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Chapter 891 Dongxuan saves the world

Tai Dao Master raised his head and looked at him blankly: Master, I have done many wrong things in the past, and I have also been disrespectful to you.

Yes. But, you carry my inheritance and go further than me.

Dongxuanzi's eyes were gentle. Taiyi was in the form of an old man, but he was in the form of a young man. He looked much younger than Taiyi. He smiled and said, If only one of my inheritance and I can survive, I hope it will be my inheritance.

Tai Dao Master felt the unimaginable pressure coming from the nineteen great ways of heaven and earth. He looked gloomy and shook his head: Master, you have something better. You promised to go further than me. And I have already There is no hope.

He looked sad: I caused the disaster on the other side, but I couldn't mend the sky, pushing the other side into destruction.

His Taoist heart was shattered, and he no longer had the strategizing feeling he had in the past.

Dong Xuanzi frowned, and suddenly stepped forward, blooming his own Taiyi Avenue. Nineteen avenues of rays of light penetrated the void, making up for the missing avenues of heaven and earth on the other side, intending to replace Taiyi.

Taiyi, do you know? I can't understand the way of Taiyi. My nature is self-sufficient.

He grabbed Tai Dao Master's arm with force, My upper limit has reached this point! But you can go further! I am Tai Dao Master on the other side, and I am here to fill this gap for you!

Taoist Master Tai did not resist. He lifted him up and threw him out like a dead dog. He chuckled and said, If you mend the sky for me, it's just one more scapegoat. There's no way I can win. Taoist Master Lin has already settled everything. …”

When Dong Xuanzi saw this, he couldn't help but flew into a rage. While resisting the backlash of the Great Dao, he kicked the Taiyi Dao Master hard in the abdomen and shouted: Since you want to lose my people and the people of the Taiyi Dao, why don't you just kill them first? I must take back my secret knowledge from you!

Director Taiyi was punched and kicked by him, and soon he was beaten with bruises all over his body.

Dong Xuanzi was furious and continued to beat Tai Dao Master, but Tai Dao Master did not resist. When he was tired from the beating, he got up silently, still lifeless.

Dong Xuanzi said angrily: You are worried about the safety of the other side, so you have to defeat Lin Chuanting! You are so decadent and will not help the situation!

Taiyi shook his head and cried loudly: It's useless! Master, it's useless! Even if I kill Lin Chuanting, I can't save him from the other side! I can't mend the sky!

He knelt on the ground, hugged Dong Xuanzi's legs, and choked with sobs: It's over on the other side.

Dong Xuanzi stood dumbly: The other side is not finished, it is your Taoist heart that is finished.

At this time, Gong Jiexuan said from afar: Dongxuan, it's time for us to leave.

Master Tai Dao let go of Dong Xuanzi, his face was ashen, and he murmured: Let's go, you guys can go, it's still too late to escape now. The other shore, it's over, I will push the other shore into silence...

Dong Xuanzi hated that iron could not become steel, and wanted to hit him again, but he raised his fist, put it down again, and walked towards Gong Jiexuan and others.

Everyone leaves this place.

Gong Jiexuan felt a little uneasy and said: I realize that I, Hongmeng, am about to attain enlightenment, and I need all of you to protect me. It's strange, the other shore is about to fall into silence, calamity breaks out, and the avenues of heaven and earth are about to be shattered. Why do I still attain enlightenment? The feeling of Tao...Dongxuan, you return to the Heaven Realm, this place is not suitable for you to stay.

Dong Xuanzi nodded silently and was about to leave the other side. Suddenly he thought of something, stopped, his eyes shone, and turned around and said: Girl, fellow Taoists, in a universe that is about to enter silence, there cannot be a new Taoist master. wrong?

Everyone was startled and nodded.

Yuxizi said: When our heaven was about to fall into silence, there was no Tao Master for millions of years. The decline of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth made it impossible for a new Tao Master to be born.

Dong Xuanzi's eyes flashed and he said: Then, why is the girl about to realize Hongmeng on the other side? Doesn't this mean that the great avenue of heaven and earth on the other side has not yet reached the point of decline?

Hai Ningzi took a step forward, activated the path of calamity and luck, and looked at the other shore with the eye of calamity and luck to observe the movement of calamity.

After a while, his expression became strange and he said: I know why the girl can achieve the Tao Hongmeng. It turns out that after entering the other side, the new saints of the universe practiced Taoism and made rapid progress. Many of them have already achieved Taoism. , there are still people who become enlightened and become immortal...

His expression became even weirder, and he said: After these people became enlightened, they stabilized the avenue of heaven and earth on the other side. Therefore, they brought vitality to the other side. There are so many of them...

He shook his head: Many times more than when Heaven Realm was in its heyday, and many times more than before on the other side!

At that time, Taiyi Daoyi dominated the crowd and promoted the New Deal, which finally bore fruit, attracting geniuses from all over the universe.

It is the enlightenment and enlightenment of these geniuses that bring life to the other side.

Dong Xuanzi's eyes became brighter and he said with a smile: So, when the girl Hongmeng attains enlightenment, Hongmeng will also encompass all the great avenues of heaven and earth, right?

Gong Jiexuan said: Hongmeng breeds innate spiritual treasures and is the source of the universe. It stands to reason that it does include all the great avenues of heaven and earth.

Dong Xuanzi's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he said eagerly: Girl Hongmeng's enlightenment will strengthen the Hongmeng Avenue on the other side, and will also strengthen the Heaven and Earth Avenue on the other side! The disaster on the other side will be delayed because of this! If we add in Taiyi, I, and all of you have mastered the avenue of heaven and earth, so it is not impossible to mend the sky!

Cen Xi coughed and said: Dongxuan, we have different paths and do not conspire with each other. The other side and us are not the same path. You have done enough for your disciples, it is time to think about your own life.

Dong Xuanzi smiled and said: I practice the Taiyi Dao, and the Taiyi sect has always been very strong. Don't worry, everyone, since I have received the opportunity to escape from the catastrophe from Master Hua, I will not fall into the catastrophe.

Yuxi, Cenxi and others frowned slightly, knowing that he had made up his mind, so they did not continue to persuade him.

Dong Xuanzi floated away and said with a smile: Fellow Taoists, you protect the girl, while I go to find a chance for Taiyi!

Gong Jiexuan watched him go away, frowning and saying: Dongxuan loves his disciple so much that he is afraid that he will be implicated in disaster again...

Her face suddenly changed slightly, and she said in shock: For some reason, the impact of my Hongmeng enlightenment is getting stronger and stronger. Everyone, let's find a safe place as soon as possible!

Cen Xi and others quickly escorted her away.

In the Light Realm, Yin Yang Dao Lord is sitting at attention. He has already reached the Great Perfection of the Immortal Realm and is only half a step away from the Tao Master Realm. Over the years, he has been thinking about how to break through and become a Tao Master.

The universe has been harvested, my skills have been reached, and my understanding has been sufficient.

Lord Yin Yang Dao frowned slightly and whispered, Why can't I break through? Where am I lacking?

At this time, a voice came and said leisurely: Heaven and earth are the above and below of all things; Yin and Yang are the men and women of blood; left and right are the paths of Yin and Yang; water and fire are the signs of Yin and Yang; Yin and Yang are the birthplace of all things. You cannot use Yin and Yang. After attaining the Tao, have the Tao of water and fire been harmonized? Is the Tao of up and down accessible? Is the Tao of men and women clear? Is the conception of all things clearly understood?

The Lord of Yin and Yang Dao was like waking up from a dream, and he was suddenly enlightened by this. Suddenly, the Yin and Yang Dao that he had practiced before was now integrated!

He felt something in his heart, and suddenly the yin and yang energy between heaven and earth came one after another, and the yin and yang avenue also had a Taoist master at this moment!

The Yin-Yang Avenue between heaven and earth is constantly blessed by the Yin-Yang Taoist Master!

The Yin-Yang Taoist Master was surprised and happy, and suddenly realized: Who on earth guided me to become the Yin-Yang Taoist Master?

He looked around distractedly, but couldn't find anyone.

Could it be that what I think about every day and what I dream about at night actually points me to myself? That must be the case!

The Yin Yang Dao Master laughed and said, My accomplishments on the Yin Yang Dao are unparalleled in the world, who can teach me?

He no longer thought about how he attained the Dao, and concentrated on sorting out his insights.

However, Dong Xuanzi had already left, and said to himself: It is not enough to have only one Yin and Yang Dao Master, more Dao Masters are needed. The Lord of the Gods and Demons is in Cuiwei Tianyuan, and he is only half a step away from attaining the Dao. Just add some dials.”

Analyzing any of the heaven and earth avenues under the Taiyi Avenue is easy for him, and there is no difficulty at all.

Because back then, he understood the three thousand avenues one by one to the perfection of the immortal realm, and then became the master of the Tao!

He has demonstrated the Three Thousand Great Ways three thousand times!

In terms of insights and skills in attaining the truth, no one can surpass him!

A few days later, Dong Xuanzi came to Cuiwei Tianyuan and observed the Great Master of Gods and Demons for a long time, and then he spoke to give some instructions to the Master of Gods and Demons.

The Great Dao Lord of Gods and Demons was originally trapped in this half-step realm, and had been practicing hard for thousands of years, but could not break through. When he heard Dong Xuanzi's voice, all his confusion was suddenly solved, and he suddenly became enlightened.

He couldn't help laughing, and in his laughter, the gods and demons connected, and suddenly the glow of the gods and demons in the universe came one after another.

Thanks for the advice, Brother Dao!

The Taoist Master of the Gods and Demons hurriedly kowtowed and said loudly, If you dare to ask Taoist brother to leave your title, I will definitely repay you!

Dong Xuanzi was quite surprised: The Taoist Master of Gods and Demons is much more sensible than the Taoist Master of Yin-Yang. The Master of Yin-Yang takes all the credit, but the Taoist Master of Gods and Demons knows how to repay his kindness. Who else will attain the Tao on the other side?

He searched around and saw that during the fifteen hundred years of catastrophe, most of the Dao Lords had died, leaving only a few Dao Lords who survived. As a result, their cultivation and strength greatly increased and they became Dao Lords.

However, these people are still far away from the Tao Master realm. Even if they receive his guidance, it will be difficult for them to become Tao Masters in a short time.

Dong Xuanzi then found Qiyan Xuankong Ridge and carefully observed Changsun Shenghai. He saw that although Changsun Shenghai was powerful and had the Nine Paths of Evidence-Based Cycles, there was still a gap between him and Dao Lord in terms of realm.

This person's Nine Paths are extremely authentic and evidence-based. He practices both internally and externally. He is not a Taoist, but he is better than a Taoist!

When Dong Xuanzi saw Changsun Shenghai practicing, he was surprised and thought, If he attains enlightenment, I'm afraid he will attain enlightenment in all nine realms! His cultivation level may be as high as the sky! Even my disciples can't compare! If he attains enlightenment If you can attain the Tao, it will confirm the heaven and the earth, and maybe your life will be extended for a while on the other side.

However, Taiyi's safety still matters.

Dong Xuanzi left in a hurry, thinking: Since no one has the strength to become a Taoist master, then help them become immortal. I can still do this!

He then walked around the world, looking for those young masters who had reached the eighth level of the Tao realm. Often, within a short time, he would know the reason why the other person was unable to attain immortality, and with a few random instructions, he could help the other person attain the enlightenment.

Dongxuanzi was walking around the world while giving guidance to these young masters. Although their effect of proving immortality was far less than that of the Taoist masters, they added up to a small amount and attaining enlightenment was very simple. Therefore, in just over twenty days, there were more than a thousand people on the other side. bit immortal.

Dong Xuanzi was very happy and said to himself: If there is still time, it would be easier and more effective to find those at the seventh level of the Tao realm and guide them to realize the Tao for the first time.

He shook his head. Time was running out. The decisive battle between Lin Chuanting and Taiyi was imminent. He had to find a safe place to fight against the nineteen avenues of heaven and earth for Taiyi.

To resist these nineteen avenues of heaven and earth, he must withstand the counterattack of the avenues of heaven and earth. In this way, Tai Dao Master can put down everything and peacefully compete with Dao Master Lin in a life-or-death showdown!

He hurried to Dao Jitian, feeling very happy in his heart: There is still time, I can take Taiyi to the mortal world to see the new saints who came to the other side because of his edict. These new faces are emerging, these young masters! They will bring vitality to the other side!

There was joy surging in his heart: When the evil disciple sees this scene, he will have fighting spirit and determination to win...

At this moment, he suddenly stopped and saw the heroic Taoist Master Shi Lan appearing in front of him.

Old man, all the good things you have done these days are seen by Brother Lin Dao.

Taoist Master Shi Lan sneered and said, Dongxuan, I am here to follow Taoist Master Lin's order to send you on your way so that you can face the disaster!

Dong Xuanzi laughed loudly, shook his head and said: Shi Lan, I have escaped from the catastrophe long ago and am not among the catastrophes on the other side! I'm afraid it's you who will be the one to suffer the catastrophe this time!

Taoist Master Shi Lan sarcastically said: Old man, you are still living in a dream. You have helped so many people realize the Tao, and you have long been implicated in cause and effect, and you have been deeply involved in misfortune!

Dong Xuanzi's expression changed slightly. He was indeed not very proficient in the art of cause and effect.

Taoist Master Shi Lan smiled and said: Originally, you still had a chance to survive, but now you don't even have a chance to survive! Brother Lin Dao doesn't want the other side to really fall into misfortune, so he simply won't stop you. But you want Taiyi to regain his Taoist heart , that’s impossible, I have to send you on your way. Your death will only make Taiyi defeated faster!”

Dong Xuanzi sneered: Shi Lan, you are far from my opponent!

Taoist Master Shi Lan smiled and said: So, I invited several Taoist bodies of Taoist Lin!

Behind her, Lin Taoist masters walked out slowly one by one, looking at Dong Xuanzi with smiles on their faces.

Dong Xuanzi, I will send you on your way today!


Xu Ying stepped out of the Sea of ​​Chaos and entered the other shore. The Sea of ​​Chaos was sparkling behind him. Suddenly he noticed something in his heart and said in surprise: It's strange, there are nineteen ways of heaven and earth that seem unstable. What's going on?

With a slight thought in his mind, he suddenly activated the First Holy Land on the other side, and used the Hongmeng Avenue to inspire the nineteen great avenues of heaven and earth in the First Holy Land, completing these great avenues of heaven and earth.

This will be much better.

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