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Chapter 896 Cause and effect are confused and the path is broken

There was an uproar on the other shore.

Today, the number of old saints in the other side is much smaller than before, and 80% of the population are new saints from other universes. But after the new saints reached the other side, they also chose to embark on the path of harvesting the universe.

Now that they have suddenly lost their sense of the universe and cannot harvest it, the new saints can't help but feel devastated, their Taoist hearts are confused, and they don't know what to do for a while!

Taiyi's courage is still bigger than mine.

Xu Ying sincerely admired him and smiled at Dong Xuanzi, I just want to harvest the universe and join forces with the powerful people on the other side. But what Taiyi thinks about is cutting off the path to harvest.

Dong Xuanzi snorted, but he still looked forward to Taiyi's move and said: The bad guys playing with fire are not without merit.

He paused and said: He is really thinking about the other side. He cut off the road to harvest. The other side cannot harvest the universe, and the calamity cannot be increased. He also eradicates Dao Master Lin and reduces the calamity, so the other side can continue the luck. We, the Taoist Masters of the Heaven Realm, don’t have to sacrifice.”

Xu Ying nodded.

He rarely admires anyone but himself. But at this moment, he admired what Master Tai Dao had done.

Taiyi is not particularly powerful, nor is he particularly smart. His qualifications, understanding and talents are only average among Tao masters.

However, Taichi can do things that he admires.

But why did we fail to kill Dao Master Lin in the past, but instead saw the tide of time and space sweeping over him?

Xu Ying had a vague feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

Taiyi established the void, cutting off the void connection between the other side and thousands of other universes. Dao Master Lin could not borrow the power of other universes, and the other side was just an ordinary causal Taoist.

Although its realm is high, the avenue of cause and effect only includes three hundred avenues.

It was no longer possible for him to win and he was bound to lose.

So how did Master Lin survive and even survive the catastrophe of annihilation on the other side?

Where did the calamity of silence on the other side come from?

Even if Taiyi is not Dao Master Lin's opponent, it doesn't matter.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed, Third generation Taiyi, how can he still be defeated by the Taoist Master of Karma?

He had the idea of ​​a group fight.

When he thought of this, he saw that all the connections to the universe on the other side were cut off. Neither Dao Master Lin nor Tai Yi, not even Xu Ying himself, could sense the power of the great avenues of other universes.

The void has been banned.

When you have nothing to borrow, you can only rely on your own cultivation and Taoist power!

Even though Taoist Master Lin had good attainments on the Path of Cause and Effect, he couldn't help but feel a little panicked at this moment.

He was proficient in cause and effect and calculated that Taiyi had the body of Master Luo on his body and could restrain himself. Therefore, he worked step by step and used various methods to destroy Taiyi's Taoist heart. Unexpectedly, he still failed.

In that case, let's do it for real!

Dao Master Lin suddenly burst into laughter, suddenly mobilizing the cause and effect between heaven and earth, showing his heroic spirit.

Back then, I and my two Taoist friends Hua and Luo decided to destroy the ancient gods first, then eliminate the heavenly realm, and kill the other Taoist masters with monstrous means! It has been a long time since I had a serious battle!

Among the avenues he practices, there are two paths of time and space. At this moment, the two paths of time and space are connected to the past, condensing all the cause and effect of the past billions of years on the other side!

The power of cause and effect on the other side is still terrifyingly heavy. The cause and effect between the ancient gods and demigods in the ancient times, the cause and effect between the other side and the heaven, and the cause and effect between the new saints and the old saints have brought the power of cause and effect between heaven and earth to the extreme.

Three hundred rays of rays of light from the avenue blessed his body, making Dao Master Lin seem to have wings formed by various rays of light on his back!

At the same time, Tai Dao Master suddenly abandoned Dao Master Luo's body, transformed into a physical form, and gathered his body again. His expression was as usual, and he said calmly: Lin Chuanting, if I use Dao Master Luo's body to kill you, you won't accept it.

He paused, and Dao Master Luo's body quickly fell downwards, slamming into the coffin suspended in the air with a thud!

Immediately, the coffin boards flew over and the coffin was closed. Seven jet-black flying swords flew in and shot into the coffin, nailing the coffin boards shut.

Tai Dao master mobilized the three thousand avenues, and suddenly the three thousand avenues from the other side flew over and connected with his physical body.

However, there are 300 kinds of Taoist power that are also at the disposal of Dao Master Lin, and these 300 kinds of Taoist power are not that abundant.

The two masters of the avenue gathered the power of heaven and earth, and the glow of the avenue floated up and down like wings.

Suddenly, two figures moved rapidly in the air, and various rays of light pierced the sky, which was extremely gorgeous!

The next moment, the two great masters collided with each other, and the eye-catching light erupted. The great powers of time and space, yin and yang, life and death, gods and demons, nine palaces, eight wastelands, seven stars, Liuhe, mountains and rivers, etc., flew away from them in all directions!

Xu Ying and Dong Xuanzi hurriedly retreated. At this time, they saw a series of rays of light passing through the place where they were standing. The void had been turned into powder, and the void was shattered!

The two escaped from the void and came to the sky above the other shore, only to see the broken magical powers of the two avenue masters spreading out in all directions and invading the other shore.

The other shore has experienced hundreds of years of development and has become prosperous again. Many new cities have been built and the people are thriving.

Among them, the most powerful one belongs to the light realm of Yin Yang Taoist.

The Bright Realm is the territory of the Yin-Yang Taoist Sect. During the period of calamity, the Yin-Yang Taoist Master will protect his disciples here and recruit many disciples.

When the calamity subsided and Taiyi implemented the New Saint Clan's New Deal, the Yin-Yang Taoist Master took the opportunity to recruit geniuses from all over the universe, filled the Yin-Yang Taoist Sect, and taught Taoist and magical powers, and he became extremely prosperous.

Yin Yang Taoist has worked hard and managed it for hundreds of years, and now Guangming Realm can be said to be the largest force on the other side!

On this day, some of the millions of disciples of the Yin and Yang Tao Sect were practicing, some were refining treasures, some were collecting herbs and refining elixirs, and some were practicing both Yin and Yang, and they were all enjoying themselves.

Although there is struggle in the Daoist heaven, it has nothing to do with the human world on the other side.

Suddenly, the sky in the Light Realm exploded, and dazzling light fell from the sky in sheets, like a continent.

The realm of light is a realm of its own, with all kinds of avenues belonging to Yin and Yang. Although it is not as great as Taiyi, Karma and other avenues that can cover the three thousand avenues of heaven and earth, there are also hundreds of avenues that belong to the two paths of Yin and Yang.

However, at this moment, the Great Way of Heaven and Earth in the Light Realm suddenly became chaotic. Every disciple was about to fly up to avoid the falling light. Suddenly, the Great Way of Yin and Yang in his body lost control and fell down one by one.

One of the continent-sized pieces of Dao light fell to the ground, and everything was silent. The next moment, hundreds of heaven and earth avenues in the light realm turned into powder. The sky collapsed and the earth split. Millions of Yin Yang Dao disciples turned into powder in an instant!

Under the agitation of this terrifying light, not to mention the soul, even the soul and true spirit were completely shattered and ceased to exist!

The Yin Yang Taoist roared in and was about to rescue the Guangming Realm. When he saw the Guangming Realm being annihilated in the light of the Dao, he couldn't help but feel sad and angry.

He looked back and saw that in the distance in the Daoji sky, the two Dao masters Taiyi and Lin Chuanting were fighting. Dao light was swirling, one was flying like a phoenix, and the other was like a peacock spreading its tail.

I may never be able to avenge my disciple. Master Yin Yang swallowed his resentment.

In other places on the other side, situations such as the annihilation of the light realm abound.

There is no resistance in the light realm, let alone other places?

In the Dao Ji Heaven, the palm powers of two avenue masters are clashing. One is the most perfect Avenue of Taiyi, and the other is the highest realm of Karmic Avenue. In this confrontation between the two, the power of their magical powers is actually about the same!

Tai Dao Master's Taoist heart is extremely stable at this moment, and a strong belief emerges from his heart. This is the moment when his Taoist heart is the strongest. Even if Lin Dao Master activates the causal power to mess with himself, he will not be moved at all.

His Taoist heart was lacking before, but now that the void has been sealed, his Taoist heart is no longer hindered. Even if Dao Master Lin wants to interfere with his Taoist methods, it will not work!

Around them, pieces of innate spiritual treasures floated, emitting astonishing power fluctuations, as if they were ownerless things. The moment Master Lin collided with Taiyi, suddenly a ray of light from the avenue penetrated a drum tower, and the drum tower flew up and hit Taiyi!

At the same time, Taiyi's rays of light activated the Nine Cauldrons and collided with the Drum Tower!

The two flew between the spiritual treasures at high speeds, and various magical powers emerged one after another. The glow of the avenue behind Dao Master Lin repeatedly burst out with infinite light. In the light, there were various visions of an ancient god from the ancient era, which made the power of causality even higher. !

Taiyi's cultivation is powerful, the Taiyi Avenue has been perfected, the avenue is in chaos, and he is not afraid at all when facing the vision behind Dao Master Lin.

He has a calm personality and plays steadily. While confronting Dao Master Lin, the three thousand avenues of rays of light kept rolling up pieces of innate spiritual treasures and blasting them at Dao Master Lin!

He has more avenues, and the number of spiritual treasures he can activate is also greater. There is even a Taoist body flying out of the light, offering spiritual treasures to attack Dao Master Lin.

Another ray of light from the avenue flew up and slashed at Dao Master Lin, extremely sharp.

He has experience in killing the three Dao Masters. After all, Dao Master Luo Shizong died in his hands!

Dao Master Luo, who has perfected the Void Avenue, is no less powerful than Dao Master Lin in terms of his high combat power and weird magical powers.

But Master Luo still died in his hands.

In the blink of an eye, Dao Master Lin was at a disadvantage. However, the various avenues behind him vibrated with rays of light, and they saw an endless scene of gray and snow emerging from behind the shadows of thousands of ancient gods!

Countless demigods and countless humans stood in the dark wind and snow, their bodies rotting and their bones exposed.

This is the cause and effect of the demigods and humans who died in the Daobei incident on the other side.

Dao Master Lin pushed the avenue of cause and effect to the extreme, allowing the cause and effect on the other side to appear.


The palms of the two collided. Master Lin coughed up blood, but his face was ferocious, and the light behind him shone brightly again. After Daoxue, countless dead figures in the heavenly realm stood in the darkness, with blood streaming down their faces and their limbs mutilated. They looked at Dao Master Lin and Taiyi with endless resentment.

The resentment is so overwhelming that even the water of the Tianhe River cannot wash it away!

In the Heavenly Realm universe, more than ten billion Heavenly Realm people died at the hands of people on the other side?

This resentment was also refined into the power of cause and effect by Dao Master Lin, which strengthened his strength. He attacked Taiyi crazily and shouted: Taiyi, my understanding is far beyond yours, and I will never die here!

Xu Ying frowned slightly, feeling increasingly uneasy.

At this moment, he felt that his nineteen heaven and earth avenues to mend the sky were a little unstable!

He immediately sacrificed the First Holy Land and activated the First Holy Land, only to see nineteen kinds of heaven and earth avenues rising into the sky, spreading among the universe on the other side, stabilizing the avenues.

At the same time, the Ancestral God flew in from afar, and his voice rumbled: Two fellow Taoists, stop! The avenue of heaven and earth is unstable. If we continue to fight, something big will happen!

However, Dao Master Lin had already raised the Path of Cause and Effect to another level at this time. However, he saw the shadows of many deceased Dao Masters emerging, and the power of Cause and Effect was twisted and entangled, increasing his strength.

The ancestor god was furious, holding the Kaiyuan Shen ax in his hand, and shouted with murderous intent: Lin Chuanting, you have brought the cause and effect of the past into the present, disrupting the order of cause and effect. Disordered cause and effect will lead to disaster, and the disaster will turn into a murderous disaster, and fall into death! Don't stop! !”

Dao Master Lin laughed and said: If I can't win, then there is no need for the existence of the other side! At worst, everything will disappear, return to chaos, and the flood will open again, I will still be the master of heaven and earth!

In the causal light behind him, the virtual image of the Taoist Master seemed to come alive. Everyone looked around in surprise, and some raised their hands to look at their own hands, as if they couldn't believe that they were still alive.

Seeing this, Dong Xuanzi felt a sudden thought and said quickly: Xu Ying, something is wrong! I'm afraid that the ancient god is really right. Master Lin has pulled the cause and effect of the past into the present, and the cause and effect has been messed up! Look at those things The dead Taoist master is a sign of the collapse of cause and effect!

Xu Ying glanced over and saw a Taoist Lord in the causal light trying to get out of the light.

They disappeared from the world because of death. But now, Dao Master Lin has forcibly pulled back their cause and effect, causing cause and effect confusion, death and disappearance, and there is no longer a causal relationship!

Even if they die, they can still live in this world!

And now, these Taoist masters are trying to break through this layer of causality!

Xu Ying shouted quickly: God Ancestor, come and help, stabilize the road on the other side, don't let the road collapse!

The Ancestral God flew over and said, Ah Ying, is there any way to stop them?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: Even if Taiyi is willing to stop, Taoist Lin will not. Master, let's stabilize these nineteen great ways of heaven and earth! As long as the great ways of heaven and earth are not broken, even if the Taoist master on the other side comes back from the dead, he will not be able to leave. Come into reality!

The Ancestral God and Dong Xuanzi hurriedly helped him activate the First Holy Land, and the light of the avenue flying out of the Holy Land became brighter and brighter.

At this time, Tai Dao Master was already at a disadvantage, but he was still fighting steadily without any signs of defeat. Even if Lin Dao Master's causal power continued to increase, he could not do anything to him.

In fact, his Taiyi Avenue is running more and more smoothly, the other shore is like his Taiyi Cave, and the Heaven and Earth Avenue is the source of his power.

His strength is still improving, although slowly, he can still threaten Dao Master Lin.

Dao Master Lin's eyes were red, and he roared suddenly. The figure of Dao Master Luo emerged from the heavy light of cause and effect behind him, and he looked around suspiciously.

Suddenly, the coffin of Master Luo flew over and exploded with a bang, matching the phantom of Master Luo.

This scene made Xu Ying's heart sink.

The Ancestral God and Dong Xuanzi suddenly felt that the pressure increased sharply, and the nineteen great ways of heaven and earth could collapse at any time!

At this time, the Qi of Chaos emerged from the Light of Cause and Effect, and Master Hua gradually rose from the Qi of Chaos. Xu Ying, Ancestor God, and Dong Xuanzi secretly said Oh no at the same time.

Suddenly, the yet-to-be-completed body of Master Hua shattered and turned into billowing energy of chaos. His cause and effect seemed to be completely erased from the other side by a mysterious and unpredictable force!

Xu Ying and the others breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, a majestic figure appeared in the light behind Dao Master Lin, gradually turning from virtual to real.

When Xu Ying saw that figure, his expression changed drastically.

Luo Taizong's figure appeared in the light of cause and effect.


At this moment, there was a crisp sound in the ears of everyone on the other side, like the sound of something being overwhelmed and being crushed.

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