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Chapter 723: Hairless mouth, weak at work

How about living? How about dying? The guard calmed down and asked in a hoarse voice.

Xu Ying said calmly: If you want to live, what will I ask you and what will you answer? From now on, you will follow me, and I will take you back to the other side in the future. If you want to die, I will activate Taoist Tongtian's sword formation and kill your body directly. Crush it, strangle your soul, and make your soul fly away. Even your immortal true spirit, I have to chop it into fine pieces, and I can’t let go of it.

The guard's face was uncertain. After a moment, Xu Ying raised his eyebrows and raised his hand to point at the Zhuxian Broken Sword to activate the sword formation. The guard quickly said: Wait a minute! I want to live!

Xu Ying smiled and said: A person who is open-minded is a hero, and you are indeed a hero on the other side. What is your name?

The guard said cautiously: Shi Tianyang.

Xu Ying was surprised: Why is it called this name?

The guard general said: I was originally an orphan on the other side. Because I was found beside a stone, I had good teeth and lived by chewing stones, so I was called Shi Tianyang, saying that I relied on stones and God to support me.

Xu Ying nodded slightly and said, Did you and Yin Yuanzi come from the other side? How did you get here?

Shi Tianyang hesitated for a moment, but still told the truth, saying: The Three Realms and the other shore are very close in the Chaos Sea. I, the other shore, sent a large number of scouts to search for the whereabouts of the Three Realms. After these two scouts found the Three Realms, they planted the other shore's mantle. The tree can absorb nutrients from the Sea of ​​Chaos and grow on its own. Because it can absorb the characteristics of the Sea of ​​Chaos, as long as you leave a mark on the tree, you can follow the induction.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly: Take me there.

Shi Tianyang took him by boat to the Sea of ​​Chaos. Not long after, they came to the cassia tree on the other side.

This strange tree has grown bigger, about a thousand feet tall. The trunk is straight, with bark like dragon scales. The crown is sparse, the branches are orderly, and the leaves are pieces of fluffy feathers, like phoenix feathers.

Xu Ying looked at it carefully and was amazed.

The cocoon on the other side is actually still growing, absorbing nutrients from the Sea of ​​Chaos, and gradually growing taller and bigger.

Has the location of the Three Realms been exposed? Xu Ying asked.

Shi Tianyang shook his head quickly and said: It has not been exposed. The only ones who knew the Three Realms originally were these two scouts. I took them with me and originally planned to find Taiyi Daojun and report the location of the Three Realms, but Yin Yuanzi blocked us and threatened us. Let’s search for the Three Realms. Therefore, we haven’t had time to report the location of the Three Realms yet.”

Xu Ying nodded lightly, and while looking at Bian Suocheng, he glanced at him secretly, thinking about whether to kill him.

Shi Tianyang seemed to be aware of the approaching crisis and felt uneasy.

After a while, Xu promised: You are very cooperative, I will not kill you. During the days in the Three Realms, you will follow me and don't move around at will. Don't worry, I am a well-known trustworthy person in the Three Realms and never break my promise.

Shi Tianyang bowed and said yes.

Xu Ying mobilized his magic power and urged the green rock boat to sail towards the human world.

The Holy Lord, the Ancestral God and others were standing outside the ruins, not moving yet, not daring to enter the ruins. These days, the owners of those ruins have not acted rashly, but the abyss has gradually descended, compatible with the ruins.

Earth-shaking changes have taken place in the ruins, and Yuan Weiyang's senses are the most acute, saying: Yuanhai is repairing their alien avenue.

When everyone heard this, they felt awe-inspiring.

The masters of these ruins have experienced catastrophe. Their own avenues have been seriously damaged, their cultivation has been seriously damaged, and their strength has been greatly reduced. Therefore, they can still barely fight with each other. If the opponent's strength recovers, there will be no chance of a confrontation!

The Ancestral God tried his best to suppress the injury and said: The calamity will not disappear. As long as the calamity remains, they will never leave these ruins.

His injuries were the most serious this time, but fortunately, the core of Hongyuan was integrated into the Three Realms, and his cultivation strength increased sharply, which was enough to refine these injuries.

The distant ancestor said: They can't leave the ruins, but they can expand the ruins. If they sit back and ignore it, the entire human world will be shrouded by the ruins of the front court! Maybe it will cover the three realms, it is possible! In this way, the three realms will It’s a ruin, why do they need to leave the ruins?”

Everyone's hearts were heavy. The distant ancestors' guess was probably the idea of ​​the owners of the ruins of the front court to occupy the three realms, transform the avenues of heaven and earth in the three realms, and turn this place into another front court!

Everyone, it is useless to stay here. Please hurry up and practice.

Ancestor God said, I will stay in the human world and guard this ruins, but if there is anything unusual, I will notify you.

Everyone nodded silently and left.

Not long after they left, Xu Ying drove the Cuiyan Tower boat to this place. The Ancestral God quickly descended from the sky and turned into a young man and landed on the Cuiyan Tower boat. He glanced at Shi Tianyang in confusion and said, Xu Daozu, this is ?”

Shi Tianyang, a stranger from the other side, is the guard at the Chaos Sea Ferry.

Xu Ying introduced him casually and asked, Where are Shengzun and Weiyang?

The ancestor god explained the results of their discussion and said: Now time is on our side, the three realms are expanding, there are countless treasures of heaven, materials and earth, and new ways are in the ascendant. It is to cultivate new people and make more and more powerful people in the three realms. time. If they stay here, why not teach more masters to us in the Three Realms.

Xu Ying nodded slightly and said: This is the safest way. But before that, there is one more thing that must be done.

The ancestor god did not understand its meaning.

Xu Ying suddenly said loudly: Xu Ying, the envoy from the Three Realms, and Shi Tianyang, the envoy from the other shore, are here to pay a visit to our Taoist friends from the Qianting era! I hope all of you Taoists can do this for your convenience!

The Ancestral God was startled and whispered: Is this skeleton man a messenger from the other side?

Xu Ying shook his head gently.

The Ancestor God said angrily: You will seek death for deceiving the powerful people in the front court! If they find out, they will skin you! No, no, it is definitely not safe for you to go. I will go with you! I can't even go, I The injury has not healed yet... Wait for me, don't rush in, I'll call the Holy Lord! This young man's cultivation strength is no less than mine!

Xu Ying said with a smile: The human world is not a dragon's pond or a tiger's den, so why should you be so nervous and alarm the Holy Lord? Don't worry, Ancestor God, I am here for the peace of the three realms, not to fight for life or death.

Ancestor God said angrily: You are here for peace, but others are not! Don't beat me to death, they will beat you to death!

Just as he was talking, a portal suddenly appeared in the ruins ahead. A tall and majestic figure stood behind the portal and said politely: Fellow Daoist Xu and Daoist Shi are here to visit and make us shine. Please -

Before the Ancestral God could say anything more, Xu Ying had already led Shi Tianyang towards the portal, and he could only float in the air, nervously paying attention to every move in the ruins.

He controls the three realms of heaven, and what happens in the three realms is clearly visible without the need to see it in person. However, the ruins are different. The rules of the heaven and earth here have been changed, and what happens inside is beyond his control. If you want to know what is going on inside, you have to see it with your own eyes.

Shi Tianyang followed Xu Ying, a little uneasy in his heart, and said: Xu Daozu, I am not the messenger from the other side, I am just the guard of the ferry from the other side...

I know.

Xu Ying looked calm and said leisurely, But they don't know. You don't need to worry about whether you are the messenger from the other side. You only need to remember one thing. You represent the Taiyi Daojun from the other side!

Shi Tianyang was still a little nervous and said: I have only met Dao Lord once or twice, and he doesn't bother to talk to little people like me. Even those Immortal True Kings, Dao Lord doesn't like many of them. .”

Xu Ying said with a smile: You don't have to worry about this. If you encounter cross-examination, I will naturally answer it. You just have to keep a straight face, and you are not allowed to speak or smile.

Shi Tianyang was a little relieved and said, It's like they all owe me money?

Xu Ying smiled and said: That's right, it's like they all owe you money!

Shi Tianyangxin said: Then, it will be much easier. I will follow him, not talking, and don't care about anything. I will look at him fiercely when anyone talks to me. But having said that, I surrender to Xu Daozu. Because surrendering can save your life, but it seems a little unreliable now. Why do I think he will die faster if he surrenders?

The two of them walked into the portal and entered the ruins. All the ruins from the vestibule era had been connected into one body by the abyss and were indistinguishable from each other.

The Heaven and Earth Avenue here is very different from the Three Realms Avenue. It should be because the basic avenue structure is different. Even the same Heaven and Earth Avenue gives people the feeling of a different kind of avenue, and can even interfere with each other.

At this time, these ruins were very different from before. They were no longer dilapidated. Pavilions and pavilions were rising from the ground. The fairy palace and fairy palace were quite gorgeous and spectacular. Many ruins that originally seemed like a dangerous place are now filled with birds singing, flowers fragrant, greenery everywhere, fairy fruits hanging on the branches, and the fragrance refreshing.

Many of the ruin owners began to repair the damaged avenues themselves, which made Xu Ying feel awe-inspiring.

The tall master of the ruins glanced at Xu Ying and Shi Tianyang, snorted, and said in Taoist language: Did the Three Realms and the Other Shore only send two little people at the eighth level of the Tao Realm as envoys?

Xu Ying laughed and said: There are countless outstanding people in the three realms who are better than me. There are also many masters on the other side. The reason why the two of us are envoys is that the front court is too weak and not worthy of sending the immortals from the three realms and the other side. .”

The owner of the ruins was furious and said solemnly: The three realms actually colluded with the other shore. It is really a waste of all the efforts of the avenue master! The avenue master opened up the source of the flood, and the three realms were born. Unexpectedly, he raised a group of lackeys from the other shore!

Xu Ying heard something in his words and was surprised in his heart: On the stone tablet of Master Tongtian Sword, there are words saying that the calamity struck and the front court was destroyed, and the flood source opened and the three realms appeared. Could it be that the three realms were opened by the master of the front court?

He really didn't know much about the Qenting era.

The Lord of the ruins stretched out his hand to invite you and said, However, since you are envoys, I can't stop you. Please!

Xu Ying followed him and walked forward, only to see that the aura of the Lord of the ruins was getting stronger and stronger. It was obvious that although the Yuanhai connected the ruins into one, there were still great differences between the ruins and they were not a complete one. overall.

The master of the ruins is getting stronger and stronger, which shows that he has entered his own ruins and his Taoism has gradually improved to the extreme!

The immortal body is the same as the Tao, and the Tao is the same as the body. Although his ruins have still not been restored, he is much stronger than before!

The Three Realms sent you here, so let me first see if you have the ability to be an envoy!

The master of the ruins instantly raised his Taoist skills to the extreme, turned around and swept his legs. Suddenly, the avenue roared, and the space beside Xu Ying made dense crackling sounds. However, his Taoist methods were really powerful, and the avenues invaded these spaces, causing the space to grow. The magical powers of various Taoist evolutions open up these spaces!

Although it was swept with one leg, it seemed that there was no magical power, but the magical power was like countless water droplets in the sea, coming in densely!

Xu Ying stood there, his body motionless, when suddenly the Zhuxian Sword flew up with three thousand immortal swords, and the Zhuxian Sword Formation exploded, filled with murderous intent, filling the entire vast ruins!


The shirt on the leg of the owner of the ruins exploded, and the flesh and blood flew. The flesh and blood of the entire leg seemed to be peeled off, and the next moment, white bones were revealed!

The master of the ruins groaned, flew forward, and crashed into a mountain in his ruins. The mountains were also formed by his great avenue and were extremely hard. However, the extremely bright formation of the Zhuxian Sword Formation was like an extremely thick sword pillar, sweeping over!

The owner of the ruins was crushed by the sword formation, smashing the mountains into pieces. The thousands-mile-long sword light whizzed across the surface of the ruins, regardless of the beautiful mountains and clear waters, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, all of which were spinning in the sword energy. Swing down to the ground!

The Lord of the Ruins rolled over and fell to the ground, covered in blood and without a good piece of flesh.

Xu Ying raised his hand, and the sword array flew up. Thick sword energy surrounded the Lord of the Ruins, and fell with a swish.


Wherever the sword energy fell, the earth sank violently. The ruins with a radius of thousands of miles sank together with the owner of the ruins, and was sealed by him!

Ancestral God was outside the ruins and saw this scene from a distance. His heart was trembling: Xu Ying, that brat, doesn't care about his majesty. You have suppressed others. If these lawless people are torn apart, you will die without a burial. Land! I can’t save you!”

He was worried, walking back and forth, restless: My mouth is hairless and my work is not solid. I have to personally come forward in this matter. However, I still can't win the promise. And they say that I am strong on the outside but weak on the inside...

Xu Ying put away his sword, and the three thousand flying swords whizzed back, and disappeared without a trace when they came to his side.

In the distance, pairs of ferocious eyes were scanning towards this side, their eyes crackling like lightning.

Xu Ying was not afraid at all, and walked forward to meet the eyes of the masters of the ruins, and said loudly: I came on the order of the master of the Tongtian Sword, am I qualified to be this messenger?

Shi Tianyang walked behind him and felt that he should also show off, so he widened his eyes with fierce eyes and met the gaze of the master of these ruins.

Humph! He paused heavily.

The Master of the Tongtian Sword suppressed and sealed one hundred and three of us with his own strength. Naturally, we must welcome the envoys he sent, and we must not neglect them!

From the depths of that layer of ruins, a thick voice came, and his aura was stronger than that of other ruin masters, saying, Fellow Daoist Xu, Friend Daoist Shi, please!

————Thanks to book friend Da Xianer for the reward! ! !

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