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Chapter 791 Saving Taoist Master Ji Cang

There was silence in the coffin, and there was no sound.

Why don't you speak? the voice said sinisterly.

Qingxuan's voice was hoarse and he said in a trembling voice: Everyone, we are already immortal and have the same level of enlightenment. We don't need to be afraid of ghosts.

As he said this, he noticed a burst of cold air coming from the back of his neck, as if something was breathing against his neck.

The Holy Lord sneered: I have never been afraid of ghosts, only ghosts are afraid of people!

Wukong Taoist said: Buddha once said that I am destined to be with him, and I will be able to suppress evil spirits...

When he said this, he suddenly couldn't hear other people's voices, and even the Dao in his body lost its sense, and his heart suddenly thought: Tao Master!

However, a ferocious aura surged out of his heart immediately: What about the Taoist Master? I will kill him even if he cheats!

Although his Tai Shang Dao was unable to function, the martial arts he had honed over the years was still there, and his physical body was still unmatched.

A chilling air filled the small coffin, making everyone feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave. Shengzun, Qingxuan and Shi Tianyang also felt that they could not use their great powers.

The situation is extremely unfavorable to them.

Among them, only Xu Ying was unaffected.

His martial arts has unified other avenues except Wuji. The martial arts are not affected by the Taoist master, and only Wuji Dao is suppressed.

I need blood and flesh, and I need the bones of the avenue to awaken me and my dead avenue.

The voice in the coffin said faintly, Back then, my enemy set up the Four Flags Gate Formation not to exterminate me, but to prevent outsiders from stepping foot here. Because he knew that anyone who sets foot here will be killed by me. Eat the skin and bones together...

Xu Ying coughed, interrupted him, and asked, Is your Excellency Taoist Master Ji Cang? We have heard of Taoist Master for a long time and knew that Taoist Master was killed by a traitor, so we went to great lengths to rescue him.

The voice in the coffin was silent for a moment and said, Is this really true?

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan said quickly: No joke! We are really here to rescue you!

The Holy Lord was silent for a moment and said: I have never told a lie in my life. We are people from the Three Realms and are not welcome on the other side. In order to find a backer, I asked around and learned that Taoist Master Ji Cang is a great hero. , so I came to rescue.”

Shi Tianyang stammered: After your old man is rescued, we will have a big supporter.

The voice in the coffin sneered: You rescued me? What did you use to rescue me? You should use your blood and flesh, words and bones to sacrifice to me, so that you can awaken my avenue and let me...

At this moment, suddenly extremely strong blood rushed into the coffin, followed by countless broken avenues, swarming into the rotting corpse in the coffin!

The corpse in the coffin was surprised and happy, laughing loudly: You five, good, really good! You have actually prepared a blood sacrifice! Hahahaha! With this blood sacrifice, my way can finally be revived!


The coffin exploded, and the violent and unparalleled flag gate formation outside completely destroyed the surrounding area, turning it into chaos. Everything was shattered and disintegrated in the torrent!

This formation was so terrifying, but it still couldn't get even half a step closer to Xu Ying and the others.

Behind Xu Ying and the five others, a tall figure stood erect, filled with corpse energy. However, as the blood and Tao of more than forty immortals poured into his body, this corpse was slowly exuding vitality!

There was a heartbeat in his body, his energy and blood began to revive, and his aura became stronger and stronger. Xu Ying and others looked at him, and they felt that he was as high as the sky and as long as the earth. He was the king of all ways, the great road. The Lord!

He had a dead face before, an old zombie that had been buried for who knows how many years. Now he is gradually becoming rosy and his muscles are gradually plumping up.

He is a true saint from the other side, and his body is naturally tall, like an ancient god.

Master Ji Cang.

You actually sacrificed more than forty immortals. You are really thoughtful.

Taoist Master Ji Cang's eyes flashed as he absorbed the flesh, blood and avenues of these more than forty immortals, and his aura became stronger and stronger.

Upon hearing this, Qingxuan, Shengzun and others all looked at Xu Ying, showing admiration. Qingxuan whispered: No wonder Xu Daozu is known as the Immortal Killer underground. It seems that his reputation is not in vain.

Taoist Master Ji Cang moved and led the five people into the torrent of chaos. He walked towards one of the big flags and sneered: Fellow Daoist Hua, I have been resurrected now. These four big flags of yours cannot suppress me. ! Just leave it to me for safekeeping!

He stretched out his hand to grab it, and time and space collapsed. A big flag fell into his hand and was pulled out by him.

Taoist Master Ji Cang reached out and pulled down the other two big flags. Seeing that the situation was not good, the last big flag immediately flew away. However, the moment it just took off, it was caught by Taoist Master Ji Cang and was unable to fly away.

The innate spiritual treasure with the most powerful power could not make any waves in his hands.

Taoist Master Ji Cang put away the four big flags and immediately said: The strength of that Taoist Master Hua was superior to mine back then. Now these years have passed, his strength will only become stronger, but I have delayed my practice because of death. . It’s not a good place to stay for a long time.”

He took Xu Ying, Sheng Zun and five other people into the air and disappeared from the ground.

As soon as he walked away with his front feet, the space under his back feet exploded. Boundless flames of light poured out from the cracks, turning into a huge eye of fire that rotated and illuminated the ground.

The giant flame eyes glanced around for a while, but found nothing, so they closed their eyes.

A cold snort came from the void: Ji Cang, you couldn't escape back then, and you can't escape my grasp now!

The eye of fire disappeared, and Taoist Master Ji Cang suddenly appeared at the place where he was suppressing him. He looked up at the spot where the flame appeared just now, his eyes flashing.

Fellow Daoist Hua, you did show up, but you never expected that I didn't go far and came back to appreciate your angry look.

Taoist Master Ji Cang finally gave up his doubts about Xu Ying and others and his own resurrection, and said with a smile, I thought that my resurrection was caused by Taoist Master Hua behind it, but now it seems that it is indeed the work of the five of you. Okay, Okay! You saved my life, I have to repay you, so just let me go!

He rolled up his sleeves and disappeared without a trace, taking the five people with him.

Not long after Taoist Master Ji Cang left, Li Xiao from Qionghua Island came belatedly. After looking around for a while, he was satisfied and returned to Dao Jitian to see Taoist Master Hua.

Sir, Ji Cang has no doubts about his resurrection.

Li Xiao explained his observations and said, A total of forty-three immortals and 672 masters of the Eighth Dao realm died this time. These people all came from the underground and were stowaways from various universes. Be king of the mountains underground.

Master Hua nodded slightly and said with a smile: It is considered a worthy death.

Li Xiao hesitated for a moment and then said: There are just some things that are different from what was expected. For some reason, Xu Ying and several stowaways were also there, and they survived by some unknown means and followed Ji Cang.

Master Hua showed surprise: Xu Ying? Wasn't he exiled by Taiyi? How dare he come back?

Li Xiao said: He's back. Ji Cang seems to believe that Xu Ying and others sacrificed more than forty immortals to resurrect him.

Master Hua smiled and said: I was originally worried that Ji Cang would suspect me, but now that Xu Ying is involved, my suspicion has been cleared. What happened to the stowaways around Xu Ying?

Li Xiao said: My disciple has checked and it seems that he is also from the Three Realms. I don't know how he got here smuggled in. He is not bad at all. He once made a big splash underground.

Master Hua smiled and said: People from the Three Realms? I originally planned to find the Three Realms and transfer the catastrophe on the other side to the Three Realms to see how Master Tongtian would deal with it. I didn't expect these people from the Three Realms to dare to show up. But now they are here It’s a bit tricky around Ji Cang.”

Li Xiao said: Sir, this disaster requires three Tao masters. I wonder which three masters I want to attack?

Three? No, actually two.

Taoist Master Hua smiled and said, Find two more Taoist friends from the past, resurrect them, and let them deal with the disaster on our behalf. As for Taoist Master Tongtian, what does his fate have to do with me? Li Xiao, you can go to Tian Yin Gong and Fengju Island, there are two other Taoist friends I suppressed, and they followed the same method.

Li Xiao took the order.

Master Hua ordered: After you have completed this matter, you will come back immediately to preside over the battle of calamity.

Li Xiao was overjoyed when he heard this, bowed to thank him, got up and left in a hurry.

Dao Master Hua looked at the magnificent Taoist scenery of Dao Ji Tian with his faint eyes, and whispered: I will not allow anyone to interfere with the fate of the other side. This fate can only be firmly in my hands.

A few days later, news came that a riot broke out in the restricted area of ​​Tianyin Palace, and many immortals died tragically as a result. Black energy rushed out of the restricted area and turned into a demon shrouded in darkness.

Then news came from Fengjian Island. There were also riots in the restricted area of ​​Fengjuan Island. Many people died. The monsters in the restricted area came out and there were countless casualties on the other side.

When Li Xiao came back, Taoist Master Hua was very satisfied and ordered her to inform Taoist Master Lin and Taoist Luo, saying: Everything is ready, all we have to do is pass on the disaster.

The two Taoist masters replied: When we pass on the fate of the disaster, we must also determine the person who controls the fate.

Master Hua agreed, summoned Li Xiao, Bian Chen, and Chu Tu, and said: Bian Chen, Chu Tu, you two are the most outstanding disciples I have selected, so that you can control your destiny. Although your senior sister's qualifications and understanding are not as good as yours, she has made many meritorious deeds, so she will also participate this time.

Bian Chen and Chu Tu looked at each other and said, With senior sister here, everything will go smoothly.

Master Hua said: This duel is about transferring the fate of the universe. The other three Taoists and I have decided this place is Zhaojie. The three of you take a boat to Zhaojie. When you get there, you must carefully sense the calamity. Luck, master your luck as soon as possible.

The trio is.

On the other side, Dao Master Lin summoned Lu Yiren and also gave some instructions, saying: Although you have only been in our sect for a short time, your talent is number one. This time you go to seize the disaster, and you must not fall into the hands of others. .”

Lu Yiren said yes, left Dao Jitian and rushed to Chaos Ferry.

At this time, only one voice was heard: Junior Brother Lu!

Lu Yiren turned around, and the person who called him was none other than Taishi, a disciple of Master Luo. Taishi was round but very agile. He rushed over quickly and said with a smile: I knew that the people sent by Master Chuanting this time would be It’s you. Of your lineage, you are the only one who is more pleasing to the eye.”

Lu Yiren smiled and said, Senior Brother Taishi is also heading to Zhaojie Universe?

Taishi said: Exactly. My eldest master is planning to meet with several other masters to hold a grand ceremony to transfer the calamity. The place of transfer is Zhaojie. The master said that Zhaojie is a big universe, vast and vast, and it is not connected with the other side. On par. If Zhaojie can survive the calamity, it can extend my life on the other side for a longer time.

On the other side, Changsun Shenghai also came to the ferry on the orders of Taoist Master Tongtian, and chose a green rock boat to go to Zhaojie Universe.

Some days later, the three Taoist masters Hua, Lin, and Luo gathered together again to discuss passing on the disaster. Taoist Master Lin said: One Taoist is missing, why don't you worry?

Master Hua smiled and said: Fellow Daoist Lin, do you want the fate of killing and calamity to be in your own hands, or in the hands of others?

Master Lin said: Naturally, it is in the hands of others.

Hua Dao Master's eyes flashed and he said: The three of us have the same Qi Lianzhi, and there is an outsider like Tongtian. What's the point? According to me, he needs to be used in this killing robbery. After using him, he will also be sent to him. Deal with the calamity. If we master the calamity of killing ourselves, it will be much easier the next time we deal with the calamity.

Lin and Luo nodded in agreement.

Taoist Master Luo smiled and said: Brother Hua Daoist has always done things flawlessly, and he must have done it perfectly this time. These three Taoist Masters are resurrected, and after passing on the catastrophe, they can be sacrificed.

Master Hua said: I am already familiar with this matter, so you can rest assured. When Ji Cang and the others are released by me, they will all snatch my innate spiritual treasures, and I will let them snatch them away. They think they have a plan, but they don't know that these innate spiritual treasures are Lingbao will kill them!

Master Lin said: We must pay close attention to their whereabouts now.

Master Hua said: They brought the innate spiritual treasure I left for them, and their whereabouts cannot be hidden from me.

He looked carefully and his expression changed slightly.

Upon seeing this, Taoist Lin asked hurriedly. Taoist Master Hua's face became increasingly ugly, and he said calmly: There is no trace of Ji Cang...

Lin and Luo's expressions suddenly changed.

If you only sacrifice two Taoist masters, you won't be able to easily resolve this disaster!

Master Luo said, Didn't Ji Cang bring your Four Flags Gate Formation? Can he escape from your monitoring range?

Master Hua looked solemn and said: There is another way to escape from my surveillance. That is to leave the other side.

Leave the other side?

Lin and Luo were each stunned, and Daoist Lin said: Leave the other side? Where can they go?


In the chaotic sea, the Cuiyan Tower ship set sail. Taoist Master Ji Cang said to Xu Ying and others, My injury has not healed, and I am not suitable to fight to the death with Taoist Master Lin and others. It is better to go outside to avoid the limelight.

He paused: Since you are from Zhaojie, let's go to Zhaojie.

We are not from Zhaojie!

Xu Ying and others quickly denied it, but Taoist Master Ji Cang didn't listen at all and sneered: How can I know whether you are from Zhaojie or not? Shut up! You are my savior, I have to repay you. Now I Apart from these four flags, the only thing left is my Dao Master technique, do you want to learn it?

Xu Ying, Shengzun, Qingxuan and Taoist Wukong all shook their heads, while only Shi Tianyang nodded repeatedly.

We want the flag! Xu Ying and others said in unison.

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