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Chapter 867 The other shore does not exist

Kaitian Karma?

The three Taoist masters Zong Qi, Li Jian and Sha Zhe were each startled. What does the cause and effect of Kaitian mean?

Does the Kaiyuan Divine Ax need to open the sky again?

Sha Zhe asked, Hasn't it already opened the sky once? Why does it still have the cause and effect of opening the sky?

Taoist Master Luo looked strange and said: Hong Tiangang must have not received the true teachings when practicing the Dao of Cause and Effect, and he must have become confused. At that time, he actually told Brother Hua that the Kaiyuan Divine Ax had opened the sky, but the owner of the Kaiyuan Divine Ax had not yet Open the sky.”

Taoist Master Li Jian thought: Brother Luo Dao means that the Kaiyuan Divine Ax is an innate spiritual treasure from my other side. It is a thing with an owner and cannot be refined by others. Its owner will eventually take away this treasure, go to create the world, and transform a Hongyuan has been opened up. I wonder if that’s what you mean?”

Master Luo nodded slightly.

Taoist Master Li Jian added: But Taoist Master also said that this treasure is extraordinary and far more powerful than other spiritual treasures. It is a spiritual treasure that has experienced the tempering of the world.

Master Luo nodded again.

Taoist Master Li Jian laughed and said: Isn't this a contradiction? The Kaiyuan Divine Ax has experienced the tempering of the creation of the world, and the Kaiyuan Divine Ax lacks a cause and effect of creation. Its owner must hold this ax to create the world. Since it has never created the world, how can it go through the creation of the world? Tempering?”

Sha Zhe and Zong Qi nodded repeatedly.

Sha Zhe said with a smile: The God's Ax has opened the sky, but its owner has not opened the sky. Therefore, the God's Ax has not opened the sky, and there is no cause and effect to open the sky. How can this be true?

Master Luo sighed and said: This is the weird thing. A spiritual treasure that created the world has never created a world, but it happened to have created a world. Otherwise, how could there be a tempering that created the world? This is not a contradiction. Really? So, it can only be Hong Tiangang who cultivated the Great Path of Cause and Effect and went crazy with it.

Sha Zhe, Zong Qi and Li Jian nodded.

This is a confusion of cause and effect, not a lack of cause and effect!

Master Luo said: The Avenue of Cause and Effect is really illusory. Most of Hong Daojun has damaged his brain because of it. The Avenue of Cause and Effect can cultivate the realm of immortality, and few people have normal brains.

They arrived outside the First Holy Land on the other side. Master Luo looked around and frowned slightly. The exact location of the First Holy Land has always been a mystery. No one except Luo Taizong knows its whereabouts.

Back then, Taoist Master Luo also searched for this holy land, but couldn't find it, so he had to give up.

This time, taking advantage of the Kaiyuan Divine Ax flying, we can find this treasure place. It is rumored that if you find this place, you can understand all the great ways of heaven and earth on the other side. For him, he may be able to break through from this point.

But even after chasing him here, he still didn't see where the holy land was.

Xu Ying and Ancestor God chased them here and lost their traces, indicating that they had entered the holy land. However, the space was silent and empty, with no trace of the First Holy Land at all.

Zong Qi and the three of them each mobilized their own avenues and searched everywhere. However, the space was too big. Even if they were Tao masters, they could not find the location of the First Holy Land.

Master Luo's eyes flashed, and suddenly he waved his sleeves, burning soul fire everywhere, filling the entire radius of thousands of miles.

Master Luo suddenly noticed a strange change and said, It's right here!

The treasure chariot moved, came to the sea of ​​fire, and stopped.

Zong Qi and the others followed, only to see Master Luo slowly stand up, and the sea of ​​​​fire dispersed, leaving only a straight line of fire.

This line of fire is extremely strange, extremely slender, many times smaller than a hair. If you don't observe carefully, you can't find it at all.

Master Luo said softly: The first holy place on the other side is right here.

This thread is the First Holy Land? the three people said in disbelief.

Master Luo took back the soul fire in the line of fire, and suddenly infinite flames poured out from the line of fire. It was obviously just a line of soul fire, but after it poured out, it turned into a sea of ​​fire!

This line is no ordinary line. There is a lot going on inside.

Master Luo stepped forward and walked toward this line, saying: No wonder no one can find the First Holy Land. It turns out that the First Holy Land is actually hidden in space in this form.

It is really difficult to find such a holy place in the vast universe.

Zong Qi and the other three followed and walked forward, only to see that the four of them had also turned into extremely thin paper figures with no thickness.

They walked through this strange passage, but they didn't know that they were passing through the starry sky on the other side and arriving at the center of the other side.

When they entered the Holy Land, they looked back and discovered the magnificent scene contained in that extremely slender line. The entire universe on the other side was hidden in that extremely slender line!

At this moment, boundless light surged towards them!


Master Luo's eyes gleamed, and he immediately saw Xu Ying and a young man standing on the jade platform, surrounded by light.

The young and strong man was quite strange. He was hit on the waist by a big axe. At this moment, light burst out from the big axe and the jade platform!

I can't spare you!

Master Luo was furious, soared into the air and grabbed Xu Ying!

The three Taoist masters Zong Qi quickly followed up, each shouted loudly, and charged towards the jade platform!

At this moment, boundless light surged in front of the four people's eyes, and for a moment they could not see anything.

call out--

The mysterious light shines brightly in the first holy land on the other side. When the light dissipates, Master Luo, Zong Qi, Li Jian and Sha Zhe all disappear.

The jade platform was completely empty, and Xu Ying and the ancestor god who was almost split in half were nowhere to be seen.

This mysterious light is wrong!

In the light, Xu Ying activated the nine paths, and immediately realized that the dazzling light contained extremely powerful Tao power, like the reincarnation of cause and effect, the infiniteness of Taiyi, and the chaos of chaos, flowing one after another!

This force was so vast that he couldn't resist it, and it dragged him and his ancestors into the unknown!

He tried to use various magical powers to break the mysterious light, but the Tao power contained in this strange light was extremely powerful and was beyond his ability to break.

What kind of magical power is this?

He was uneasy. He could also integrate different innate nine paths and create indescribable magical powers. However, his evidence base for the nine paths was not perfect, and the cultivation of the nine avenues was inconsistent. As a result, the magical powers he could develop were quite limited. is limited.

The wonderful use of this kind of magical power is better than mine! The reverse flow of reincarnation, the backward tracing of cause and effect, all the ways are unified, and become infinite! Reenact Hongmeng, regenerate chaos! Brilliant, so brilliant! By the way, I seemed to have seen Luo Luo just now Taoist master, why did he come here? I'm afraid he will fall into trouble this time...

Xu Ying felt uneasy in his heart, I wonder if I want to worship him as my adopted father... I'm afraid it won't work? Or if I ask him to call me uncle, will it be easier to die?

Just as he thought of this, the mysterious light suddenly stopped and dissipated.

As soon as the mysterious light dissipated, he saw the energy of chaos coming from all around. Xu Ying activated the Chaos Avenue without thinking, but when he saw the energy of chaos coming to them, they suddenly stopped and were pushed away by an invisible force. .

The Ancestral God stood beside him, holding the Kaiyuan Divine Ax in his hand. This divine ax seemed to have lost all power and became plain and simple.

The ancestor god took the opportunity to recover his physical body, let the two halves close together, healed the wound, looked around blankly, and was about to speak, Xu Ying put his index finger to his lips, making a silent gesture.

The Ancestral God immediately shut his mouth and spoke with his spiritual consciousness: Xu Daozu, where are we now?

Xu Ying also communicated with his spiritual consciousness and said: We should have been sent to the sea of ​​chaos. Just when you were standing on the footprints, Taoist Master Luo and the other three Taoist Masters followed us, and they were near us!

The ancestor god was awe-inspiring.

At that time, he was trying his best to control the Kaiyuan Divine Axe, and did not see the surrounding scene, so he didn't know that Luo Daozhu had also followed.

Xu Ying said in a message: Although my Chaos Avenue is quite good, I'm afraid I won't be able to last long in the face of the pressure of the Chaos Sea. Let's leave this place quietly first and stay away from Master Luo.

He tiptoed forward, and the ancestor god followed behind him tiptoeing with an ax in hand.

Suddenly, an extremely terrifying soul wave came from behind them. It was so strong that it even spread across the sea of ​​chaos. Fortunately, the direction of this magical power was not towards them.

Xu Ying and Ancestor God immediately speeded up and moved away from the place where the soul path magical power broke out.

At this time, three more Taoist magical powers erupted not far away. It should be that Zong Qi and other three Taoist masters were also releasing their magical powers to search for the whereabouts of Xu Ying and the ancestors.

Xu Ying and the Ancestral God avoided the place where the magical power broke out and left quietly. After walking an unknown distance, Xu Ying suddenly stopped and offered sacrifices to a green rock building boat.

The Ancestral God was still worried about how to survive in the sea of ​​chaos. Seeing this situation, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and said with a smile: Ah Ying, you actually prepared a building boat, you are really thoughtful!

The two boarded the Cuiyan Tower Boat. Xu Ying smiled and said: This boat has the brand of the other shore. You can directly activate the tower boat and return to the other shore!

Ancestral God smiled and said: After we go back, maybe we can catch a few more spiritual treasures in time.

Xu Ying shook his head: At that time, I'm afraid those spiritual treasures would have flown out of the other side and gone to different universes.

He activated the Lou Chuan brand, and his expression gradually became weird.

Seeing this, the Ancestral God quickly said: What's wrong?

Xu Ying's voice was full of confusion, and he said: The brand of the other shore on this building ship is useless, and it cannot return to the other shore. I have another one here!

He took out another Cuiyan Tower Ship, mobilized his Dao Power to activate the Tower Ship Brand, frowned again, and then took out the third Tower Ship.

But so does the third building ship!

Xu Ying frowned even more and took out the fourth tower ship. After a while, he took out the fifth tower ship.

Not long after, the Ancestral God saw that they were surrounded by green rock tower ships, hundreds of them, which could be called a fleet of tower ships!

How many buildings did Ah Ying get from the other side?

Just when he thought of this, Xu Ying frowned and murmured: No, no, it's impossible that all the brands on the ship will be invalid. There must be something wrong...

The ancestor god asked: What happened?

Xu Ying walked around, thinking hard, and said: The imprints of these buildings and ships are still there, but for some reason, I can't establish a connection with the other shore. It's like... it's like the other shore doesn't exist!

The ancestral gods are stunned, the other shore does not exist?

In such a vast sea of ​​chaos, how can they return to the other side?

Xu Ying calmed down and said: Don't panic. I still have a way to go to the Three Realms! I left a mark on the eucalyptus tree in the three realms. I only need to sense the eucalyptus tree to find the direction of the three realms!

He put away all the boats, leaving only one boat. He was in high spirits and said with a smile: As long as you return to the Three Realms, it will be easy to go to the other side.

The Ancestral God was also relieved. Xu Ying quietly felt the eucalyptus tree. After a long time, his face turned pale.

The Three Realms... don't seem to exist anymore.

On the other side, Master Luo met Zong Qi, Li Jian and Sha Zhe. All four of them owned a Cuiyan Lou Ship. However, they also discovered that although the imprint of the Cuiyan Lou Ship was there, it had no definite course!

The other shore no longer exists. Such thoughts came to the minds of the four Taoists at the same time.

Master Luo said in a deep voice: The other shore will never disappear suddenly. There must be something wrong!

Zong Qi asked: Is it because we are too far away from the other shore and cannot sense the direction of the other shore?

Master Luo thought: It's very possible. Let's walk on a boat and look for the other side!

The four of them boarded a green rock building boat, put away the other building boats, and sailed in the vast sea of ​​chaos.

After traveling like this for more than ten years, they still couldn't sense the direction of the other shore.

Master Luo said: I also know the directions of some universes. As long as we find one of the universes, we can find the other side!

The four Taoist masters have been drifting in the sea of ​​chaos for decades. Suddenly, Taoist master Luo's eyes lit up and he said happily: I sensed one of the universes!

Zong Qi, Li Jian and Sha Zhe were overjoyed. They had been drifting for decades and had not sensed any familiar universe, which really made them despair. Now they finally see a glimmer of light!

That mysterious light must have promised to use the unpredictable power of the Kaiyuan Divine Ax or other spiritual treasures to send us to a place far away from the universe!

Taoist Master Li Jian smiled and said, But he didn't expect that we were so lucky. We were heading in the right direction and could finally return to the other side!

Zong Qi sneered: After I return, I will cut his body into thousands of pieces and spread it to the three realms!


The three of them laughed, but Master Luo said nothing. The three of them looked over hurriedly and saw that Master Luo's face was ashen.

Three fellow Taoists, the universe I sense is the building world.

The corners of Luo Daozhu's eyes twitched violently, and he said in a hoarse voice, But the building world was destroyed 100 million years ago...

Zong Qi and the others had a sudden thought. Master Luo sensed a non-existent universe?

Why does this happen?

When they thought about the situation of being unable to sense the other side, they couldn't help but have a terrible guess in their hearts.

At this time, Xu Ying and the Ancestral God were also drifting in the sea of ​​chaos for decades, and still had not encountered any universe.

In the past few decades, the ancestor god has become unshaven and a bit more vicissitudes of life.

At this moment, Xu Ying's surprised voice came: God Ancestor, there is a universe ahead!

The Ancestral God rushed over and saw a glimmer of light in the dim and inexplicable sea of ​​chaos. It was a faint light emanating from the universe.

They urged the Cuiyan Tower Boat to catch up, and the entire universe gradually came into view.

Xu Ying and Ancestor God looked dull and stood frozen at the bow of the boat.

Heavenly Realm?

————Chapter 2 can’t be finished tonight, I’ll make up for it tomorrow! !

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