Yin-Yang Dao is just the realm of immortality. How can you say that Senior Brother Ma has fundamentally understood it wrong?

While he was talking, Xu Ying approached step by step and came to his side very quickly!

Yuan Qingyun was angry, and took action against Xu Ying, using the transformation of the two paths of yin and yang. The two qi combined and evolved into hundreds of ways of heaven and earth, showing the most wonderful power of the ways!

Xu Ying activated the two paths of yin and yang, turning the yin and yang into the annihilating heavenly fire. When the fire passed by, the original Qingyun's magical power was completely burned away!

Yuan Qingyun was shocked when he was punched in the face by Xu Ying, and flew away as if he was hit by an innate spiritual treasure!

The next moment, he was blasted out of the Yin Yang Taoist Palace!

Xu Ying, you are despicable and shameless when you use Nirvana Taoism to deal with the original junior brother!

On this road to the end of the road, the monks of the Yin-Yang Avenue couldn't help but became furious, got up one after another, and came to kill Xu Ying.

Xu Ying strode forward, the Yin and Yang Dao in his body was inspired by the path to the end of Yin and Yang Dao, and all kinds of wonderful Dao that he had never understood before came one after another. Once he understood it, he could understand it, and he could understand it all!

He turned his hand to form a cloud, and the yin and yang merged under the palm seal, which actually formed the seal of disaster in the yin and yang state. When the seal fell, the woman's soul body was shaken, and she could not help but meet his magical power, and was blown away!

Xu Ying turned around, his sleeves trembling, and the sleeves were like chaotic holes, swallowing everything, and collecting the soul of another person into the sleeves.

The man was horrified. He felt that he was about to die, but saw himself ejected from the sleeve on the other side. When he landed, he saw that he had arrived outside the Yin Yang Taoist Palace.

In just a few moves, Xu Ying displayed innate changes such as the Hongmeng Change, the Wuji Change, and the Taiyi Change under the unification of the Yin and Yang Dao. He actually demonstrated the Nine Innate Paths!

Everyone on this Yin-Yang Dao was defeated by his one move and thrown out of the Yin-Yang Dao!

Xu Ying's aura rose, and the Yin-Yang Dao was involuntarily promoted to the realm of the Tao Master, as pure as nature, without any sluggishness.

He stepped forward and came behind Senior Brother Ma.

Senior Brother Ma still had his back to him and exclaimed: Junior Brother Xu, you were able to defeat them in such a short period of time and rise to the level of Yin Yang Dao Master. You can discuss Taoism with me...

Before he could finish speaking, Xu Ying clasped his palm and grabbed the back of his neck!

Well done!

Brother Ma's breath exploded, he stood up suddenly, and shouted, I have been immersed in the Yin and Yang Avenue for 130 million years, and today I finally met my opponent...

Before he finished speaking, Xu Ying used the Yin-Yang Dao to unify the nine innate paths. The nine paths were based on evidence, and the power of the path increased dramatically. He directly crushed his magical power and grabbed the back of his neck!

The old man was frightened and angry. He was lifted upside down by Xu Ying and thrown out of Yin Yang Taoist Palace!

I passed this assessment, right? Xu Ying said happily.

He looked around and saw that there was no one else in the Yin Yang Dao Mansion.

Outside the Yin Yang Tao Mansion, Yuan Qingyun and others were furious and were about to rush into the Yin Yang Tao Mansion. Suddenly, they saw a white-haired old man flying upside down. They quickly caught the old man. It was Senior Brother Ma!

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other in shock.

Senior Brother Ma straightened up, his face darkened, and said: Zhenjun Yongle sent this person, could it be that he wants to smear the face of our Yin-Yang Taoist House so that our Yin-Yang Taoist House cannot gain a foothold in the Taoist Alliance? He has evil intentions!

When everyone heard this, they felt awe-inspiring.

Yuan Qingyun gritted his teeth and said, Senior Brother Ma, what should we do now?

Go to Yuanxiang Immortal Continent and invite the masters from the sect to come. Let's go to the place where the outer disciples of Hongwu Hall live. If we find this promise, we must regain our face!

Senior Brother Ma rolled his sleeves and said, This is not a fight between us and Xu Ying, but a fight between our Yin Yang Dao Palace and his Hongwu Palace! Let's go -

They each took back their souls and roared away.

A big chapter of 5,000 words, and there will be more tonight

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