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Chapter 753 Hunting Taiyi

The sorcerer Dao Lord has a fierce face and a fierce look in his eyes. This giant is definitely the top existence among the Dao Lords, otherwise he would not be sent to such a remote place by Taiyi Dao Lord to enjoy the blessings.

The first of the eight methods of immortality promised by Xu Ying is based on the magical power he gained by swinging a giant hammer and hitting the Buddha and other Buddhas.

However, no matter how ferocious the wizard Taojun was, Xu Ying was not afraid at all. He looked around and said loudly: Master! Master Taiyi! The disciple is back!

The wizard Taojun was full of murderous intent and said solemnly: Three realms gangsters, clever words and tricks, will be another Hao Yi in the future! Others can tolerate you, but I cannot tolerate you!

He swung the giant hammer and was about to send Xu Ying on his way. At this moment, Taiyi Daojun's out of breath voice came: Wizard, my disciple, do you dare to touch me?

The Taoist Master Wu Chen stopped his giant hammer and sneered: Taiyi, you were seriously injured by the Dao Master of Tianjing Ruins. These days, you only dare to hide here with me and don't dare to go back to the other side. How much can you do? Old guy, You are no longer what you used to be. It’s better to choose a day than to hit it. Today I will send you on your way, I will be the king of the great road!

Daoji Zhenwang on the side heard this, his face turned pale, and he waved to him repeatedly.

Taiyi Daodaojun walked out of the Immortal Palace, his face as sinking as water, and he glanced at him lightly.

Wuchen Taojun held the giant hammer tightly and laughed loudly: Unless you old guys die, it will be difficult for me to take over. Taiyi, if you were not seriously injured, you would have returned to Jitian on the other side of the road long ago. You are just worried about being intercepted on the road. Kill. Old guy, how much cultivation strength do you have left now?

His eyes flashed, now is a rare opportunity to get rid of Taiyi and become the Great Dao King himself!

He was extremely ambitious and once expressed his intention to replace Taiyi Daojun in front of Daoji Zhenwang and others.

Now it is even more naked.

Lord Taiyi put his fist under his lips, coughed repeatedly, and said calmly: Why don't you give it a try?

The wizard Tao Lord laughed loudly and suddenly swung the Tao hammer. Countless holes in the dark space behind his head rotated with the hammer. In an instant, the power of the Tao of the universe gathered together, accompanied by earth-shattering thunder, towards the Taiyi Dao. You smashed it down with a bang!

Xu Ying had a sudden thought and used the provoking method to prod others. Maybe the other party wouldn't fall for it, but a fool like the provoking wizard, he would definitely fall for it!

He doesn't care if Lord Taiyi is testing him, as long as the other party proposes to give it a try, then he will definitely give it a try!

This hammer was more ferocious and powerful than the one that Xu Ying witnessed hitting the Buddha. The power gathered on the head of the hammer was like a comet falling into the sky, and the head of the hammer became extremely bright!

Taiyi Daojun raised his hand and lightly met the hammer. The hammer touched his flesh and blood palm, but the terrifying power contained in the hammer was like a mud cow entering the sea, without any power exploding.

The wizard Taojun groaned, let go of the giant hammer, and flew backwards, crashing through the mountain peaks!

“Don’t overestimate your own capabilities.”

Taiyi Daodaojun released his palm, and the giant hammer clattered to the ground.

Not far away, in front of the other three Immortal Palaces, the three Dao Lords Hong Xi, Qing Zai and Pan Yan were horrified when they saw this situation and did not dare to continue to pry.

After a while, the wizard flew back in despair and bowed to Taiyi Daojun: I am convinced! There is no problem with Daojun and Daojun's disciple Xu Ying!

Taiyi Daojun did not continue to embarrass him and said to Xu: I stay here just to wait for you to come back. I know you will definitely come back.

With a smile on his face, Xu Ying bowed down and said with a smile: Master has unparalleled Dharma eyes. This disciple will definitely come back.

Taiyi Daojun stared at the back of his head, remained silent for a moment, and said, You don't have to be so reserved in front of me.

Xu Yingdao: The Taiyi Avenue is so powerful that it reaches directly into the universe, so the disciples are inevitably a little cautious.

Taiyi Daojun nodded slightly and said: Until you can beat me, you will always respect me, which makes me very satisfied. Have you obtained the Dao Master technique?

Xu Ying said with a solemn expression: The disciple has lived up to his mission and finally obtained the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra from Master Xuanhuang Dao. What a shame, Zhuo Daochun, Nangong Hao, Wei Yi and Shi Yuting also got the Xuanhuang Dao Jie World Sutra. These four people are the remnants of the heavenly realm. If they are still alive, they will definitely cause great harm to me on the other side!

He said solemnly: Therefore, my disciple suggests that we immediately mobilize the army of immortals to encircle and suppress the rebellious party, eradicate the weeds and eliminate future troubles forever!

Taiyi, Wu Chen and Daoji all frowned, and for a moment it was difficult to tell whether he was a traitor or a loyal one.

We don't need you to encircle and suppress the Heaven Realm.

Taiyi Daojun shook his sleeves and said, Since I've waited for you, let's set off and return to Dao Jitian.

Xu Ying said yes.

The emperor's chariot flew over, and Taiyi Daodaojun boarded the emperor's chariot. Xu Ying followed carefully. Taiyi Daodaojun took his seat, but he did not dare to sit down and waited on the side.

Every move he made was more like a disciple than a disciple, which made Wu Chen and Dao Ji feel in a trance.

The imperial chariot slowly drove away from the four immortal palaces and headed outside the realm of heaven.

Wu Chen and Dao Ji watched the emperor's chariot go away, and then looked away one after another. King Dao Ji Zhen said: I brought the disciples from Dao Lord's direct lineage, but unexpectedly not many of them survived. Brother Wuchen Dao, you just fought against Dao Lord. Do you think Dao Lord still has some strength left? ?”

Wu Chen Daojun said: Five or six points.

He was not sure, and said: But to me, it is still unfathomable.

Hearing this, Daoji Zhenwang was a little doubtful and said with a smile: After fighting so many times with Dao Master Xuanhuang, his body was broken many times, Taiyi Dao was broken into countless parts, but he still has five or six points of strength. It seems that Dao Lord is far away It’s not too far away to become a Dao Master. But why does he still want to find Dao Master-level skills?”

The wizard Taojun glanced at him and said: There are some things that should not be discussed. Daoji, you know the consequences better than I do.

Hearing this, King Daoji laughed, changed the subject, and said with a smile: The things here are over, I should leave. Brother Wuchen, I really envy you. Although this place is desolate and dangerous, it is still much better than Dao Jitian. , at least there won’t be so much intrigue. Farewell!”

The sorcerer Dao Lord did not get up to see him off. He waited until King Daoji walked away, then he shook his giant hammer and his eyes flashed.

In the emperor's chariot, Xu Ying looked at his eyes, nose and heart.

After a while, Lord Taiyi Dao said: Xu Ying, please memorize the Xuan Huang Dao Realm Sutra for me to listen to.

Xu Ying said: Master's injury is so serious. It is better not to be distracted at this moment and concentrate on healing.

Taiyi Daojun was slightly startled, then chuckled and said: Xuanhuang Daomaster, a person who has been resurrected from the dead, is far from reaching the peak of his life. Although his magical powers are far more sophisticated than mine, it is still impossible to kill me.

But Master was still injured, so he had to stay in the Immortal Palace.

Xu Ying hit the nail on the head and pointed directly at his vital point, saying, In order to dispel other people's suspicions, the master also deliberately asked the wizard Dao Lord to take action, and then defeated the wizard himself, so as to deter those Dao Lords who came to intercept you. And Daojun’s determination!”

Taiyi Daojun laughed and said: Your guess is very good, but you are wrong. Wu Chen and I have a deep hatred. He has a very high self-esteem and has long wanted to kill me and replace me.

Xu Ying smiled and smiled quietly.

Taiyi Daojun glanced at him, his face darkened, and said: If you have anything to say, just say it directly, don't snicker!

Xu Ying's face straightened and he said: Master, are all our strategies on the other side so crude? In a barbaric land like ours in the Three Realms, we barbarians would definitely not believe such straightforward strategies.

Taiyi Daojun was silent for a moment and said: Why do you say this?

Xu Yingdao: Wuchen, under the orders of Lord Dao, guard Tianjing Ruins. For others, it may be a demotion and devolution, but for Lord Dao, it is a promotion and important position. Because there are Lords of Dao in Tianjing Ruins. Kung Fu is extremely important to Dao Lord, and a person who is trusted and loyal to Dao Lord must be arranged to guard Tianjingxu. Dao Lord arranges wizards, which shows that wizards are Dao Lord's confidants.

Taiyi Daodaojun remained silent.

Xu Yingdao: Let the confidant wizard take action to test his own strength. The wizard's action may seem earth-shattering, but in fact, the thunder is loud and the rain is small. It is just a show, highlighting the power of Dao Lord. But a discerning person can tell at a glance that Dao Lord must be seriously injured. .”

Taiyi Daojun looked gloomy: Why do you say that?

Xu Ying smiled and said: If Dao Master Xuanhuang cannot severely injure Dao Lord, then will the Dao Master-level skills still have such a fatal attraction?

Do you think that after the sorcerer and I fight, someone will come to attack me?

Taiyi Daojun said calmly, The position of Daojun is not that important.

Xu Ying smiled slightly and said: The Dao Lord is not important, but the disciple is more important than the Dao Lord. The disciple possesses the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra. Not only the other three Dao Lords have to fight for this sutra, but the Dao Lord also wants to get it. The true king also wants to get it.

Taiyi Daojun was silent for another moment, exhaled a breath, and said: What would they do if they were barbarians from the Three Realms?

Xu Ying said: If it were the barbarians from the Three Realms, they would still send people to test after the sorcerer's test to verify how much Dao Lord's strength is left. Generally speaking, the first wave of attacks will be in our imperial chariot. We will start taking action when we are one-third of the way. If we choose to take action at this point, we will not be able to reach any village or store, and even the sorcerer will not be able to support us even if he wants to.

Lord Taiyi Dao said: What then?

Xu Ying said: Then the attack will be divided into three times. Yin and Yang, gods and demons, and life and death will all be tested once. They don't trust each other, so they will be tested three times. After that, the three Dao Lords came in person to send us off. Return to your position.

Taiyi Daojun was silent for a moment and said: We are now almost a third of the way from Tianjing Ruins. I want to verify the barbarian's view.

Xu Ying raised his eyebrows.

Taiyi Daodaojun sat motionless.

After a while, suddenly the starry sky outside the imperial chariot shook violently. Deep in the starry sky, a four-armed giant stood standing, dancing as if performing an ancient sacrificial ritual. However, the starry sky danced with the movement of his sleeves, and the vast Tao power was condensed and formed!

The giant in the starry sky gathered his strength and pushed towards the imperial chariot across the vast starry sky with four palms!

Lord Taiyi Daojun sat in the imperial chariot and sneered: Hong Xi's Zhoutian Xingsha Tribulation Skill is nothing more than this.

The monstrous power came with the bombardment of countless stars, and instantly submerged the time and space where the emperor's chariot was!

Xu Ying heard an earth-shaking loud noise and saw countless stars on both sides of the chariot rushing like a flood. However, when such a powerful force came to both sides of the imperial chariot, they were separated and could not shake the imperial chariot in the slightest.

Daojun Hong Xi in the starry sky saw this scene from a distance, turned around and left without thinking.

Xu Ying was shocked and doubtful. He turned back to look at Taiyi Daojun and thought to himself: Is he injured?

Lord Taiyi Daojun looked calm and still calm.

Soon, the second wave of attacks came, and this time it was Taojun Qingzai who attacked. This Taoist's Nine Palaces Taoist Law was a unique one on the other side. He used thousands of magic weapons to lay down the path where the emperor's chariot must pass. The supreme murderous disaster in the Nine Palaces that stretches for millions of miles!

However, Taiyi Daojun's imperial chariot drove directly into the formation of the Supreme Killing Tribulation, and passed calmly all the way. Even if Qingzai Daojun urged the Supreme Killing Tribulation, it could not shake the imperial chariot in the slightest.

The third set of temptations was Taojun Panyan.

This Taoist Lord picked up the first flame from the beginning of the world from other universes, called the Fire of the Creation of the Sky. At this moment, he blocked the path that he must pass through. He mobilized all his cultivation skills to activate the Fire of the Creation of the Sky, and suddenly the sky was burned with fire. , burning everything along the way!

However, Taiyi Daodaojun's imperial chariot drove past the fire that opened the sky, and the flames on the road spread to both sides.

Daojun Panyan did not dare to stop him and could only watch the imperial chariot drive by.

Three trials have passed. Now, do they know my depth? Taiyi Daojun asked Xu Ying.

Xu Ying saw this in his eyes and was filled with admiration. He bowed and said, Master's wonderful method is unparalleled. The three Dao Lords cannot test how much Master's cultivation strength is left, so they dare not take action.

Taiyi Dao Lord smiled slightly and said: The cultivation strength of the three Dao Lords of life and death, yin and yang, gods and demons is much inferior to mine. The Dao Lords they respect each other cannot test my depth, so they dare not Move me.

As soon as he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed, and he stood up suddenly, showing a look of disbelief.

I saw the starry sky shaking violently, and boundless divine light soaring into the sky from the dark sky. There was an unparalleled giant, with muscles all over his body, like a dragon coiled around his body. He had the head of an ox and a body, with his hands raised high. Behind him was the unimaginable giant. hammer!

The giant hammer swung up, carrying immeasurable light, and smashed down on the emperor's chariot!

Wizard! Rebellious guy!

Taiyi Daojun was furious. When Wuchen Daojun was in Tianjing Ruins, he still cooperated with him and performed with him. But now, he actually dares to take action against Taiyi at this critical moment!

Taiyi Daojun really wanted to break through the attack of the wizard Daojun with his transcendent strength like before, but he had been prepared before, activated the emperor's chariot, and quietly defeated the opponent's magical power.

However, this time it was Wu Chen who took action. He was much stronger than Hong Xi, Qing Zai and Pan Yan, and the one who used it was the most precious treasure that he used to prove his Dao!

In the distance, in the dark starry sky, Lord Dao of Life and Death coughed up blood and watched as the sorcerer's blow fell and hit the imperial chariot.

In the imperial chariot, Taiyi Daojun mobilized countless caves and abyss, large and small, to meet the giant hammer.

The imperial chariot was torn apart under the hammer light.

The wizard put away his hammer and fled away.


Lord Dao of Life and Death smiled and said, Brother Tai Dao was seriously injured. He can't even save his car.

In the darkness, the other two Dao Lords looked at the rather embarrassed Taiyi Dao Lord with smiles.

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