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Chapter 897 Crying on the other side, seizing a glimmer of hope

Xu Ying also heard this voice, and his heart suddenly sank. Among the nineteen avenues of heaven and earth he had mended, the Nine Nether Avenue suddenly cracked.

You can still hold on! You can still hold on!

The big bell also jumped out, instigating its own cultivation and activating the First Holy Land.

Xu Ying nervously looked at Luo Taizong in the light of causality. The other Taoist masters were trapped in the unbreakable avenue of heaven and earth and could not leave the light of causality. However, Luo Taizong's strength was too powerful, enough to crush the avenue on the other side!

Luo Taizong stood in the light of cause and effect, his eyes blank, not knowing what happened.

I should be dead, he whispered.

Why can I still appear in this world even though I'm dead?

He looked around blankly. In his field of vision, he could not see Dao Master Lin, nor could he see Tai Yi, Xu Ying and others who were fighting with Dao Master Lin.

He could see other Taoist masters standing in the light of cause and effect, as well as the tens of billions of dead people, and the ancient gods who had long since died!

All around these people, there is a Dao light blocking them. As long as they step out of the Dao light, they will reach the other side.

There were also rays of light around Luo Taizong, which were extremely thick, lingering around him and preventing him from leaving.

Luo Taizong raised his hand to touch Daoguang. The light had a strange kind of resistance. He pushed back as much force as he exerted.

However, Luo Taizong was confident that even a universe could be pushed away by him. The power in this light couldn't stop him at all.

But why do I appear in the world as a dead person?

He looked down at the other shore. This familiar land was the place where he was born. His native land.

A strong feeling of homesickness surged into his heart, prompting him to walk out of this piece of Daoguang and return to the other side.

Luo Taizong raised his feet, but paused.

There are many ways to resurrect me. As long as the universe on the other side still exists, I will live in the past years. If you go back to the past, you can see me. The future me is dead, but the past me has always been alive. This is The first method;

The second method is the magical power of reincarnation. Use the magical power of reincarnation to reverse life and death, awaken me from death, revive my path, and reshape my soul. However, this method is useful in the universe, but useless in the sea of ​​chaos. And I died in the sea of ​​chaos.

The third method is extremely rare. This method is the method of cause and effect. It is the only method that can break through the sea of ​​chaos. The master of the cause and effect can use the great power of cause and effect to make the dead in the past reappear. This kind of method can break through the sea of ​​chaos. Appearance is not resurrection.”

Only the path of cause and effect can make the dead appear in the world!

Luo Taizong himself was a great expert in the path of cause and effect, and he immediately understood the mystery.

Someone used the avenue of cause and effect to awaken me from death and strengthen his power of cause and effect. However, doing so will definitely disrupt cause and effect. Especially for a powerful being like me, the impact will be greater.

His eyes fell on the other shore, looking at the familiar mountains and rivers with a look of nostalgia.

But, I'm dead.

Xu Ying, Zu Shen and Dong Xuanzi were extremely nervous, looking straight at Luo Taizong's every move. Suddenly Luo Taizong put down his raised foot, turned around and disappeared in the light of cause and effect.

Xu Ying and others were stunned. Luo Taizong did not choose to step out of cause and effect, but returned to cause and effect.

He did not expect to go out and survive in the world as a dead person like other Taoist masters!

As expected of an ancient overlord, his courage is unparalleled!

Xu Ying secretly praised and tried his best to maintain the First Holy Land and keep the nineteen great avenues of heaven and earth unbroken.

However, Dao Master Luo, Tian Chengzi and other Dao Masters are desperately attacking the Dao light that surrounds them, trying to break the Dao light and appear in the world.

Their attack power, acting on the Avenue of Heaven and Earth on the other side, is a thousand times greater than the pressure brought by the battle between Taiyi and Dao Master Lin!


There was another crisp sound in everyone's ears, Xu Ying's heart sank, and the Five-tone Avenue also cracked.

As tens of billions of dead people from the Heaven Realm poured out together with demigods, descendants, humans, and ancient gods, the clicking sounds coming from people's ears gradually became more intense!

Xu Ying's heart became heavier and heavier. Those dead who attacked the light of causality were surging outward, and the avenue of causality was gradually unable to restrain them.

The era of chaotic cause and effect is coming.

Upon seeing this, the Ancestral God immediately held the Kaiyuan Divine Ax and broke into the First Holy Land, saying: We can activate the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth in the First Holy Land...

Before He could finish speaking, He was pulled by the sleeve by Promise.

Ancestral God...

The Ancestral God struggled to break away from him and said: We can definitely mend the great road of heaven and earth! Ah Ying, this Taoist master, let's hurry up, we can still repair it!

Ancestral God! Ancestor God!

Xu grabbed His wrist with force and pulled Him out of the First Holy Land. The ancestor god looked at him in confusion, Xu Ying said indifferently: No need, ancestor god. There is nothing we can do.

As soon as he finished speaking, nineteen avenues of heaven and earth suddenly shattered. Everywhere on the other side, in the sky, the earth, the lake, the river, the ocean, and the mountains, each had a ray of light gushing out, and the middle path of the ray of light turned gray into snow, floating in the air.

At the same time, the clicking sounds continued to be transmitted from the void to the minds of every living being, which was the sound of more heaven and earth avenues shattering.

This voice was accompanied by a scalp-numbing cry. It was the wail of Da Dao, Da Dao was crying.

The Ancestral God was stunned, and suddenly ashes flew out of his body, and snow began to fall all around.

He is the soul of heaven and earth on the other side and one of the pioneers of the other side. His body also contains the avenues of heaven and earth on the other side. At this moment, these avenues of heaven and earth begin to turn into ashes.

Within the bodies of Xu Ying and Dong Xuanzi, there was also a faint feeling that the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth was about to break apart, but they were already Tao Masters, and the impact they received was not as strong as that of the Ancestral God.

Dong Xuanzi sighed and was about to speak when suddenly a deafening roar like a tidal wave came. He hurriedly followed the sound and was dumbfounded.

I saw the layers of causal light behind Dao Master Lin suddenly exploded, and countless living corpses fell from the sky!

People who have died on the other side and in the heavens in the past billions of years surged out from the broken light of cause and effect like a tide, running and falling down.

A rain of corpses suddenly appeared in the sky!

In addition to these mortals, there are also descendants of divine blood, demigods, and ancient gods. They either harness supernatural powers, or grow tattered and corrupt wings, fly in the sky, and fly to various places on the other side!

The corpses of the deceased Taoist masters also broke through the light of cause and effect and headed towards Taoist Master Lin and Tai Taoist Master.

Luo Shizong also broke through the light of causality and stood in the air, laughing loudly and crying: Where is Taiyi? Fight to the death with me!

He wanted to mobilize the Tao power of the universe, but found that he could not mobilize it. However, this did not stop his determination to take revenge on Taiyi!

It's chaos! It's chaos!

The ancestor god murmured while coughing violently.

Suddenly, Xu Ying took out a green rock boat, reached out to grab the ancestor god, and put him on the boat.

The ancestor god was stunned and said hurriedly: Ah Ying, what are you doing?

Xu Ying activated the building boat, and the texture on the surface of the building boat lit up. He said in a deep voice: Ancestral God, you are the soul of heaven and earth on the other side, and you are also one of the pioneers of the other side. If you stay on the other side, you will most likely die. Here. I will send you back to the three realms. You are the soul of heaven and earth in the three realms. In the three realms, even if the catastrophe of annihilation breaks out on the other side, you will not die! Master!

His eyes fell on Dong Xuanzi, and his voice was a little hoarse: You also get on the boat! Taoist Master Hua has died for you. Taoist Master of Taiyi Avenue has a chance to survive! When you get to the Three Realms, you go to see Dao Zongyuan, he I’ll teach you how to avoid misfortune!”

Dong Xuanzi hesitated for a moment and looked at Tai Dao Master, but now there was a chaos everywhere and he could not find Tai Dao Master's whereabouts.

Give me a boat, and I'll find Taiyi first!

He said quickly, He is also the Taoist Master of Taiyi Avenue, and he also has a chance to survive!

Xu Ying took out another Cuiyan Tower Ship and handed it to him, and said solemnly: If you can't find Taiyi, you have to leave! Do you know?

Dong Xuanzi nodded in agreement, took the boat and left immediately.

Xu Ying's palm slapped the Ancestral God's ship heavily, and the ship broke through the air and headed straight for the Sea of ​​Chaos.

The Ancestral God came to the stern of the boat, threw the Kaiyuan Divine Axe, and said loudly: Ah Ying, don't forget, you are also the Taoist of the other side and the pioneer of the other side! Leave the other side as soon as possible!

Xu Ying raised his hand to catch the Kaiyuan Divine Ax and watched it go away.

When the building and boat disappeared, Xu Ying put away the magic ax and disappeared.

From various places on the other side, popping sounds continued to be heard, and corpses fell from the sky, falling like raindrops, hitting everywhere.

These corpses had been dead for an unknown amount of time. Some were rotten, some were smashed to pieces, with limbs and arms broken, and some had their heads smashed into pieces, but they still acted like normal people.

The other shore has collapsed, and the avenue of heaven and earth is also showing signs of collapse. Yuan Yu, we must leave!

Qingxuan avoided the magical power of a demigod, and with a flick of his finger, the demigod's head exploded. Even though it was killed by him, it still rushed towards him.

Qingxuan frowned, waved his sleeves, and the demigod suddenly ignited a fire, burning it completely.

The Holy Lord came from another direction, and the two of them met, stood in the air, and looked at everything on the other side.

The two of them are proficient in tactics. Long before Taoist Master Shi Lan and others cleansed the Taiyi Sect, they had already left the Taiyi Sect and came to the mortal world to avoid trouble.

I just didn’t expect that this time I would avoid disaster, but what would happen would be such a sinister scene!

The Holy Lord frowned and said: The speed of the collapse of the world on the other side is beyond our imagination. Now we can only leave the other side and return to the Three Realms! Do you have a boat?

Qingxuan took out a green rock boat and said with a smile: Xu Daozu gave me one as a gift.

The two boarded the building boat and were about to leave when suddenly a figure fell from the sky and landed between them.

Holy Lord, Qingxuan, you can't leave yet! You have the cause and effect of the other side, and you will achieve enlightenment in various ways on the other side! If the cause and effect are not eliminated, disaster will surely catch up with you!

The person who came was none other than Xu Ying. He put his palms on their shoulders and the three of them sat cross-legged.

I will use the Avenue of Nirvana to resolve your misfortunes, and maybe I can save your lives!

In the distance, Gong Jiexuan had just left seclusion and looked at the chaos on the other side with a pale face. Many deceased Taoist masters were attacking Cen Xizi in the distance.

Girl, the disaster on the other side has broken out, and the great road of heaven and earth has fallen into silence. Hai Ningzi came behind her and said softly.

I know.

Gong Jiexuan looked a little sad, turned around and bowed to Hai Ningzi, Yuxizi and others, and said with tears, Thank you for your protection these days, seniors, so that I can cultivate Hongmeng Taoist Master at the last moment.

Hainingzi and Yuxizi accepted her worship calmly.

Yuxizi smiled and said: Girl, you still have a chance of survival. If you get rid of the other Hongmeng Dao Master, you can survive. As for us, we have no such hope.

Although Hai Ningzi is the master of the Taoist Tribulation Luck, he is very free and easy, and said with a smile: But we can help the girl, kill the master of the Hongmeng Taoist, and fight for this glimmer of life for the girl!

Gong Jiexuan felt a little complicated when she thought of Xu Ying, but she still nodded silently.

At the same time, Heaven Realm, the top of Shenglang Peak.

A sword light and a sword light spread across the sky and the earth, one horizontally and one vertically, splitting the great avenue of heaven and earth in the heaven.

The sword energy and sword energy are criss-crossing, maintaining the state of the rift between heaven and earth, but within the sword marks and sword marks, there is an incomparably majestic Tao power surging in the void, oppressing the sword marks and sword marks!

The killing energy on the other side is getting stronger and stronger, making the two killing Dao masters seem more relaxed than ever before, which is enough to fight against the revival of the Dao in the heaven.

However, Jing Ningzi's face was not relaxed, but rather solemn.

He could feel that the great avenue of heaven and earth on the other side had begun to become silent.

This time the calamity and killings were not as simple as the previous two times. In the previous two times, one transfer and one elimination of the calamity calmed down the calamities and killings.

But this time the disaster has been accomplished, the cause and effect are in chaos, and it is irreversible!

The other shore is in silence, the great road of heaven and earth is destroyed, and the Tao master must also repay the cause and effect. But if one of the two identical Tao masters repays the cause and effect of the great road, then the other one will have a glimmer of hope.

Jing Ningzi looked directly at Taoist Master Tongtian and said, I know that it is impossible to win this chance of life, but I have to try anyway. Fellow Taoist, please forgive me.

Taoist Master Tongtian nodded slightly and said: An ant can still survive, let alone the Taoist Master? Brother Taoist, I have no intention of fighting for any chance of survival. I have understood the Great Way of Nirvana, and even the Nirvana Tribulation on the other side cannot get rid of me. But since Brother Dao wants to seize this glimmer of life, then I will make it happen.

Thank you! Jing Ningzi bowed.

Master Tongtian returned the gift.

The two left Shenglang Peak and walked side by side, away from the heaven and towards the other shore.

Unknowingly, they traveled through the universe for several months and finally arrived at the other side of the universe.

The cause and effect are chaotic and the catastrophe is intense. Even at the edge of the other side of the universe, they can sense the extremely strong killing power!

At this time, the power of killing must have swayed people's hearts, making it difficult for the monks to control their Taoist hearts and fall into killing.

Jing Ningzi sighed, As a result, the principles of the Dao on the other side will become more and more corrupt. Eventually, the Dao will be shattered by the killings, forming a catastrophe of annihilation. The vast universe will finally be extinguished by the sky fire. Taoist Master is still amazing.

Taoist Master Tongtian nodded slightly and said: He is indeed amazing. Considering this. After experiencing the Nirvana on the other side, he will definitely be able to achieve the Great Nirvana and cultivate the Nine Paths of Evidence.

Jing Ningzi suddenly stopped and said with a smile: Thank you, fellow Taoist, for accompanying me here. No need to leave, just stay here. This place is closer to my hometown.

Taoist Master Tongtian stopped. The old man looked solemn and said, Brother Taoist, please.


Jing Ningzi shouted violently and used all his strength to activate the killing method. In an instant, the killing energy from the other side surged into his body like a tide, turning into a heavenly sword that cut off the way!

The light of the sword reflects the past and the future in an instant, shattering all avenues, extinguishing all life, and even the universe will be shattered under his sword!

This stunning sword light was reflected in the pupils of Tongtian Taoist Master. When the sword light was the brightest, he drew his sword and thrust out!

The sword light was pierced a little, only a very small amount.

The brilliant sword energy split open the other side and penetrated the dark starry sky in the sky, leaving behind the strongest sword light that never dissipated for a long time.

Master Tongtian sheathed his sword, nodded slightly to Jing Ningzi, and walked past him.

Behind him, Jing Ningzi fell down and died.

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