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Chapter 890 Inheritance

Taoist Master Shi Lan hid behind Taoist Lin, horrified and hissing: Brother Dao Lin, Taiyi is acting against the will, kill him quickly!

Master Lin said solemnly: Taiyi, I have no intention of fame and fortune, so I will not compete with you. If you want to be the ruler of the other side, I will let you be. I seek my own way and live in seclusion to avoid being disturbed by the world. Daoxin. I didn’t expect that I had only lived in seclusion for a few hundred years, and you would turn the other side into this state!

Master Tai Dao showed murderous intent, walked towards him, and said solemnly: Lin Chuanting, aren't you controlling all this?

Dao Master Lin was furious and said with grief and indignation: Did I control it? Did I cut off the Great Road of Heaven and Earth on the other side, or did I kill so many fellow Taoists on the other side? Taiyi, open your eyes wide and take a look, what on earth have you done?

His voice was deafening, and Tai Dao Master's mind suddenly became clearer. He looked around and saw snow flying in the sky and earth, and it was dark and unclear.

From the depths of time and space, bursts of crying could be heard, like the sound of a broken avenue of death.

The other shore seems to be tilting, time and space have become unstable, and various avenues have a tendency to break under the weight of the sea of ​​chaos!

Tai Dao Master couldn't help being horrified, and suddenly woke up: I killed nineteen Dao masters, destroyed the heaven and earth avenues on the other side of the nineteen Dao, and dragged the other side into disaster again! I, I...

You are a sinner on the other side!

Dao Master Lin took a step forward, his eyes were blood red, and shouted, Taiyi, you are a sinner on the other side! Let me ask you, what is your purpose?

His sermons are inspiring and thought-provoking, as if they can awaken the truest things in people's hearts.

Within the main body of Taiyi Dao, nineteen kinds of avenues such as Qinglong, Wuyin, Liuhe, Bahuang, Mountain, and Geomagnet fly out and connect with the heaven and earth, just like nineteen rays of rays of light, confirming the heaven and earth, and filling the heaven and earth avenues for the other side!

Even though he was a Taoist master, he suddenly felt shackles on his body, as if there were nineteen Taoist shackles suppressing him!

The other side was originally plagued by calamities and killings, which lasted for more than a thousand years. The calamities were finally silenced, and they could no longer afford to kill, and they had hundreds of years of time to recuperate.

However, the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth has been torn apart by more than a thousand years of misfortunes and killings, and has become extremely fragile. If the other side recovers and recuperates, and more and more people become enlightened, the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth will gradually become stronger and no longer weak.

The Taiyi Dao Master attracts geniuses from the universe, with the purpose of consolidating and strengthening the great avenue of heaven and earth on the other side. Unfortunately, this process was interrupted by him himself!

On the other side, there is already a trend of Dao fragmentation. Even if he personally fills up the Dao of Heaven and Earth with his own Dao, it will only delay this trend!

Tai Taoist Master snorted, raised his head and said in a deep voice: My purpose is to get rid of the other side's misfortune, to make the other side strong again, and to make the other side the other side of the entire universe!

But the Taoist Master on the other side was killed by you until only you, me and Shi Lan are left!

Dao Master Lin sneered, When you talk about strengthening the other side, do you mean to kill all the old saints? When you strengthen the other side, do you mean to completely hand over the other side to the foreign races? Is this your true intention? Taiyi, turn around and take a look. Your original intention! Tell me, what is your purpose in practicing Taiyi?

Tai Dao Master suddenly felt like he was hit hard and lost his mind.

He thought of the oath he made when he heard the concept of Taiyi Avenue.

I swear to practice Taiyi: when I attain enlightenment, my people will not be bullied and toyed by the ancient gods; when I attain enlightenment, my hometown will be the destination that everyone longs for; when I attain enlightenment, my people will be the strongest and most glorious race.

And when he looked down, he saw that his hands were stained with the blood of his own clansmen, and the blood of the most powerful clansmen.

He was about to kill all the strong men of the old saint clan.

The oath he made when he stepped into Taiyi Avenue seemed to have turned into a mockery of him. The Holy Clan on the other side is about to become a dead ringer!

Taoist Lin looked at him and noticed that his Taoist mind was disordered.

The most powerful thing about Taiyi is his Taoist heart, which cannot be shaken no matter what.

Tai Dao Master, who possesses a strong Taoist heart, can work step by step to introduce the arrogant Luo Dao Master into the past even when he is at an extreme disadvantage and is far from being his opponent, Luo Dao Master, and dissolve the opponent's advantages into the invisible.

Dao Master Luo, who could not be defeated, was easily defeated by him and beheaded to death.

Taiyi at this time is weak, but invincible.

However, without a strong Taoist heart, Taiyi is just a Taoist who practices Taiyi Dao, and is no different from other Taoists.

When masters fight against each other, if their minds are disturbed, they will definitely die!

In the distance, Gong Jiexuan's eyes flashed and she said, Tai Yiyi's heart is in a state of confusion. Why hasn't Lin Chuanting taken action? Now is the best time to kill him!

Beside her, the three Taoist masters Cen Xi, Yuxi, and Haining were also paying attention to this scene.

As soon as they returned to the other side, they encountered Taiyi's massacre of the Taoist master of the other side and the destruction of the Great Road of Heaven and Earth, triggering the misfortune of the other side.

Only this time they chose to wait and see and did not get involved.

Taoist Master Haining said: Taoist Master Lin is playing tricks on him. He is not in a hurry to kill him now, but wants to wait for his reputation to be ruined. Lin Chuanting can be said to be the smartest one among the three Hua Linluo, and he is very likely to be involved. Understand the wonder of cause and effect. He may have blinded Taiyi with cause and effect, causing Taiyi to make wrong judgments and fall into the current situation.

For those who practice the path of cause and effect, it is easiest to deceive cause and effect. People who are deceived will have abnormal judgment and act irrationally.

It's a win-win, cat-and-mouse mentality.

Cen Xizi said, What Taoist Lin wants is not just to defeat Taiyi. He wants to defeat Taiyi's Taoist heart and reputation in front of everyone in the world, but also to cut him into pieces. , the world will still applaud and praise you.”

Yuxizi said: What he wants is to become the savior in the hearts of everyone on the other side, and what he wants is for his reputation of Lin Chuanting to be spread everywhere in the Chaos Sea. At this time, he has completely defeated all his opponents.

Gong Jiexuan asked: Do we need help?

The three Taoist masters shook their heads together.

Yuxizi said: Girl, we are no longer in the same camp as Taiyi. Our camp is now only ours. As for Taiyi, there is no difference between him and Taoist Lin.

Cen Xizi said softly: Girl, if the other shore becomes stronger in his hands, then the world will be in danger.

Gong Jiexuan was stunned and nodded silently.

It took Taiyi hundreds of years to put the other side on the right track, and the geniuses from the universe were attracted and became part of the other side. They practiced Taoism and attained enlightenment, allowing the other side to quickly recover from the trauma of misfortune and killing.

If things continue like this, I'm afraid that within a few thousand years, another group of Taoist masters will emerge from the other side!

At that time, the other side will be strong again, and the avenue of heaven and earth will be stable!

At that time, the other shore was a huge threat to the Heaven Realm!

For the Heaven Realm, the dead Taiyi is the best Taiyi. She whispered.

Dao Master Lin's spiritual consciousness spread across the other side, turning into a voice and exploding in everyone's mind: Taiyi, you have committed a heinous crime, but I will not take advantage of others' danger. You killed nineteen Dao Masters, but I will give you time to cultivate! A month from now, you and I will be here to fight to the death!

He turned and left.

Taoist Master Shi Lan and Lu Yiren quickly followed him. Shi Lan said angrily: Brother Dao Lin, why don't you just kill him? Why do you still give him a chance to heal?

Dao Master Lin laughed loudly, shook his head and said, Healing? Are you twenty stupid pigs worthy of Taiyi being injured?

Taoist Master Shi Lan's expression changed slightly, and her self-esteem was humiliated. However, she thought of Taoist Master Lin's strength and her own situation, and she still endured it.

Dao Master Lin was no longer afraid and said leisurely: You idiots can't hurt Taiyi. Taiyi didn't use all his fighting power at all. He killed nineteen of you with just one person and one tree. He killed Luo More than three hundred spiritual treasures in the hands of Shizong and Luo Shizong fell into his hands.

Taoist Master Shi Lan shivered, showing fear.

Master Luo is dead, but where are the innate spiritual treasures controlled by Master Luo? Obviously, these spiritual treasures must fall into Taiyi's hands, but Taiyi never mentioned it!

Taiyi's cultivation realm is still shallow and he cannot master so many spiritual treasures! Taoist Master Shi Lan said quickly.

Daoist Lin glanced at her, as if looking at a sow, and sneered: With your little wisdom, you also want to kill him? Taiyi has been murderous towards you and me for a long time, but he knows that his strength is not enough. To deal with me, he stayed on the other side and quietly went to other universes. In these more than a hundred years, he has mastered the avenues of heaven and earth in at least four or even five universes.

Taoist Master Shi Lan was stunned.

Taoist Lin said unhurriedly: His Taiyi Avenue contains three thousand avenues of heaven and earth, and is famous for its powerful power. One person is equivalent to three thousand ordinary Taoists. When he borrowed these four and five universes, When the Dao power comes, his magic power will increase four to five times! In this way, the number of spiritual treasures he can sacrifice will also be greatly increased, and he will have the ability to threaten me!

Taoist Master Shi Lan stopped talking.

She no longer knew what to say, so she could only listen obediently.

Lu Yiren said: So Master cannot delay the removal of Taiyi for too long. He must take action as soon as possible to deceive Taiyi and make Taiyi suffer.

Dao Master Lin was most proud of this disciple and said with a smile: What have I done? I didn't do anything. When Taiyi went to seek opportunities to increase his strength, I didn't take the opportunity to take action. When idiots like Jiuyingqin came looking for me , and I never show up. They can't help but take action on their own, testing whether Taiyi is the Taoist body. I only need to tell them that if they want to eradicate Taiyi, they must first eradicate the remnants of Taiyi. They will do it happily. I don't No need to fiddle with cause and effect.”

Lu Yiren said respectfully, Master's path of cause and effect has reached the state of transformation, which is indescribably wonderful.

Taoist Lin laughed heartily, without paying any attention to Taoist Shi Lan beside him, and said: Other Taoist masters, they only look at the immediate interests. They can't understand Taiyi at all, and they can't understand me. Such idiots will die. You deserve it.

Lu Yiren asked: Disciple, there is still one thing that I don't understand. Master is already confident of winning, so why does he have to leave another month for Taiyi to recover?

Master Lin glanced at him and said with a smile: You are a smart man and already know the reason.

Lu Yiren quickly bowed and said, This disciple is scared and stupid.

Dao Master Lin didn't take it seriously and said with a smile: Although Tai Dao's heart is damaged, fighting with him is still dangerous. If you leave him alone for a month, he will be even more damaged! In this month, he will definitely He will feel sorry for himself and deny himself for cutting off the road to heaven and earth on the other side. Every day that passes, he becomes weaker. Thirty days later, I will be completely sure.

Lu Yiren showed admiration and praised sincerely: Master is brilliant!

Dao Master Lin smiled and said: It's more than that. Now that the other side is in catastrophe, Taiyi wants to mend the sky, which is to contend with the catastrophe. Every day he struggles, his burden becomes heavier. Thirty days later, he is covered in shackles. Your Taoist heart is seriously damaged, what can you use to fight me?

When he said this, Taoist Master Shi Lan felt boundless fear and said in his heart: No wonder, no wonder we died in the hands of the three of them back then. In front of Lin Chuanting, I am just a pig... From now on, I will only play the role of a pig , you can still live...

There was no other thought in her mind.

Gong Jiexuan looked at Taiyi from a distance and saw Taiyi Dao Master doing his best to repair the nineteen broken avenues of heaven and earth on the other side.

In normal times, he could still repair it, but at this time, the world is in a state of calamity. No matter how much he repairs it, the nineteen great avenues will still be repaired and broken!

He can only use his own avenue to replace the missing nineteen avenues, and transfer the pressure of this disaster onto himself to prevent the other avenues from being broken!

Gong Jiexuan suddenly said: If we kill Taiyi now, what will be the consequences?

Girl, if that happens, the road on the other side will gradually collapse and eventually become irreversible.

Dong Xuanzi's voice came from a distance, And you may lose your chance of survival.

Gong Jiexuan and others were surprised when they heard the words. They followed the sound and saw Dong Xuanzi walking over without knowing when.

He had clearly escaped the catastrophe on the other side, and could stay in the heaven without worrying about catastrophe, but now he appeared here.

Cen Xizi frowned and said, Brother Dao, don't do anything stupid. You have escaped from your misfortune. Even if the other shore is destroyed, you will not die.

Dong Xuanzi smiled and said: After all, he is my disciple, I can't bear to see him die like this.

He walked straight towards Tai Dao Master, only to see Tai Yi sitting in the void, with no energy and spirit, withered appearance, and Taoist heart also decayed.

The nineteen rays of rays of light extending from his body were like swords thrust out of his Taoist heart, leaving his Taoist heart covered in bruises.

Idiot, you have been deceived by Lin Chuanting with the law of cause and effect since the moment your luck fell silent!

Dong Xuanzi's face darkened, and he taught Taiyi a lesson, saying, Every step you take is in the opponent's calculations. You are willing to seek peace. You left your Tao body to go to the Sea of ​​Chaos. You are actively murdering these Taoists, including your Shattered Nineteenth The other party is expecting everything!

Tai Dao Master's body was trembling, he raised his head with tears streaming down his face, knelt down on the ground, and choked with sobs: Master, I...have failed!

Idiot, of course you lost!

Dong Xuanzi shouted, You have embarrassed me! You have been fooled by the Avenue of Cause and Effect, and you have embarrassed the Avenue of Taiyi! But...

He changed the subject, showed an encouraging look, and said with a smile: Taiyi is also the Nine Innate Paths, Taiyi is not weaker than cause and effect! You are just defeated for a moment. As long as you cheer up, you can still win!

There were flames dancing in his eyes, and he said with a smile: Leave the burden to me, and I will help you mend the sky! Don't worry and be bold, and fight to the death with the man named Lin!

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