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Chapter 921 Mr. Zhong, just want to be rich and noble

The middle-aged man was about to take action and capture Xu Ying, Dazhong and Wen Nanxun. Suddenly, the sea of ​​chaos violently turbulent. A voice laughed and said: Qitianzun, you are the one at the end of the road, and you actually embarrass a junior. It's unavoidable. People are laughing at you!”

When the middle-aged man Qi Tianzun heard this, his expression changed slightly, and he immediately urged the dilapidated ship.

The building ship is the treasure at the end of the road, carrying the power that countless people dream of. It moves through the stream of light and through time and space. Even when it travels through the sea of ​​chaos, it still shows the mysterious and mysterious Taoist charm!

When it sailed towards Xu Ying and others, Xu Ying felt as if this ship was sailing from the end of time and space. No matter where he fled, no matter which universe he fled to, he would be chased by this ship. superior!

This ship is a treasure at the end of the avenue of time and space!

Qi Tianzun on the ship obviously does not have this level of cultivation yet, but relying on this ultimate treasure, he can also be said to be standing at the end of the road of time and space!

Qitianzun, Time and Space Avenue, you are just a latecomer!

The voice just now laughed and said, You are just leaning on a ship, standing at the end of time and space. But I am already standing at the end of time and space!

Xu Ying led Da Zhong and Wen Nanxun back quickly, only to see the owner of the voice approaching. He was a handsome man with a sharp face, a straight nose, and eyes like stars and moons. He was wearing a bright yellow robe and a headband. A gold crown and a python belt around the waist.

He is the owner of the Dao Alliance Token in your hand, True Lord Yongle! Wen Nanxun whispered.

True Lord Yongle glanced at Xu Ying in surprise, wondering why his Dao Alliance Order fell on him.

I obviously handed it over to Zhong Yuliu. She has amazing talents in the avenue of time and space, and is just suitable to be my disciple.

He was severely injured that year, but it was Zhong Yuliu who saved him. In order to repay his kindness, he taught Zhong Yuliu the way of time and space.

Zhong Yuliu's talent on the Avenue of Time and Space was thus revealed. Zhenjun Yongle took pity on her talent, so he gave her his Dao Alliance Order.

This time the Dao Alliance Order was sacrificed, he thought it would be Zhong Yuliu, but he didn't expect that the person coming was a young man.

Without thinking too much, he cut off the infinite time and space with one hand and blocked the crushing building ship. He waved his sleeves with the other hand and said, You guys take a step first! There will be people from the Taoist Alliance coming to greet us!

Where his sleeves trembled, Xu Ying, Da Zhong and Wen Nanxun suddenly felt that there was time and space in the sea of ​​chaos, and a passage actually appeared, leading directly to a distant and unknown place!

Time and space do not exist in chaos, but if you are strong enough, time and space will also exist in chaos!

The two of them immediately flew up and roared away along this space-time passage.

They flew for a long time, and suddenly the space-time channel behind them collapsed with a rumble. The speed was extremely fast, and it was about to come behind them!

This is the collapse of the magical power of a powerful man at the end of time and space. The power is absolutely extraordinary and more dangerous than the Sea of ​​Chaos!

That Qitianzun's strength is no worse than that of True Lord Yongle. When they fight, True Lord Yongle can't maintain this magical power!

Upon seeing this, Xu Ying immediately activated the nine evidences and flew out of this space-time passage carrying Da Zhong and Wen Nanxun.

The space-time passage suddenly collapsed, and the sea of ​​chaos surged. Xu Ying immediately galloped along the direction of the broken passage, saying: The direction where Lord Yongle sends us must be the direction of the Dao Alliance!

They hadn't gone far when suddenly another extremely terrifying aura came from the chaotic sea. But before they could appear, they were blocked by another extremely powerful aura, setting off one chaotic whirlpool after another around Xu Ying and others, shattering them. everything!

A woman chanted: It seems like the moon is covered by light clouds, and it flutters like the snow covered by the flowing wind. Taoist Jieyu, long time no see.

It's True Lord Qingyun from the Moon Covering Palace! Wen Nanxun said in horror.

Taoist Master Jie Yu, who was blocked by True Lord Qingyun of the Dao Alliance, was not weaker than her in cultivation. When the two of them fought, they saw that the sea of ​​chaos often split into billions of miles of ravines, with both sides as steep as walls!

This Jie Yu is very tyrannical. Is he a strong one among the rebels? But the Dao Alliance's True Lord Qingyun is even more impressive!

When Xu Ying saw this, he couldn't help but feel horrified. If such magical powers fell on him, he was afraid that the Taoist Master would also be wiped out!

Fortunately, the ravine caused by the magical power quickly dispersed and was swallowed up by the sea of ​​chaos, no longer existing.

Suddenly, he remembered the abyss of the Chaos Sea next to the other shore, and asked: Nan Xun, there is a big rift in the Chaos Sea, which is many times larger than the ravine created by Zhenjun Qingyun. Do you know its origin?

Wen Nanxun thought for a moment and said, Are you talking about the mixed cave?

Hong Kong?

A memory flashed through Xu Ying's mind. It was the content engraved on the stone tablet that Emperor Xu sent from Heaven to the Three Realms. There was the word Hundred Cave in it!

That abyss is called the Chaos Sea Cave Abyss.

Wen Nanxun smiled and said, Your skills are also along the path of the Tao Alliance. You started your career by practicing Dongyuan.

Xu Ying suddenly realized that the source of Taoism in the three realms, the other side, the heavenly realm, and even the vast universe under the jurisdiction of the other side came from Tao Zun.

Dao Zun's skills came from the Dao Meng. He was the abandoned son of the Dao Meng. He brought the Dao Meng's skills back to the heaven, and then spread them from the heaven to the other side, and from the other side to the universe and the three realms.

The founder of the Dao Alliance, after observing the vision of the Chaos Sea, created the Dongyuan cultivation system, which serves as the basis for monks' cultivation.

Wen Nanxun showed admiration and said, The Taoist leader has blessed countless people in countless universes, allowing us to have the opportunity to understand the fundamental beauty of the Tao and become the end of the Tao. His merits are immeasurable. Although Brother Zhong Dao is a magic weapon to cultivate the truth, He is the founder, but his merits are still far inferior to those of his elders.

Xu Ying couldn't help but agree when he heard this. The merits of the leader of the Tao Alliance were really great. Even if Da Zhong promotes magic weapon cultivation, it will still be far behind him.

So, where did the mixed hole come from? Xu Ying asked.

Wen Nanxun shook his head and said: The chaotic hole appeared before the Dao Alliance Leader. How can I know its origin? But I heard that the chaotic hole is a crack in the Chaos Sea. The Dao Alliance Leader once said that it may be caused by the Great Void to the Chaos Sea. Tear apart.”

The tear caused by the Great Void to the Sea of ​​Chaos?

Xu Ying was stunned. Is the Great Void really so powerful that it can even tear apart the Sea of ​​Chaos?

Doesn’t this mean that the Avenue of Void is still above the Avenue of Chaos?

He was thinking wildly when suddenly there was an evil storm in the Chaos Sea. It seemed like an evil dragon was falling over the river and sea, and an unparalleled powerful man was attacking!

But I heard someone roaring like a song in the sea, and the song said: The wind is rustling, and the clouds are long and strange. Those who are in ecstasy can only say goodbye! The master of the ecstasy hall, Feng Xiaoxiao, has seen Taoist Saint Yanshan!


There were two majestic figures standing in the chaotic sea, but they did not take action directly.

Xu Ying hurried away with Da Zhong and Wen Nanxun, and saw Feng Xiaoxiao, the master of the Hall of Ecstasy, pointing his hand at the depths of the Chaos Sea, so Xu Ying followed the direction of his finger.

Along the way, there were constant pursuers, but there was also an endless stream of strong men from the Taoist League, fighting against soldiers and against generals, always protecting Xu Ying and Dazhong.

Xu Ying said silently in his heart: The Dao Alliance is not invincible in the sea of ​​chaos, and there are still so many masters who dare to go against the Dao Alliance.

The pressure of the surrounding chaotic sea was getting bigger and bigger, and Xu Ying's speed gradually slowed down unknowingly.

After an unknown amount of time, he felt faintly unable to hold on. Suddenly, he saw a fairy palace approaching in front of him. The fairy palace was empty, but it accurately stopped in front of Xu Ying and others.

It's the Daozhen Palace in the Temple of Annihilation!

Wen Nanxun was overjoyed and said to Xu Ying, It is my master, True Lord Daoji, who has picked us up!

Xu Ying followed her into the palace, and saw that the chaos in this true palace was untouched, and he could not feel any pressure. Instead, he had a feeling of being destroyed and only I am alone. It seems that True Lord Daoji often visits here. Enlightenment of the Great Way of Nirvana, so that this Immortal Palace also has the aura of Nirvana.

The palace masters of the Dao Alliance along our journey are truly extraordinary and dazzling.

Xu Ying couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Unknowingly, he was considered the number one person in the universe. After Tao Zun's death, even Taiyi, Dong Xuanzi, Cen Xizi and others could not defeat him in the slightest.

Unexpectedly, entering the Sea of ​​Chaos, there would be so many incredibly powerful beings.

In the past, I was like a frog in a well looking at the sky, and a river boy looking at the sea, all because I was ignorant. He thought to himself.

The Daozhen Palace carried them flying all the way. The palace was spinning endlessly, but the two people in the palace could not feel the rotation at all. They only felt that the time and space in the palace were normal.

In such a hurry, I don't know how many times the sun and moon are, and I didn't encounter any other strong people blocking the way.

Suddenly, I heard a loud laugh: I finally caught up with you!

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly: It's the voice of Hutunsheng, the master of Chaos Hall!

Daozhen Palace suddenly paused. Xu Ying came to the front of the palace and took a look, only to see a few big red fingers, like pillars holding up the sky, standing in the energy of chaos.

However, this Daozhen Palace was held in the hands of Hutunsheng, the master of Chaos Palace.

Then, a huge face appeared in front of the hall. His eyes rolled, he looked at Xu Ying and then at the big clock.

Xu Ying said solemnly: Senior Huntun's Avenue of Chaos is indeed galloping across the sea of ​​chaos, and his methods are unparalleled. That little Shen Tu Lun is no match for seniors!

Hutunsheng sneered: What can I do? I'm just a turtle.

Dazhong was extremely nervous: Palace Master, the words of turtles and turtles are just the lies of an ignorant child. How can the palace master's magical power be understood by an ignorant child? Isn't it Aying?

Xu Ying nodded repeatedly.

Hutunsheng felt much more comfortable. He held up Daozhendian with one hand and walked in the sea of ​​chaos. He smiled and said: I turned into a chaotic creature and traveled in the sea of ​​chaos. I don't know how happy I am. How can you know the secret of this? ?”

His whole body was filled with the energy of chaos, compatible with the sea of ​​chaos, and his voice became more ancient and older.

I have turned into a creature of chaos, without the care of the seasons, the worries of the years, and the care of the world. My Taoist heart is chaotic, hazy, without joy or sorrow, neither loss nor pursuit. Chaos is still boundless, allowing me to roam.

I am accompanied by similarly chaotic creatures, traveling through universe after universe, watching from the chaos the long life of this universe, how many wonderful characters, how many joys and sorrows, and finally destroyed and returned to chaos. We are satisfied. Continue to wander in the sea of ​​chaos. Can you understand this kind of joy?

As he spoke, he transformed into a giant turtle of chaos again, uttered a low, melodious and unexplained Tao sound, and flew away carrying Daozhen Palace on his back.

Xu Ying sincerely praised him and said: The realm of the Master of Chaos Hall is really superb, and I am far behind.

Hutunsheng carried them and traveled an unknown distance. Finally, the surrounding sea of ​​chaos suddenly became peaceful. Xu Ying sensed that the power of the void had become extremely strong, and there were even various Taoist powers in the chaos!

These Dao powers were extremely lively, and he felt that the various Dao powers in his body were also becoming more active!

The power of the Void Dao here is so strong, I'm afraid I can comprehend the mystery of the Void Dao and become the Master of the Void Dao!

Xu Ying was surprised and happy, and thought to herself, I wonder if Weiyang has achieved the Tao Master of the Void? Maybe, I can become the Tao Master of the Void before her!

The light in front became continuous and soft, shining through the energy of chaos. I saw the big chaotic turtle carrying them towards the light, transforming into human form while swimming.

After a while, Hutunsheng returned to his original appearance, and the Daozhen Palace was still in his hands.

The Chaos Palace Master strode into the Great Sky Ming Realm, his eyes flashed, he glanced at Xu Ying and the big clock, and said in his heart: This time, the Dao Alliance Leader ordered us to bring the big shot to the Great Sky Ming Realm safely. This big shot , is it this boy who doesn’t look like a good person, or is it this big clock?”

He placed the Daozhen Palace in front of him and whispered: The Dao Alliance Order on the bad boy belongs to Zhenjun Yongle. To be honest, Zhenjun Yongle can only be at the bottom among the palace masters. But the Dao Alliance Order that broke the bell belongs to him. , but it belongs to Dao Ji. Even I have to let him get three points from this bastard Dao Ji...

His eyes fell on the big clock, and suddenly his other hand reached out and grabbed the big clock in the palace. He laughed softly and said: No matter what secret this big shot has, I will get it and study it first...

At this moment, the Nirvana Sky Fire in Daozhen Palace suddenly burned brightly, igniting Hun Tunsheng's palm.

Huntunsheng hurriedly stopped his hand, clenched his fist heavily, and the Nirvana Sky Fire was immediately extinguished.

However, the true palace roared into the sky and flew away.

Hutunsheng couldn't catch up and watched helplessly as the fairy palace flew further and further away with Xu Ying and the big bell.

The big shot is indeed the big bell!

Hutunsheng stamped his feet and said, What a shame, after I turned into a chaotic creature, I became so confused that I forgot to take this bell and study it first!

The Daozhen Palace carrying Xu Ying and Wen Nanxun flew past the Great Sky Ming Realm. Xu Ying stood in front of the Daozhen Palace and looked around, but he saw that this place was a void opened up in a sea of ​​chaos, a void of thousands of universes. The shadows are reflected in this void, like huge jellyfish floating in the blue sky.

Some of the monks in the Great Sky Ming Realm ride on a small boat and sail in the void, traveling between various universes, while others set up caves in the void to meditate and gain enlightenment.

Here is a supreme paradise that Xu Ying has never seen or imagined!

Daozhen Palace flew to a fairy mountain holy land. Suddenly, the Qi of Nirvana in the palace transformed into the appearance of Daoji Zhenjun, saying: Fellow Daoist Xu, you and I are not on the same path, so forgive me for not being able to entertain you. Nanxun, please arrange a place for Friend Xu to stay. Place.

Xu Ying knew the elegant meaning after hearing the string, jumped out of Daozhen Palace, and said with a smile: Brother Dao is kind to Mr. Zhong.

The big bell flew out of Daozhen Palace and said reluctantly: Yingzi, you stay here, don't belittle yourself. After I have achieved success in my studies, I will definitely come to repay you for your care over the years!

Xu Ying was inexplicably moved and said: As long as you are rich and noble, don't forget each other!

Friend Zhongdao, please.

Daozhen Palace roared away with the big bell and disappeared into the great sky.

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