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Chapter 792 Passing on the disaster

Hearing this, Taoist Master Ji Cang was both angry and amused, and shouted: You four bastards each take away one of my flags, and if he learns my skills again, you will fool me with all my possessions! You are nothing. You didn’t even think about keeping it for me, did you?”

Xu Ying said quickly: We just feel that we can also achieve the Tao Master realm in the future, and there is no need to learn other people's techniques. If the Tao Master is unwilling to part with these four flags, we will not give them up.

Take it!

Taoist Master Ji Cang was generous. He placed the four big flags in front of the four people and said with a smile, They are just external things. Unlike Taoist Master Hua, I don't take them so seriously. These four big flags are famous and belong to Hongjie Universe. The spiritual root of chaos was later taken away by us on the other side. The side with the green lotus pattern is called the green lotus treasure-colored flag.

What Qingxuan holds in his hand is the Qinglian treasure-colored flag.

Those with flame patterns are called off-the-ground flame flags.

The Holy Lord looked at the flag in his hand and felt that it contained a raging fire that could burn a universe.

Those with cloud patterns are called plain cloud flags.

It is this big flag in the hands of Taoist Wukong, with misty clouds.

The last flag is called the Hundao Xinghuang Flag.

The apricot-yellow flag fell into Xu Ying's hands.

Taoist master Ji Cang explained the origin of these flags and said: These flags are all from the same chaotic spiritual root, divided into four, and together they are a set of innate spiritual treasures. Each one is extremely powerful. , together, it is even more miraculous.”

When he said this, he grabbed Shi Tianyang by the neck and carried the Stone tribe boy to the stern of the boat, saying: Since you have chosen the innate spiritual treasure, you can no longer learn my skills. You are not allowed to eavesdrop on the stern of the boat.

At the stern of the ship, Taoist Master Ji Cang set up a seal, and actually taught Shi Tian the skills to nourish himself there.

Shengzun and Qingxuan saw this, and each became suspicious and said to Xu Ying: Xu Daozu, look at this posture, is it true that Taoist Master Ji Cang intends to teach Shi Tianyang Zhenzhen?

They were worried that Ji Cang taught him the technique of cutting leeks, so they immediately chose the innate spirit treasure. After all, the innate spirit treasure was real, but the technique may not be suitable for them.

Moreover, both Shengzun, Qingxuan, and Wukong Taoist think very highly of themselves. Qingxuan and Shengzun have been fighting for their whole lives, refusing to accept anyone. Wukong Taoist has always been a loner, and he is also very aloof.

They all believe that if they continue to practice along their own path, they will definitely become a Taoist master and there is no need to learn other people's techniques.

Xu Ying guessed: Perhaps, after Ji Cang's revival this time, he felt that he also needed a successor, so he passed it on to Shi Tianyang's True Succession.

He paused and said: It will be convenient to seize the body in the future.

The Holy Lord nodded and said: This is in line with the image of his Taoist master. Shi Tianyang practiced his skills, molded himself into his form from the inside out, and marinated it to taste, so that it would be convenient to take it away.

Taoist Wukong asked: Is it possible that Taoist Master Ji Cang really cultivated Shi Tianyang as a disciple?

Xu Ying, Qingxuan and Shengzun sneered and expressed disbelief.

This monkey has never been harvested by anyone and has no idea of ​​the sinister nature of people's hearts.

I'm not too worried about this innate spiritual treasure.

Xu Ying looked at the big flag and saw that his big flag was made up of a ball of apricot-yellow flames. When it was unfolded, it could travel through the chaos. The flag became wider and wider, stirring up the sea of ​​chaos.

Wherever the flag passed, the sea of ​​chaos parted, forming a torrent of black and yellow water, which flowed along with the flag, which was very strange.

Xu Ying stopped sacrificing flags and placed the flags in the Sea of ​​Chaos, saying: I always feel that it's weird that Taoist Master Ji Cang can collect these flags. It's better to put them in the Sea of ​​Chaos to warm them up. Maybe I can refine the Taoist Master in them. brand.

Shengzun, Qingxuan and Wukong Taoist also stepped forward and inserted their flags into the sea of ​​chaos, which was eroded by the sea of ​​chaos.

Taoist Wukong asked: Won't it be corroded?

Xu Ying said with a smile: This thing is originally a spiritual root born in chaos. It grows in chaos, extracts nutrients from chaos, and nourishes the source of water. It is naturally indestructible.

Taoist Wukong was a little relieved.

Taoist Master Ji Cang often walked out of the seal when he was not teaching Shi Tianyang. When he saw the four people washing the banner in the sea of ​​chaos, he couldn't help but shake his head: These four bastards are too careful.

However, he was also worried that the four banners contained the imprint of Master Hua, so he did not dare to keep them. He promised to give them to them if they wanted them.

In the sea of ​​chaos, another building ship was also sailing towards Zhaojie.

The two men and one woman on the boat were the three disciples of Master Hua. The two male disciples, one was named Bian Chen, the other was named Chu Tu, and the other female was Li Xiao.

The three of them took a boat and drifted in the sea, targeting the eucalyptus tree in Zhaojie, but the journey was quite far.

Li Xiao smiled and said: Zhaojie is one of the earliest universes ruled by Bi'an. When Bi'an encountered Zhaojie, they encountered strong resistance. Do the two junior brothers know this?

Bian Chen and Chu Tu looked at each other and shook their heads. Bian Chen smiled and said, Sister, can you tell me the reason for this place?

He quietly sent a message to Chu Tu and said: Li Xiao is our senior sister. She became a disciple earlier than us and learned more skills from her. If she follows us into the Zhao Realm, I'm afraid she will end up with bad luck. It will be her, not us!”

Chu Tu also said in his autobiography: Her cultivation level is higher than ours. Only by joining forces in a sneak attack can we have a chance of winning.

Li Xiao knew nothing about the two men's plan and said with a smile: I know a little bit about this matter. Back then, the scouts traveled on a building boat and passed through the Zhaojie. They placed three green rocks into the Zhaojie and almost wiped out the Zhaojie. . However, there are actually Dao Lords in Zhaojie, and there are two Dao Lords. They actually captured the scouts alive and took a boat to fight back to the other side.

Bian Chen and Chu Tu had never heard of this story, so they listened to it unconsciously and were fascinated.

Chu Tu asked: Senior Sister Li, what happened next?

There were more Taoist masters on the other side than there are now. If the two Taoist masters from Zhaojie attack, wouldn't they be destined to die?

Li Xiao smiled and said, Of course they were defeated by the teacher and the others and died on the other side. Immortal Zhaojie saw this, so he surrendered to the other side. The other side just wanted to preach and harvest them, and did not think about killing them all, so they took Zhaojie in. But he didn't Thinking about it will only cause trouble.

Bian Chen and Chu Tu listened intently, and unconsciously lowered their murderous intention towards Li Xiao. Bian Chen asked: What's the trouble?

Li Xiao said: The immortals of Zhaojie let Bianan go to Zhaojie to preach and harvest. They also sent a large number of Zhaojie people to study in Biangan. They learned the real Taoism of Biangan and soon gave birth to a large number of masters. There were even some The people of Zhaojie also secretly sent the true Dharma back to Zhaojie.

After hearing this, the two of them became suicidal, with fierce looks in their eyes. They sneered and said, People from Zhaojie are really despicable! People from Zhaojie should go back to Zhaojie!

Li Xiao said: During that time, there were more and more masters from the Zhao Realm on the other side, and the Zhao Realm became more and more prosperous. Instead of harvesting them, we cultivated them. Teacher and the others were very angry when they found out about this, so Then I came to Zhaojie in person.

What happened next? The two of them listened intently and asked hurriedly.

Then the teacher...

Li Xiao suddenly looked behind the two of them and said, Teacher, why are you here?

The two men immediately looked back. At this moment, Li Xiao held up the hairpin. The hairpin was small, with a hairpin at one end and a small ax at the other. When it was swayed in the wind, it turned into a large ax with a handle that was ten feet long.

Li Xiao killed Chu Tu with an axe. Bian Chen was startled and floated backwards, not daring to catch her axe. The soul behind Li Xiao emerged and pushed forward with both palms. Suddenly, the space above the building shifted, and the Bian Chensheng squeezed into the sea of ​​chaos!

Bian Chen let out a scream and was swallowed by the sea of ​​chaos, not knowing whether to live or die.

Li Xiao put away the axe, swung it lightly, still holding the hairpin with the ax handle, rolled up his hair, inserted the hairpin in place, and said with a smile: Later, the teacher slaughtered all their immortals, leaving only a few people. On Qionghua Island, the Qionghua Island Agreement was signed, requiring Zhaojie to only teach harvesting techniques and not to fax them. Since then, Zhaojie has been in decline and has been unable to recover.

She also picked up Chu Tu's body and threw it into the sea of ​​chaos. After handling it, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, Two junior brothers, don't blame senior sister for being cruel. Aren't you also planning to attack me?

In this trip to Zhaojie, no matter what, I will become the master of disaster!

She whispered, I have seen too many teachers' methods. In his eyes, everything can be used and everything can be sold. If I don't want to be used and betrayed by him one day, and I don't want to die in his hands, then I can only do my best. Might increase my value in his eyes!”

Chaos is unknown, but on the Cuiyan Tower, it is not chaos, but a solid space. Six or seven years have passed unknowingly.

During this period, Taoist Master Ji Cang passed on his skills to Shi Tianyang, and Xu Ying and the other four also tempered the four flags with the Sea of ​​Chaos many times.

Shi Tianyang was personally taught by the Taoist Master, and his cultivation strength greatly increased. He had a vague tendency to realize his Tao and enter the immortal realm.

Finally, the pressure on the building suddenly lightened, and it sailed out of the Sea of ​​Chaos, arriving under the eucalyptus tree in Zhaojie Universe.

Under the tree, there was a palace built by Zhaojie people. It was luxurious and magnificent. People from Zhaojie immediately came to greet Ji Cang and others in the palace. They invited Ji Cang and others into the palace and entertained them hospitably.

This enthusiasm made Xu Ying and others doubt whether they came here to escape or to enjoy the blessings.

Taoist Master Ji Cang said: Zhaojie was also very powerful back then. Even when Cuiyan was exterminated, there were still Taoist masters who attacked and counterattacked the other side, which was very impressive. Later, after becoming my slave on the other side, he still had the ability to turn the tables.

He couldn't help showing admiration and said: At that time, there were so many masters in the Zhao Realm on the other side, even reaching the same number as the Saint Clan, which made the Saint Clan feel horrified. If the Zhao Realm is allowed to develop, let alone occupying the magpie's nest, I'm afraid that even the Taoist master will not be able to stabilize. The Zhaojie was then cleaned up. Although the current Zhaojie is still very strong and has many immortals, they have all been castrated by the harvesting technique and cannot further cultivate themselves into the Taoist master.

Shi Tianyang asked doubtfully: Castration?

Taoist Master Ji Cang laughed and said: It's not really about cutting off their balls, but using shortcomings in the exercises to limit their achievements so that they can only cultivate to the immortal state. And we want to kill them as immortals. Just kill and harvest whatever you want, there are no hidden dangers.”

Everyone suddenly realized.

At this time, the palace owner guarding this palace hurried over and paid homage: Disciple Zhaojie Dongzhi, I am late to welcome the immortal, please forgive me!

He clapped his hands and saw hundreds of female monks from Zhaojie filing out, looking fat and thin, enchanting and moving.

Zhaojie Dongfangzhi smiled and said: A little gift is not enough to show respect.

Ji Cang looked at these women and saw that they had beautiful faces and each one had a good level of cultivation. Apparently in order to serve these distinguished guests from the other side, this palace carefully selected all kinds of excellent female monks from Zhaojie.

These female monks had affectionate expressions on their faces and spring on their lips, and they were obviously proud to serve the saints on the other side.

Taoist Master Ji Cang laughed loudly: It seems that fellow Taoist Hua has domesticated you very well over the years! Not bad, not bad!

Dongfang Zhi laughed with him again and again.

Ji Cang was about to speak when his face suddenly changed slightly. He looked at the sky and said solemnly, Did you sense anything?

Xu Ying, Qing Xuan and others sensed it carefully, but found nothing.

Taoist Master Ji Cang murmured: Haven't you noticed? A vast and profound force is connected to Zhaojie. This powerful force... must be Taoist Master Luo! Could this guy have noticed that I am here? Zhaojie? Let’s leave here!”

He immediately walked out of the palace and was about to activate the Cuiyan Tower to reenter the Sea of ​​Chaos. However, when he saw that the Tower Boat had reached the edge of the universe, it was resisted by an inexplicable force and was unable to move forward.

Paralysis Luo really noticed that I'm here!

Ji Cang was about to forcefully break through the power when he suddenly felt heart palpitations for no reason. He couldn't help but feel horrified, Pan Luo sacrificed the innate spirit treasure. As long as I make a move, the spirit treasure will target me and attack me!

There was cold sweat on his forehead, and he said hurriedly: Dongfangzhi, prepare the chariot, we will set off immediately!

Not long after, Dongfang Zhi prepared the chariot. Taoist Master Ji Cang ignored these beautiful Zhaojie girls and took Xu Ying and others to board the chariot and hurriedly rode to the Zhaojie Heavenly Court.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan turned around again and again, saying it was a pity.

Taoist Master Ji Cang had a gloomy look on his face and murmured: Luo Paralytic is actually so powerful! What does he want to do by breaking through the Zhao Realm? If he wants to catch me, why doesn't he take action now?

He was eager to regain his strength and thought to himself: Hide in Zhaojie first. The people in Zhaojie are the most servile. If you ask them to prepare all kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures, they will not dare to resist! My recovery speed can also be greatly increased.

On the other side, there is Dao Ji Tian, ​​Jiuqiu Mountain, and Fengya Pagoda.

Master Luo was sitting in the car, floating in front of the tower, with an altar underneath.

The three Taoist masters Hua, Lin, and Tongtian sat on three sides of the altar, watching Taoist Master Luo cast spells.

A vision of the universe appeared behind Master Luo's head, and he suddenly locked onto the Zhao Realm within it, and saw that the Zhao Realm was getting bigger and wider behind his head!

In just a moment, Zhaojie was so vast that it swallowed up the time and space behind him!

Master Luo raised his hand gently and saw Fengya Tower flying up and landing in Zhaojie, freezing the time and space of Zhaojie so that it would not change.

That Fengya Pagoda is actually a chaotic spiritual root and an innate spiritual treasure!

This tower contains the body of the Taoist Master of Zhaojie and the mark left by Zhaojie's defeat in the war. It is most suitable to be used to connect Zhaojie.

Taoist Luo breathed a sigh of relief and said to Hua, Lin and Tongtian, Now, it's time to pass on the disaster.

The three people said that they each adjusted the disasters on the other side and let the disasters flow to Zhaojie.

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