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Chapter 728 The Bells of the Sea of ​​Chaos

On the Cuiyan Tower boat, Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang couldn't help but love each other. For a moment, they were inseparable. They just felt that the relationship between men and women was very wonderful, and they no longer mentioned going to the other side.

He didn't mention it, and neither did Yuan Weiyang. The two of them had a tacit understanding.

After two or three years of this, the Holy Lord met Xu Ying on the Tianhai Sea and was surprised: When did Xu Daozu come back from the other side?

Xu Yingnanran, only then did he really plan to leave the Three Realms.

He reluctantly separated from Yuan Weiyang, and called Shi Tianyang, the guard at the ferry on the other side, to move the Cuiyan Tower boat and prepare to set sail.

The Cuiyan Tower boat broke through the sky and drifted away. After dozens of days, it finally arrived at the edge of the universe, beside the Sea of ​​Chaos.

The eucalyptus tree on the other side has grown a lot, its branches and leaves are like feather crowns, lush and green, and its roots penetrate into the sea of ​​chaos to absorb nutrients.

This tree was planted by two scouts on the Cuiyan Tower ship. The two left imprints on the tree, so that the position of the Three Realms in the Sea of ​​Chaos could be determined.

But the two scouts were dead, and the imprints they left behind were useless.

Xu Ying moored the boat next to the tree and left his mark on the tree. Suddenly, he felt as if part of his consciousness was connected to the tree, and he could sense every root touch of the eucalyptus tree in the sea of ​​chaos.

This feeling is very strange, as if he has countless extra tentacles and can swim in the sea of ​​chaos.

You must know that any avenue will lose its effect and have no power when it reaches the vicinity of the Sea of ​​Chaos. Because the Avenue of Chaos is too high and it is rare to surpass the Avenue of Chaos, it will be suppressed by the Avenue of Chaos.

The eucalyptus tree can actually grow on the sea of ​​chaos and draw nutrients from the chaos. One cannot help but admire the wonder of life.

If this tree grows up and the wood is cut into a boat, it can travel in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Xu Ying said, If you can understand the mysteries contained in the tree, you might be able to understand the profound principles of the Avenue of Chaos.

Shi Tianyang smiled and said: The other side of the tree is a plant that can grow in the sea of ​​chaos. However, if this kind of tree leaves the sea of ​​chaos, it will wither and wither, and it cannot be refined into a treasure. It is impossible to understand the avenue of chaos from it. Once upon a time, There are many strong men on the other side who have tried this idea, but have gained nothing.

Xu Ying looked at the eucalyptus tree. The feather-like leaves of this tree were swaying slightly and the colors were gorgeous.

Is it true that this tree cannot refine treasures, or can it be used as a catalyst to comprehend the avenue of chaos?

He shook his head, urged the Cuiyan Tower Ship, and sailed into the sea of ​​chaos. There are two ways to go from the Three Realms to the other side. One is to take the Cuiyan Tower Boat, which can go back and forth smoothly, and the other is to enter the summoned cave abyss.

However, the second path is too dangerous. The moment you enter and exit the cave abyss, you will be easily noticed by the owner of the cave abyss. And it took too long. After the death of Emperor Haotian, it took Milun and other eight eighth-level Taoist beings 600,000 years to reach the Three Realms from the other side.

Of course, you can also take the path of Taishang Cave Abyss. There are cracks in that cave abyss, and it doesn't take that long to enter the other side. However, Taoist Wukong has already taken that road, which may have alarmed the owner of Dongyuan. Therefore, the safest way is to take the Cuiyan Tower Boat and take the Chaos Sea Ferry road.

Xu Ying set foot on the Sea of ​​Chaos for the first time. He saw the Cuiyan Building Ship entering the boundless Sea of ​​Chaos. The surroundings suddenly became dim, leaving only the emerald green light of the Building Ship itself.

This ship pushed away the energy of chaos around it, making it impossible for the energy of chaos to approach the building ship. Many theories and texts from the other side are imprinted on the surface of the building. Under the urging of Xu Ying and Shi Tianyang, the branch-like theories and texts jump from time to time and undergo wonderful changes.

It was quiet.

It was eerily quiet, not a sound could be heard.

Outside the building ship, no avenue can be sensed, except the path of chaos. Xu Ying learned a method about the way of chaos from the other side from Ming Man, and built the Chaos Cave Abyss. At this moment, the Chaos Cave Abyss was extremely active, constantly operating, and drawing power from the Chaos Sea.

Xu Ying also felt that his Chaos Dao was constantly improving, a hundred times faster than if he had devoted himself to cultivation.

The Avenue of Chaos is the most difficult one to comprehend among the avenues he currently masters. He only managed to reach the eighth level of the cave abyss, and relied on the support of other cave abyss to reach this point.

Xu Ying also didn't expect that practicing Chaos Cave Abyss in the Sea of ​​Chaos would have such miraculous effects.

He simply slowed down the boat on Cuiyan Tower, and slowly realized this great way on the way.

But Shi Tianyang was very nervous and urged: Xu Daozu, hurry up! The Chaos Sea is definitely not a good place, and it is not suitable to stay for a long time!

Xu Ying asked curiously: Fellow Taoist Shi must often enter the Sea of ​​Chaos? Is there danger in the Sea of ​​Chaos?

It's not just dangerous? It's too dangerous!

Shi Tianyang looked around nervously and said, The dangers in the Chaos Sea are often extremely terrifying. There are often wind and wave whirlpools here, and it is difficult to get out if you get sucked in! There are also some debris of dead universes that even the Chaos Sea cannot dissolve. , if the Cuiyan Tower ship accidentally hits it, I'm afraid it will be shattered to pieces! What's even more frightening is that there are often corpses wandering in this sea. They have not been wiped out by the Chaos Sea and still have their vitality remaining. They will seize the bodies of people they meet!

There are too many terrifying legends about the Sea of ​​Chaos.

There is a universe that is dying, and it will raise huge waves in the sea of ​​chaos, tearing any ship, even the green rock, into pieces.

There is also the emerging Hongyuan, which is rapidly expanding outwards, turning the energy of chaos into various strange avenues, forming the universe of stars, and decomposing it into spiritual energy and spiritual power. If you accidentally come to the side, the Cuiyan Tower Ship will decompose in an instant!

There are also various strange phenomena in the sea. For example, Emperor Ming Dao was hit by a big bell in the sea and sent them back to the three realms.

There are even incidents where time and space are reversed, and cause and effect are reversed. I met the scouts who had returned from overseas at the ferry, and I often heard them talk about these things. The stories were very evil, Shi Tianyang said.

When Xu Ying heard this, although he was very curious, he unknowingly urged the Cuiyan Tower Boat to speed up gradually.

It never hurts to be more open-minded.

At this moment, there was a noise coming from the front. When they arrived, the Qi of Chaos gradually separated to both sides, and a huge golden ship appeared in front of them.

Many powerful dragons on the golden ship were in the same boat and were desperately trying to move the ship to resist the invasion of the Chaos Sea.

The Cuiyan Tower ship they were on was a small boat, but it was sailing smoothly, while the huge golden ship was bumpy and might disintegrate at any time!

Xu Ying looked at the world-transferring golden ship in surprise and disbelief: Is there still a dragon clan surviving in the sea of ​​chaos? However, the dragon clan escaped from the Three Realms tens of millions of years ago and searched for the other side...

He stirred up his magic power and shouted in the language of the Dragon Clan: Fellow Dragon Clan Taoists, when did you escape from the Three Realms?

On the World-Transcending Golden Ship, many powerful dragon clan men suddenly heard this voice and looked at them with astonishment. Obviously he was shocked that a mere small boat could sail so smoothly in the chaotic sea.

Human monk!

A strong man who looked like a senior member of the Dragon Clan said in a deep voice, We just broke out of the Three Realms! Who are you?

Xu Ying was stunned, had he just escaped from the Three Realms?

But the dragon clan's escape from the Three Realms obviously happened tens of millions of years ago!

My name is Xu Ying, and I am a good friend of the distant ancestor of your dragon clan...


The powerful dragons on the World-Transcending Golden Ship were furious and urged the World-Transcending Golden Ship to crush him. The dragon leader sneered, How can a human slave be friends with the distant ancestors? Human race, keep your ship!

Shi Tianyang activated the Cuiyan Tower Boat and quickly passed by the World-Transcending Golden Boat, avoiding the magical powers of those powerful dragons.

Both ships were overwhelmed by the energy of Chaos.

Xu Ying was shocked and doubtful, and looked back again and again.

Not long after, another golden ship appeared ahead. This ship had been corroded by the energy of chaos and became rusty.

The Cuiyan Tower ship sailed by, and there were still living dragons on the ship. They each activated the remaining parts of the gold ship to resist the invasion of the Qi of Chaos.


One of the dragons saw the Cuiyan Tower Boat and shouted as if he had seen a ghost, You are that human slave Xu Ying. Millions of years have passed. How come you are still alive?

Xu Ying was stunned and looked at the old dragon warrior, vaguely able to recognize that he was the leader of the dragon clan on the golden ship he had just encountered!

Slaves, save us! The dragon leader waved his hands to them.

The Cuiyan Tower boat passed by, Xu Ying thought for a moment and did not save anyone.

Ahead, another huge golden ship to cross the world came into their sight, anchored in the Sea of ​​Chaos. This golden ship was riddled with erosion, and there were huge holes everywhere.

The Cuiyan Tower Ship passed quietly through the holes in the golden ship, and some bones remaining on the ship could be seen, slowly turning into the energy of chaos.

As the building boat moved forward, one after another the world-transcending golden boats came into their sight. These golden boats were corroded to varying degrees, and each one was more dilapidated than the last.

Later, these golden ships were never seen again.

It might have been an echo of time.

Shi Tianyang guessed, There are often such echoes in the chaotic sea. Our ship was caught by these ripples and brought to a different timeline. Just wait until the ripples pass.

Xu Ying wondered: Is it really an echo? Why can we see people from thousands of years ago?

Shi Tianyang smiled and said: Of course the echo of time will take you back to the past, but this is the past in the Chaos Sea, which is different from the time in the universe. Because any time is meaningless to the Chaos Sea.

He paused and guessed: Most likely a flood source was born nearby, which set off echoes of time in the sea of ​​chaos. This phenomenon is not uncommon.

Xu Ying still found it incredible that Hong Yuan was born, time echoed, he met people from thousands of years ago, and he also saw the process of their death, decay and disappearance.

If you tell others about this kind of thing when you return to the Three Realms, I'm afraid they will all say that Xu Daozu is crazy!

Wait a minute, you said that the birth of Hong Yuan will produce time echoes? Xu Ying suddenly woke up and asked.

Shi Tianyang said: I also heard what those scouts said. I have been to the sea very few times and have never seen it with my own eyes. They said that the birth of a flood source will produce time echoes, and the destruction of the flood source will also have time echoes. Hong. The echo of the birth of the source is relatively small, and the people we just saw who died tens of millions of years ago are already very large echoes. The largest echo is the echo of the destruction of the source.

Xu Ying asked: What will happen in the echo of Hongyuan's destruction?

Shi Tianyang said: I heard that people who encounter this kind of echo will find the moment when they enter the origin of this universe, and then experience the life of this universe in a short period of time. But this situation is extremely rare.

Xu Ying opened his eyes wide. He had never encountered such a strange thing when he was in the Three Realms.

However, I also heard from an Immortal True King that when you encounter the echo of a flood's destruction, it's easier to deal with it if you're far away. But if you're close, your body will be shattered by the first wave of impact.

Shi Tianyang said, Even the Immortal True King cannot survive the echo of that kind of power!

Xu Ying smiled and said: How can this be true? If you can't survive such an echo, then who can tell you that you can look back on your entire life in the universe?

Shi Tianyang thought for a while and said, I think it's probably the Dao Master on the other side of me who has experienced this kind of thing.

As they were talking, they suddenly heard the sound of a bell coming from the depths of the Chaos Sea, and the sound of the bell was getting closer and closer.

Is this bell the same bell that knocked the golden ship that Emperor Ming Dao was on back to the three realms?

Xu Ying saw the sea of ​​chaos being stirred up by the bells, creating layers of waves. The shapes of the waves were very similar to Dao patterns, runes, principles and other structures, but they were much more mysterious. He couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart, and quickly moved the waves in his martial arts cave. The big bell for cultivation was raised.

The big bell was still instructing the cultivation of the Zhu Xian Broken Sword. Suddenly it flew up. The bell got bigger and bigger. I couldn't help but be surprised: A Ying, what are you doing?


Suddenly a melodious bell sounded above their heads, and many wrinkles appeared on the surface of the Chaos Sea. The wonderful power was transmitted, and many wrinkles suddenly appeared on the surface of the big clock.

The sound of the bell gradually faded away and could not be heard.

Ah Ying, you want another bell to write on my body? The big bell was filled with grief and anger.

Xu Ying put away the big clock and immediately observed the strange textures on the wall of the clock. However, just after taking a glance, the energy of chaos emerged from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

He couldn't help but feel horrified and didn't dare to look anymore.

Shi Tianyang also took a look, and then spewed out the energy of chaos, almost being dissolved!

The two of them shuddered, and Xu Ying quickly stuffed the big bell back into the martial arts cave with lingering fear.

Aying, what did you write on me?

The sound of the big bell came from the martial arts cave, ... Master Jian, what's wrong with you? Wake up!

Xu Ying quickly invited the Zhuxian Sword out of the Martial Arts Cave Abyss. The Zhuxian Sword faintly woke up. Just now, it also looked at the texture on the bell wall and almost turned into the energy of chaos.

Master Zhong, don't come out!

Xu Ying gave an order and looked at each other with Shi Tianyang, showing a look of horror. The sword of the Tongtian Sword Master could not withstand the texture on the bell wall.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed: The mark on Mr. Zhong's body may be a strange avenue structure, but this avenue structure is so advanced that it will be assimilated at a glance! This is the same as Cuiyan's destruction of the three realms. It makes sense! It’s just...

What is the origin of that bell that flew over? he thought to himself.

Dazhong was imprisoned in the cave abyss by Xu Ying. At first he felt sorry for himself, but later he became open-minded and focused on his own cultivation.

As for the Zhuxian Sword, Xu Ying arranged it in Taiyi Cave Abyss to prevent the big bell from being assimilated.

The sun and moon were unknown in the chaos, and the Cuiyan building boat was sailing in the sea without knowing its direction. The two of them just drove the building boat and let it sail in the direction of the ferry on the other side.

Xu Ying understood the Avenue of Chaos, and his understanding became deeper and deeper. The Chaos Cave gradually expanded, as if there was a sea of ​​chaos hidden inside.

On this day, Shi Tianyang's surprised voice came: Xu Daozu, we have reached the ferry on the other side! No! They have discovered that I am missing and have replaced the guard!

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