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Chapter 888: The path to silence comes, and the other side is robbed

Although Taoist Master Lin has withdrawn from the center of power, many Taoist masters still come to Hushan Pavilion to visit him.

Taoist Master Lin had previously declined all visitors, but several Taoist Masters were noisy outside, saying that he was ruthless. Some of them had died in his hands back then, so as to make excuses, Master Lin had no choice but to invite them in.

As a result, more and more people came to visit Dao Master Lin. Among them was Dao Master Shi Lan, who persuaded: Now Taiyi has gone against the grain and issued a new edict of the Holy Clan to make the untouchables in the universe become the masters of the other side! If things go on like this, our Holy Clan will I'm afraid I'll be eaten up by the new saints! Brother Lin Dao wants to make the decision for me on the other side!

Lin Chuanting was shocked: Fellow Taoist Shi Lan, how can you say such words? Now that I am a guilty person, how can I be the master of the other side? Don't trap me in injustice!

He drove Taoist Master Shi Lan and others out of Hushan Pavilion.

But after a few days, someone came to persuade me, saying: The other shore is the other shore for the people on the other shore, but now it will become the other shore of the universe. Brother Lin Dao, if things continue like this, the other shore will change hands!

Lin Chuanting sighed and said: Now that Tai Dao Master is in charge, there is nothing I can do. Everyone, please go back.

Some time later, another Taoist master came and asked Taoist Master Lin to come out of the mountain. He said: Only if you come out of the mountain and stand side by side with Taiyi, can Taiyi restrain himself and safeguard the power of our old saint clan!

Master Lin shook his head and said: I am devoted to seeking the Tao and will no longer interfere with world affairs. Please come back.

Another Taoist master came and spoke fiercely: In order to save the other side from collapse, we decided to take a risk and assassinate the Tai Taoist master! Taoist brother, after this assassination, we will respect you as the leader of the other side!

You are going to trap me into injustice! Lin Chuanting suddenly changed his color, drove everyone away, and once again closed the door to no guests.

Then something happened.

When the Tai Dao Master was patrolling the world, he was attacked and killed by more than a dozen masked strong men. The Tai Dao Master is very powerful, and the three thousand avenues are running smoothly. All the avenues have reached the level of the Tao Master. The magical powers of time and space, yin and yang, gods and demons, life and death, etc. are all superb.

In this battle, more than half of the more than ten masked strong men were killed or injured. Just as they were about to break out of the siege, more than a dozen innate spiritual treasures suddenly fell from the sky and beat Tai Yiyi back.

Finally, because the Tai Dao Master could not borrow the power of other universes, his power was exhausted, and he was killed by the surviving masked strong man.

However, after Master Tai Dao was beheaded, there was no body, which made other masked strong men shocked.

It was not Taiyi's true body that died in our hands, but the Tao body!

Tai Yi's true form is still there, so we must die! The only chance to survive now is in Hushan Pavilion!

The remaining seven people were frightened and frightened. They knew that they had no other way out except Taoist Lin, so they came to Hushan Pavilion and knelt down to ask for permission. They volunteered to be the lackeys of Taoist Lin and be loyal to him.

Taoist Master Lin was still missing and ordered Lu Yiren to go out and tell them: My master is devoted to Taoism and has no thoughts of power disputes. He said that Taoist Master Tai is now the co-master of the other side. You rebelled and plotted to assassinate him. It is unkind and unkind. Righteousness. Now Tai Dao Master has gone overseas and left his Tao body behind. Before he comes back, even Tian Chengzi and Xuannv Holy King will not be able to spare you!

After hearing this, the seven people stood up and discussed: Taiyi is not on the other side, and must have gone to other universes in the Sea of ​​Chaos. Tianchengzi and Xuannv Saint King are direct descendants of Taiyi. If they are not eliminated, there will be no way for us to survive! Simply If we don't do anything else and send them to the disaster, the remaining Taoist friends will be of one mind with us. With the strength of our twenty Taoist masters, I don't believe we can't kill Taiyi!

After the seven people left, news came not long after that Tian Chengzi was ambushed and his life or death was unknown. Another news came that Saint King Xuannv was attacked at Feixian Peak and died.

The Taiyi Sect was also purged, and many strong men in the Taoist sect fled to death, suffering heavy casualties.

Many Taoist masters are ready, just waiting for Tai Taoist Master to return from overseas, and then go on a killing spree to change the world!

Heavenly realm.

Master Tongtian and Jing Ningzi tried their best to maintain the cross pattern sword mark and suppress the Dao of Heaven and Earth. However, the power of the Dao of Resurrection of Heaven and Earth became stronger and stronger, and finally became so powerful that even the two of them could not support it.

At this moment, the power of Master Tongtian's killing method suddenly increased greatly. At the same time, the power of calamity and annihilation also increased greatly!

At the same time, Jing Ningzi also noticed that the killing power from the other side had increased greatly, and he couldn't help being surprised and happy.

What is surprising is that after hundreds of years, the disaster on the other side broke out again, and the killings started again. What is happy is that they can use this power to resist the counterattack of the heaven and earth power of the heaven and earth, and can suppress the Taoist Master for a longer period of time!

Hai Ningzi looked at the other shore from a distance and whispered: There will definitely be changes on the other shore, but I don't know where this change will come from? I feel a little uneasy.

I'm also a little uneasy. Cen Xizi said.

Yuxizi said: Me too.

Dong Xuanzi didn't feel much strange.

Hai Ningzi asked around, running the path of calamity, and observed them carefully with the eye of the Tao, but found nothing unusual.

Gong Jiexuan came and said that she felt uneasy for some reason. Hai Ningzi suddenly came to his senses and burst out laughing as loudly as tears: I pretended to be the Taoist master of calamity, but I didn't expect that the calamity would blind my Taoist heart and eyes. Hahaha, everyone, we are all in the calamity, and there is no way to escape it.

Gong Jiexuan was shocked: Am I also in the calamity? Isn't there already a Hongmeng Taoist?

Hai Ningzi laughed for a while, then stabilized his mind and said: I'm afraid that Hongmeng Taoist is not the Hongmeng Taoist on the other side, but probably the Hongmeng Taoist from other universes. What's more, he is not dead yet, so the girl is also here Catastrophe.

He looked at Dong Xuanzi and said: The only one among us who has no calamity is fellow Taoist Dongxuan. Hua Shengsheng also attained the Tao of Taiyi. He has died and solved Dongxuan's calamity. Those who practice Taiyi Dao Everyone, except Tai Dao Master, should all have a chance of survival.

Dong Xuanzi frowned slightly and asked: Why is Tai Dao Master not alive? Your words are unreasonable!

Hai Ningzi said: There is a great cause and effect between Taiyi and the other side. He realized Taiyi, not on the other side, so the cause and effect is not big. His misfortunes did not come from the Great Way of Taiyi, but from the Great Thousand Universe and Dao Jitian. These misfortunes , must be repaid! And someone deliberately plotted against him to make him suffer a huge disaster, so he has no chance of survival!

Dong Xuanzi frowned even more tightly.

Dong Xuanzi, you stay here.

Gong Jiexuan said, Everyone, come with me, we will go back to the other side to face the disaster!

Jing Ningzi sat next to Taoist Master Tongtian, motionless. Taoist Master Tongtian said, You can leave to deal with the killing calamity.

Jing Ningzi hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said: I can only have a chance to survive by killing you. But I can't kill you. I chose the wrong person for the fate of the other side. I shouldn't have chosen you and me to kill the Taoist master.


Master Tai Dao also noticed waves of inexplicable heart palpitations. This heart palpitations came from unknown sources, which made him feel a sense of urgency in his heart and speed up to drive towards the other shore.

The surroundings were chaotic and vast, and the building ship was traveling in the sea of ​​chaos, its speed gradually increasing.

In the name of seclusion, he has left the other side for more than a hundred years, and only his Tao body remains in the Taoist heaven.

For more than a hundred years, he has been running around in the sea of ​​chaos, traveling from one universe to another, mastering the great ways of heaven and earth in these universes, and becoming the master of the Taidao of these universes!

As he masters more and more avenues of the universe, heaven and earth, he gets closer and closer to the true meaning of the Way of Taiyi.

The heaven and earth avenues of each universe are different, and the Taiyi Avenue will undergo some wonderful changes accordingly, and they are not consistent.

But as he accumulated, his understanding of Taiyi became deeper and deeper.

Nominally there are only three thousand avenues of heaven and earth, but the situation in each universe is different, and the number of avenues of heaven and earth is also inconsistent. Some universes have less than three thousand avenues, and some have much more than three thousand.

There is even a universe with ten thousand ways.

During this period, Taiyi occasionally heard about the Void Conference. Knowing that it was Xu Ying, he wanted to go and have a look, but he did not have a token to go to the Void Realm.

Moreover, he was completely focused on studying the Taiyi Avenue and had no time to ask about this matter.

This palpitation makes me feel uneasy. There must be a reason!

Master Tai Dao whispered, Could it be that the fate of the other side has changed again? With my current strength, it is enough.

At this time, he saw the fairy light lingering in front of him, and a light penetrated the sea of ​​chaos and caught his eyes.

The Tai Dao Master was surprised, slowed down the speed of the building boat, and drove to the front, only to see there was a fairy palace floating in the sea of ​​chaos.

This fairy palace is not made of bronze, nor is it made of other rare treasures. However, it is made of ordinary blue tiles and painted with ordinary white walls. From a distance, it looks like an ordinary palace. There is nothing eye-catching about the Taoist temple.

There is an ancient tree planted outside the hall. The old tree has entangled roots and twists and turns. It stretches its branches and leaves toward the sea of ​​chaos, not caring about the pressure and erosion of the sea of ​​chaos.

There was a Taoist living in this immortal palace. When he saw the arrival of the building boat, he came outside the palace and took a photo with Tai Taoist Master.

Taiyi stared at it and saw that the Taoist had a high forehead and a few strands of beard on his chin. He had a refined temperament and held a whisk in his hand. He had the charm of a Taoist fairy.

Master Tai Dao was inexplicably surprised. This immortal palace was not made of green rock, but only blue tiles and white walls. How could it withstand the erosion of the Sea of ​​Chaos?

Fellow Taoist, Taoji is polite! The Taoist master hit the fly whisk in the crook of his elbow and said politely.

Master Taiyi returned the courtesy and said with a smile: Taiyi has met fellow Taoist.

True Lord Daoji invited us and said with a smile: The sea of ​​chaos is boundless. Since we meet, we are destined. My friend Tai Dao, please come into my hall and sit for a while.

Master Tai Dao hesitated for a moment and then walked into this immortal palace.

I saw that there was actually half an acre of pond in the yard in front of the Immortal Palace. There were fish swimming in the pond, puffing and puffing bubbles.

There was energy of chaos in the bubbles, which made Taiyi wonder. He didn't know what kind of monster Yuyu was, but he had such magical power.

He entered the Immortal Palace and saw that no one was enshrined in the Immortal Palace, only a green lantern and no decorations.

The two of them sat under the green lamp. Lord Daoji smiled and said: I have always been very boring, so many people criticize me, thinking that I am extremely vicious and cruel, but this is all slander. In fact, I am very kind. of a person.”

Master Tai Dao asked: I was born on the other side of the Sea of ​​Chaos. Dare I ask where my brother was born?

True Lord Daoji smiled and said: The universe I was born in has long been extinct, and I have no homeland. Fellow Taoist Tai, why do you use the great path you practice as your name?

Taiyi Dao: I believe that the path of cultivating the Tao should be sincere. If the heart is not sincere, how can we attain Taoism? How can we achieve Taoism? How can we achieve Taoism? I am sincere and my Tao, so all names are false. Only Taiyi will last forever.

True Lord Daoji was moved and said: Your qualifications are not superior, your talent is mediocre, and your understanding is average, but your Taoist heart is persevering. Therefore, your Taoist heart helps you reach the realm of Taoist master. Taoist friend is amazing admiration.

Master Taiyi smiled and said, I don't dare.

True Lord Daoji said: Since we are destined, why don't my fellow Taoists come back to the Taoist League with me? I can guarantee that my fellow Taoists will succeed in the future, and it will definitely be more than just the Taoist master.

Taiyi took the initiative and asked hurriedly: Brother Taoist, is he a member of the Taoist Alliance?

True Lord Daoji nodded slightly and said with a smile: It's from the Dao Alliance.

The Taoist Master was extremely surprised. The Taoist League was mysterious and unpredictable. They had never heard about the Taoist League before. It was not until Luo Taizong returned that they learned that there was actually a Taoist League in the sea of ​​chaos!

Luo Taizong went to the Taoist League, and as a result, his cultivation strength changed drastically. He even had the upper hand against all the Taoist masters!

However, it is obviously not easy to enter the Dao Alliance. Luo Taizong has extremely high qualifications and extraordinary understanding, so he was favored by people in the Dao Alliance and introduced him to the Dao Alliance.

Tai Dao Master never thought that he would be favored by the Dao Alliance!

True Lord Daoji smiled and said: You will go to the Tao Alliance with me, put an end to the turmoil of the world, devote yourself to the Tao, and pursue the ultimate goal of the Tao. Although your qualifications, talents and understanding are not very good, your Tao heart is really tenacious. If you pull it out, you will have great achievements in the future. Dao Alliance is the best way for you to ascend in one fell swoop!

Tai Dao Master was a little moved by his words, and smiled and said: Brother Dao, can you wait a moment? After I have taken care of the affairs on the other side, I will go to the Dao Alliance with you.

Dao Ji stared at him with faint eyes. Although he was smiling, his eyes were cold and there was no emotion in them.

Fellow Taoist, you only have this one chance.

He shook his head slightly, If you go back to the other side, there will be no possibility of entering the Dao League. If you follow me to the Dao League, you will have to abandon the other side.

Taiyi stood up and said with a smile: In that case, Taiyi will retire.

Dao Ji raised his eyebrows and stood up to see him off.

Master Taiyi boarded the boat and sailed to the other shore.

True Lord Daoji watched him disappear into the sea of ​​chaos, with the sky fire of Annihilation leaping in his eyes.

Taiyi, it's a pity. We don't have this fate.

He did not leave, but continued to stay here, as if waiting for something.

Master Tai Dao returned to the other side, handed back the Cuiyan Tower boat at the ferry, and walked leisurely towards Dao Jitian.

He didn't feel his Dao body, so he couldn't help but frown slightly, hesitated for a moment, but still walked towards Dao Jitian.

Halfway through the journey, a dark wind suddenly blew up, causing sand and rocks to fly, dust and smoke filling the air, and the sky quickly turned dark.

Taiyi looked calm and said: I'm Taiyi, which fellow Taoist is joking with me? If Taiyi offended me, I will make amends to you.

But he saw Tian Chengzi approaching in the dark wind, with a bleak look on his face, and said: Brother Taoist, stop, there is no way forward. Shi Lan and other Taoist masters have rebelled and have laid a dragnet!

Tai Dao Master smiled and said: Fellow Taoist, they join me in resisting the three Dao Dao masters and share the same hatred and hatred. How can they turn against me?

At this time, another Saint King Xuannv came up in the dark wind, bowed and said: Taiyi, I am here to say goodbye to you, and I can no longer accompany you in the battle. On the road ahead, other Taoist masters have laid ambushes, so you should run away quickly. !”

Master Tai Dao looked sad and said with a smile: Everyone has his own ambitions. It is the utmost kindness of the Holy King to come and inform me. If you want to leave, I will not stop you.

Suddenly, the Nine Hate Dao Lord floated in the dark wind, kowtowed to Taiyi and said: Master, don't go on the road ahead! I would like to ask the master to turn back, leave the other side, and don't come back!

After saying that, bang bang kowtow.

Tai Dao Master smiled and said: Jiu Hate, if a Dao Master ambush me, how could you find me? They would have killed you long ago, and you can still come to inform me?

When he said this, he saw Dao Lord Jiuhen kowtow and say: Disciple can no longer serve the master.

He stood up, and suddenly his body was covered in blood, turning into a pool of blood, but his obsession dissipated.

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