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Chapter 863 The Immortal One

Rays of light flashed, and Taiyi, Xuannv and others fell from the sky.

They followed Luo Taizong's aura and rushed here in order to eradicate Luo Taizong while Luo Taizong was seriously injured in the battle with Tao Zun.

As demigods, ancient gods and descendants, they have the means to trace the flesh and blood aura of Luo Taizong.

Where is Luo Taizong? Holy King Xuannv asked Xu Yingdao with murderous intent.

Xu Ying pointed to the flesh and blood on the ground: He is Luo Taizong.

Everyone was stunned and then ecstatic.

Luo Taizong is dead, this tyrant is finally dead!

The battle between Luo Taizong and Dao Zun caused two scourges. One died and the other was injured. This is really a great blessing for me on the other side!

Have a good death! Did Fellow Daoist Xu kill him? Thank you, Fellow Daoist Xu, for eliminating a great harm to me on the other side!

Master Tai Dao came to Xu Ying, looked at the flesh and blood around him, and asked doubtfully: Weren't you the one who killed Luo Taizong?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: He should have died at the hands of Taoist Master, with only his obsession hidden in a piece of squirming flesh. I told him that this place is the other side, and he said that he would die in his homeland to reduce the misfortune of the other side. He The obsession will be gone.”

When Taizong Taizong heard the words, he couldn't help being stunned. After a moment, he said: He once said that he would try to get the best chance for me. Luo Taizong's last trick to plot against Tao Zun was here. The person Tao Zun killed was His body after self-destruction, and the body that bears the fate of the other side, is the body of the ancient god.

He was stunned and suddenly said: Luo Taizong's death in the sea of ​​chaos would have turned into endless misfortune, making it impossible for the other side to get rid of it. But he returned to the other side, which represents the return of misfortune. Now he is dead On the other side, the disaster he brought will dissipate.

Misfortune comes from cause and effect, and the thousands of causes and effects connected to Luo Taizong also ended with his death.

The fate of heaven and earth on the other side will also be diluted a lot because of the death of this great master.

Tao Zun wanted to trigger the disaster on the other side and make the other side fall into the catastrophe of annihilation, which was postponed because of the death of Luo Taizong.

Xu Ying asked: If Luo Taizong did not die this time, but fell here, would you kill him?


Taiyi said decisively, There is no need for Luo Taizong on the other side now. He must pay the price for his misfortune! Xu Ying, will you kill him?


Xu Ying said decisively, Luo Taizong is the most powerful being on the other side, and he acts domineeringly and cruelly. If the Three Realms and the other side are stranded, then the safety of the Three Realms will be in his mind. This is too dangerous. If there is a chance to kill him, I will definitely take action. !”

Taiyi looked at Tian Chengzi and others who were celebrating, and said: Luo Taizong returned to the other side to eliminate his own misfortunes and eradicate abandoned sons for the Taoist Alliance. He also anticipated this. When I visited him, he said he would Give me the best opportunity.

Xu Ying thought: He also asked me to leave a way for Master Luo to survive. Did he expect that he was no match for Master Luo? Perhaps at that time, he had already made up his mind to die.

But we people on the other side will not be grateful to Luo Taizong.

Taiyi shook his head and said, I will never be grateful to him.

Xu Ying heard this and said: In a place called Yuanshou in the Three Realms, in a village where I once lived, there was a Qi practitioner named Zhou Chu who was cruel by nature and killed people frequently. There were monsters nearby, dragons in the water, and tigers in the mountains. Demon. Zhou Chu and the dragon and tiger demon are called the three evils.

He recalled what he had experienced in his previous reincarnations and said: I persuaded Zhou Chu to get rid of these two monsters. Zhou Chu went there alone to kill the dragon in the river and fight the tiger monster in the mountains. We waited in the town. After a long time, Zhou Chu didn't come back, so we set off firecrackers and held a banquet to celebrate the removal of the three evils. We townspeople are not grateful to Zhou Chu, the Qi Refiner, for getting rid of the two evils for us, just like you are not grateful to Luo Taizong.

Master Tai Dao said: But I will be grateful to Luo Taizong for what he did.

Xu Ying smiled: I am also grateful for what Zhou Chu has done.

Tai Dao Master's eyes flashed and he said: For others, this calamity is just a struggle to survive. But for me, it is an opportunity for the other side to get rid of the calamity and revitalize again. Now that Luo Taizong is dead, Tao Dao The Taoist Master is disabled, and the other side must seize this rare opportunity to eradicate the cancer and eliminate the bad luck! Even if the Taoist Master recovers, there is nothing he can do!

His eyes fell on Xu Ying's face, and he said in a deep voice: Xu Ying, help me! This is a great opportunity. In one fell swoop, we can put an end to the disaster on the other side! I promise you that there will be no disasters in the three realms! No one on the other side can do anything to the three realms. Take action!

Xu Ying hesitated and nodded lightly.

In his heart, Taiyi was always more dangerous than Luo Taizong!

Luo Taizong is just a tyrant who protects his own ancient god class. If the other side falls into his hands, it will only become weaker and more divided than it is now.

But Taiyi is different.

Taiyi has a broader mind and can accommodate people from other universes to become immortals on the other side. The Taoist master on the other side is also broad-minded enough to reconcile conflicts between all parties.

If he succeeds and leads the other side to escape from the disaster, then the Three Realms may never be able to compete with the other side.

After all, there are as many talents in the universe as crucian carp crossing the river. How can it not be powerful to attract these talents for one's own use?

Xu Ying has a better choice, which is to get rid of Taiyi and let the other side become a loose sand, killing each other. The three Taoist masters Hua, Lin, and Luo will kill all the other Taoist masters to push the disaster further.

But in that case, the Three Realms will have to face the three great masters Hua, Lin, and Luo, as well as the innate spiritual treasures they have in their hands. There is still no chance of winning!

Taiyi smiled and said: Let's get rid of Hua Dao Master's pursuit first, and then come to find you. Otherwise, if we fight against the two Dao Masters at the same time, we are afraid that the whole army will be annihilated! Tianchengzi, let's go -

Tian Chengzi activated Taoism, and time and space flowed around him, sweeping everyone away and whizzing away, leaving only Xu Ying in place.

As soon as they stepped forward, they heard a roar, and Master Hua fell from the sky and landed next to Xu Ying.

His eyes glanced at Xu Ying, and he was about to chase Taiyi and the others. Suddenly his eyes fell on the flesh and blood in front of him, and he was slightly startled.

Is this Luo Taizong's flesh and blood? I can sense his breath from this mass of flesh and blood. Is Luo Taizong dead?

Master Hua looked strange and asked, Did you kill him?

Xu Ying slowly shook his head and said: After Luo Taizong's death, he returned to his hometown with an obsession. Only then did he completely dissipate his obsession and resolve some of the misfortune for the other side. The main cultivation of Hua Dao is so powerful that it can penetrate the sky and the earth. You should be able to feel it. The misfortunes on the other side are much lower than before.”

Master Hua laughed loudly: A good death, a good death! It would be best for Old Thief Luo and Dao Zun to die together. Even if they die differently, Dao Zun must be destroyed so that he will not be able to turn around for three thousand years!

He glanced at Xu Ying with a fierce look in his eyes.

Xu Ying can use the Nine Paths of Evidence to sneak into the past time and space at any time to avoid his pursuit, but he is not sure whether he can escape.

You were able to kill people in the past, so Dao Master Luo's legs were made by you.

Taoist Master Hua showed a look of disgust and said, Poor Taoist Master Luo has been looking for the murderer, thinking that the murderer is Taiyi, but he didn't expect that the murderer was always beside him. A person from the Three Realms, who has cultivated to this point on my other side, can even hurt To the Taoist master. I have long said that these foreigners can only be used as firewood, not as talents, and as expected, something happened!

Xu Ying felt awe-struck in his heart, aware of his strong murderous intention.

Master Hua Dao said: Is it time to return my spiritual treasure, the Nirvana Blue Sky Lamp, to me?

Xu Ying took out the Nirvana Blue Sky Lamp, held it up with both hands, and said respectfully: Thank you, Master, for your help. Master, please take back this treasure.

Taoist Master Hua looked at the Nirvana Blue Sky Lamp in his hand and wanted to take it back, but he hesitated and did not dare to reach out to take it.

He cannot sacrifice this thing. If he gets it in his hand, he promises to be able to activate this treasure at any time.

The power of this kind of Nirvana Spiritual Treasure made even him feel a little scared.

But if you kill him, you can take back this treasure. Master Hua's eyes flashed.

He didn't move for a long time, but Xu Ying could clearly feel that his eyes were always on her head, as if there was an extremely huge ax hanging above, and it might fall at any time.

Xu Ying, I really want to kill you now, but I also think that Fellow Daoist Luo is more suitable to kill you. I have reasons to kill you, and I have reasons not to kill you. Now I have to see if you can find a solution for me. Give me a reason not to kill you.

Master Hua clasped his hands behind his back and said, Can you do the Nine Paths of Evidence? Even Luo Taizong has never done this, how did you do it?

Xu Ying looked respectful and said: From the Great Way of Taiyi, I have deduced Wuji backwards and deduced reincarnation along the way, and gradually deduced the evidence of the Nine Paths.

Hua Dao Master stared at him and suddenly said: How can strength be based on Taiyi?

Xu Ying said without thinking: Strength is one of the thousands of avenues under Taiyi. We should use strength to analyze the avenues of wind, rain, thunder and lightning, metal, wood, water and fire, and then master all the avenues, and understand the immortal one from all the avenues. , together with the Tao, we become one.

Master Hua continued: How to join the Tao?

Xu Yingdao: The great road has no structure, Hunyuan is one, and it naturally merges with the Tao.

Hua Taoist's eyes lit up. The great road has no structure and Hunyuan is one. This is the realm of Taoist Master!

What is Hunyuan unity? he continued to ask.

Xu Yingdao: There are three Qi in Hunyuan, the first Qi, Xuan Qi and Yuan Qi. The three Qi return to one, and the Great Dao is Hunyuan.

Taoist Master Hua stared at him and suddenly left through the air. His voice came from far away and was quite thick: Xu Ying, let me spare your life! You can keep this treasure for now! Can you get it from Taoist Master Luo? Whether you survive the chase or not depends on your luck!

Xu Ying watched him go away. What Master Hua asked him just now was the secret of Taiyi Dao. San Qi is the true inheritance of Taiyi Dao!

Hua Taoist Master must have been studying this for a long time, but he has never been able to figure it out. Now that he has obtained the true teaching from him, I am afraid there will be a breakthrough!

However, the biggest drawback of Hua Dao Master is that he made a chaos oath with Dao Master. Tai Yi and others are looking for an opportunity to kill him. He must pursue Tai Yi and dare not stop. If he stops, Tai Yi will find him Opportunity, let people attack the heaven.

Xu Ying put away the Nirvana Blue Sky Cup, and when he raised his hand, the earth split open, burying Luo Taizong's flesh and blood.

He thought about it and left a stone tablet for this cemetery with the words Tomb of the Ancient God Emperor Luo Taizong.

Now that I have taught him, Master Hua has two choices. One is to continue to chase Taiyi, and the other is to calm down and study my teachings and understand the Taiyi Dao. With his willful character, he should make the third decision. Two options.”

Xu Ying took out a few sticks of incense, lit them, paid homage to Luo Taizong's tomb, placed them in front of the stone tablet, and whispered: He has cultivated Taiyi Avenue, and his cultivation level will skyrocket. There is no distinction between superior and inferior among the nine innate paths. So, what does the Chaos Oath mean? But as long as he makes this choice, he will definitely die.

He straightened up and walked towards Tianjue City, muttering to himself: Before Dao Master Hua died, he should have told Dao Master Luo that I was the one who beat him into a paralyzed man. If Dao Master Luo knew about this, he would definitely kill him. I'm furious. I'm afraid Tianjue City will also suffer from this. I have to go back and make arrangements early.

Taoist Hua did not pursue Taiyi and returned directly to Qionghua Island. He called a servant and ordered: Go to Jiuqiu Mountain and tell Taoist Luo that he stabbed you with a sword and paralyzed you for 120 million yuan. The young man is Xu Ying.”

The servant took the order and hurried away.

Master Hua Dao sacrificed pieces of innate spiritual treasures to seal Qionghua Island, but he saw more than 300 chaotic spiritual roots spread all over Qionghua Island, three levels inside and three outside, and even the void was guarded by spiritual treasures, which were inseparable. Breathable.

The immortal one, the Hunyuan is one, the three Qi are unified, the Great Dao Hunyuan!

Master Hua sat down and laughed, All my life, I have wanted to use strength as the basis to understand other avenues, so as to realize the Taiyi Avenue, but I have never been able to achieve it. I didn't expect that I am so close to the Taiyi Avenue! The main avenue has no structure, and the Hunyuan is one. I only need to understand the immortal one from the various avenues, and then realize the three qi, and then I can become the Taoist master of the Taiyi avenue!

With a shake of his body, wind, clouds, thunder, rain, lightning and other avenues appeared, as many as dozens of them. Although they are relatively inferior innate avenues, the realm of these avenues is actually the level of the Tao Master!

It's just that although he spent hundreds of millions of years to comprehend the fifty-six innate avenues, he never had the chance to cultivate the Taiyi Avenue, and the more innate avenues he cultivated, the more desperate he became.

Because Taiyi Avenue claims to include ten thousand ways, even if he spends a billion years, he can only comprehend five or six hundred ways, and he is still far away from ten thousand ways!

However, this time he received the promised true biography, which immediately opened a shortcut to the master of Taiyi Dao!

Taiyi thinks that I am afraid of the Chaos Oath, but I have more than 300 spiritual treasures to protect my body. Even if I violate the Chaos Oath, what can the oath do to me? After I cultivate the Taiyi Avenue, the Avenue of Hunyuan will be at the peak level. Dao Master, why should we fear the Chaos Lord?

Taoist Master Hua sat down and studied with great concentration, It will take at least half a year for you to go to heaven, but within half a year, I can already become the pinnacle Taoist Master of Taiyi Avenue!

Tai Dao Master and others found out that Hu Dao Master did not continue to pursue them, and they couldn't help but be surprised: Could Dao Master Hua be caught in something? Kill him while he is sick! Tian Chengzi, you are the fastest, go to Heaven immediately !”

Tian Chengzi said yes, jumped away and disappeared without a trace.

Half a year later, Tian Chengzi came to Tianjing, broke into the city of Tianjing people, and killed everyone he saw. Concubine Consort hurriedly led Ji Cang and Xuan Hong, two Taoist masters, to rush over and shouted: If the other side comes to invade, aren't we afraid of the Chaos Oath?

Tian Chengzi said with a smile: I want to use the Chaos Oath to get rid of a powerful enemy!

The other side of the road is Jitian, Qionghua Island.

After half a year of hard training, Hua Dao Master finally penetrated the immortal One, realized the Three Qi of Shixuanyuan, integrated dozens of avenues, and cultivated Taiyi!

His cultivation level skyrocketed, and in an instant Taiyi Dao was promoted to the peak realm of Taoist Master!

At this moment, Master Hua felt that his cultivation had increased tenfold, and he couldn't help but be surprised and delighted.

The Nine Innate Paths are indeed powerful!

As soon as he finished speaking, a melodious bell suddenly sounded in his ears, and he sensed a vast Dao force coming from somewhere.

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