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Chapter 715 The Qi of Hongyuan

No one has been able to refine the last chapter of Hunyuan Dongyuan's Tribulation Sutra, because it contains many too mysterious words that are difficult to explain.

Hong Yuan is one of them.

The inscription left by the Master of the Tongtian Sword says that the flood source opened and the Three Realms appeared. There are too many things that are difficult to understand in this sentence.

It can be explained that the flood source opens and the Three Realms hidden in the flood source appear. It can also be explained that the flood source opens up and the Three Realms are formed. It can also be explained that the flood source moves away and the Three Realms hidden behind it appear.

Moreover, what is Hongyuan is not clearly stated on the stone tablet.

In the ancient times, the Master of the Tongtian Sword must have found this place through other hidden places, and found the mystery about the source of the flood and the origin of the Three Realms here.

Yuan Weiyang guessed, His inscription also mentions disasters, and the last chapter of the Sutra on Preventing Disasters also mentions disasters. It seems that the disasters that this place experienced back then and the disasters in the Sutra on Preventing Disasters should refer to both. It’s the same kind of fate.”

The calamity struck and the front court was destroyed, the flood source opened and the three realms appeared.

Among them, the front court should refer to the era before the Dragon Court era, and the Master of Tongtian Sword calls it the front court era.

This Tongtian Sword Master is really mysterious. He left too few records in history. I didn't expect to encounter the traces he left here. Yuan Weiyang said.

The Zhuxian Sword jingled and rushed into the ruins.

The big bell was worried that something might happen to it, so it quickly followed them, and the distant ancestors followed them.

This ruins is an extremely ancient palace. The palace is heavy and only broken bricks and tiles are left. But the strange thing is that there are still thick stone swords left on the ground.

These stone swords were inserted deeply into the earth. After a few steps, there was a stone sword forming a formation.

Walking among these stone swords, you can even feel the thrilling killing intent.

Master Tongtian Sword uses these stone swords to form a formation to suppress the things in this ruins. But, what can be in this ruins?

The distant ancestor looked around and said, This world has been invaded by the Sea of ​​Chaos, so clean that no life can survive. What is Master Tongtian Sword suppressing?

He suddenly said loudly: Mingdao son, let all dragon clans exit the ruins quickly!

In the distance, Ming Dao Emperor had entered a ruins. Hearing this, he couldn't help but became furious: Xu Ying, I respect you as the Dao Ancestor, but you actually think of yourself as a Taoist and call me Xiao'er! It's a shame that I plan to marry my daughter to you!

Just when he thought of this, several screams suddenly came from the distance. Emperor Mingdao was startled and hurriedly jumped into the air, falling into the ruins the next moment.

Many powerful dragon clan men followed closely behind.

Emperor Mingdao fell, but was slightly startled. He saw that the ruins seemed to be pavilions built on the mirror, and his own reflection reflected when he walked on it.

They walked on the mirror and passed by the mirrored pavilions. The pavilions were brand new, without any signs of decay like other ruins.

Everyone looked around, and suddenly Emperor Mingdao noticed something was wrong, and hurriedly counted thirteen of them. But when he looked at the mirror at his feet, he found that there were fourteen people reflected in the mirror.

Everyone stop!

Emperor Mingdao said in a deep voice, Count how many reflections there are below?

All the dragons stopped one after another, counted their reflections, and said: Fourteen!

Emperor Mingdao took a long breath and said, But there are thirteen of us.

That's not right, Your Majesty.

A strong man from the dragon clan smiled and said, There are clearly fourteen of us.

Another strong man from the dragon clan said: Your Majesty, there are indeed fourteen of us.

Emperor Mingdao was stunned and hurriedly counted them. Sure enough, they were fourteen people.

How is this going?

Just when he thought of this, he suddenly woke up and hurriedly looked down, only to see a total of thirteen reflections under the mirror!

Ming Dao Emperor's scalp was numb and he looked around. He could see other ruins, but he couldn't see Xu Ying, Yuan Weiyang and others, nor could he see the giant skeleton.

We're in the mirror!

He immediately woke up, immediately raised his cultivation level, and hit the mirror at his feet with a long roar, only to hear a crash and the mirror shattered. But what was shattered along with it was the reflection of the powerful dragon clan member in the mirror.

After the mirror was broken, Emperor Ming Dao saw them returning to the outside of the mirror. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and sneered: It's just a trick, so what can I do...

Before he could finish speaking, he saw criss-crossing bloodstains appearing on the faces of the twelve powerful dragon clan men around him, like cracks on a mirror.


These twelve powerful dragon clan men suddenly shattered like mirrors that he had shattered, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere, shattering all over the ground!

Emperor Ming Dao felt that all the avenues of his physical body and soul were about to be shattered. He couldn't help but feel horrified. He hurriedly shouted loudly and mobilized all his magic power to suppress his abnormal movements!

He groaned, vomiting blood, and finally suppressed the strange and inexplicable power, but he only felt that the punch he just punched in the mirror seemed to hit himself.

At this time, the broken mirror under his feet reappeared. Under the mirror was a Ming Dao Emperor, looking at him faintly.

Emperor Mingdao saw cold sweat on his forehead and saw an additional figure behind him.

He didn't dare to look back and rushed forward quickly, escaping from the ruins.

He rushed out of here and suddenly felt that something was wrong. He flew up and looked at the mirror ruins from a high place. He saw that it was a mirror of astonishing scale, flush with the ground.

This is a magic weapon!

The Ming Dao Emperor suddenly woke up, and his heart was pounding wildly. The magic weapon that could enable him to attain the Tao was absolutely extraordinary. It could be the magic weapon that existed in the prehistoric Immortal Realm or even the tenth level of the Tao Realm!

This treasure has experienced calamity, but it still remains intact, and it still has such power. It can be used by existences at the level of the Immortal True King on the other side at the very least. If it can be used for one's own use, it will be enough to greatly increase my strength!

When he thought of this, his soul immediately jumped out, stretched out his big hand and grabbed the mirror.

However, this attempt was in vain.

He had obviously grabbed the bright mirror, but he passed through the mirror and didn't catch anything.

Emperor Mingdao's heart sank and he looked around. There were prehistoric ruins everywhere, but there was no one else but him.

I'm still in the mirror.

Emperor Mingdao's eyes trembled. If he wanted to leave this bright mirror, he could only break the mirror, but breaking the mirror would be equivalent to hitting himself with all his strength.

He had already suffered this loss just now, would he have to suffer another loss now?

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth, landed on the mirror, summoned his magic power again, and punched down!


The mirror was shattered, and Ming Dao Emperor seemed to be shattered by a heavy blow. He hurriedly activated Xuan Gong to control his physical body, soul, and Tao realm, so that he could avoid being exploded.

Taking advantage of the broken mirror, he immediately jumped into the air and fled far away.

After he escaped from the scope of the bright mirror, he breathed a sigh of relief. Looking back, his heart sank again.

He still couldn't find Xu Ying, Yuan Weiyang, Ming Man and others.

This magic weapon is definitely of the highest quality among the true kings on the other side. Its power is definitely far more powerful than the Immortal Killing Broken Sword in Xu Ying's hand, and even better than my Dragon Court Imperial Capital.

Ming Dao Emperor secretly sighed. He was trapped in this mirror and had no choice but to wait for Xu Ying and others to rescue him.

Fortunately, my daughter is with Xu Daozu. She will soon find out that I am missing and ask Xu Daozu to come and rescue me. Ming Dao Emperor thought.

Before the distant ancestors discovered that Ming Dao Emperor had disappeared, everyone searched the ruins for a week, only to find a forest of stone swords and no source of flood.

Suddenly, the distant ancestor walked up to a stone sword and said with a smile: If you want to know what happened to Hong Yuan, you can only pull out the stone sword left by the master of the Tongtian Sword and release what he suppressed!

Yuan Weiyang and Ming Man were startled, but Yuanzu had already grasped the hilt of the stone sword and was about to pull it out, leaving them no time to stop them. At this moment, Xu Ying's consciousness returned and squeezed him out of his body into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The ancestor drew nothing and quickly shouted: Master Ying, give your body to me, I haven't pulled out the sword yet.

Xu Ying let go of his hand and said with a smile: Master Long, Master Tongtian Sword has finally sealed this place, how can you allow you to mess around?

He had just been so obsessed with the fact that he had no runes for martial arts that his body was taken over by his ancestor. Fortunately, he was kicked out by his ancestor before he could cause trouble, so it didn't lead to a big mistake.

When Yuan Weiyang saw this situation, he realized that the person in Xu Ying's body just now was the distant ancestor, not a strong man at the tenth level of the Tao Realm.

Xu Ying looked around, then retreated to the ruins to examine the stone tablet carefully. Yuan Weiyang came to him and asked, What happened just now?

Xu Ying said with a smile: I just realized that there are no runes in martial arts. Suddenly I felt like I had a profound enlightenment and transcended the Tao. I thought I had glimpsed a corner of the realm of the Dao Master.

Yuan Weiyang blinked: Then what? Did you really spy on it?

Xu Ying thought for a while and said, I thought I spied it.

After all, he has never been exposed to the realm of the Dao Master. Everything is based on his speculation about the Dao Master, but he has already figured out the way to practice martial arts. He also found the direction of the new way of practice and determined the immortal state of the new way.

Xu Ying observed the sword intention contained in the Dao patterns on the stone tablet and said: Cultivating the new Dao to the realm of the Supreme, and then practicing further, is to move forward on the path where the body is the same as the Dao, and the Dao is the same as the body. Cultivating to the Supreme To achieve perfection, you need to refine the cave and enter the abyss into your body.

Ming Man looked around and thought, Where is my father?

However, Xu Ying's explanation of the Supreme Realm and the Immortal Realm immediately attracted her attention and left Ming Dao Emperor behind.

Yuan Weiyang asked: Lian Dong Yuan entered the body? How do you say this?

Big Bell and Zhu Xianjian also hurriedly came forward to listen.

Xu Yingdao: During the Longting era, Master Long learned the Tao realm without a teacher and divided the Tao realm into nine levels. The monks are in the Tao realm. When the Tao realm reaches the eighth level, it is already composed of pure Tao realms. At the ninth level, the physical soul and Tao realm have all turned into great avenues. This is immortality. In the old Tao of the Demon Court era, people practiced Taoism in the Taoist realm, and the Taoist realm was a variant of the Tao realm. But how could people at that time practice Tao, tree, flower, and flower cultivation? As a result, the road goes astray and the realm of immortality cannot be found.”

Yuan Weiyang nodded lightly. She also knew something about the old way, and knew that after cultivating to the Great Luo Realm, there would be no way forward.

Xu Ying continued: After you have reached the ultimate level of cultivation in the Supreme Realm, the cave abyss will turn into a great avenue. Once you refine it into your body, you can transform your physical body and soul into a great avenue from the inside out and cultivate a Tao body. In this way, the speed of cultivation will be improved. Faster than the Tao realm, you can naturally cultivate to the immortal realm. This kind of immortal realm, the body is the same as the Tao, the avenue is the same as the body, the cave and abyss is hidden inside, and it is one and the same. It will only be stronger than the immortal realm of Bian'an and Long Ye. , enough to make up for the shortcomings in the avenue structure.”

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Yuan Ancestor also listened with rapt attention. Although Xu Ying's comments on the Tao Realm made him extremely unhappy, he had to admit that Xu Ying's new Tao was indeed better than the Tao Realm system.

Yuan Weiyang sighed with emotion: As expected of Xu Daozu, I am convinced both physically and mentally.

Her words of concubine seduced Xu Ying's heart.

The main reason why Xu Ying was able to comprehend the new way of cultivating the Immortal Realm was that he sensed the mystery of the Unstructured Way from the skeleton of the Lord of the Way. To infer the ninth level of the Dao Realm from the Great Dao Wu Structure is to be condescending and vivid.

At this time, other dragon clan experts discovered that Ming Dao Emperor was missing and went to Mingjing to look for him.

In the bright mirror, one after another dragon clan strongmen appeared around Ming Dao Emperor, telling them not to act rashly, saying: Ming Man, my daughter is smart and smart. She will definitely find out about my disappearance soon and will definitely ask Xu Daozu for help. Everyone. Be patient and don't be impatient.

More and more powerful dragon clan men fell into the mirror, and soon they all fell into the mirror.

Emperor Ming continued to wait, thinking: It's time for Man'er to find out.

Princess Mingman benefited a lot from what Xu Ying said, and after understanding it carefully, she had already thrown her father thousands of miles away.

Xu Ying tried to figure out the sword intention of the master of the Tongtian Sword on the stone tablet. After a long time, he got up and came to the ruins of the front court and stood in the sword array.

He activated his sword intention, and suddenly huge stone swords clanked and were slowly pulled up from the ground. However, the sword formation was still there, and the sword formation continued to be maintained!

His solution was different from that of the distant ancestor. The distant ancestor drew his sword to destroy the sword formation, causing the sword formation to lose its suppressive power. Xu Ying pulled out all the stone swords at the same time to maintain the operation of the sword array, and the suppressive power of the sword array was still there.

At the moment when the sword tips of all the stone swords were pulled out from the ground, the earth suddenly shook and the entire front court ruins shook violently. Waves of earth energy spurted out from the ground, and stone tablets rose up one after another!

When those stone tablets appeared, the sea of ​​chaos that had crushed the ruins of the front court immediately receded, and more ruins were exposed. A powerful aura submerged in the sea of ​​chaos came to my face!

While maintaining the sword formation, Xu Ying looked around and saw more stone tablets breaking out of the ground. Those stone tablets were exactly the ones he had seen in Yuanhai Sea before, and the textures on them were almost identical.

In the sea of ​​chaos, several huge stone tablets appeared, forming a large circle with a radius of about a hundred miles. The center of the big circle is the source of that powerful aura, which is deep and unfathomable, trance-like, and like ten thousand ways.

Xu Ying and others looked at it and saw that the ball of light was like a mysterious Qi. It was a huge ball, and there were countless stars floating in it. It was vaguely visible that there were three realms among the stars!

It was a ball of flood energy, the remnant after the opening of the Three Realms, and it was placed in the sea of ​​chaos to warm and nourish!

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