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Chapter 716 Immortal Killing Sword Formation

Hong means big, and Yuan means the source. Hongyuan should be the great source of the universe!

Xu Ying looked at the mass of Qi from the flood source. This thing was hidden in the sea of ​​chaos, absorbing the power from the chaos and constantly growing in strength. Judging from the arrangement of these stone swords, the Master of the Tongtian Sword should be the force that suppresses Hong Yuan, allowing Hong Yuan to continue to grow with the help of the power of the Chaos Sea.

Thinking about it, when Master Tongtian Sword came here, the power of Hong Yuan should not be as great as it is now.

The stone tablet resists the sea of ​​chaos, the sword formation suppresses the stone tablet, and Hong Yuan refines the power of the sea of ​​chaos to grow on its own. All this is really ingenious.

Just when Xu Ying thought of this, the ground suddenly shook violently, and the alien power in the ruins suddenly became thicker. There seemed to be something reviving in many ruins.

These things were originally suppressed by the Stone Sword Formation, but now they are all revealed.

These extremely ancient ruins are in a world of their own, containing the great avenue of heaven and earth from the Qianting era. However, for some reason, they are extremely incomplete, twisted, and full of decay and corruption, giving people a very bad feeling.

The stone sword formation was shaken by this force. Xu Ying saw this and immediately activated the sword formation. But after all, he was not the Tongtian Sword Master. Although he understood the principles of the sword formation, there was still a big gap in the way of swordsmanship.

Suddenly, black gas emerged from the ground in a ruins not far away, and thick smoke billowed. A humanoid creature could be vaguely seen in the black gas, with eyes like lightning, sweeping towards this side.

His limbs were mutilated, and the black air floating around him was ashes. The ashes of the avenue were filled with the aura of death and decay. But somehow, he is still not dead.

The distant ancestor saw this scene through Xu Ying's eyes, and lost his voice: An immortal!

The immortal was a strong man from the Qingting era. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead. He didn't feel like a living thing, but rather like an aggregation of boundless resentment.

But he was too powerful and gave Xu Ying a great sense of oppression.

Another ruins exploded in the distance, and the raging torrent of time continued to surge around the ruins. A bamboo raft could be vaguely seen floating upstream of the time. There are humanoid creatures on the bamboo raft, holding the pole, and they are traveling along time, heading towards this era!

The aura of the humanoid creature on the bamboo raft was even more powerful than the immortal existence in the black air, as if it could control time, but the long river of time surrounding him somehow formed a large circle.

Whenever the bamboo raft hits the end of time and is about to rush out of time, it is always hit by a big wave of chaos, and the next moment it returns to the starting point of the long river of time.

The humanoid creatures on the bamboo raft attacked again and again, but were always blocked by the chaotic waves.

Suddenly, the bamboo raft carrying that kind of human creature jumped suddenly and rushed into the chaotic waves, trying to pass through the chaos and rush here.

His body continued to decompose and evaporate in the chaos, and soon became white and jagged, turning into a skeleton holding a pole, still struggling to survive in this world.

He was about to break out of the big wave formed by the energy of chaos. A big bone hand had already reached out of the energy of chaos. At this moment, the big wave rolled up the bamboo raft and submerged it.

Xu Ying stared and saw that the bamboo raft and the humanoid creature had been sent to the starting point of time.

That kind of human creature persevered and moved forward on the pole, preparing to fight here.

There are also many strange things happening in other ruins. In one of the ruins, there are humanoid creatures that are constantly repeating the process of death, decay and resurrection. In another ruins, there is a fairy temple, which is silent and deep. There is a woman in the temple, who is extremely beautiful. It's not like a living thing, but it's not like a living person.

And in that bright mirror, Ming Dao Emperor and a group of powerful dragons stood in the mirror. Behind them, a terrifying aura erupted, and an unknown creature from the Qingting era awakened from the mirror.

There was a gurgling sound behind them, which was the sound of bubbling plasma. The unknown creature seemed to be composed of plasma, and they noticed a familiar aura.

That is the blood of the dragons who died in the mirror.

Don't panic, everyone!

Emperor Mingdao said loudly, I will ensure your safety!

The bright mirror made a rattling sound, and cracks appeared on the mirror surface under the power of the stone sword array, and the sword intent and sword energy even penetrated deep into the mirror.

The unknown creature behind them actually ignored them and instead fought against the sword array that destroyed the mirror.

Emperor Mingdao was shocked: What happened outside?

Xu Ying felt that it was becoming increasingly difficult for the Stone Sword Array to suppress the various anomalies of the front court era. Among the ruins of the front court, pairs of eyes were focused on him, and they were extremely hostile to him.

Thinking about it, Taoist Tongtian came here and had conflicts with the beings in these ruins. Finally, he used stone swords to set up a sword formation and suppressed them all.

The stone sword shook more and more violently, and the sword formation was about to collapse.

I am not the Tongtian Sword Master. Although I have learned a little about swordsmanship from his inscriptions, it is far inferior to his attainments... Wait a minute!

Xu Ying shouted quickly: Master Jian, help me set up the formation!

The Zhuxian Sword flew over and joined the sword formation.

Xu Ying is not the Tongtian Sword Master, but the Zhuxian Sword is the sword of the Tongtian Sword Master.

With its addition, it seemed to have filled in the missing link of the sword array. The power of the sword array suddenly surged, and the huge stone swords became even bigger, standing upright against the sky and the earth, straight into Qingming!

Peerless murderous aura suddenly filled the world, covering the entire ruins. The Zhuxian Sword was at the center of the sword array. The sword's intention was swaying vertically and horizontally, and the ocean was wanton. In an instant, the ruins of the front court seemed to collapse under the terrifying sword power. The earth was broken, and the rocks were broken. Floated into the sky, and then turned into powder under the shock of the sword energy!

On the ground, shocking cracks crackled. The land in the front court, which was suppressed by the sea of ​​chaos and could not be broken, was about to be torn apart by this sword formation!

Even the ruins of the front court and all the terrifying phenomena were in a state of destruction under the sword formation!

A majestic figure stood in the ruins and roared, contending with the sword formation, but the killing method of the sword formation was so terrifying that it cut off all the avenues, whether it was the front court or the current road, and all the ruins of the entire front court era were actually destroyed. Under the power of the sword formation, it is about to be shattered into chaos!

The extremely powerful auras in the ruins of the front court revived, confronting the sword array, and the two sides were in a stalemate.

Xu Ying controlled the sword formation, feeling more and more frightened in his heart. He felt that the power of the sword formation was getting stronger and stronger. The sword formation was evolving on its own and was gradually losing control!

Master Tongtian Sword's sword formation is too overbearing!

This is a world-destroying sword formation that will destroy everything, level the world, plow down the stars, extinguish all life, and crush all avenues!

This sword formation is out of control, and it is feared that all the nearby ruins of the front court will be shattered and turned into chaos. Even he, the sword holder, will be wiped out!

He said in a deep voice: Dear Taoist brothers, I have no ill intentions in coming here. I just want to understand Hongyuan. I hope that you Taoist brothers will do it for me and don't embarrass me!

He said this in Taoist language, trying to use Taoism to describe the context. Although the language was not clear, it was enough for communication.

At this time, in a ruins, the phantom of a woman who was resisting fiercely suddenly flew back like a fairy. She must have listened to his dissuasion.

Then, the bamboo raft that came from the long river of time also stopped, and the other ruins also converged one after another.

A pair of eyes stared at Xu Ying.

Xu Ying tried his best to suppress the movement of the sword array. The sword array was like a chariot running at full speed. Due to the inertia of the moment, it was difficult to stop.

The fierce energy erupted again in many ruins, and there was another conflict. Fortunately, the huge stone swords slowly stopped moving and gradually shrank.

The remaining sword of Zhu Xian has also shrunk and is still hanging between the sword formations.

With a calm expression, Xu Ying stepped out of the ruins and walked towards the source of the flood. Around his head, there was a forest of stone swords, still hanging in the air, maintaining the unbreakable killing formation.

He was extremely calm, which greatly admired Yuan Weiyang and Princess Mingman.

However, Xu Ying's calf was cramping, and he had to stop and rest for a while. After his calf stopped twitching, he continued to walk forward.

He has a great bearing, and he still walks calmly among many ancient ruins.

The masters of the ruins stared at him and slowly gave way.

Hey, where is my dad?

Princess Mingman suddenly exclaimed, My father and those masters are missing!

At this time, Xu Ying also noticed that Ming Dao Emperor and the dragon masters who were traveling with them were missing, and wondered in his heart: Where have Ming Dao Emperor and the others gone?

He walked forward and came to a mirror-like ruins. Under the mirror, Ming Dao Emperor and others were looking at them and shouted: Never step on the mirror!

The powerful dragon clan men also waved their hands at them and shouted loudly, signaling them not to enter the ruins.

But none of their voices reached the ears of Xu Ying and others.

Xu Ying walked forward and slowly activated the sword formation, and the power of the stone sword gradually blossomed.

He walked into the ruins and his eyes fell on the huge mass of blood behind Ming Dao Emperor and others. The blood was floating, constantly changing, and very irregular.


A sword energy fell down and penetrated the mirror!

Xu Ying said calmly: Brother Dao, please make it easier.

There seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at him faintly in the blood, as if he understood what he was saying.

Suddenly, Emperor Mingdao and others appeared on the mirror. As soon as everyone calmed down, Ming Dao Emperor quickly looked around and finally saw the skeleton giant and the fallen golden ship, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank you.

Xu Ying stepped forward and walked out of the ruins leisurely.

Everyone followed him. When Ming Dao Emperor saw Xu Ying being so calm, he couldn't help but secretly praise in his heart: As expected of Xu Daozu, I can't match this state of mind.

Xu Ying walked out of the ruins and stopped. Everyone also stopped quickly and looked at him in confusion.

Xu Ying paused for a moment, his calves stopped twitching, and then he continued to move forward.

All around, pairs of strange eyes were still staring at him. Xu Ying remained calm and composed, keeping the sword formation calm and leading everyone to the source of the flood.

Floating in the middle of the stone monuments, the Hongyuan was of astonishing scale, appearing as an irregular sphere, with weird textures emerging from time to time on the surface.

Standing next to the Hongyuan and looking inside, you can see the structure of the Three Realms, but if you look in detail, you can see that the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth forms the outline of the Three Realms, not that there is really a Three Realms in the Hongyuan!

How did Hongyuan form?

He was greatly puzzled, How could the flood source of the three realms end up here?

The wonderful changes of the heaven and earth avenues in this flood source make people immersed in it at a glance. Xu Ying maintained the operation of the sword array while observing the wonders of various avenues.

Yuan Weiyang sent a message: Ah Ying, the beings in the ruins of the front court are still worried about us. They were suppressed by the sword array of Master Tongtian Sword. They must be worried that you will insert the sword array into the ground again and suppress them again. They definitely won't let us go.

Xu Ying felt awe-struck.

Master Tongtian Sword is here alone and cannot take away the source of the flood from the Three Realms. He can only choose to suppress the source of the flood together with these relics from the former court era.

In order to prevent the immortals from the ruins of the front court from coming out and causing harm to the three realms, Xu Ying will definitely suppress these ruins before leaving!

When the opponent realizes this, he will definitely take action and kill him here.

Xu Ying rolled his eyes and suddenly spoke in Taoist language, I dare to ask all Taoist brothers, what is Hongyuan?

At this time, a woman's voice came from a ruined fairy palace: Hongyuan, the germ and membrane of the universe, is the primary form of the universe in the sea of ​​chaos.

Her use of Taoist language is even more advanced than Xu Ying's, and her Taoist behavior is obviously much higher than Xu Ying's.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly: The Three Realms were created by the flood source?

The woman stood in the Immortal Palace, looking from a distance, as if there were endless years in between, and said: The Great Master discovered that our original universe was in catastrophe, and the source of the flood was about to be destroyed. He found a new source of the flood. , so he inspired it and planned to enter the new flood source to avoid this disaster.

Yuan Weiyang asked: Then why didn't you hide away?

The woman said: We discovered that Hong Yuan cannot avoid disaster.

Yuan Weiyang was stunned, Hong Yuan couldn't avoid the disaster?

But the last chapter of the Hunyuan Dongyuan Pijie Sutra records Hong Yuan!

What is luck?

Yuan Weiyang asked again, What is Menghong? What is a mixed hole? Hollow?

The woman said in surprise: Have the Three Realms actually reached this point in their research? Even Menghong, Hundong, and Kongkong have begun to come into contact. Your Hongyuan of the Three Realms lacks the core of the avenue, and logically speaking, it cannot evolve to this step.

Just as she said this, the waves of the Chaos Sea suddenly rose sharply, and an emerald-green building ship broke through the sea. With the billowing energy of chaos behind it, it sailed into this ancient ruins.

Xu Ying and others, the two scouts from the other side on the ship, and the immortals from the many relics of the vestibule era, couldn't help but feel stunned.

Visitors from the other side!

The flood source of the three realms!

The green ship in the sea of ​​chaos!

The three parties each cried out in surprise. The next moment, the two scouts from the other side rose into the air, activated the transformation, revealed the body of the ancient god, and their magic power exploded!

Next to Xu Ying, Yuan Weiyang and Ming Dao Emperor rose into the sky to meet the two scouts from the other side.

Xu Ying activated the martial arts cave abyss, and the cave abyss roared downwards, swallowing the core of the great avenue of the flood source of the three realms into the cave abyss!

At the same time, the terrifying power from the ruins invaded, suppressed him, and invaded the stone sword array!

At the same time, above the incomplete sword body of the Immortal Killing Sword in the sword formation, small caves and abyss were spinning one after another, and they were about to activate the sword formation on behalf of Xu Ying!

Master Jian, don't panic, Master is here to help you!

The big bell clanged, green, and hung above the broken sword. Cave abyss of astonishing scale started to activate, and the sword array suddenly erupted!

——Zhu has been completely reversed recently. He suffers from insomnia at night and can sleep until past twelve o'clock during the day. He tries hard to adjust, but he can't. The second update tonight will probably be after twelve o'clock. I'll try to adjust it tomorrow.

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