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Chapter 878 Taiyi and Luo Shizong

The Great Avenue of Taiyi encompasses various avenues of heaven and earth, which naturally also includes the two avenues of time and space. The master of Taiyi activated the two paths of time and space, cut into the past time and space, searched all the way, and gradually came to 100 million years ago without knowing it.

Taoist Luo followed closely behind him like a shadow.

Although he doesn't know how to activate the two paths of time and space or how to return to the past, he is proficient in void. Even Xu Ying's attainments in the Way of the Void are not as great as his.

He hid in the void without disturbing Tai Yi at all, and thought to himself: Tai Yi is very cunning. This time he must go back to the past and meet up with Xu Ying. I will follow him back to see how the Nine Spirits Time and Space Heavenly Tribulation will deal with this. Catch all the rebel masters and disciples in one fell swoop!

At this moment, Tai Dao Master suddenly stopped and looked around, only to see that as time and space moved, this place was still Dao Ji Tian.

However, at this time, Dao Jitian had just begun to open up. The three masters of the avenue gave spiritual treasures, and many immortals worked together to sacrifice the spiritual treasures to open up Dao Jitian from the sea of ​​chaos.

There are also many monks at the seventh and eighth levels of the Tao Realm who imprint various treasures into the Tao Ji Tian and decorate this place.

There are also Dao scenery snatched from other universes or presented as tribute, and they are also placed in Dao Jitian as scenery.

This scene can be said to be the most spectacular scene after the catastrophe, and it is extremely inspiring.

Tai Dao Master stopped and watched for a long time, and said quietly: If the catastrophe had not happened, how prosperous and powerful would be the so many Dao Masters on my other side? Dao Jitian would be even bigger and more dazzling than it is now.

Taoist Luo listened quietly and thought to himself: Taiyi is not useless. He is still thinking about the other side.

Tai Dao Dao Master's face was complicated, and his voice came into his ears: If we had not avoided the disaster back then, but actively dealt with it, would we have been able to survive that disaster? Will the other side be stronger in the future? Do you think so? No, Brother Luo?

Master Luo was startled for a moment, stepped out of the void, and said in surprise: Taiyi, did you notice that I was following you? Your Taiyi Avenue is indeed wonderful!

The Taiyi Avenue includes all kinds of avenues such as souls, spirits, and gods. Brother Luo Dao, no matter how you hide it, you can't hide it from me.

Master Taiyi raised his hand, and a bronze fairy palace appeared. There was a coffee table and fragrant tea in the palace.

Brother Taoist, please. Taiyi invited.

Master Luo smiled slightly and said, Taiyi, you are an old man with a restless heart.

Relying on his own strength and not having to worry about anything, he immediately walked into the Immortal Palace with his head held high and sat on the futon in front of the jade table.

Tai Yi walked up to him, lifted up his clothes, sat opposite, and poured tea for Taoist Luo.

Is this the etiquette of the Three Realms? Master Luo frowned.

It's the tea ceremony of the Three Realms, a kind of acquired path. My disciple Hao Yi comes from the Three Realms and taught me these things.

Taiyi poured the tea and said with a smile, The civilization of the three realms is extremely detailed, which is different from the roughness of the civilization on the other side. My civilization on the other side is too rough and has no attainments in the acquired way.

When he said this, he couldn't help but think of Xu Ying.

Xu Ying is extremely talented in acquired attainments.

Master Luo drank tea, looked at the hard-working monks outside, and said: Our civilization on the other side has been destroyed long ago. Today's civilization is just a variant of the civilization on the other side. Besides, the civilization on the other side in those days was to treat people There is nothing unusual about using animals as sacrifices to gods. If there is no heaven, my father, Luo Taizong, cannot be overthrown.

Taiyi said yes, picked up the tea cup, and while tasting the fragrance of the tea, said: There are good and bad in heaven and us, but there are more bad ones.

Master Luo smiled and said: It is difficult to judge whether it is good or bad for a while. The arrival of the heavenly realm mainly brings about changes. The way of change has infinite possibilities. The strong look for opportunities in changes and turn uncertainty into The future becomes a future that is beneficial to oneself.”

Taiyi thought about his words, nodded slightly, agreed, and said: Is this the reason why Brother Luo chose the soul path that is the easiest to practice?

Master Luo said: That's right. The arrival of the heavenly realm will bring more advanced knowledge, which will inevitably lead to a drastic change. This change will inevitably cause the power structure on the other side. Therefore, I choose the soul path that is most suitable for me. , for me, the simplest avenue, reaching the highest realm in the shortest time. At this time, whoever becomes the Taoist first will be the first to master the most resources! Whoever can dominate the other side!

Taiyi said with emotion: There are two equally smart people. Master Hua and Master Lin are also the best among people. But I was very stupid at that time, so I chose Taiyi Avenue.

Master Luo smiled and said: You are too old. You think that the Nine Innate Paths are the highest, and your achievements must be great. But you have never thought that in a world of great chaos and strife, who will allow you to practice in peace? Do it in the shortest time. Only by being the strongest can you survive!”

Taiyi poured tea for him and said: Brother Tao came into the world with strength and has survived to this day. I came to the world with weakness and have survived to this day. Therefore, the way of change does not mean that the strong will always be strong and the weak will always be weak. The strong have It may become weaker, and the weak may become stronger, this is change.”

Taoist Master Luo picked up the teacup, his eyes flashed, and said: Taiyi, there is something in your words.

Master Taiyi looked solemn, raised his glass and said: Brother Taoist, I respect you for your great righteousness. You have repeatedly tried every means to eliminate disaster and save your life on the other side. But this road is the wrong one. Only by facing the disaster directly can we It can eliminate calamities! Taiyi, please don’t be my enemy, Brother Tao!

Taoist Luo put down the teacup and did not drink the tea. He sneered: Taiyi, your greatest strength is your maturity, your greatest weakness is your naivety! Do you think you can really survive the disaster if you face it head-on? If you can Cross over, why won’t Taoist Master cross over? Why do you want to pass it on to me on the other side? If you want to save your life on the other side, you can only pass on the misfortune!”

Tai frowned.

Dao Master Luo said solemnly: This transfer of disaster is not an ordinary transfer of disaster, but using the name of Master Tongtian to attract more talented monks from the universe to come to the other side and become consumables for the disaster!

Tongtian is a new saint, and the new saint has become the Taoist master of the other side. This news has set off a frenzy of immigrants smuggling across to the other side.

Later, the other shore opened up, and more monks entered the other shore to help pass on the disaster.

Taoist Master Luo continued: This is the strategy of me, Daoist Brother Hua, and Taoist Fellow Lin. Only by consuming these new saints can the saints on the other side have a chance to be preserved. As for the other Taoists, they are to eliminate calamities for the three of us. Tool of.

Taiyi still did not put down the tea cup in his hand, and said: Is this disaster more severe than ever? Brother Dao, this time you sacrificed so many monks in the universe, sacrificed so many Tao masters in the other side and heaven, and even Hua Hua Brother Dao was also sacrificed by you. What about next time? The next time disaster comes, what will you sacrifice?

The corner of Luo Daozhu's mouth trembled. This time the calamity came so violently that he had no time to make a record, so he could only use the worst method.

However, after this transfer, I am afraid that the next time will be more violent, and there will not be so many consumables then.

Tai Dao: The current plan is to take advantage of this opportunity and take the initiative to respond to the calamity in order to eliminate the calamity. If the way of heaven is broken, repair the sky, if the way of earth is broken, repair the earth, and if the way of humanity collapses, recuperate. Our universe on the other side is only a few billion years old, even if Being passed on for misfortune, there is still a glimmer of hope...

My lies are deceiving the public!

Daoist Luo interrupted him directly and said solemnly, Ying Jie? Eliminate Jie? Do you want me to die? I, Luo, ride across the sea of ​​chaos, control the universe, and countless lives have been lost in my hands, and they have been passed on to me. There are many universes that have been annihilated due to catastrophe! Hahaha, how serious is the catastrophe on me? Do you want me to accept the catastrophe?

There was murderous intent in his eyes: Taiyi, you want me to die!

Master Tai Dao frowned and said: I thought Brother Dao was thinking about the safety of the other side, so...

I do care about the safety of the other side. But the safety of the other side must be ranked behind my personal safety.

Master Luo's eyebrows rose, How precious is my life? I am Tao Master, the being who holds the power of life and death for countless lives in the universe. Even the other side cannot compare with me. Taiyi, isn't the same in your mind?

Taiyi solemnly said: The other side gave birth to me and raised me. In my heart, the safety of the other side comes first.

Master Luo fluttered his sleeves, and the jade table, teapot and teacups were all broken into pieces. He smiled and said, Then there's no need to talk about it. Taiyi, you can show your true skills.

Master Tai Dao drank the herbal tea in the cup, sighed, and said: Brother Taoist, this is 100 million years ago, and the universe controlled by us on the other side only has 256. There is a newly discovered universe that has not yet been discovered. A Taoist master has arrived, but he has been discovered by the scouts. Now, Brother Taoist, the only universes you can sense are these 257.

Master Luo's heart suddenly suddenly felt, and he hurriedly sensed the universe.

Behind him, scenes of the universe suddenly emerged, no more, no less, exactly 257 universes!

The vast universe obviously exists in this sea of ​​chaos, but no scouts in this era have yet come there to observe these universes.

If it is not observed, it is unknown.

Therefore, he cannot sense these universes, and naturally he cannot borrow the nine powers of souls, gods, etc. from these universes!

There are two hundred and fifty-seven universes. Each universe can mobilize nine kinds of Tao power, which is equivalent to the peak Taoist master of the nine ways.

Tai Dao Master sat opposite Dao Master Luo and said calmly, Coupled with your own Dao power, there are two thousand three hundred and twenty-two peak Dao masters of ordinary Dao. Luo Dao Master, in terms of Dao power cultivation, You're not much better than me.

Taoist Master Luo laughed loudly, his voice rolling like thunder: Taiyi, you think too highly of yourself. It has only been a few hundred years since you established Taiyi Avenue, how much Tao power do you have? I calculate that your Taiyi Avenue can accommodate three thousand avenues. Even if you spend hundreds of years cultivating to the middle stage of Taoism, you will only have the power of three thousand ordinary Taoists in the middle stage! In terms of power, you are far behind me!

Taiyi solemnly said: What I practice is the Taiyi Dao, one of the nine innate paths, the Dao of the world, the nine highest paths. What you practice is only the next-level Dao, a sub-dao under the Taiyi Dao. This alone is not enough. It can even out the gap in moral strength.”

Master Luo's eyes flickered and he said leisurely: Where are the spiritual treasures? How many innate spiritual treasures do you have, how can you compete with me?

Taiyi said leisurely: After Master Hua died, I was also fighting for the spiritual treasure. But I am not greedy, as long as the spiritual treasure is enough.

Master Luo was still waiting to speak, but Taiyi thought to himself: Your realm is higher than mine, and my skills are better than yours. My Dao is stronger than you, and your Dao power is better than mine. You have more magical weapons than me, and my magical powers are better than yours. As for experience, I have become a Taoist master not long ago, and Taoist brother relies on his Taoist power to suppress others. The experience of life and death fighting between Taoist masters is the same as that of you and me.

Master Luo exhaled a breath of turbid air and looked outside the Immortal Palace.

Tai Dao: Don't worry, I don't know how to follow the nine evidences, and I can't change history. They will forget when they see us. You and I can rest assured that we will fight here until the loser dies. Brother Dao, I have already With the awareness of mortality.”

Master Luo's eyelids twitched violently, and his voice was hoarse as he said, Aren't you here to kill me at this time with Xu Ying?

Taiyi shook his head and said: I had this intention before. But Brother Dao must have made all preparations, so why should I bother? I only need to lead Brother Dao to this moment, and I might not be able to fight to the death with Brother Dao.

Master Luo's heart was also beating violently, and he suddenly laughed and said: I have cultivated the Void Avenue, and the Void is no weaker than the Nine Paths!

Taiyi shook his head and said: You have not yet attained the Dao in the void. If you had attained the Dao, I would still be afraid of you and lead you to an even more ancient period before I dare to take action. Brother Dao, you are only worthy of me leading you here. You have already There’s no escape.”

He has a mature face, a firm tone, and a calm demeanor, as if what he wants to do can be accomplished.

You can't escape from the past if you don't have access to the avenue of time and space.

Taiyi said lightly, And I have countless opportunities to kill you. Even if I am not your opponent, I can still pull you back to an older era until I kill you.

Master Luo Dao's Taoist heart finally wavered at this moment. At the same time as he wavered, Tai Dao Dharma was activated and he sacrificed the Luo Tiandao tree, increasing the power of this single spiritual treasure to the extreme!

The three thousand branches of the Dao tree, unified at this moment, are like a Taiyi Dao tree, as close as one with him, their power is doubled, and they are sweeping towards Dao Master Luo!


The Immortal Palace exploded, and Dao Master Luo flew out upside down, smashing the back hall into pieces!

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