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Chapter 724 Intrigue and deception

Xu Ying and Shi Tianyang walked towards the depths of the ruins. On both sides of the road, the figures of the masters of the ruins stood tall. The images of the avenue floating around them were surrounded by countless strange phenomena, making their figures hazy and illusory.

They moved their steps and followed Xu Ying and Shi Tianyang, their eyes locked on the two of them, and they might kill them at any time.

Surrounded by so many immortals, Xu Ying still looked calm and didn't look away, while Shi Tianyang's eyes were fierce and he glanced around.

Although the owners of these ruins have murderous intentions, they have to admire the courage of these two people.

Xu Ying and Shi Tianyang walked side by side, one big and one small, with majestic weapons, and came to the bottom of the skeleton of the Great Dao Master.

Here, the Lord of the Ruins used great magic to create creations from the void, and a magnificent fairy city was being formed in front of them.

The creation of the void uses its own great path to form matter, and the transformation of matter is a field that Xu Ying has not yet touched, which astounds him.

The Qenting era was so advanced. How could such a powerful era decline and embark on the road of extinction? Is the so-called disaster really so terrifying? Xu Ying thought to himself.

On both sides of the skeleton of the master of the avenue, in the void, an ancient-looking old man sits dangerously. Some have lotuses growing on their own, some have auspicious clouds, some have golden light, and some have the avenue turned into a begonia leaf, sitting on it. On crabapple leaves.

These ten old men opened their eyes one after another, and their gazes fell on Xu Ying and Shi Tianyang.

Two envoys, please come this way.

One of the white-haired immortal-level old men said, Yin Hong was rude just now. I apologize to you two.

His voice was rich, and he should be the one who had just spoken to stop the owners of the ruins, and said: I wonder what the two envoys do for coming to my Yuanjie territory?

There is nothing in the void, no place to sit down, and under the pressure of the Avenue Master, it is impossible to fly up and sit on an equal footing with them.

Xu Ying looked up and saw those immortal-level old men sitting in the air, condescending, and the masters of many ruins who followed behind them also stood in the air, looking down at the two of them.

Xu Ying mobilized his martial arts skills and walked across the sky, arriving between the ten immortal old men. He stood in the air and said politely, What do you call this elder?

Everyone was shocked when they saw that he could actually come up under the oppression of the Great Dao Master's skeleton: This messenger from the Three Realms is amazing! He must have practiced some great Dao, and the Great Dao Master can't suppress it! As for the messenger from the other side, he is a bit unbearable. ”

Shi Tianyang felt that all his cultivation and mana were suppressed by the aura of the Great Dao Master, and he was unable to mobilize any cultivation. He was horrified, so he had to stand on the ground obediently, thinking: Anyway, Xu Ying asked me to come, he just asked me to pretend. You are a mute, you don’t need me to speak, I will just stay on the ground.”

The white-haired old man did not return the courtesy and said: Old man Min Bo.

Xu Ying said seriously: Brother Dao Min, this is obviously the Three Realms, where did the Yuan Realm come from? Your Yuan Realm was destroyed by misfortune, so why do you come to my Three Realms and occupy the living space of my people in the Three Realms?

Another green-bearded old man twirled his beard and said: The Three Realms were originally opened by the Dao Lord of our Yuan Realm as another habitat after the destruction of our Yuan Realm. We were originally the landlords of the Three Realms. The so-called Three Realms were originally My Yuanjie thing!”

Xu Ying turned to him and said, What do you call Brother Dao?

The green-bearded old man said: Old old Guo Daozi.

Xu Yingdao: The flood source was not created by the Great Dao Master, but the germ of the universe in the sea of ​​chaos. Even if there is no Great Avenue Master to open up the flood source, this flood source will give rise to the universe of the three realms. It was the Great Avenue Master who opened up the flood source and stole our three realms. The core of Hongyuan has caused me, the monks of the Three Realms, to never see the real avenue! Not only did you steal the core of Hongyuan, you also stole the power of the core of Hongyuan! Now, you have invaded my territory of the Three Realms again, and the robbers' faces are evident!

The green-bearded old man Guo Daozi got angry and shouted: If the Great Dao Master hadn't spent his life to open up the source of the flood, I'm afraid you three realms would still be embryos, not to mention living beings, not even an insect!

Xu Ying said: Is it still reasonable for Yuan Jie to steal Hongyuan's core to extend your lives?

Another old man with a thin face had sunken eyes. He raised his hand to stop Guo Daozi and said: Xu Ying, you are very articulate, but it is hard to change the fact. That is, without our Yuanjie Dao Master to open up the source of the flood, there will be no future. Without you.

Xu Ying leaned forward and said, Who is your Excellency?

The old dharma name is Wu Zhenzi.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Brother Dao, are the people of the Three Realms born from the Great Dao, or are they born from you? If they are born from the Great Dao, was it you who created the Great Dao, or was it created by Hongyuan? If it was created by Hongyuan, was it you who created Hongyuan, or was it Chaos? The sea is born and the earth nourishes it? No matter whether you can open up the flood source or not, the flood source will be opened up in the future, so what does it have to do with you?

Wu Zhenzi flicked his sleeves and said displeasedly: Xu Ying, you are so arrogant! Ask the Master of Tongtian Sword to come in person!

Xu Ying laughed loudly and said: If the sword master were here, I'm afraid you would have been bleeding like rivers. The Tongtian Sword Master was able to suppress you back then, and it's no big deal that we will exterminate you today.

You! Wu Zhenzi and other elders stood up one after another, really angry.

Min Bo stopped them and said: Everyone, please be patient. Fellow Taoist Xu, you brought out the Tongtian Sword Master to suppress us. You thought that our Yuanjie was trapped by disaster, so we must be afraid of the Tongtian Sword Master. You are looking down on my Yuanjie. . There are two hundred and seventy-two immortals in our Yuan Realm, all of whom are equal to the Great Dao, and there are Dao Lords sitting in command. If the Tongtian Sword Master has not attained the realm of the Dao Lord, he will not be able to compete with our Yuan Realm.

Xu Ying looked around and said with a smile: The two hundred and seventy-two immortals are all old people who have been tortured by bad luck. They cannot protect themselves. The master of the avenue opened up the source of the flood and suffered heavy damage. Only one withered skeleton was left. One withered skeleton. , plus more than 200 old men, one sword master of Tongtian Sword, and the universe of the Yuan Realm can be destroyed!

Min Bo couldn't help but get angry and shouted: How outrageous! Are you here to be a messenger, or are you here to die?

Xu Ying's face straightened, and he said solemnly: Everyone, I'm here to see what's best for you. Now we have a master of the Tongtian Sword in the Three Realms, who has immeasurable magical powers, and there are envoys from the other side here. No matter how powerful you are, you can't fight against the Three Realms and the other side. Join forces.”

When everyone around him heard him mention Bian, they all sneered, obviously not dealing with Bian.

Xu Yingdao: You are still in misfortune, why bother living in the Three Realms? If you can leave the Three Realms, everyone in the Three Realms will definitely be grateful and remember it in your heart.

Min Bo sneered and said: When I come to the Three Realms, I am just sheltering. If I come to the Three Realms from the other side, I am afraid that I will enslave the Three Realms!

Xu Ying said: The other shore enslaves the three realms. Don't you want to enslave the three realms? In this case, what is the difference between you and the other shore? If you really just want to live, then today I can make the decision on behalf of the Master of Tongtian Sword to transfer the place you currently occupy to It is given to you as a place to live. But from now on, you are not allowed to expand an inch of the land! If you come to enslave my three realms, then you can only ask the Lord of Tongtian Sword to take action and lead my people in the three realms to raze this place to the ground!

The existences in the immortal realm were each angry. Wu Zhenzi said: You talk about Tongtian Sword Master, where is Tongtian Sword Master? I suspect that Tongtian Sword Master is dead long ago!

Xu Ying glanced at him and said calmly: I am carrying the sword master's sword, but it still can't prove that the sword master is in the Three Realms? If you don't believe it, wait until I go back to report the sword master and ask him to show his momentum, and you will know naturally. But I also have doubts whether the Great Master is still alive.

Seeing how determined he was, the elders felt hesitant in their hearts.

Min Bo coughed and said: If the Master of Tongtian Sword blooms his breath, we will naturally wake up the Avenue Master and ask the Avenue Master to bloom his breath. There is just one problem. How should the messenger from the other side deal with it?

Xu Ying said sternly: When you and I each verify the true identity of the Dao Master and the Tongtian Sword Master, we will sign a covenant and swear a poisonous oath. From now on, the Yuan Realm will not expand its territory, and we, the Three Realms, will not expel the Daoists of the Yuan Realm. Friends. The two families will form an alliance to jointly fight against the other side! Until then, I will personally execute the envoy from the other side to show my determination!

Min Bo said decisively: Okay! It's a deal!

It's a deal!

Below, Shi Tian Yang Lao Shen was there, continuing to widen his eyes and look around ferociously. Hearing this, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself: Finally we have reached an agreement. It is a good deal to execute an envoy from the other side in exchange for peace between the two worlds... Wait a minute. , as if I am the messenger from the other side!

There was cold sweat on his forehead. Is he the one who wants to be executed?

At this time, Xu Ying stepped down from the air and said: Fellow Taoist Shi, please come.

Hmph! Shi Tianyang glanced at him fiercely, but his heart was beating wildly.

He really wanted to break up with Xu Ying right now, but with so many multi-dimensional immortal realms around him, if he dared to take action, he would definitely die very simply.

He forced himself to follow Xu Ying, thinking to himself: When I leave here later, I will run away!

The two of them walked out, and Min Bo waved his hand, signaling to the owners of the ruins not to stop them. When Xu Ying walked away, many elders gathered around him. Wu Zhenzi said quickly: Brother Min, how can you agree? How small is our territory now? If we are restricted here, how can we continue? Yuanjie civilization?”

Guo Daozi said: Wu Zhenzi is right! How many tribesmen died tragically when the calamity broke out? We were the only ones who survived. In order to seek a glimmer of hope for the Yuan Realm, the Dao Master sneaked into the Sea of ​​Chaos and searched for many years before finding the source of the flood. ? In order to open up the flood source, he risked his life just to get a place for us to live in the Three Realms? Absolutely not! What he wants is to allow the civilization of our Yuan Realm universe to continue!

Many elders nodded.

Min Bo said: Of course I know. But the Master of Tongtian Sword is really amazing and brilliant. He had the strength to suppress us back then. Now I am afraid that his Taoism is so high that he is not far away from the Master of Dao. Facing such an existence, what can we ask for? Getting a place to live is already a blessing. Besides, if the Three Realms are forced to collude with the other side, then we will perish!

The elders each frowned.

The other shore is the other shore of the Chaos Sea and the universe that has been passed down by word of mouth. However, the other shore is by no means the other shore that people dream of. On the contrary, it is extremely powerful and evil.

There was a contact between Yuanjie and the other side back then, and the battle was so tragic that they, the survivors, would never forget it.

Sign the covenant first, and then we can plan it slowly.

Min Bo said, Xu Ying only said that our current territory would be assigned to us so that we could not expand, but he did not say that we were not allowed to leave this territory. When the method of avoiding calamity is created, we can leave here and preach in the three realms. We The purpose is to continue civilization and pass on the civilization of the Yuan Realm. We cannot escape the disaster, but if our path is passed on, we can prove that we have been here and that the Yuan Realm has existed.

Everyone fell silent.

Wu Zhenzi wiped away a handful of old tears and said: Everyone, what Brother Min Dao said is absolutely true. We can't escape the fate, but we always have to leave something behind to prove that we have been here.

Guo Daozi's heart surged and he said in a hoarse voice: We must let people know that the Yuan Realm has existed. Not only has it existed, but we have also existed! The calamity cannot erase us, nor can it erase the Yuan Realm!

Min Bo sighed and said: The only problem now is...

He looked around and said, How can I make Master Tongtian Sword believe that Master Dao is still alive?

Everyone looked at each other.

They didn't know whether the Avenue Master was alive or dead. When the Avenue Master opened up the source of the flood, his body collapsed due to exhaustion, and the avenue collapsed, leaving only Yuanhai and a skeleton. Since then, the skeleton of the Avenue Master has been silent. They thought that the Avenue Master died on the way to open up the source of the flood.

The appearance of Yin Yuanzi on the other side caused the skeleton of the Avenue Master to move and kill Yin Yuanzi with one finger. Therefore, Xu Ying mistakenly believed that the Great Dao Master was still alive, but in extremely bad condition.

This action of the Avenue Master also gave them hope, but they had checked the Avenue Master countless times and never noticed any life hidden in the Avenue Master's bones.

As for how to stimulate the aura of the Great Dao Master so that the Tongtian Sword Master will not be suspicious, it is a very troublesome problem for them.

How about we try to sacrifice the bones of the Great Master then? Wu Zhenzi asked tentatively.

Min Bo sighed: That's all we have to do.

Xu Ying and Shi Tianyang came outside the ruins, and Shi Tianyang wanted to run away. Xu Ying said: Don't worry, I won't kill you. I still want you to take me to the other side.

Shi Tianyang was shocked and lost his voice: Are you going to the other side to die?

Xu Ying thought for a while and said, Are you always neglected by others when you are on the other side?

Shi Tianyang said in shock: How do you know?

They bothered you and sent you to the ferry because you spoke so unpleasantly.

The Ancestral God came over and asked about the discussion. Xu Ying gave a general explanation. The Ancestral God frowned and said, Where can I find a Heaven-reaching Sword Master, the Master of the Relics that can shock the Yuan Realm? I don't know how to do it, and Old Long is not even close. ”

Xu Ying smiled and said: I already have a plan, so there is no need for the ancestors to bother.

He sacrificed the Cuiyan Tower Boat and carried him and Shi Tianyang back to the Immortal Realm.

When he arrived in the Earthly Immortal Realm, Xu Ying immediately went to find the Holy Lord and said: Cut off this big man's head and help him grow another head. Put the chopped head in a big box and keep part of his essence. Qi, I want to use it.”

The Holy Lord looked at Shi Tianyang and said with a smile: This matter is simple. I can even cut him into countless thin slices and unfold them carefully, and he will not die.

Shi Tianyang was uneasy, but the strength of the Holy Lord was no weaker than that of Xu Ying, so he did not dare to resist.

Not long after, Shi Tianyang's head was cut off, put in a box, and with the help of the Holy Lord, another head grew.

Xu Ying put away the box, took Shi Tianyang to the Ziwei Ancestral Court, and walked directly into the imperial mausoleum of Emperor Haotian.

Eight Taoist brothers, a catastrophe is imminent in the Three Realms. I have come to ask for your majesty's body to shock Xiaoxiao! Xu Ying came to the mausoleum and paid homage to the stone statue guarding the mausoleum.

One of the stone statues revived and turned into flesh and blood, saying: Since the situation is urgent, we have to ask for His Majesty's body. Fellow Taoist Xu, please come with me.

Shi Tianyang was waiting outside the mausoleum and thought to himself: The Master of Tongtian Sword is clearly on the other side and is a famous murderer. How could he appear here?

Just when he thought of this, suddenly a vast aura rose into the sky from the Qianshan Emperor's Mausoleum. In an instant, it broke through the Ziwei Ancestral Court, and the color of the heaven and earth changed, shocking the world!

That aura was like an extremely thick pillar of light, illuminating the sky and starry sky of the Earthly Immortal Realm, and illuminating the Celestial Immortal Realm like the sun in the sky, making the dragons in the Celestial Immortal Realm tremble with fright!

The vast aura swept across the three realms of the universe in an instant, causing the avenues in the starry sky to resonate!

Far to the northwest of the human world, on the ruins of the Yuan Realm universe, the master of the ruins of the Yuan Realm noticed this aura, and their expressions changed drastically.

Master Tongtian Sword is so tyrannical! He is a hundred times more powerful than when he suppressed us back then!

Min Bo and others gritted their teeth: Master Dao, I'm offended!

They all used their mana to pour into the bones of the Great Dao Lord, and raised the bones of the Great Dao Lord, activating the abyss. Suddenly, a vast aura rose into the sky from the human world, intersecting with the aura of Emperor Haotian!

Xu Ying was far away in the imperial mausoleum of Ziwei's ancestral court in the Earthly Immortal Realm when he sensed the aura of the Great Dao Master and felt awe-struck in his heart: The Great Dao Master is indeed still alive!

————After Pig came back from Shanghai, he seemed to be infected. I don’t know whether it was a cold or the new coronavirus. It’s not very serious yet, just a stuffy nose and lethargy. The second update may not be completed today and may have to be written very late.

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