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Chapter 866 The First Holy Land, Kaiyuan Divine Ax

Xu Ying watched the Tai Dao Master go away, his eyes flickering unsteadily, and he did not pursue other spiritual treasures for a long time.

The big bell rang in his ears: Ah Ying, don't worry, he is Tai Dao Master, Hua Dao Master has cultivated Taiyi Dao, how powerful is it? The future Tai Dao Master will definitely not be inferior to Hua Dao Master! He has this strength Suppress these Taoist masters and prevent them from having second thoughts.

Xu Ying exhaled a breath: I hope so. If so...

He shook his head and did not continue.

At this time, he saw the radiant light transformed by the ancestral god heading straight for an innate spiritual treasure. His heart moved slightly and he quickly followed.

The Ancestral God is now the primordial spirit of the three major universes, and his magic power is indeed boundless. Even though Xu Ying activated the cycle of time and space, pulled the infinite space in front of him to his feet, and released it behind him, he could not catch up with him for a while.

Hey, the destination of this spiritual treasure is not the Sea of ​​Chaos!

Xu Ying gradually realized that something was wrong. The other spirit treasures were all flying to the Sea of ​​Chaos to find their own native universe. But the innate spiritual treasure that the Ancestral God was tracking was flying to the other side of the sky in the direction of Zhongtian!

This spiritual treasure is an innate spiritual treasure from the other side!

He suddenly realized that when the cosmic flood source matures, it will open up into a complete universe. Ten thousand ways will bloom and expand infinitely, pushing the boundaries of the flood source to distant places. And the original chaotic spiritual roots will enter the middle pole of the universe and become the first holy land in the country!

At this moment, the innate spiritual treasure that the ancestor god was tracking was flying towards Zhongtian on the other side, so Xu Ying concluded that this must be the innate spiritual treasure formed by the chaotic spiritual roots on the other side!

At this time, several more figures came into Xu Ying's eyes. He hurriedly looked around, but there were several unfamiliar faces, and they were not among the ten Taoist masters who followed Taiyi.

They are the resurrected Taoist Master Luo, and they are also tracking the spiritual treasure from the other side!

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly. The Ancestral God was strong on the outside but strong on the inside. He was far from reaching the level of Luo Taizong. He just looked powerful.

If they are caught up by these Taoist masters, it will be a disaster.

He suddenly raised the Dao Sutra Pillar, and the nine realms of Taoism unfolded. His cultivation and Taoist power increased steadily, and he seemed to have almost as much magic power as a Taoist master!

Xu Ying used his magic power to raise the Nirvana Sky Cup and blew it out in one breath. Suddenly, the Nirvana Sky Fire flew forward. In an instant, the fire filled the air, and the raging fire covered the starry sky and blocked the way of the Taoist masters.

Even the Taoist master dare not provoke this annihilating heavenly fire, for fear of causing the fire to burn him.

The Tao Master is the master of the avenue and can control all avenues, but the avenue of annihilation is a avenue that they cannot control. On the contrary, if it is contaminated even a little bit, it will be a big trouble for them.

Xu Ying roared away and walked straight through the sea of ​​fire, leaving only a few Taoist masters standing outside the sea of ​​fire, not daring to step into the sea of ​​fire.

Zong Qi, Li Jian, Sha Zhe, why are you hesitating? A blue light flew from behind, the green light hit the chariot, and Taoist Master Luo's voice came from the car.

Taoist Master Zong Qi said quickly: Taoist Master Luo, there is a Taoist Master who releases the Heavenly Fire of Annihilation and blocks our way.

Master Luo glanced out of the car and said in surprise: Nirvana Sky Fire? There are people who practice this avenue and become a Taoist master? How come I don't know who is so bold on the other side of our country?

He reached forward and grabbed it out, and suddenly the billions of miles of sky fire shrank rapidly. After a while, he was condensed into a ball.

Dao Master Luo stared at the flame with his faint eyes, and said lightly: I recognize this sky fire. It is the spiritual treasure of Dao Master Hua, the sky fire of the Nirvana Blue Sky Cup. The origin of this treasure is extraordinary, it is a cyclical universe. The spiritual treasure is called the Ruins Realm.

He drove forward and said: The unusual thing about the Ruins Realm is that the universe in the former Ruins Realm has just fallen into the catastrophe of annihilation, and is turning into a flood of annihilation, burning everything into chaos, but it is still in chaos. Regenerate a spiritual root. This spiritual root absorbs the remaining fire of the Nirvana Tribulation and turns into a green lamp, which is the Nirvana Blue Sky.

His eyes showed a hint of killing intent, and he glanced forward, his tone gradually turning cold: In order to deal with my rebellious father, Brother Hua gave this treasure to Xu Ying. Therefore, it is not the Taoist who sacrificed this treasure to block your way. , but a promise.”

Zong Qi, Li Jian and Sha Zhe quickly followed his chariot. Sha Zhe asked: But we are clearly aware of the mana fluctuations that are not weaker than ours. Is this Xu Ying really not a Taoist master?

Master Luo sneered: If he becomes a Taoist, how tyrannical will the Avenue of Nirvana be? Among the nine paths, it is the most tyrannical! Why should he block your way? It will be easier to kill you!

Only then did the three of them wake up.

There was a lingering hatred in Daoist Luo's eyes, and he said silently in his heart: Xu Ying, I always thought it was the old thief Taiyi who harmed me and left me paralyzed for hundreds of millions of years. I didn't expect it to be you! Damn it, I still appreciate you so much...

Thinking of this, anger welled up in his heart.

He once asked Xu Ying to check the injuries on his waist more than once. He also treated Xu Ying with great courtesy and begged Xu Ying to treat his injuries.

Now that I think about it, everything has become a humiliation!

Since he became the Taoist master, he has been galloping around and dominating the universe, but has he ever suffered such a humiliation?

If I don't kill Xu Ying, my whole life's reputation will be ruined!

When he thought of this, he was quite surprised, How did this kid set his sights on the Chaos Spirit Root on the other side of me? Although this guy is immoral in five elements, he has a very sophisticated vision.

Xu Ying, who was in front of him, was carrying the scripture pillar of the avenue and ran as fast as he could with the cultivation of the Taoist master. Finally, he was getting closer and closer to the ancestral god.

And the spiritual treasure that the ancestor god was tracking also came into view.

It was a divine axe, the shape of which was somewhat similar to the Luoying Divine Axe. The ax was shining brightly, spinning and flying at an extremely fast speed!

Dao Master Hua's Luoying Divine Ax clearly fell into the hands of the Tao Master. Could it be that his divine ax is actually an imitation of this treasure?

Xu Ying was puzzled. Since Master Hua obviously had a more powerful innate spiritual treasure, why didn't he use it, but instead imitated it to refine a divine axe?

His speed was getting faster and faster, and he was finally catching up with the ancestor god, when suddenly the divine ax disappeared without a trace.

The Ancestral God also took a step forward, suddenly became extremely thin, and disappeared without a trace!

Xu Ying chased after him, only to feel that his physical body was suddenly affected by a strange force, and became countless times thinner than a piece of paper!

Although it has become thinner, the main road is still there and has not changed.

Xu Ying had no choice but to step back, put away the pillars of the avenue, and then walked forward, his body becoming extremely thin again.

I'm like a paper man now!

He raised his hand and could only see a line. When he looked down, his body also became a line. But when he turned his head, he found that his body had become extremely flat.

Xu Ying was amazed and walked forward. After a while, his eyes suddenly opened up, and his body swelled up like air, returning to its original state.

The number one holy land on the other side is actually not in Dao Jitian, but here!

Xu Ying glanced around, but saw that this place was a natural Taoist scenery. You could see the mountains, rivers, trees, sun, moon and stars formed by the three thousand avenues, just like an exquisite world.

Every flower and grass here contains extraordinary Taoist power, emitting an astonishing glow of the great avenue, which is better than any fairy mountain blessed land, and even better than the caves of monks!

The gold and stones here are also extremely rare, some emit cold light, some are extremely hot, and some contain the power of reincarnation, which is extremely extraordinary!

Xu Ying looked at a stone cliff. The stone cliff actually contained Hongmeng Dao power, which made him look straight.

There is even a lake formed by the energy of chaos!

What's even more amazing is that when he stood here and looked back towards the way he came, he saw an even more amazing scene!

He actually took all the starry skies on the other side into his eyes!

The starry sky on the other side is flat, with an extremely thin crack in the middle. All the stars on the other side are gathered on both sides of the crack, like two flat star maps joined together!

He could even clearly see the human world and Dao Jitian on the other side, which were also in these two star maps!

Then, he saw the heavenly realm.

Heaven is like a shield standing on the other side of the starry sky.

The universe on the other side seems to have been split out by an extremely sharp treasure!

Xu Ying observed this scene carefully and was extremely surprised, Isn't the other side a normally born universe?

He moved his steps, walked in this holy land, and murmured: If the other shore was chopped out by someone with an axe, then the person who made this ax must be standing here with an axe...

He suddenly stopped and looked down, only to see that his feet were standing firmly in the center of a jade platform!

And Yutai is right in the center of this holy land!

Xu Ying raised his left foot, and there was a footprint under his left foot. He raised his right foot again, and saw that there was also a footprint under his right foot.

Xu Ying was stunned.

The other side is not a normally born universe! Such an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

The Three Realms were forcibly opened up by Dao Zongyuan, the master of the Yuan Realm. Unexpectedly, the other side was also opened up artificially!

But who will be the one to open up the other side?

Could it be Luo Taizong?

Luo Taizong is the primordial spirit of the universe. He was born after the formation of the other side of the universe. It definitely cannot be him.

Xu Ying was puzzled and had to put the matter down for now.

This place is really wonderful. If you can refine this treasure land into my flood source, it will be a worthwhile trip. However, this place is the first holy land on the other side. If you forcefully occupy the treasure land, I'm afraid it will damage your merits... But then again, the other side I am about to fall into the calamity of annihilation. I will wash away the calamity for the other shore, and my merits will be immeasurable! This place should be mine!

Thinking of this, he immediately rose into the air, looked around, and whispered: The ancestor god entered my treasure land and disappeared somewhere. He was able to find the spiritual treasure on the other side. It's really, really...

Xu Ying was stunned and finally saw the ancestor god.

I saw a divine ax strike on the forehead of the ancestor god, embedded about four or five inches into his brain, and almost split his head open!

And the hands of the ancestor god were still holding the handle of the ax tightly, as if he was swinging the divine ax and giving himself such a blow to the head!

Xu Ying was horrified and rushed forward.

The ancestor god shouted quickly: Don't come here! I am subduing this treasure! If you come near, I'm afraid your previous efforts will be wasted!

Xu Ying stopped, held up the Nirvana Blue Sky Lamp, and said loudly: Ancestral God, if you can't hold on, just say something and I will burn this treasure to ashes!

The Ancestral God's head made a clicking sound, and the divine ax penetrated an inch deeper into the Ancestral God's head.

Xu Ying was extremely nervous, fearing that the divine ax would kill the ancestor god.

After all, this thing was transformed from the spiritual root of chaos, so it must have great power. Although the ancestor god is the soul of heaven and earth, the divine ax can really kill him.

I am the primordial spirit of the world on the other side, and I am only an innate spiritual treasure. How can I still not conquer you?

The Ancestral God shouted violently and mobilized the avenue of heaven and earth on the other side. Suddenly, in this holy land, thousands of plants, trees, mountains, rocks, sun, moon and stars all emitted light and flowed into his body!

The aura of the ancestor god surged, and his body became bigger and bigger. He grabbed the handle of the ax with both hands and lifted it up with force!

Xu Ying couldn't help but shed a cold sweat for him, but saw the ancestor god lifting the divine ax higher and higher, and finally pulled it out from the wound on his forehead.

At this moment, the light of the ax suddenly shook, and boundless spiritual light rose from the ground and penetrated the body of the axe. All the Tao power in the First Holy Land surged in and poured into the axe. Even the Tao light flowing into the body of the ancestral god was deflected. Inject it into the divine axe!

The Ancestral God was stunned and heard a pop. The divine ax fell and split his head in half from the middle!

The light of the ax fell, splitting his neck open and disemboweling him all the way to his lower abdomen!

The ancestral god almost split into two pieces, with two halves of the upper body and one arm on each side, struggling to hold the ax handle, both arms trembling.

Xu Ying was shocked and angry, and was about to activate the Nirvana Blue Sky Lamp when he suddenly woke up and said quickly: Ancestral God, come here!

He quickly returned to the jade platform and shouted: Come here quickly! Step into these footprints!

When the ancestor god heard this, he staggered, his legs trembled, and he walked over step by step with difficulty.

The divine ax was still falling down along his spine, splitting a piece of his spine every few steps he took.

When He walked to the jade platform, the two halves of his body were almost split open!

Finally, the ancestor god's feet stepped on those footprints.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth spun, and a dazzling light burst out from the entire holy land, drowning the Ancestral God and Xu Ying!

Outside this holy place, Taoist Master Luo led three Taoist Masters and drove over. Taoist Master Zongqi's eyes flashed and said: Brother Luo Dao, what's so great about this treasure? Why did Brother Taoist abandon other spiritual treasures and ignore them? , must you get this thing?”

Master Luo said: This treasure is the spiritual root of chaos on my other side, and it is called the Kaiyuan Divine Axe. Mastering this ax will master all the great avenues of heaven and earth on the other side. What is even more amazing is that the Kaiyuan Divine Ax is both the spiritual root of chaos and the Kaiyuan Divine Axe. Divine objects have experienced the tempering of the creation of the world. Although there are many innate spiritual treasures in the universe, there is none that can rival this treasure.

The three Taoist masters were extremely surprised and looked at each other. Although the three of them were also Taoist masters, they had not heard about this.

Since Taoist Master Hua has this treasure, why have we never seen him use it? Taoist Master Li Jian asked.

Master Luo hesitated for a moment and said: This matter is a secret. I shouldn't have told you originally, but now that Master Hua is dead, it's okay to tell you. Back then, my father, Luo Taizong, found the Kaiyuan Divine Ax and brought it to In the human world. Later, my father was expelled, and this ax fell into the hands of Master Hua Dao. Before he left, my father once told him that this treasure belongs to the owner and cannot be sacrificed.

The three Taoist masters were even more surprised. The chaotic spiritual roots on the other side could actually be something with an owner?

Who will be the master of the spiritual roots of chaos on the other side?

Hua Dao Master also tried to refine this object, but because this treasure has an owner, it has never been possible to refine it. He was also greedy for the power of this treasure, so he created the Luoying Divine Axe, hoping that one day he could refine this object.

Master Luo said, Back then, Hong Tiangang practiced the Dao of Cause and Effect and finally attained enlightenment. So Master Hua invited him over and asked him to search for the cause and effect of the Kaiyuan Divine Axe, and see if he could find the owner of the Kaiyuan Divine Axe. Hong Tiangang checked After more than five thousand years of calculations about the Kaiyuan Divine Axe, he finally figured out something. He told Master Hua that this treasure still lacks a cause and effect.

The three Taoist masters couldn't help but become curious and hurriedly asked: What cause and effect is missing?

Taoist Master Luo paused and said: Open the cause and effect of the sky.

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