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Chapter 713 Prehistoric Civilization

In the sky above Longting, the wind and clouds were turbulent, and the abyssal sea blocked most of the sky in the Celestial Realm. This huge cave abyss can really be called the abyssal sea, just like the ocean of the cave abyss.

The abyss is filled with the Taoist power of the High Avenue, but even the distant ancestors would have difficulty mobilizing this Taoist power, otherwise the battle with Yin Yuanzi would not be so embarrassing.

All the dragons inside and outside the Dragon Court raised their heads and looked upward.

The size of this cave is greater than the sum of all the caves summoned by the Dragon Clan back then!

Even when he saw this cave again, Xu Ying still felt very shocked.

Cultivating in the Dragon Court era, a being in the eighth realm of the Dao must master tens of thousands of fairy mountains and blessed lands in the three realms, and the fairy energy produced every day must be turned over. To cultivate to the ninth realm of the Dao, it is even more necessary to be close to the three realms. Thirty percent of spiritual energy production.

The distant ancestor looked at the Yuanhai in the sky and said, After I cultivated to the ninth level of the Tao Realm and became immortal, I found that I had to consume 40 to 50% of the fairy energy in the three realms just by breathing. If my cultivation level continues to improve, only I'm afraid that it will reach 60%, 70%, or 80% soon! I have become a giant that restricts the dragon clan. As long as I am here, no one can reach the ninth level of the Tao realm. I searched the world and found Yuanhai, and there was a idea.

His idea was to abandon his physical body and fly his soul into the abyss.

At that time, he had not been exposed to the method of summoning Dongyuan, nor did he know that Yuanhai could be summoned. The Abyss Sea is in another time and space, and the physical body cannot fly there, so the distant ancestor gave up his physical body in order to allow the dragon clan and all living beings in the three realms to continue to thrive.

His body is regarded as a long river, connecting the human world and the immortal world.

After the distant ancestor spirit soared into the abyss, he found that it was extremely difficult to descend into the three realms. Someone had to sacrifice before he could descend. It was difficult to come and go.

After that, whenever the dragon clan faced a great disaster, they would summon their distant ancestors to come. After the great disaster, the distant ancestors would return to the abyss.

When Cuiyan destroyed the world, Emperor Mingxun at that time knew that even if he summoned his distant ancestors, he would not be able to cope with this catastrophic catastrophe, and would instead cost the lives of his distant ancestors. Against all odds, he made a recovery plan and summoned the distant ancestors when the dragon clan revived.

At this time, Emperor Ming Xun, Emperor Ming Dao and others came over and looked up at the ocean, showing horror.

Because Emperor Ming Dao changed his body and cultivated the new dragon pattern, his cultivation strength declined instead of rising, but he was still extremely tyrannical. He did not practice a new way, and still retained the ninth level of the way.

Gein's current Immortal Realm is not yet stable, and he still needs to maintain the Immortal Realm to frighten those elders in the Dragon Clan who have different intentions.

However, Emperor Ming Xun has specialized in cultivating the new way, and his current cultivation strength is not as good as before. He has not yet attained the supreme status after practicing for five years.

In fact, he can completely stop practicing the new way and continue to follow the path of his distant ancestors and cultivate the state of the way. But the Tao realm cannot summon Dongyuan. In order to explore a way for the dragon clan, he killed himself and rebuilt it.

Master, Master Wife!

Princess Mingman ran over happily, and was so excited that she wanted to throw herself into Xu Ying's arms, but her eyes blurred and she got into Yuan Weiyang's arms, but she also took the opportunity to be intimate with the master's wife for a while.

Master, my father can't do it.

Princess Mingman whispered, Did he tell you that he has not yet attained the supreme enlightenment? In fact, he is in the ascension stage, not even an immortal!

Emperor Mingxun couldn't help but snorted and said, I'm just a late bloomer.

After not seeing each other for five years, Princess Mingman has already cultivated to the realm of Taoism. Among the Dragon Clan, she is already a master of the seventh level of Taoism.

She was taught by Xu Ying personally, and she also heard Yuan Weiyang and Waste Qingxuan explain the Hunyuan Cave Abyss Tribulation Sutra in the Earthly Immortal Realm. She made rapid progress after returning to the Celestial Immortal Realm.

Master Zhong!

Princess Mingman discovered the big bell again and hurriedly rushed towards it. The large and small caves of the big bell were now unusual. The size of the caves was getting larger and larger, and the whole body was filled with emerald green light.

Master Jian!

Ming Man found Zhu Xian Sword again and quickly said hello to Zhu Xian Sword.

Xu Ying explained to Emperor Ming Dao that he planned to go to Yuanhai to explore the mysteries of this cave. Emperor Mingdao heard this and smiled and said: Xu Daozu, my dragon clan must also go to Yuanhai to explore the mysteries of the ancient times.

Xu Ying said with a smile: Yuan Hai belongs to your dragon clan. If your majesty wants to have a companion, you and I can go together.

Emperor Mingdao laughed loudly and said: Now that heaven and earth are connected, there are many monks from the two worlds going back and forth to study. I will make arrangements first before going to Yuanhai. After that, he hurried away.

The Yuanhai is not only suspected of being a ten-layer cave abyss, but also represents that there was a glorious civilization before the ancient times. This matter is so important that Emperor Ming Dao will not let go of this opportunity.

Emperor Mingxun was also eager to try and wanted to go to Yuanhai. Seeing this, Mingman said: Grandpa, please worry less! If you ascend, I can still make the decision to take you. Who has prevented you from being able to survive the disaster until now? Ascension?”

Emperor Mingxun was so angry that his beard was trembling. Mingman quickly stepped forward to calm him down and said with a smile: Don't be angry, don't be angry, I'm thinking about you too. I taught you, and you have been unable to ascend. As a granddaughter, It’s also very embarrassing…”

When Ming Dao Emperor was ready, Yuan Weiyang's heart moved slightly and he quietly bumped Xu Ying's arm. Xu Ying was so excited by the bump on her chest that he thought she would return to her true nature if she wanted to be gentle.

Yuan Weiyang knocked down his hand and pointed forward. Xu Ying looked over and saw Emperor Ming Dao leading a hundred or so powerful dragons walking towards this side, with a large ship floating in the sky.

These powerful dragons are not just tyrannical, but also many knowledgeable people. It is obvious that Emperor Ming Dao is very ambitious and intends to gain more benefits from this exploration.

Xu Ying smiled slightly and said via voice: They say he is indecisive, but as long as it is beneficial, he will run faster than anyone else and strike harder than anyone else.

Emperor Ming Dao came to the front and said with a smile: I have entrusted the affairs of Longting to Prime Minister Tian, ​​and we can set off now.

The distant ancestor dragon hesitated and said: In the past, I couldn't physically fly up to the abyssal sea, and I don't know if the matter from the three realms can enter the abyssal sea after being summoned. If not, you must give up your physical body.

Xu Ying smiled and said, You will know after you try it.

He flew up and flew towards the abyss, and his body submerged into the abyss. After a moment, he flew out, and his spiritual consciousness said: The abyss is like other caves and abyss, the physical body can enter and exit.

After hearing this, Emperor Ming Dao and others boarded the boat one after another. Emperor Ming Dao called out: Ming Man, come here.

Ming Man had no choice but to leave Yuan Weiyang and go to the building.

Yuan Weiyang also urged the golden ship to sail towards the Yuanhai. The two large ships were running side by side, and many powerful dragon clan men came to look at them. One of the clan elders said: That is our dragon clan's ship! That woman is the woman who committed the murder in Longhua City!

Ming Dao Emperor said: She is Xu Daozu's Taoist companion. This matter must not be mentioned again in the future.

Xu Ying landed on the Golden Ship, and Yuan Weiyang whispered: A Ying, some dragons on the ship opposite seem to be a little dissatisfied with me.

Her senses are extremely strong, and the words of the dragons cannot be hidden from her at all.

Xu Ying smiled and said: With the restraint of Ming Dao Emperor, there will be no serious problems.

The two ships sailed into the abyss, one behind the other. The moment they entered the abyss, everyone suddenly felt a surge of Tao power coming in, but no one could tell which kind of heaven and earth road they were.

The dragon clan has obtained many incomplete versions of the secret knowledge from the other side, and has dabbled in various avenues, but the avenues in the abyss are different from these avenues.

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang were greatly surprised. They had never seen such strange Tao power.

In this abyss, Tao power and spiritual energy merge to form various magnificent and extraordinary scenes, such as mountains, flowing water, sun and moon, sea, clouds and rain, thunder and lightning, nebulae, etc.

The golden ship that crossed the world slowly stopped in front of a long river that was running endlessly in the sky. Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang felt it carefully and became more and more surprised. This long river was actually composed of water!

But standing outside the long river, they clearly realized that the power was definitely not the way of water!

The golden ship that transcended the world came to the clouds again, and the thunder in the clouds was also composed of the extremely pure Thunder Avenue, but the power was not that of the Thunder Avenue!

The two of them sensed carefully and saw that everything in the abyss was transformed by the Great Dao. Different things had different Dao, but the same Dao power formed these Dao!

They have never encountered this situation!

This cave abyss is no small matter. If the cave abyss is running, the various avenues in it must be constantly changing, and the scenes inside the cave abyss are also constantly changing.

Xu Ying thought of the line from the True Tradition of Taiyi, and secretly regretted it in his heart, saying, If the owner of this cave is still alive, standing here, we can comprehend all the mysteries of the True Tradition of Taiyi.

On another building boat, Emperor Mingdao and others were also looking around and discovered the mystery of this place. It's a pity that the owner of the cave abyss is dead and the cave abyss is no longer functioning. It is impossible to see the magnificent scene of this ten-layer cave abyss when it is activated.

The two ships moved forward leisurely, searching for any other discoveries.

However, our distant ancestors have lived here for who knows how many thousands of years. Presumably, even if there are any prehistoric relics, they have already been excavated by him.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, and he suddenly contacted his distant ancestor through the spiritual light channel in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, saying: Lord Long, you send the sea of ​​​​yuan back to its original space!

After a while, the Abyssal Sea suddenly shook violently. The various Taoist powers in the Abyssal Sea suddenly shone brightly and exploded with power, almost overturning the two ships!

Everyone hurriedly stabilized the boat, bumping endlessly in the terrifying ocean of Dao Li. They used their own methods to resist the impact of Dao Li, drifting in this endless abyss!

An elder of the Dragon Clan saw a big wave coming and hurriedly summoned his magical power to resist it. His magical power was exquisite, and it was the magical power of the killing method on the other side. It was astonishingly powerful, like a sword light meeting the waves.

Ming Dao Emperor quickly shouted: Don't collide directly with Yuan Hai Dao Li!


The moment the wave collided with the elder's magical power, the elder's flesh and blood flew backwards, leaving only the bones standing in place!

Everyone was horrified.

Everyone, try your best to move the building ships to avoid these Dao forces!

Emperor Ming Dao tried his best to bless the building with his own magic power. The building shuttle shuttled through the incredible power. The mountains, flowing water, clouds, seas and galaxies he had seen before all turned into deadly magical powers!

They were shuttled through this kind of magical power, and it was impossible to escape. Emperor Ming took action and fought against the magical power. Even though he was in the immortal realm, he was shocked to the point of blood boiling.

I'm still like this, I don't know how Xu Daozu and the others can survive.

Ming Dao Emperor thought of this and looked towards the Golden Ship. He saw the Golden Ship flying up and down. Although it was huge, it was extremely agile and avoided the anomalies caused by the Tao power. When he couldn't avoid it, Xu Ying took action on his own and overcame the power of Dao!

Xu Daozu has actually advanced to this level in the past five or six years! Ming Dao Emperor was shocked and inexplicable.

Although Xu Ying's current cultivation strength is still not as good as his, it is not far behind.

At this time, the abyss suddenly calmed down, and all the turbulent Taoist phenomena suddenly became calm and no waves could be seen.

From extreme movement to extreme stillness, only in an instant.

As soon as everyone calmed down from their shock, the two ships continued to sail forward. Suddenly, they heard a crash, and the ship where Emperor Ming Dao was on turned into powder and scattered.

Everyone couldn't stand still and hurriedly floated into the air, which was quite embarrassing.

The golden ship of crossing the world came, and Xu Ying invited him and said: This ship is quite stable and may be able to withstand the Taoist attack of Yuanhai. You might as well come on my ship and help each other.

Emperor Dao of the Ming Dynasty thanked him and led everyone to the golden boat to save the world.

The Golden Ship sailed forward in one direction, and the journey afterwards was smooth, without encountering the terrifying situation just now. It is thought that the phenomenon of Daoli tsunami would only occur on the way back to the mysterious time and space from Yuanhai.

I'm afraid Dalong has never encountered this phenomenon before, so he didn't remind them.

After driving like this for several months, they still haven't reached the end of the abyss. Ming Man murmured: No wonder our distant ancestors linger here. There are so many places to play here.

A few more months passed before the golden ship arrived at the end of the Abyssal Sea. A desert of Taoist power appeared in front of it, and all the Taoism was dead silent. The Taoist power of the Abyssal Sea turned into dust and rocks here.

There is no great road here, and everything is silent. When the golden boat travels here, its speed suddenly becomes extremely slow, swaying, and it may fall from the sky at any time.

Everyone on the ship noticed an inexplicable force suppressing the Dao in their bodies, making it difficult for them to improve their cultivation.

The further you go, the more desolate the place becomes.

This place is like the ruins of an ancient era, and the Abyssal Sea happens to be on its edge. Its strange power competes with the Dao power of the Abyssal Sea, forming a lawless zone.

The Golden Ship traveled forward with great difficulty. After an unknown amount of time, suddenly a wall formed by the energy of chaos came into view in front of them.

This wall is so high that you can't see the top, and the chaotic energy fluctuates like ocean waves. The closer everyone gets, the more they realize that their avenues and cultivation are rapidly decreasing!

This is the Sea of ​​Chaos!

Emperor Mingdao suddenly said, We have arrived at the edge of the Sea of ​​Chaos!

He once escaped from the three realms of the universe on a golden ship and sailed into the Sea of ​​Chaos. He was no stranger to the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Ming Dao Emperor's expression was uncertain. The experience of the Sea of ​​Chaos that year still lingered in his mind like a nightmare, causing him to have several cold wars every time he thought about it.

Over there! Look over there!

Princess Mingman's voice came, pointing to the left, her voice was a little sharp and trembling with excitement, There is also a golden ship to cross the world there!

Everyone, who had been attracted by the Sea of ​​Chaos before, suddenly woke up and quickly looked around. Sure enough, they saw another golden ship leaning diagonally on the ground.

This huge golden ship has been riddled with holes and has been stuck here for countless thousands of years.

Judging from its course, it should have sailed out of the Sea of ​​Chaos and crashed here.

Yuan Weiyang drove the golden ship that crossed the world and approached the broken ship. Everyone looked at the broken ship and saw that the layout of the ship was exactly the same as that of the golden ship under their feet. There were many corpses of dragon clan experts on the ship, scattered all over the ground.

The two ships were getting closer and closer. Xu Ying looked at it carefully and said: This ship should be one of the forty golden ships that escaped the Three Realms that year, but it was not so lucky. It did not find the other side in the sea of ​​chaos. On the ship The powerful dragon clan died in the sea, and the golden ship was sent back here by the Sea of ​​Chaos.

not necessarily!

Emperor Mingdao's voice trembled, and he stared at the ship. A voice in his heart shouted, It is also possible that this ship is the golden ship under our feet, and the dead on the ship may be us!

His experience in the sea of ​​chaos was so terrible. Time, cause and effect, no longer exist. It is possible that cause and effect will be reversed, and time may be reversed!

We must not sail into the sea, otherwise something bad will happen! Emperor Mingdao said.

Xu Ying glanced at him in surprise and nodded.

The World-Transcending Golden Ship sailed past the broken ship and circled out of the envelope of the Abyssal Sea.

At this time, the three realms came into view.

Everyone was stunned and walked to the bow of the ship one after another and looked towards the three realms.

Xu Ying turned around inadvertently and saw that the sea of ​​chaos was suppressed by a stone tablet and could not continue to invade forward. He couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart, jumped off the golden ship and came to the stone tablet.

The stone tablet was not big, about ten feet high, and it was full of strange words. Xu Ying looked at it for a long time and didn't recognize a single word.

Yuan Weiyang's voice came: Ah Ying, there are bones here! It should be the owner of Yuan Hai!

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, and he hurriedly wrote down the words on the stone tablet as patterns, and hurried back to the Golden Ship.

The golden ship that crossed the world drifted slowly and turned its bow.

Everyone finally saw the whole picture of the Abyssal Sea. Below the Abyssal Sea, an extremely huge skeletal giant sat cross-legged, facing the three realms and with his back to the Sea of ​​Chaos.

The size of his human body is comparable to that of an ox-headed skeleton in the underworld!

Before the ancient times, there was indeed a glorious civilization!

When all the soups are finished, the Zhou Dynasty will be prosperous?

When Di Xin saw this sentence for the first time, some just scoffed.

However, when he saw the defeat of Dashang, the suffering of his people, and the plans of the saints that he could not defeat no matter how hard he struggled, he realized that everything in this world was just a game played by the saints. .

Are humans invincible? His Emperor Xin... doesn't believe it!

With the simulator in hand, Di Xin, after many years, could finally speak to his people without any scruples the words he had hidden in his heart for many years——

As long as the saint does not die, the robbers will not stop!

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