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Chapter 887 Blinded by Cause and Effect

Gong Jiexuan, Dong Xuan and others left the other shore and headed towards the heaven.

Someone from Heaven Realm had come long ago, telling them that Taoist Master was killed by Taoist Master Tongtian, and asked them to go back and preside over Heaven Realm.

Although they hate Dao Zun extremely much, they still have feelings for Tianjing, and it is difficult for them to just sit back and watch Tianjing decline.

After all, the situation on the other side is strong at this time, and if we take the opportunity to eradicate the Heaven Realm, it will be easy.

Dong Xuanzi suddenly said: Fellow Taoist Haining, why didn't you tell the truth to Taiyi?

Hearing this, everyone stopped and looked at him.

Dong Xuanzi said: You can see that the calamity on the other side is silent, and you can also see who is suffering the calamity. Why do you tell Taiyi that without Jiang Ningzi, you can't sort out the cause and effect and solve the calamity?

Hai Ningzi's eyes flashed and said: Brother Taoist, you can't solve the disaster by identifying its origin. Only by sorting out the cause and effect can you solve the disaster! I know Taiyi is your disciple, and you care about his safety, but Don’t forget our mission!”

For them, the calamity on the other side has subsided, they can survive, and the heavenly realm can survive. The disaster on the other side broke out and they died, but the Heaven Realm could survive.

Their mission is to survive in Heaven even if they sacrifice themselves.

It is good that the disaster on the other side has subsided, but if the other side threatens the heaven, then they must make sure to sacrifice themselves and drag the other side into the disaster, so that the other side can be completely extinct and destroy this life and death enemy!

Dong Xuanzi was silent for a moment and said: Of course I will not forget my mission. I just feel that you did not tell Taiyi everything. Haining, what did you see?

Hai Ningzi hesitated for a moment and said: I saw that the greatest disaster on the other side is tied to the body of Tai Dao Master.

Gong Jixuan, Dong Xuan, Cen Xi and others were all stunned. Dong Xuan lost his voice and said: How is that possible?

Hai Ningzi said: Everything may go wrong, but the calamity will never go wrong. Currently, Taiyi is entangled with the greatest calamity on the other side! I don't understand the cause and effect relationship, but my Taoist eye will never be wrong.

Everyone fell silent and looked back to the other side.

Now that the other side is gradually getting on the right track, it will take some years to recover from the killings.

Everyone, please sweep the snow in front of your door.

Gong Jiexuan said, Tianjing doesn't have the strength to fight against the other side now. I'm worried that some Taoist masters will cause trouble. Let's go back as soon as possible.

When everyone returned to the Heaven Realm, they could see the ten pattern in the sky above the Heaven Realm from a distance. The sword of the Taoist Master Tongtian cut off the Heaven Realm's resurrecting avenue of heaven and earth!

These two swords brought out the method of killing so vividly that even Jing Ningzi couldn't help but feel moved and said: In my heyday, I might not be as good as him.

At this moment, several Heaven Realm Taoist masters are trying to kill the sword energy hidden in the cross pattern. However, this is very dangerous, and they will be injured by the sword energy if they are not careful.

Taoist master Tongtian's sword energy is extremely powerful and domineering, even the Taoist master has a hard time resisting it, and the injuries often result in extremely serious Taoist injuries.

Do you want to solve the sword marks of Master Tongtian and repair the Heavenly Realm Avenue? Cen Xi asked.

Gong Jiexuan's eyes were complicated and she said: Go and see Taoist Master first, and then make a decision.

When they came to Cuiluotian, they saw a huge flood source of death from a distance. The avenue in the flood source had been burned out and there was no sign of life!

Concubine Concubine and several Taoist Masters of Heaven Realm are guarding outside the flood source, trying to awaken the dead flood source.

Jie Xuan is here!

Concubine Concubine was surprised and happy. She came forward and said, Great, Yuxizi is here too! Yuxizi, you try using the Avenue of Chaos, maybe you can awaken the Taoist Master's consciousness!

Everyone looked expectant.

Yuxizi glanced at Gong Jiexuan and did not move.

Concubine Concubine saw something was wrong and said quickly: What are you hesitating about? Yuxizi, Taoist Master, maybe there is still hope!

Gong Jiexuan said: Empress, the purpose of our coming here is only to protect the safety of the heaven, not to awaken the Taoist. It is best for the Taoist to fall into silence, so that we don't have to take action! Everyone, let's go!

She led Dong Xuan, Cen Xi and others away, leaving only Concubine Concubine and others standing there, at a loss.

The great avenue of heaven and earth is rumbling and shaking, and the Tao power in the heaven realm is also surging, but it is repeatedly cut off by the ten pattern.

Whenever there is a vibration, a dazzling light bursts out from the sword mark. When the rumble passes, the light disappears.

Jing Ningzi frowned slightly and said: The power of the revival of the Heavenly Realm Avenue is getting stronger and stronger. The sword marks of Tongtian Dao Master should not be able to cut off the Heavenly and Earthly Avenue for too long.

They waited for several years, and when they saw that the sword mark could no longer hold up, Taoist Master Tongtian came over, and the peerless sword light reappeared, and the two swords swung through the sky and the earth, cutting off the avenue.

Concubine Concubine and others were so angry that they fought with Tongtian, but they couldn't find a single enemy. They dropped some things like fingers, ears, arms, eyes, thighs, etc., and they were calmly left by Taoist Master Tongtian.

Concubine Concubine was so angry that she came to look for Gong Jiexuan and others. She said angrily: The evil thief from Tongtian is coming, why don't you take action? You have been cultivated by Taoist Master and have been raised by the heavenly realm! You are also worthy to be called Taoist Master. ? He is clearly a Taoist thief! And you, Jiexuan, you are the daughter of the Taoist Master, are you going to die without saving me?

Jing Ningzi couldn't bear it anymore and said angrily: We are the Taoist masters of the other side, not the Taoist masters of the heaven! We are burdened with catastrophes, all thanks to Tao Zun! The Tao Zun wants to destroy us and completely trigger the catastrophe of annihilation on the other side. Now Wu Xi and Jiang Ning have been completely saved! Although they died at the hands of others, the culprit was Tao Zun! Is such an insidious villain worthy of us saving him?

Concubine Concubine was stunned. Seeing this, Dongxuan explained the cause and effect of the matter, saying: We are already the ones who bear the fate of the other side. We should not come to the Heaven Realm to protect the Heaven Realm, but when the Heaven Realm is in trouble, we still Here we come. This is moral, but it has nothing to do with Tao Zun. Please forgive me.

Concubine Concubine still couldn't believe it for a while, her mind was confused and she said: Jie Xuan is also included in the sacrifice? Jiexuan is the daughter of Taoist Master...

Originally, the girl was destined to die. As long as she attained enlightenment, she would die on the other side. But fortunately, someone attained enlightenment before her and gave the girl a glimmer of hope.

Hai Ningzi said, The girl did not realize the Dao Hongmeng on the other side, she only realized the Dao Hongmeng on the other side. If she realizes the Dao Hongmeng in the heaven, then the misfortune will not be serious. As for us...

His eyes swept across Dongxuan, Cenxi, Yuxi, and Jingning, and said: We are already destined to be destroyed in the disaster.

Cen Xizi said: Dongxuan and Jingning still have a chance. Hua Shengsheng, who achieved Taiyi, is already dead.

Concubine Concubine shook her head and said: Dao Zun would not do this. Do you have any misunderstandings about him?

Gong Jiexuan had been silent, but now she spoke, shattering all her illusions: Tao Zun has already done this.

Concubine Concubine quickly said: He is also for the Heaven Realm!

Gong Jixuan said: Mother, we will also die for the sake of heaven. We have already made the determination to die. If he said to me, daughter, I need you to die for the sake of heaven. I will not frown at all. . But I want to die knowingly, instead of tricking us into dying!

Hai Ningzi said solemnly: Actually, he transfers the calamity of heaven to the other shore. The other shore can postpone the calamity, but he allows us to become enlightened on the other shore in order to deepen the calamity and make the other shore completely extinct. His purpose , not just as simple as saving the world.

Jing Ningzi said: His purpose is to use the Nirvana on the other side to cultivate the perfect avenue of Nirvana!

The concubine turned around and left silently, suddenly stopped, turned her head and said, I don't believe he would do such a thing.

A few years later, the ten pattern across the sky and the earth was once again shaken loose by the resurrected Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth, and Taoist Master Tongtian came to the heaven again to repair the sword marks.

Only this time, the concubine did not stop her.

After that, every few years, Master Tongtian would come to the Heaven Realm to deepen the sword marks. However, the vibrations of the Avenue of Heaven and Earth are becoming more frequent and intense, and the power of the Avenue's recovery is getting stronger and stronger!

Master Tongtian gradually came more and more often. A hundred years later, he simply stayed in the heaven. At the highest peak of the heaven, Sheng Lang Peak sat cross-legged, using his own huge sword energy to compete with the power of heaven and earth!

From time to time, there are shocking vibrations from Shenglang Peak, which are synchronized with the vibrations of the Heaven and Earth Avenue. It is obviously caused by the vibrations when the power of the Heaven Realm recovers and is transmitted to the Master of Tongtian Dao!

Master Tongtian, Dong Xuan, Jing Ning and others were on the same page, but Jing Ningzi often paid attention to the vibrations of Shenglang Peak and said to everyone: Master Tongtian will not be able to hold on for long, and he will not be able to compete with the power of heaven and earth in the heaven realm. ! In another six years, he will definitely be injured by the counterattack of the power of heaven and earth!

A few years later, Taoist Master Tongtian was indeed shaken by the power of the Taoist force so that blood bleeded from the corner of his mouth. Shenglang Peak was also cracked by the shock and settled a lot.

I'll help him! Jing Ningzi said.

With his help, the avenue of heaven and earth still cannot be restored, but the power of heaven and earth coming from it is like a flood blocked by a dam, getting stronger and stronger.

Sooner or later, this power of heaven and earth will overcome the obstruction of the two killer Tao masters, allowing the heaven and earth avenue of heaven to be completely revived!

Where does this power of heaven and earth come from?

Jing Ningzi also complained secretly in her heart, Why is it getting stronger and stronger?


...So the Tao power of heaven and earth comes from the void. The Tao power in the void is endless, and can be absorbed by countless monks in countless universes in the Chaos Sea at the same time.

Xu Ying's voice was loud, and he said while demonstrating the Tao of the Void, Understanding the Tao of the Void means you will be invincible. The Tao cannot be hurt.

In the Three Realms and the Void Realm, hundreds of years have passed since the last Void Conference held by Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang.

This Dao Alliance's Void Conference, not only masters from the Three Realms, the Other Side, and the Heaven Realm came to attend the meeting, but also many young masters from the universe, who also crossed many voids and came to the Void Realm to rush to the grand meeting.

Many unfamiliar faces were invited by Taoist Wukong and Shi Tianyang.

The Taoist went to the Stone Realm with Shi Tianyang, had another chance, and became the leader of the Stone Realm. He also wanted to contact more universes to increase the capital to resist the other side, so he has been running around in the sea of ​​chaos these years.

The two of them openly rebelled, but fortunately the other side was so distressed by the disaster that they survived.

However, the name of the Taoist League on the other side has also become famous in the universe, attracting many talented people to join the Taoist League.

During the event, Xu Ying served as the keynote speaker of the Nine Paths of Evidence-Based, explaining the secrets of evidence-based, but there were also others who came to explain the wonders of Chaos, Hongmeng, Wuji and other avenues.

Changsun Shenghai is also a master of the Nine Paths of Evidence. He has been invited to the pulpit many times to explain the mystery of the Nine Paths of Evidence from another perspective.

Yuan Weiyang also went to the Taoist platform and talked about the mystery of void, but her explanation was too mysterious and difficult to understand. Fortunately, there are many evidence-based methods that use the Nine Paths as a supplement to the Void Dao, and only six or seven people can listen to them.

However, Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang are the only two people who can utilize the void.

The Void Avenue is really too partial. There are very few techniques related to this avenue, and there are even fewer people who have achieved it. Those who have achieved it are very rare. It is extremely difficult to achieve success in this way.

In the entire Three Realms, only Xu Ying, Yuan Weiyang and Yu Xu have achieved success on the Way of the Void.

After the grand party, Xu Ying suddenly felt a little uneasy. He carefully searched for the cause and effect, but he didn't know where the uneasiness came from.

At this moment, another ray of light rose from the avenue.

Xu Ying looked around and said, Emperor Xu has achieved enlightenment again.

Yuan Weiyang asked in confusion: How many times has it been?

Xu Ying shook his head and said, I haven't counted them. But if he continues to prove the truth like this, he will have to prove the great ways of heaven and earth in the three realms.

Over the years, Emperor Xu would preach once every once in a while. His sermons could previously attract the worship of many people, but they gradually got used to it.

Especially after the Void Grand Meeting, it is the period when the Void King attains enlightenment most frequently, and he often has to achieve it several times at every turn.

But compared to Xuhuang who often attained enlightenment, Yuqing, Taiqing, Yuxu, the ancestor of Earth Immortal, Buddha, Taiyi Tianzun, Yuanzu and others seemed to lag far behind.

They have also obtained the mystery of evidence-based practice and realized that our nature is self-sufficient, but the avenues they practice are not as complex as Xuhuang's. They are often the innate avenues among the nine paths. It is extremely difficult to achieve enlightenment.

What Xuhuang demonstrated was the Three Thousand Avenues subordinate to Taiyi. There were many of them, but it was much easier to prove them.

The Emperor Xu intends to use the method of first proving the Three Thousand Avenues, and then deducing the Great Way of Taiyi, in order to reversely prove Taiyi.

Yuan Weiyang guessed, After he reversely proves Taiyi, he can open the Nine Paths of Evidence. Because with the background of the Taoist Master of Three Thousand Dao, his Nine Paths of Evidence must be faster than anyone else!

Xu Ying praised: His talent is really terrifying. No wonder Dao Zun doesn't want to let him go and wants to keep him by his side. Let him go and he will shine when he gets the chance!

Suddenly, he frowned slightly and felt an inexplicable palpitation in his heart.

Xu Ying suddenly woke up and said: Weiyang, I use the cause and effect of tribulation to form an all-knowing eye, observe myself, you can see if my tribulation has changed!

He activated the two avenues of cause and effect and calamity, and the two avenues entangled to form a golden wheel. The boundless light in the golden wheel formed an all-knowing eye, watching Xu Ying.

Yuan Weiyang looked at Xu Ying with his all-knowing eyes, his heart moved slightly, and said: Your destiny has changed, and you are evolving into a murderous calamity. There is a bloody light emerging, extremely red, as if there is a sea of ​​blood inside! From the perspective of cause and effect, the calamity is Luck starts from Hongmeng.

Xu Ying was stunned and suddenly said: I was deceived by the misfortune on the other side. This time, the misfortune seems to be a little different. In the past misfortune, I can guarantee that I will not be deceived!

He let out a breath of filthy breath, immediately packed up, and said to Yuan Weiyang: I became the Hongmeng Dao Master on the other side, and was caught up by the tribulation and could not escape. Today, I am the only one on the other side to go to the other side to kill the tribulation, not only for me, but also for the Three Realms. Seek life!”

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