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Chapter 862 Death of Luo Taizong

Six hundred years ago, Gong Jiexuan's eyes showed despair as she watched the time and space she lived in collapse.

She didn't know why she encountered this disaster. She was obviously just going to save people, so why did she suddenly encounter such a strange thing?

In front of her, Xu Ying, Tai Yi, Hua Daozhu, Dong Xuan and others were so oppressed that they were covered in blood. The blood was squeezed out from their pores drop by drop, making their bodies almost shriveled up!

Dao Zun's avenue fluctuates, and the oppression is too tyrannical!

Just when they could hardly bear it, suddenly, the fluctuation of the avenue from the future was like an ebbing tide, and its power decreased rapidly.

Taiyi was surprised and happy, and shouted: Dao Zun is injured! Dao Zun is injured!

Everyone was also overjoyed. This was not the ebb of the Dao, but the damage to the Dao Zun Dao in the future life!

We helped Luo Taizong and let him injure Dao Zun!

Everyone was extremely happy.

Luo Taizong is really powerful. He is worthy of being a member of the Dao Alliance. He can even injure beings like Dao Zun.

Taiyi smiled and said, Although he is a tyrant, he has done great service to me on the other side! This time it can be said that he has resolved an urgent need!

Holy King Xuannv said: I'm afraid he will be seriously injured in this decisive battle with Dao Zun. Fellow Daoist Tai, this is the best time to eradicate him.

When Taiyi heard this, his heart moved slightly.

At this moment, Hua Dao Master suddenly moved and jumped out of this time and space, saying: Taiyi, it's over here. Don't come looking for me again, or I'll kill you!

The rest of the people looked at each other with murderous expressions on their faces.

At this time, the crisis is over, and what awaits them is a fight in the catastrophe. At this time, the Taoist master of the other side and the Taoist master of Tianjing are the enemies of life and death!

Without saying a word, everyone suddenly turned into streams of light and jumped out of time and space. Taiyi, Tianchengzi, Xuannv and others waved, and Dongxuan, Cenxi and others waved and left.

Both sides are not ready yet, and taking action now would be detrimental to both of them.

Only Xu Ying was left in the past time and space.

Xu Ying raised his head and looked around, only to see that as their magical confrontation with Taoist Master ended, the collapsed time and space and cause and effect were gradually restored, but the reincarnation of cause and effect would be slightly modified inadvertently.


Suddenly a voice woke him up. Xu Ying looked around and saw Gong Jiexuan standing opposite him and not leaving.

Xu Ying, are you coming back to kill me? Gong Jiexuan asked.

Xu Ying smiled slightly, stretched out his finger and tapped her forehead gently, smoothing time and space with his hand and returning to the present.

Gong Jiexuan looked at this scene in despair. Suddenly she remembered her responsibility and rushed towards Xu Ying who was killing Lingxuzi!

She stimulated the Hongmeng Avenue, and the Hongmeng purple energy was dense in the palm of her hand. It was like a small chaotic spiritual root growing out of the purple energy, containing infinite power, and welcoming Xu Ying's palm!

At this moment, she suddenly saw Lingxuzi disappear out of thin air out of the corner of her eyes!

She was confused and didn't know what happened, but then she saw Lingxuzi suddenly appear again!

It’s just that the Lingxuzi that appeared is stronger than the previous Lingxuzi!

This Lingxuzi was a little frightened and angry, and he was attacking to one side, using his creation as a knife, and slashed there.

Stranger things happened.

The Lingxuzi who disappeared before suddenly reappeared, as if he was caught from time and space, and then pierced by a tyrannical finger force!

At the same time, the powerful Ling Xuzi suddenly dispersed like dust and ceased to exist!

What shocked her even more was that a corpse suddenly fell from time and space.


Gong Jiexuan's palm collided with Xu Ying's, and their bodies shook slightly.

Gong Jiexuan said quickly: Fellow Daoist Xu, Lingxuzi has offended many people. I hope that Friend Xu will ignore the past grudges...

When she said this, she suddenly stopped, but Lingxuzi was already dead.

She looked back and saw the bodies of Lingxuzi and another person.

Gong Jiexuan stepped forward and looked at the body, but it was the body of Ping Yaozi, another Taoist master in the heaven.

Her mind was in chaos, she took Ping Yaozi's body, said goodbye to Xu Ying, and hurried to see Ping Yaozi.

Four hundred and forty-six years later. Tian Jue City.

Gong Jiexuan hurried over, opened her arms, stood between Cen Xi and others, and Xu Ying, and shouted: ...As for Ping Yaozi, no one has any evidence that he died at the hands of fellow Taoist Xu! His body just appeared at the scene!

After the death of Ping Yaozi was resolved, Gong Jiexuan returned to Shangdu with a gloomy look on her face. Thinking of everything today, she suddenly recalled the strange incident 446 years ago when she saw the body of another Xu Ying and Ping Yaozi. .

Her heart moved slightly, and she summoned Dong Xuan, instructing Dong Xuan to find an opportunity to get rid of Xu Ying. She also summoned Wu Xi and said, You go to the heaven realm and tell Taoist Master Xu Ying to control the magical powers of time and space, reincarnation, etc., in more than four hundred years The murder of Lingxuzi Pingyaozi years ago.

A few years later, Gong Jiexuan came to Tianjue City to wait for Xu Ying and seek advice from the Nine Ways of Evidence. The Xu Ying she waited for seemed to be a different person, elegant and gentle, well-educated in poetry and books, and well-spoken. It reminded her of the first time she met Xu Ying, who stood tall in time and space and gently tapped her forehead.

This moment was deeply imprinted in her mind. She knew that it was just Xu Yong's subconscious, but she still couldn't help herself.

At this time, Dong Xuanzi, Wu Xi and others came to find her. They looked her up and down and asked, Is the girl okay?

Gong Jiexuan was puzzled and said with a smile: What serious harm can happen to me?

Dong Xuanzi and others breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that she was fine. After all, Xu Ying's blow was extremely powerful. If it hit Gong Jixuan, this girl's life would be in danger and he would directly kill her!

Although they hate Dao Zun deeply, they don't have that much resentment towards Gong Jiexuan.

Dong Xuanzi looked at Gong Jiexuan's confused eyes and felt a little hesitant in his heart. He wanted to tell her the hidden truth, but after hesitating again and again, he still couldn't tell her.

For the sake of Heaven, we cannot tell her the truth. Otherwise, if she leaves the other side, she will lose a Hongmeng Dao Master, and the disaster on the other side will not be able to evolve into the disaster of Nirvana!

He said silently in his heart, There are only two things we have to do now. One is to take advantage of the opportunity to get rid of Dao Zun. The other is to return to the other side and endure the disaster safely!

Cen Xi coughed and said, Since the girl is fine, we will leave.

Everyone looked at each other and stood up to leave.

Suddenly, Gong Jiexuan smiled and said, Dong Xuanzi, you stay.

Taoist Master Dongxuan hesitated, stopped, and watched Cen Xi and others go away.

Gong Jiexuan came to his side, watched Cen Xi and others leave, and suddenly said: Are you joining forces with Xu Ying, Taiyi and others to fight against Tao Zun?

Dongxuan Dao Master's body trembled slightly and he looked at her.

Gong Jiexuan sighed and said: I saw you back then, heard your voices, and knew that you were fighting against my father, Taoist Master. But over the years, I still can't figure this out. Brother Dongxuan, can you Tell me the reason?

Taoist Master Dongxuan pondered for a moment and said: Girl, you should run away quickly. There is still a glimmer of hope if you escape to the other side.

Gong Jiexuan was silent for a moment and said, Is it the misfortune of the other shore? My father asked us to come to the other shore to practice. The purpose is not simple. It is to make us infected with the misfortune of the other shore, right?

Dongxuan Dao Master shook his head and said: He wants us to become part of the catastrophe on the other side and promote the arrival of the catastrophe of annihilation on the other side. It's still too late for the girl to escape now, as long as she has not proven the Dao Master...

Gong Jiexuan shook her head and said: It's too late. I am cultivating on the other side. I have one certificate and two certificates. They are both on the other side. Even if I escape into the sea of ​​chaos, the disaster will still catch up with me. Dong Xuanzi, since we are already in this catastrophe Among them, then prepare to fight for the crossing.

Taoist Master Dongxuan looked at her and saw that the woman's face was calmer than he expected, and she was obviously ready.

Heavenly realm.

Because the starry sky in the sky is deprived of the other side, the Chaos Sea appears extremely close to the sky, and it seems that it can hit the sky at any time.

At this time, suddenly a person rolled down from the chaotic sea and hit the ground like a dead fish!

After a long time, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came. Dao Zun hit the ground hard and did not move for a long time.

The concubine found him here, picked him up, and then left.

Concubine, don't let anyone find me.

Dao Zun tried his best to open his eyes and said in a hoarse voice, Especially Wuxi Dongxuan and the others! Even Jiexuan, don't let her know where I am hiding!

The concubine nodded solemnly and said, Tao Zun, why don't you tell them?

Do not ask!



In Tianjue City, Xu Ying's eyes flashed. After a while, he couldn't help but go to Biyou Palace and said: Brother Tongtian, Xu Ying wants to see you.

Taoist Master Tongtian was dressed in green clothes and looked very energetic. He asked, My fellow Taoist, why are you here?

Xu Ying smiled and said, I want to ask Brother Dao to do a favor and kill someone.


Tao Zun.

Taoist Master Tongtian was slightly startled, looked at him deeply, and said, Taoist Master?

Xu Ying nodded lightly and said: The Taoist Master at this moment should be seriously injured. Even if he does not die, he will not be your opponent. Now Taiyi and others are looking for the whereabouts of Luo Taizong and have no time to kill him. Only Taoist Brother can kill him. he.

Master Tongtian said: This battle is a bit of taking advantage of others' danger.

Xu Yingdao: It's a matter of life and death in the three realms. If Brother Dao is worried about being infamy, I'll do it!

Taoist Master Tongtian took off the Immortal Killing Sword and said calmly: It's just a shame, so why are you afraid? I'll kill him.

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and the two of them walked out of Biyou Palace. Taoist Master Tongtian was about to leave when he suddenly felt something in his heart.

Xu Ying also noticed something strange coming from the other side, showed doubts, and suddenly activated the reincarnation of cause and effect, forming an all-knowing eye in the reincarnation and scanning towards the other side.

In just a few moments, he had a thorough understanding of the cause and effect of reincarnation in the universe on the other side.

Although Master Tongtian takes an evidence-based approach and deduces the two paths of calamity and annihilation, he is not good at cause and effect.

Fellow Daoist Xu, what is going on? Tongtian asked.

Behind Xu Ying's head, the huge omniscient eyes rotated, staring at the corners of the universe, and said: Wuxi, Cenxi and others went to the heaven to kill Taoist Master. Hua Taoist tried to eradicate Taiyi, Tianchengzi and others. For those who know the truth, Taoist Master Lin ambushed Wu Xi and others and dueled outside the sky. Taiyi and others were searching for the whereabouts of Luo Taizong. Taoist Master Luo released the ban on the restricted area and tried to resurrect some ancient Taoist masters...

His all-knowing eye encompasses the cause and effect of reincarnation. At this moment, he sees new lines of cause and effect coming one after another, which are compatible with his Tao Eye. However, these lines of cause and effect are too complicated and confusing to sort out!

The cause and effect on the other side is completely messed up. Xu Ying said.

Taoist Master Tongtian also noticed that the calamity was gradually getting worse, and said: The more the resurrected Taoist masters are, the more disordered the cause and effect will be, the heavier the calamity will be, and the stronger the killing will be. The distance between the other shore and the Nirvana Calamity is about The closer we get. I wonder who will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.”

He shook his head and floated away with the Zhuxian Sword.

Xu Ying watched him go away, feeling the complicated cause and effect, and said silently in his heart: Before the arrival of the Three Realms, I wonder if Taiyi can turn the tide, experience the murder, and get rid of the disaster?

At this time, a meteor streaked across the sky.

Xu Ying looked up and saw that the meteor came from the Sea of ​​Chaos and fell towards the mortal world on the other side.

Is the other side still expanding now?

Seeing this situation, Xu Ying was puzzled. This kind of phenomenon often appears in the newly expanded universe, such as the Three Realms. As the ginseng fruit trees grow, the flood source of the three realms continues to expand, and the avenue of heaven and earth becomes more and more mature.

Because of the expansion of the universe, some strange objects from chaos will fall into the Three Realms and be found by people.

That meteor should be the treasure that fell from the Chaos Sea to the other side, which inevitably aroused Xu Ying's curiosity.

He flew over and saw that the meteor was extremely fast, dragging along the energy of chaos.


The meteor fell into the mortal world one step ahead of him. Xu Ying came to him, but he saw that the energy of chaos was everywhere around him, and the traces of it had not melted away.

What fell to the ground was not the treasure he imagined, but a huge flesh ball, with flesh and blood squirming, and he didn't know what it was made of.

Xu Ying stretched out his palm and carefully touched the flesh ball. Suddenly a voice emerged in his mind: ...Hold Dao Zun, hold him, buy opportunities for the other side...Hold Dao Zun, we must hold him...

Xu Ying was stunned, feeling the strong fighting spirit coming from the flesh ball, and suddenly knew who he was.

Luo Taizong is deceased. Since you are dead, why do you insist on coming back?

Xu Ying whispered, Brother Dao, you have returned to your hometown now.

Are you back?

The meat ball suddenly summoned an obsession, which was quite joyful, I am the soul of the universe. If I die in my homeland, I can reduce some of the misfortune for the other side.

After saying that, the huge meat ball suddenly disintegrated, and all obsessions disappeared.

Xu Ying noticed that the calamity lingering in the world on the other side had suddenly dissipated a lot.

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