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Chapter 877 Nine Spirits Time and Space Heavenly Tribulation

One hundred million years ago, the road to the other side collapsed, especially the road of cause and effect. At this time, signs of cause and effect disorder appeared.

The first calamity broke out and the world was in chaos. A total of fifty-eight Taoist masters including Hua, Lin, and Luo had never encountered such a thing, so they gathered on Qionghua Island to discuss how to deal with the calamity.

There is the immortal Hong Tiangang, who practices the Great Path of Cause and Effect and is highly regarded. He said to all the Taoist masters: The other shore inherits the calamity of heaven, so there is such a catastrophe. When the calamity comes, the killing will begin. If the calamity cannot be eliminated, let's If the cause and effect is restored to clarity, then greater disasters will come, until the other side is destroyed.

The fifty-eight Taoist masters are divided into three major factions, headed by Hua Shengsheng, Lin Chuanting and Luo Shizong. The others are complicated due to various relationships and small forces.

At this time, there are dozens of universes under the jurisdiction of the other side. Each Taoist master has mobilized the power of the universe, and his strength is superior to other universes. Even if you encounter Taoist masters from other universes, you can still kill them.

The other side is in the best period of expansion, but it encounters such changes, which makes all Taoist masters nervous.

Hua, Lin, and Luo then discussed with each other and decided to kill each other to eliminate the bad luck.

Master Hua Dao said: All living beings on my other shore are equal, and there is no distinction between superiority and inferiority. During the calamity, we will eradicate each other. Those who are not as skilled as others will die until the calamity dissipates. This is the way of equality. You cannot blame others.

Taoist Lin and Taoist Luo each agreed.

So after more than two thousand years of bloody struggle, except for Luo Taizong who was exiled and Tian Chengzi sealed himself 20 million years ago, the other fifty-three Taoist masters all died.

They, along with their broken avenues, were used as food reserves. The three avenue masters Hua, Lin, and Luo each took out the innate spiritual treasures and suppressed the bodies of the fifty-three masters and the broken avenues, waiting for the disaster to come again in the future. Dig it out and eat it.

From then on, only the three avenue masters had the last laugh, and countless other monks and other monks died during this period.

Xu Ying and Zushen walked in time. As two observers, they did not disturb this strange history.

The Ancestral God sighed: These Taoist masters never expected that it seemed like there was a fight between three major factions, but the one who survived was not one of the three major factions, but the leader of the three major factions.

Xu Ying thought about the reason for this phenomenon, and after a moment, he said: The three Dao Masters occupy much more resources than others, and their strength is much stronger than others. They are not on the same level as the other Dao Masters. class. Other Taoist masters actually work for them. The same is true for Luo Taizong. It’s just that Luo Taizong has been eliminated.

He paused slightly and said: We all seem to be Tao masters, but they have different resources and are not in the same class. In a life-and-death fight, those who die will be those who work for the three Tao masters. As for those who control the resources, People must be the last to die. That’s why the three masters of the avenue can live to the end.”

The Ancestral God nodded slightly and said: The three avenue masters are also aware of this. Therefore, in order to maintain their rule for the next 100 million years, they must ensure that no one can compete for their resources.

Xu Ying said with a smile: This is the reason why in the next 100 million years, no matter who becomes the Taoist Master, he will be punished by Master Hua.

The Ancestral God smiled and said: Tongtian became the Taoist Master because the calamity is coming, and the Taoist Master Tongtian is needed to be the one to kill, and he also needs to use Tongtian to win over the new saints. As for the resources, they will never share them. To the sky.”

Xu Ying shook his head and said: They didn't pull a hair. Taiyi attained Taoism and became a Taoist master, but they didn't give Taiyi any resources. In the eyes of the three Taoist masters, everyone else is an enemy, including the other two Taoist masters.

While talking, the two of them had arrived at the Anyou Palace of Master Luo.

At this time, Dao Jitian had not yet been formed, but it was opened later. Anyou Palace is now only in the mortal world.

Xu Ying observed Anyou Palace from a distance and recorded the travel situation of Taoist Master Luo. He also observed the directions of Qionghua Island and Hushan Pavilion and recorded the travels of the other two Taoist Masters.

At this time, the three avenue masters were obviously not so confident about each other. Anyou Palace, Qionghua Island and Hushan Pavilion were far apart, making it difficult to get there quickly.

Even if we provide support, it will take a long time.

Xu Ying observed carefully, and unknowingly, after more than two years, he had a good grasp of Dao Master Luo's cultivation strength, and then decided to attack Dao Master Luo.

Dao Master Luo's current state is only in the early stage of being a Dao Master. He is not yet in the middle stage. The other side has jurisdiction over 256 universes. Therefore, in his peak state, he can only control the soul path of 256 universes at most. That is to say, in his peak state, his Tao power is 256 times that of his normal state. And Taoist Master Luo in his normal state is just an ordinary Taoist who practices the Soul Dao.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he said to himself, Under normal conditions, his combat power is average, and with the innate spiritual treasure, it is just meager. Far inferior to an ordinary Hongmeng Taoist like me. My His Dao power is three thousand times that of his normal state! Even if he is at his peak, my Dao power is still more than ten times that of his!

When he thought of this, his mind moved slightly, and suddenly the time and space on the other side were distorted. A huge reincarnation ring distorted yesterday and today, forming a wonderful reincarnation zone with a radius of thousands of miles of Anyou Palace!

The ancestor god looked up and saw an ouroboros snake appearing above his head.

The big snake bit its own tail, moved its teeth quietly, and devoured itself bit by bit.

This is a vision caused by Xu Ying intercepting one day of time and forming a reincarnation of time.

Master Luo noticed something, and a powerful spiritual consciousness swept through Anyou Palace, gaining insight into the changes in time and space around him.

However, the reincarnation of time and space has been completed and he has disappeared. At this time, he is still just a soul master. He has not noticed the changes in time and space, and has never seen the Ouroboros.

Xu Ying distorted time and space just to have a backup plan. If he failed to kill Taoist Luo, he would go back to yesterday and continue until he tried out a way to kill Taoist Luo.

Xu Ying's figure fled backwards, hiding in the void, avoiding the glance of Master Luo's consciousness.

Master Luo looked around and couldn't find the source of the accident, so he stopped there.

When I first met Luo Taizong, Master Luo once mentioned that he had prepared all the means to make sure that those who went back in time to plot against him would die.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed. He didn't know what method Dao Master Luo used, but he must find this method to avoid capsizing in the gutter.

Although his current Dao power is more than ten times that of Dao Master Luo at this time, in the future, Dao Master Luo will practice many kinds of Dao and rule the universe, and his Dao power will be more than ten times that of Xu Ying!

Ancestral God, you hide far away and don't move. I'll kill Dao Master Luo.

Xu Ying thought for a long time and then ordered, If I encounter danger, you will immediately kill everyone in Jiuqiu Mountain and kill Dao Master Luo and his disciples together without any hesitation!

The Ancestral God was frightened and started killing people indiscriminately, which violated his Taoist heart as the primordial spirit of the universe.

Seeing his expression, Xu Ying knew that he couldn't bear it. He smiled and said: I want you to kill people to trigger the correction of time and space. You did not change your past magical powers. The moment you killed them, the time and space were corrected. Ouroboros If you swallow yourself completely, you will go back to yesterday and start all over again.”

He solemnly said: After time and space are corrected, they will still be alive and well, but if we die in the past, we are really dead and cannot be corrected. Therefore, if I am in danger, you must take action!

The ancestor god said: But there is no Jiuqiu Mountain here!

Xu Ying looked down and was slightly startled. He saw green mountains and green waters outside Anyou Palace, but there were indeed no Jiuqiu!

He hasn't moved to Dao Jitian yet, and he hasn't moved Jiuqiu Mountain there yet.

Xu Ying didn't take it seriously and said, There are thousands of miles around Anyou Palace, and I want no one left alive! God Ancestral God, my life is entrusted to your hands!

The ancestor god was awe-inspiring and hurriedly went to prepare.

Xu Ying calmed down and tried to sense the Hongmeng Avenue of the eight universes and borrow the power of Hongmeng.

With the help of Hongmeng, his Dao power can increase eightfold, making him more confident of killing Dao Master Luo!

Suddenly, Xu Ying was slightly startled. He could only sense the Hongmeng Avenue in one of the universes, but could not sense the Hongmeng Avenue in the other seven universes!


This incident made him feel awe-inspiring and ponder what the problem was.

At this time, only 256 universes have been discovered on the other side, and other universes have not yet been discovered. The universe I sensed must be among these 256 universes.

Xu Ying said silently in his heart, Chaos is unpredictable and unknowable. After I returned to the past, the other seven universes became unknowable because they were undiscovered and hidden in the sea of ​​chaos. Probably for this reason, so I Can’t sense them.”

Thinking of this, he stood up and suddenly mobilized the reincarnation of cause and effect, calamity and killing, the four innate avenues, and controlled the four at the same time. The four innate powers condensed into one and turned into the sword finger of killing immortals!

Even Luo Taizong and Dao Zun can only control three kinds of Tao power at the same time, but he can control four kinds at the same time, forming a more powerful magical power!

The Zhu Xian Sword Finger is the magical power he created with this, which is enough to change the past!

Xu Ying observed the surroundings and found no changes caused by the Zhuxian Sword Fingers. He immediately locked on Dao Master Luo, activated the Zhuxian Sword Fingers, and stabbed down from the void!

But the moment he unleashed his sword finger, the Great Dao Wave from the future roared out. Xu Ying also sensed this Great Dao Wave at the same moment and thought to himself: Dao Master Luo ambushed me and Tai Yi's back-up. Out!

Just when he thought of this, the fluctuations of the avenue from the future suddenly increased crazily. The next moment, the nine Luo Dao Masters came from time and space, each with their own appearance, their faces were either ferocious or solemn, and their postures were also different. Three heads and six arms, some with eye-shaped palms and some with jagged joints, all came at Xu Ying at the same time!

Before Xu Ying could kill Dao Master Luo, the Nine Spirits in the sky wanted to kill him one step ahead!

Xu Ying immediately dispersed his Immortal Killing Sword Fingers and faced the Luo Dao Master in these time and space. At the same time, all the innate spiritual treasures such as the Great Dao Sutra Pillar, the Nirvana Blue Sky, the Apricot Yellow Banner, the Xuanhui Pagoda, and the Flower of Rebirth were sacrificed!

He picked up the Kaiyuan Divine Ax and faced the nine gods, Taoist Master Luo!


The layers of void exploded, and Xu Ying was pushed out of the void. When he came to the sky above the other shore, all kinds of innate spiritual treasures collided, and the bursting waves spread across the other shore in an instant, waking up all the three avenue masters!

At this moment, Taoist Luo, Taoist Hua and Taoist Lin each walked out of the palace. Master Hua was shocked and confused: Who is this quarrel with? He is so powerful, his Tao power is dozens of times greater than mine!

Master Lin's face turned pale: How can there be such a powerful person in this world? Could it be that Dao Zun has been resurrected? Only Dao Zun has such great power, right?

Master Luo looked up at the sky, horrified, and saw nine versions of himself in different forms, besieging a black-faced boy.

The promised innate spiritual treasure collided with the physical bodies of these Taoist Luo masters, but it made a crisp sound like gold and stone clashing. What burst out from the bodies of these Taoist Luo masters was not blood, but streaks of spiritual light!

They are innate spiritual treasures! Dao Master Luo used his Tao body and innate spiritual treasures to refine the Nine Spirits!

Xu Ying had just guessed the true form of the Taoist master Luo, but he saw that the nine-spirited figures were strewn about, including soul, soul, spirit, god, nature, sacrifice, memorial, netherworld, and void. It actually has a bit of a nine-way evidence-based attitude!

Xu Ying was shocked and angry: Taizong, I know you want to save your dear son, but you can't harm me!

Master Luo is extremely talented in the path of the soul. He majored in the path of the soul. He used the path of the soul to deduce the path of the soul, and used the path of the soul to deduce the path of the spirit. After that, he followed the path of the gods, the path of nature, the path of sacrifice, the path of sacrifice, and the path of the underworld. Then go to the Void Avenue.

If you don't have talent in this area, you will never be able to practice to this point.

However, these nine paths have no evidence-based principles and cannot be recycled.

Taoist Luo did not come into contact with the Nine Innate Paths, but he deduced the Void Path that was not inferior to the Nine Innate Paths, and cultivated this avenue to an unprecedented height. Such talent is truly astonishing.

Therefore, Xu Ying concluded that this assassination formation must have been passed down by Luo Taizong.

Luo Taizong must have relied on his son's talent and the nine evidence-based methods of the Taoist Alliance to create a set of Nine Spirits Time and Space Heavenly Tribulation for him, specifically to deal with Xu Ying and other magical powers who could go back to the past to kill people!

Seeing that Xu Ying was about to be ruined by the Nine Spirits Time and Space Heavenly Tribulation, suddenly Anyou Palace with a radius of thousands of miles suddenly sank and was covered by a huge palm print in the ground!

Under the palm of the Ancestral God, all the people within a radius of thousands of miles died tragically. Only Master Luo was still alive, and he was severely injured and vomited blood.

This throbbing spread across the other shore, and Dao Master Hua and Dao Master Lin were even more horrified: Such a powerful Taoist force, a thousand times more powerful than mine, who is it...

At this time, the Ouroboros had eaten all of itself, and time flowed back to one day ago.

Xu Ying was covered in blood and holding the Kaiyuan Divine Ax in his hand, he still offered sacrifices to the spiritual treasures such as the Great Dao Sutra Pillar and the Xuanhui Pagoda.

The Ancestor God was startled and said hurriedly: A Ying, why are you so injured while we are talking?

Xu Ying raised his hand and said calmly: Taoist brother Luo Taizong left me a difficult problem to embarrass me. I didn't notice it for a moment and suffered a bit. If I didn't have any precautions, I would be dead at this moment.

He praised: Luo Taizong, as a person who has not cultivated the Nine Paths of Evidence, can achieve this step, which is already remarkable. However, I already know how to crack it.

He activated the nine evidences, and the Tao in his body continued to evolve, but after a while, the Tao injuries disappeared on their own.

Xu Ying raised the Kaiyuan Divine Axe, his eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: Ancestral God, let's do it again.

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