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Chapter 727 The Avenue Lord Visits

A monkey escaped from the hole in the back of my head?

The Immortal True King slowly stood up, his body was tall, and the Taishang Cave Abyss behind his head shook slightly. There was darkness behind him, thousands of universes were suspended in the sea of ​​chaos, and there were tens of thousands of Taishang Cave Abyss.

Without exception, these caves and abyss have a shocking crack!

This crack seemed to be in the cave, but it was actually in him. For immortals, the Tao is the same as the body, and the body is the same as the Tao. If the Tao is damaged, oneself will be damaged.

He is the master of the Great Way, the Immortal True King Yu Xuantong.

He has been recovering from his injuries since he was seriously injured by Emperor Haotian, but his injuries have never healed. For a being like him, every time he is injured, it is a big deal and difficult to heal.

But fortunately, practitioners from thousands of universes in the Sea of ​​Chaos sacrificed their lives to help him heal his injuries, and he has recovered a lot from his injuries.

But because of his injuries, when he was in seclusion and entering concentration, a monkey escaped along the damaged part of his cave.

This monkey also injured you?

Yu Xuantong called his disciples, and sure enough he saw that these disciples had many Dao injuries on their bodies. What made him even more furious was that these Dao injuries all appeared in the same location!

This position is also the position of his Taoist injury!

Yu Xuantong checked it out, with a serious look on his face, and said, He used Tai Shang Dao to hurt you, and he hurt you all in the same position?

All the disciples looked ashamed, lowered their heads, and did not dare to say anything.

Yu Xuantong sneered: Practice my Taoism, follow my cave abyss, sneak into my cave, use my supreme Taoism to injure my disciples, and the wounds will be exactly the same as mine. How brave! This From which cave did this monkey come out?

One of the eldest disciples, Luan Shizong, quickly pointed to a hole behind Yu Xuantong's head and said, Disciple saw that the monkey crawled out of the crack in this hole.

Yu Xuantong looked at the abyss and his expression changed slightly: This abyss corresponds to the three realms of the universe. Hao Yi, who injured me, is from the three realms...

Regarding the three realms of the universe, it has become a thorn in the flesh of many immortal true kings. First, the Tongtian Taoist from the Three Realms caused a bloody storm on the other side. Later, Hao Yi, who came to study, suddenly exposed his minions and attacked almost all the other side. In the end, several immortal true kings died before he was killed.

However, before Hao Yi's incident ended, another group of natives from the Three Realms flew to the other side following Cuiyan and became rogue bandits.

Now there is actually another monkey running from the Three Realms, and running along the cracks in his cave and abyss to the other side!

There are so many universes in the Chaos Sea, but none of them are as difficult as the three realms. It is better to find the three realms as soon as possible and open up this barren land as soon as possible!

Just when Yu Xuantong thought of this, a huge spiritual consciousness suddenly fluctuated in the void and turned into a voice and was transmitted to his mind.

Fellow Taoist Yin Yuanzi has met with misfortune!

Yu Xuantong was shocked and lost his voice: Yin Yuanzi is dead? How is this possible? As the immortal true king on the other side, his cave abyss connects thousands of universes and spreads all over the Chaos Sea. Even if he encounters a powerful enemy that cannot be matched, He could escape through the cave at any time, so how could he die? Could it be some kind of bad luck?

He walked outside and came to the outside of the cave, but he saw that his cave was high in the clouds, with chaos and vastness below, and a myriad of phenomena. Immortal kings were waking up from seclusion and walking out of the cave heaven paradise.

On the other side, things are going to change.

Yu Xuantong said silently in his heart.

The death of the true king is no small matter. Hao Yi killed several true kings back then, which had already shocked the other side. Now the death of Yin Yuanzi has only added fuel to the fire.

Xu Ying and Fairy Qingyu left Taishang Cave Abyss. They thought for a long time and wondered whether Taoist Wukong had really gone to the other side.

The two returned to Jiuyi Mountain. Qingyu smiled and said, There are still disciples waiting for me in my academy.

Xu Ying said goodbye to her, watched her go away, and whispered: It's time for me to leave the Three Realms and go to the other side.

He turned around and saw a man in white standing in front of Zhou Qiyun's grave. He looked exactly like Zhou Qiyun.

Xu Ying was suspicious and walked forward.

The man in white saw the courtesy and said with a smile: I don't know how I should meet you, so I simply chose the person you are most familiar with.

Xu Ying unconsciously mentioned his cultivation and was ready to take action, saying: I am actually not familiar with Zhou Qiyun.

The man in white said: However, Zhou Qiyun influenced every choice Xu Daozu made after that. His death touched you too much. It made you see harvesting and breeding. You have been working hard all your life to avoid harvesting. , to avoid being manipulated.”

Xu You should have a creepy feeling: Who are you?

To everyone, it doesn't matter who Zhou Qiyun is. Zhou Qiyun is just a small Nuo Immortal in the Yuanshou world. His cultivation level is as low as a drop in the ocean. However, there are hundreds of millions of people in the world who have higher cultivation level and higher strength than him.

His death is also irrelevant. There are also hundreds of millions of people who have died because of overcoming tribulations in history, and those who are astonishingly talented and beautiful are even better than him.

But for Xu Ying, Zhou Qiyun's death made him realize that there are fishermen and leeks in the world. Some people use bait to fish and some grow leeks.

The bloody facts were suddenly placed in front of him, alerting him, making him counter-harvest, and making him determined to confront those seemingly extremely powerful reapers.

He wanted to change all this because of Zhou Qiyun's death.

But not many people know about this matter. What more people know is that Xu Ying was plotted by the Immortal Emperor and the Emperor. He sank for 48,000 years and rose in the face of adversity.

However, this mysterious man came to see him in the form of Zhou Qiyun and expressed his inner feelings in one word, which made him wary.

The man in white said with a smile: I am Dao Zongyuan, the book on the Hundong Immortality Sutra you are carrying was written by me.

Xu Ying lost his voice and said: Master of Yuanjie Avenue? Are you still alive?

He was even more frightened, his scalp was numb, and he almost ran away!

After he made the Chaos Oath with Min Bo and other Yuanjie remnants, Min Bo said that the Great Master was dead, but now the Great Master appeared in front of him in the form of Zhou Qiyun. Could it be said that the Great Master cleans the world and eradicates these aliens? Taoist monk, turn the Three Realms into another Yuan Realm?

Dao Zongyuan smiled and said: This is just the manifestation of a ray of my consciousness. I am dead, but I am not dead. I still have three rays of consciousness left, one to guard the corpse, to guard the remains of the Yuanjie universe, and one to guard My Tao body fights against the fate. There is still a ray of consciousness traveling in the three realms.

Xu Ying's expression was gloomy and uncertain, and he was secretly thinking in his heart. Now that the bones of the Great Dao Master are not here, if he takes action, can he kill him?

He thought for a moment and then gave up the idea.

Powerful beings like Yin Yuanzi were obliterated by the Dao Master in front of him. His own abilities were obviously not enough.

How did you know about Zhou Qiyun and I? Xu Ying put down his murderous intention and asked.

Dao Zongyuan said: Zhou Qiyun is dead to you, his soul is scattered, and the immortal spirit has not been able to retain his memory. He has completely disappeared in the universe, and is just a barren tomb. But to me In other words, Zhou Qiyun's body and consciousness just exist in another form. I can look for the fragments of his consciousness in the starry sky of the universe. I can gather these fragments together and read his life. I can gather the remaining soul for him. , reshape the body, and even resurrect him. Therefore, I can also use his face to see you.

Xu Ying was moved. He had never seen or even heard of this method of reversing life and death or even reincarnation!

If you want to resurrect Zhou Qiyun, I can also resurrect him. Dao Zongyuan said.

No! Xu Ying flatly refused.

Dao Zongyuan was stunned.

For Xu Ying, Zhou Qiyun was the first opponent he encountered, and it inspired him so much that it affected his future direction. But resurrecting Zhou Qiyun was not necessary for him.

In the final analysis, Zhou Qiyun was just a powerful figure in Yuanshou's era. Even though he was extraordinary, there was nothing worthy of nostalgia.

Xu Ying's memorial ceremony for Zhou Qiyun was just to commemorate those who were harvested like Zhou Qiyun. It was like a spur to encourage him not to forget the tragic fate of those who were harvested.

Xu Ying smiled and said, Brother Dao, why did you come to see me?

Dao Zongyuan said with a smile: Min Bo gave the Immortal Sutra of Hundong to you with evil intentions. He wanted to use this book to delay the cultivation of talents in the three realms. I am here to resolve this grudge.

Xu Ying was furious: Min Bo is really just like Qing Xuan said, using this book to harm us! Fortunately, I will also give you the last chapter of the Sutra of Preventing Tribulations. What a wolf-hearted person!

He cursed and vented his anger, then became polite and smiled at Dao Zongyuan: Then what is the purpose of Dao Zongyuan coming here? If you come to retrieve the Immortal Sutra, it is impossible. This is Jing Minbo has given it to me.

Dao Zongyuan looked solemn and said, I am here to interpret for you my Hundong Immortal Sutra.

Xu Ying was stunned and lost his voice: Brother Dao, why is this? For the benefit of the survivors of the Yuan Realm, Min Bo used this sutra to delay my masters in the three realms. Why do you have to make a special trip to interpret this sutra for me?

Dao Zongyuan extended his hand to greet him, and the two of them sat in the air. The clouds under their seats were like futons, very misty.

Dao Zong Yuandao: He used the Immortal Sutra to delay the talents of the three realms for the survival of the remnants of the Yuan realm, lest you become stronger and exterminate them. So I have to wait for you to spend three years. However, the remnants of the Yuan realm are living in the three realms. , I need to fight against the other side with you and help you in the same boat, so I must come to help you interpret the Sutra of Immortality.

After what he said, Xu Ying understood, took out the Hundong Immortal Sutra, and unfolded the golden book.

Dao Zong Yuandao said: Before the Hun Cave, Dao Qi did not appear. In the vagueness, there is no image, no image can be detected, it is the master of the Dao.

He spoke eloquently and told the Hundong Immortal Sutra one by one.

The Immortal Sutra of Hundong is a method that directly reaches the realm of the Lord of the Great Dao. It clearly explains how to realize the Lord of the Great Dao. The most critical thing is the Dao Qi of the Hundong.

This Hundong Dao Qi is different from the Shi Qi and Yuan Qi that Xu Ying cultivated. It has no form and cannot be detected.

The more Xu Ying listened, the more suspicious he became. Hundong Dao Qi was very similar to the third Qi mentioned in the True Biography of Taiyi, Xuan Qi!

It is said in Taiyi Zhenzhuan that there are three Qi in the world, Shi Qi, Yuan Qi, and Xuan Qi. The three Qi transform into Jiu Xuan.

Only when you have cultivated the Three Qi, Taiyi Cave Abyss will be considered complete.

Could it be that the Hun Cave Dao Qi is Xuan Qi? If I build the Hun Cave, doesn't it mean that my Taiyi Dao will be perfected?

He listened carefully and comprehended with his heart. When Dao Zongyuan explained this technique once, Xu Ying woke up from his enlightenment and saw the shade of vegetation all around. Spring passed and autumn came, and ten years had passed without realizing it. .

Dao Zongyuan, who looked like Zhou Qiyun in white clothes, disappeared without a trace, leaving only him sitting in the clouds.

The Dao Master's techniques were explained by the Dao Master himself, but it actually took ten years to finish. Min Bo is not plotting against me, the hero of the three realms. Even if we can get the clues from this book, it will only take us Thousands of times more than now!”

Xu Ying slowly stood up, stepped on the auspicious clouds, and floated away.

Xiangyun came to the vicinity of Jiuyi Academy. Xu Ying glanced at the beautiful lady and left.

Over the years, he had gained insights into the Hundong Cave, and unknowingly built another Hundong Cave Abyss. Xuanqi was born from the Hundong Cave and flowed into the martial arts cave abyss.

From then on, the first Qi, Xuan Qi, Yuan Qi, and the three Qi were finally completed.

He came to Xianting to see his father, Xu Jing, and his mother, Lan Suying. He said goodbye to the two of them and said, Father, mother, I will go to the other side to have a look. I don't know when I will be able to come back.

Immortal Emperor Xu Jing knew that he could not keep him, so he said: Wherever you go, you must remember that I have reserved the position of prince for you, waiting for you to succeed and ascend the throne.

Lan Suying spat at him and said: Your son fought for your throne. Who cares about your position as prince? Ying'er, you can go to the other side. You can leave a grandson for me first. From now on, you can forget about it. Even if he died outside, I wouldn’t feel bad.”

Promises are submissive.

After bidding farewell to the two elders, he came to the ancestral court again, gave some instructions to Xiao Tianzun and Xiao Xixian, and then went to the Ziwei ancestral court to pay homage.

These days, he visited friends, drank wine and ate meat with Taoist Xiaotian, talked about his ideals with the idiot Afu, and found the good-for-nothing Qingxuan, lying on the left and right in the lounge chair, basking in the sun.

He discussed Taoism with Lou Mingyu, chatted about the past with Yankong City, and even went to the Celestial Realm to see the distant ancestor who was practicing hard. He competed with him and knocked the distant ancestor over several times with just a flick of his finger.

He said goodbye to Dragon Emperor Ming Man and went to the human world again to meet Jing Ming and Prince Ming's grandson. I went to the ruins of the Yuan Realm and returned the Immortal Sutra of Hundong to Min Bo. In front of the owners of the ruins, I showed the magical power of the Immortal Sutra in both hands and restrained Min Bo and others.

Xu Ying returned to the immortal world and came to the ancestral court of the demon clan to meet An Qi and the demon emperor Jin Buyi. They talked about the past and had a very happy conversation.

An Qi already had a family and was not suitable to travel with him. Jin Buyi also had the heavy responsibility of revitalizing the demon clan and could not accompany him.

Master Zhong, Master Jian, take care of Ah Ying for me! Xian Qi waved his hand.

The big bell clanged and the sword of Zhuxian rang clear and clear.

An Qi and Jin BuYi watched Xu Yingyuan go.

Xu Yinglai bid farewell to the ancestral god, and the old ancestral god was there and said: Don't worry, I will cultivate a few outstanding people like you. When you die, I will fight to the other side to avenge you.

Xu Ying was so distraught that before leaving, he stole all the property of the ancestor god.

A Ying, do you always put the person you hate the most last? Yuan Weiyang's voice came.

Xu Ying looked back at the woman who had been with him all his life, and for a moment all kinds of tenderness came to his heart.

Yuan Weiyang came to him and arranged his clothes: Do I have to go to the other side?

Must go.

Xu Ying said, The monks can't just look at the present, but also look at the future. The Master of Tongtian Sword has gone, Emperor Haotian has gone, Lord Xuhuang Daojun and the others have also gone. If there is a true scripture on the other side, I will go and get it. If the other side comes to harvest it, I will Come block. I have to go.

Yuan Weiyang said nothing more and leaned gently on his chest.

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