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Chapter 754 Shocking the World

Next to the broken imperial chariot, Xu Ying looked stunned, his head buzzing.

He was not buzzing because of the blow from the wizard just now, but because of the complicated relationship between them, his head was buzzing.

No, no.

Various thoughts flashed through his mind. The wizard was definitely a die-hard loyalist to Taiyi Daojun. When he was in Tianjing Ruins, he acted with Taiyi Daojun, which showed that Taiyi Daojun's injury was not serious.

If the wizard was not so loyal to Taiyi, he would never be assigned to guard Tianjing Ruins.

But how could a person that Taiyi trusted so much suddenly come to Taiyi so suddenly when Taiyi Daojun was about to get through the crisis safely, exposing the fact that Taiyi had been hit hard?

If the wizard really betrays Taiyi, what good will it do to the wizard?

Competing for the Xuanhuang Tao Jie Jing?

But he just tested it out, exposed the fact that Taiyi was seriously injured, turned around and left, and did not fight for the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra?

If he really wanted to fight for the Xuan Huang Dao Realm Sutra, he should capture Xu Ying while attacking.

In other words, his purpose is just to test, to test out the fact that Taiyi is seriously injured, and to show it to others. So who is it to show? Of course the three Dao Lords.

Xu Ying ran through various thoughts in his mind and thought, He wants to tell the three Dao Lords that Taiyi is seriously injured and they can take action. Then he is Taiyi's die-hard loyalist, and his actions are from Taiyi's instructions. So in other words, Taiyi told the three Dao Lords that I am injured, come and kill me and take away the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra.

Xu Ying blinked, looked at Taiyi Daojun next to him, and said in his heart: This person is just like the barbarians in my three realms, full of bad intentions. We can't underestimate him.

Taiyi Daojun's face turned livid, and after a while he returned to normal, and said solemnly: Okay! Okay! Wu Chen, you are indeed very good, and you deserve my respect and guidance for you! Xu Ying, let's go!

Xu Ying became more alert and persuaded: Master, since your injury has been exposed, the top priority is that we should not go to Jitian on the other side...

Taiyi Daojun said flatly: Do you think I will be afraid of those three Daojuns? Even if my master's strength is not even one in ten, it is far beyond the reach of these three young people!

He flicked his sleeves and walked in the starry sky with his promise. The boundless starry sky shrank and extended under his feet at an extremely fast speed.

Xu Ying sighed and said: Master, when faced with this kind of situation, we barbarians from the Three Realms often choose to be open-minded and shameless...

Taiyi Daojun laughed loudly, with some sadness in his voice: So you are barbarians from the Three Realms. I am a saint from the other side. Even if I die, I must die openly and honorably.

Xu Ying sighed sadly and thought to himself: What is Taiyi's purpose? If he gets me, he gets the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra. At this time, what he is most worried about is that the Three Great Dao Lords will come to snatch it from him, and even Kill me. He has already expected that taking me back to Dao Jitian will inevitably encounter various attacks.

Since he will encounter various attacks and temptations, Taiyi Daojun will definitely make plans to deal with various crises.

But those who are eyeing the Xuanhuang Tao Realm Sutra are not only the Three Great Dao Lords, but also other Dao Lords and True Kings. If they cannot establish their power and stop these people from endless plots, then the life of Taiyi Dao Lord will be very difficult in the future. After all, he was really seriously injured.

Xu Ying blinked and glanced at Taiyi Daojun.

Now anyone can see that Taiyi Daojun is seriously injured. This serious Dao injury is not pretended, but real.

But if Taiyi Daojun suddenly becomes brave and seriously injures the three Daojuns of life and death, yin and yang, and gods and demons on the way, will anyone still think that his dao injury is real?

When the three great masters of life and death, yin and yang, and gods and demons have all been severely injured by him, no one dares to continue to challenge him, plot against him, or assassinate him. Then he can rest in peace and recuperate, and practice the Xuan Huang Dao Realm Sutra.

Xu Ying thought, But how can he be sure that he can severely injure the three Dao Lords? Why did he choose this time to fight? That's right! The current Taiyi Dao Lord was injured, but the other three Dao Lords were also killed by Xuanhuang Dao Master. Severely injured!

Just as he was thinking about it, a sudden chill hit his face. This was in the starry sky. Where did the chill come from?

At this time, I saw Yin Yang Dao Lord approaching. When he came, the surrounding starry sky suddenly changed, becoming mountains, water, sun, moon and stars.

The sun is yang, the stars are yin, the sky is yang, the earth is yin, the south of the mountain is yang, the north of the mountain is yin, the emptiness is yang, the reality is yin, the front is yang, and the back is yin.

The sky, the earth, the stars, and the sky all seemed to be transformed by his great avenue.

Among the four Dao Lords, Yin Yang Dao Lord was the least injured. In the decisive battle with Dao Master Xuanhuang, Yin Yang Dao Lord saw that both the Dao Lords of Life and Death and Gods and Demons were severely injured, and immediately turned around and left, leaving Taiyi Dao Lord to fight alone. Taoist Master Xuanhuang, so his strength was preserved.

Taiyi Daojun stopped and laughed: Yin Yang Taoist friend, you have been fooled! Do you think I was really severely injured by Xuanhuang Dao Master? I was indeed severely injured by him, but the injury was definitely not as serious as you imagined. I The purpose is to lure you out, so as not to be plotted by you while healing your wounds and practicing Dao Master level skills!

Lord Yin Yang Dao kept walking and walked over, smiling: Brother Dao, do you think I will believe it? Beings like you and me don't believe anything other people say. We only believe what we see with our own eyes. Now I see it with my own eyes. From what I can see, you are fierce in appearance and weak in heart, and you are already at the end of your strength.

Taiyi Daojun summoned up his remaining strength, his momentum exploded, and shouted: I still have the ability to die with you! How about this, you and I each take a step back, and we study the Xuan Huang Dao Realm Sutra together! How about it?

Lord Yin Yang Dao laughed loudly: How arrogant Tai Yi was in the past, how did he ever lower his head? Now he lowers his head to beg me, which shows that he really can't do it anymore!

He couldn't help but activate the Yin-Yang Heavenly Road Unparalleled Technique, and came forward to kill him. The two paths of Yin and Yang were flying, and every time the two Qi met, their power skyrocketed, and they could transform all things!

Heaven and earth combine to create all things, yin and yang connect, and change begins!

The magical powers of Yin Yang Dao Lord are ever-changing and endless. In just a few moments when he attacked Taiyi Dao Lord, his magical powers evolved thousands of times, which is dazzling!

His magical powers are not just evolutions. Each magical power seems to be an illusion, but it is an entity. However, these magical powers are changing all the time, like the movement of a python. They seem to be motionless, but in fact they are ever-changing.

Seeing so many magical powers evolving, Xu Ying couldn't help but change his face slightly: As expected of Dao Lord, like me and Zhuo Daochun, he has realized the ultimate state!

This extreme state is the extreme state of yin and yang!

It is different from Zhuo Daochun's Ultimate Divine Power Realm. The Ultimate Realm of Yin and Yang evolved from the mutual changes between Yin and Yang. The Ultimate Divine Power Realm is the ultimate evolution of various Taoisms and is not of the same type.

The overwhelming magical powers are coming and will engulf Xu Ying and Taiyi in the next moment!

Xu Ying's heart was beating wildly. Although he already knew that Taiyi Daojun would be sure to deal with it, facing such a terrifying magical power, he still inevitably felt the pressure of life and death!

At this moment, Lord Taiyi Dao raised his hand and reached forward. The next moment, the two paths of yin and yang contained in the thousands of yin and yang magical powers suddenly merged and turned into Taiyi Dao!

Thousands of magical powers surged and roared, colliding with the palm of Taiyi Daojun, but they penetrated into his palm!

Taiyi Daojun's arms became extremely thick, as if there was something bulging in his arms, drilling into his body along his arms, and wherever he passed, the surface of his body bulged!

These thousands of supernatural powers quickly flowed from his right arm to his chest, bulging his chest high, and then came to his left arm, spurting out from his left hand!


Thousands of Taiyi's magical powers roared away towards Lord Yin-Yang Dao. Lord Yin-Yang's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly encouraged his cultivation and adjusted his luck in the cave to meet these thousands of magical powers!

These magical powers were the ones he used to attack Taiyi Daojun just now, but at this moment they no longer belong to him, but turned into Taiyi magical powers!

As soon as he made contact, he immediately noticed that each of the thousands of magical powers was much more powerful than before!

The combined power of these magical powers far exceeds his!

Isn't he injured? Impossible! He was beaten by Master Xuanhuang so much that his body, soul, and Dao collapsed twice!

The Yin Yang Dao Lord resisted with all his strength, and activated the Yin Yang Dao, and more Taoist magical powers surged forward to block Taiyi Dao Lord's attack!

At this moment, Taiyi Daojun moved and came in front of him, just when he had blocked all the power of the attack and his energy and blood were rising!

Master Yin Yang Dao was shocked. The two of them were almost fighting at close quarters. Their body shape, moves, and magical powers were all at the opponent's left and right, so they fought faster!

Xu Ying was dazzled, and suddenly he heard two clicks, the Yin Yang Dao Lord's arms were broken, his legs were broken, his head was screwed to the back of his neck, and he rode the two auspicious clouds, roaring away!

Taiyi Daojun smacked his palm from afar, and the starry sky where Yinyang Daojun escaped was suddenly annihilated!

Taiyi Daojun retracted his palm and started to chase, but suddenly his face changed slightly and he quietly stretched out his hand to hold his chest.

After a moment, he put down his palm and said calmly: Fellow Daoist Yin and Yang, for the sake of us being both Dao Lords, I will spare your life. Xu Ying, let's go.

Xu Ying stepped forward quickly and said with concern: Master, your injury...

Injury? What injury?

Taiyi Daojun laughed, but his arms were shaking slightly.

Xu Ying came to his senses and immediately said loudly: Master is really powerful, and he is worthy of being the first of the Four Dao Lords. Yin Yang Dao Lord, I am a kid. Fortunately, my master is open to you and spares his life!

Taiyi Daojun groaned, and a mouthful of blood surged into his throat, but he swallowed it back, holding it in until his face turned red.

Seeing this, Xu Ying's voice became louder and louder, but could not help but tremble as he shouted: If there is anyone else out there who dares to mess with my master, I will definitely kill him this time!

Taiyi Daojun nodded lightly and said calmly: I will kill you without mercy.

They sang in harmony, but the starry sky was silent and there was no human figure anywhere.

Taiyi Daodaojun and Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time. Taiyi Daodaojun was surprised, glanced at Xu Ying, and thought to himself: This guy is as loyal as a treacherous one. He has seen through my plan and actually cooperated with me just right.

While he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a voice laughing: Brother Tai Dao, I have a panoramic view of Master Xian's and disciple's performance. I have been waiting for it for a long time.

Xu Ying looked around and saw Lord Dao Dao of Gods and Demons walking towards him. His face was a bit darker than his own, and he looked like he was smiling but not smiling.

Xu Ying felt nervous and shouted: Uncle Divine Demon Master, my master just severely wounded Uncle Yin Yang Master with a few moves. How is your ability compared to Uncle Yin Yang Master? I advise Master Master to take care of yourself and don't be clever...

At this time, another Dao Lord of the Gods and Demons came up and laughed loudly: Xu Ying, don't bluff! I have seen through you two, master and disciple. Brother Tai Dao, if you hand over Xu Ying, everything can be discussed easily.

This Lord of Gods and Demons is a white-faced person.

During the battle with Master Xuanhuang, Master Xuanhuang destroyed the body of gods and demons, destroying his Taoist tradition and causing all those who practiced his techniques in the universe to be divided into two!

In these universes, the gods and demons of his lineage were thus divided into two, and even the cave abyss was divided into two!

Xu Ying was still waiting to say anything, but Taiyi Daojun raised his hand. Xu Ying immediately stopped and retreated behind Taiyi.

The Lord of Taiyi Dao said: Fellow Taoist Gods and Demons, my disciple Xu Ying has indeed obtained the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra. If you don't mind, I am willing to share it with you.

The God and Demon Dao Lord laughed loudly and said: Are you willing to share it? You are just delaying time and plan to kill me after regaining your strength! If these methods of proving the Dao Master can be shared, my Hua Dao Master on the other side will be able to share it. Just share it!”

He couldn't help but kill himself.

Although the gods and demons Daojun were divided into two, they worked closely together and were not much weaker than before.

The two Dao Lords attacked hand in hand, but the next moment, Taiyi Dao Lord suddenly swept away the decline, and behind him, Taiyi Cave Abyss was spinning, and his momentum was rising!

Every time the Taiyi Cave Abyss rotates, a Taiyi Dao Lord will be seen walking down from the cave abyss. The first Dao Lord who walks down is composed of the divine path, the second one is composed of the demonic path, and the third one is the reincarnation path. Body, the fourth space body, the fifth time body!

In an instant, there were hundreds of Taiyi of various avenues, meeting the gods and demons, like a pack of wolves, and soon severely injured the two gods and demons!

The true form of Taiyi Daojun had a solemn look on his face, and suddenly said loudly: Fellow Taoist Life and Death, since you are here, why don't you show up?

There was silence and no response.

Taiyi Daodaojun said it again, but still no one responded.

Taiyi Daojun said this three times, and suddenly Life and Death Daojun came from behind him, killing Taiyi Daojun and grabbing Xu Ying at the same time!

Taiyi Daodaojun seemed to have expected it. He laughed loudly, turned around suddenly, and said loudly: Your Excellency is waiting for you!

His Taoist body faced off against the Great Lord of Gods and Demons, and his real body faced off against the Great Lord of Life and Death. The Lord of Life and Death had no time to capture Xu Ying and had to fight against him with all his strength!

The two faced each other head-on, and in just a short moment, they used their great supernatural powers to fight against each other. The Lord of Life and Death spurted blood from his mouth, and the Taoist injuries he had suffered before erupted again under his heavy pressure!

Taiyi Daojun's expression remained as usual, and he continued to use his great supernatural powers to fight him head-on. However, Daojun Taiyi did not dare to fight him head-on, and fled in a hurry.

On the other side, Lord Dao Dao of Gods and Demons also fought his way out and escaped, shouting: Taiyi, you are indeed insidious! I will remember this revenge!

Taiyi Dao Lord did not pursue him, he sneered, shook his body, and many Dao bodies flew up one after another and fell into the Taiyi Cave Abyss.

Promise, let's go!

Taiyi Daojun was as arrogant and majestic as he led Xu Ying towards Dao Jitian on the other side.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed as he looked at the almost invincible back of Taiyi Daojun, and said silently in his heart: The current Taiyi Daojun seems to be the strongest, but it is the best moment to kill him. It's just that the True King and Daojun on the other side have been killed. He was so frightened that no one dared to test him again.”

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