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Chapter 712 Abyssal Sea, Ten Layers of Cave Abyss

This preaching event was extremely lively. First, Xu Ying preached, Xu Jing ascended the throne, then the ancestor god explained the new way of heaven, and then Yuan Weiyang explained the Hunyuan Dongyuan Pi Jing Jing.

After Yuan Weiyang's lecture, Waste Qingxuan opened the forum again and lectured on the Sutra of Pi Jie, but there were two flowers blooming, one on each side, and the content of the explanation was different.

The Holy Lord also opened a forum to teach the Dharma and taught the new immortal runes, which were more detailed and fascinating than what Xu Ying taught.

Later, Princess Mingman came to the altar and explained the Taoism of the other side that she had learned one by one. The immortal skills from the other side immediately caused an uproar.

At the end of the grand gathering, everyone originally thought that there could be no more sensational Taoist teachings. Unexpectedly, a big bell filled with spiritual light flew up to the Taoist altar and opened the altar to preach.

This preaching was no small matter. The magic weapons refined by everyone who came to the meeting buzzed, vibrated, and flew up one after another. The owners of the magic weapons were shocked and tried their best to suppress them. There was chaos for a while. Some people were even beaten to death by their own magic weapons. Blood flow.

This time, Dazhong taught the way of refining fakes and cultivating the true, opening up a different path of practice for the practice of magic weapons.

Ancestral Dragon Zhao Zheng sat under the altar and listened more seriously. He felt that his biggest gain this time was not Xu Daozu's teaching, nor the Holy Master's teaching, but the magic weapon and the way of cultivation taught by this big bell.

Although the magic weapon cultivation later created a turmoil that lasted for thousands of years, causing many people to die in the hands of his own magic weapon, the situation later stabilized, and the monks and the magic weapon actually found a path that complemented each other.

Ancestral Dragon Zhao Zheng was at the forefront, refining this Tao to great perfection, which was called the Demonstration of Tao with Treasures, and became one of the most prominent schools of later generations. This lineage gave birth to many great masters, who astonished the world, and were truly dazzling.

During the grand gathering, a stranger came to the Tiandao Ancestral Court. He was very majestic and stood under the altar to listen silently. The Holy Lord, Ancestor God and others recognized him and did not make any noise.

Xu Ying came to see Lu Yiren. Yuan Weiyang was worried about his safety and followed him.

Lu Yiren said: I have no intention of ruining this grand event. I came here just to witness a miracle.

Xu Ying asked in confusion: Brother Dao, why do you say it's a miracle?

A miracle can turn a desperate situation into a dangerous situation and can do what humans cannot. The Earthly Immortal Realm was originally a place where green rocks were shattered. Many people died, and only the two clans of demons and humans in the ancestral court were left to barely survive. There is a famous demon, Rise up in desperate situation, create the Fairy Palace of the Demon Clan, and establish the Demon Clan’s orthodoxy.”

Lu Yiren said, The demon clan's destiny lasted for ten generations. Even until the emperor's uncle, the destiny was still prosperous. However, the human race had the rise of Hao Yi. At this time, the human race was in decline, and Hao Yi rose from a desperate situation to decipher Cuiyan and create Taiyi. , summoned Dongyuan, achieved extraordinary achievements and overthrew the Demon Court. From then on, the human race flourished. The human race continued for six generations of immortal emperors, until Emperor Haocang, Cuiyan flew away, Taoist crying broke out, and it was another critical moment of life and death.

He eloquently described the history he had seen with his own eyes, saying: There was Qingxuan who arose out of crisis, led the people to Kunlun, went to all realms, and opened up new frontiers. Qingxuan created something out of nothing, created a supreme realm, and initiated a new method of enlightenment. Then to Xu Daozu, the tide of the Three Realms and the Celestial Realm appeared. Under the pressure of annihilation, he opened up a new path, comprehended new patterns and runes, and proved the Dao in the Celestial Realm, helping the Dragon Clan escape the fate of being harvested and resolve the crisis. Here, Which step is not a miracle?

Xu Ying said: No matter which step you take, you are taking a step out of suffering.

It is precisely because we have stepped out of suffering that it is a miracle.

Lu Yiren had a lot of emotions and said, I have witnessed the history of the Earth Immortal Realm. This time, I came here to be a witness again and to bid farewell to Xu Daozu.


Xu Ying was stunned, Where are you going?

Lu Yiren smiled slightly: Return to my hometown.

Xu Ying was shocked and lost his voice: You want to go to the other side?

Lu Yiren smiled and said: It's time to return to the other side. I want to go back to my hometown to have a look. My parents told me on the boat how beautiful the other side is. There are no disputes, no intrigues, and no competition for fame and fortune. There are beautiful scenery formed by the avenue everywhere. , the sound of the Tao is more beautiful than any music in the world, colorful and beautiful. They told me that they are the messengers who bring the fire of civilization on the other side to other wild universes. I have always believed it.

When he said this, his face looked a little sad.

Back then, I mobilized Cuiyan in the Earthly Immortal Realm and planned to ride on that piece of Cuiyan to return to the other side, but I failed to make the trip. After Cuiyan returned, it didn't take long for the cry to break out, causing all life to be devastated.

Lu Yiren said, I originally thought that the Earthly Immortal Realm must be completely transformed in order to resist the invasion of Taoism and resist the invasion of foreign enemies. But Xu Daozu proved me wrong. There is one more thing I don't understand. Why did Cuiyan return? I will burst into tears. I want to go back to my hometown and check it out.

Xu Yingdao said: The other side is extremely dangerous. You are no longer a stranger. I'm afraid it will be more bad than good.

Lu Yiren smiled and said: Although I am not a genius like Xu Daozu, I am not stupid either. This time I listened to the lecture and learned the Tao, but I also understood a lot of profound principles from the Hunyuan Dongyuan Pijie Sutra. Xu Daozu's new Tao, It is also a great inspiration to me. I could not achieve immortality before, but I will succeed this time. By the way, I have to meet two people to say goodbye to you this time.

Xu Ying understood his intentions and brought him to see Bi Yanhai, the Prime Minister of the Dragon Clan.

Bi Yanhai is no longer the Bone Dragon. Not only has his physical body been restored, but his memory has also been restored. During this time, he was practicing with Yuan Weiyang in the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court. He made rapid progress and was already a rising star in the new path.

Bi Yanhai saw Lu Yiren again. Although he couldn't recognize him as the little stranger on the golden ship that crossed the world, he could guess it.

Even after tens of millions of years, Bi Yanhai still couldn't hide the hatred in his heart, but this hatred was not directed at Lu Yiren, but at the other side.

He witnessed with his own eyes the destruction of the Three Realms and the extinction of the Dragon Clan. This scene was deeply imprinted in his memory.

Lu Yiren pushed the golden mountain over the jade pillar and bowed down to the blue misty sea.

Bi Yanhai closed her eyes and didn't look at him.

Lu Yiren kowtowed to him for his grace of not killing and for saving his life, and said: My benefactor, I will stay away from the Three Realms and go to the other side. No matter what in the future, I will bring justice to the Three Realms and the Dragon Clan.

Bi Yanhai still closed her eyes and said: You don't need to call me benefactor. I do things, but I just want peace of mind.

Lu Yiren stood up and said in a deep voice: Me too.

Bi Yanhai opened her eyes and took a deep look at him.

Lu Yiren said goodbye.

Xu Ying asked Yuan Weiyang to summon the golden boat to save the world, and said: I will send it to you.

When Lu Yiren boarded the golden ship, he unconsciously recalled the fighting on the ship. His parents almost killed all the dragons on the golden ship. That ferocious expression was something he could never forget.

What made him even more unforgettable was the scene of the destruction of the Three Realms outside this golden ship.

The golden ship was like an isolated island floating outside the mass extinction. It seemed to be the only safe place, but it was bloodbathed by his parents.

Yuan Weiyang urged the golden boat and whispered: A Ying, where are you going?

Ziwei Ancestral Court.

After a while, the golden ship arrived at Ziwei's ancestral court and floated outside Ganshan.

Lu Yiren stepped off the golden boat and came to the tomb of Emperor Haotian.

Fellow Taoist Hao Yi, when you left the ancestral court and went to the other side, your wisdom and courage were beyond my reach.

Lu Yi offered incense to Emperor Haotian and said in a low voice, It's only now that I mustered up the courage to follow your old path. My Taoist friends have spirits in heaven and can help me.

He was half the master of Emperor Haotian, but he bowed to the emperor's mausoleum before getting up and returning to the Golden Ship.

On the golden boat, Xu Ying had prepared the Cuiyan Tower Boat. The specifications of this tower boat were much smaller than the World-Transcending Golden Boat, but it was enough for strangers to live in the boat.

Although Xu Ying was quite reluctant to part with it, he still decided to return it to its original owner and said with a smile: This ship was originally yours, and I will give it back to you now.

Lu Yiren bowed sincerely and boarded the Cuiyan Tower Boat.

This ship was originally a tool for scouts to pursue Cuiyan and travel to and from the Sea of ​​Chaos. The scouts found the universe in the Chaos Sea, monitored the Cuiyan attack, and then sailed back to the other side.

Only strangers can bring out the wonderful functions of this ship.

Lu Yiren waved goodbye, and Xu Ying raised his arms to see him off. He saw the Cuiyan Tower boat slowly sailing away, getting faster and faster, and finally turned into a ray of emerald green light and disappeared from the sky.

Lu Yiren is gone. I don't know when we can see him again.

Xu Ying felt a little melancholy, and returned to the Ancestral Court of Heavenly Dao with Yuan Weiyang. He took out another Cuiqinglou boat and gave it to Bi Yanhai, asking him to take Princess Mingman on the boat to the heavenly world.

After the passage between heaven and earth is opened, Tian Cheng will contribute a lot to the communication between the heaven and earth schools.

Xu Ying said to Bi Yanhai, The new way in the Celestial Immortal Realm has just emerged and has not yet formed a climate. It is still necessary for the learned people from the Earthly Immortal Realm to go to the Celestial Immortal Realm to teach the new way. The Taoism of the Earthly Immortal Realm is backward, and it is also necessary to go to the Celestial Immortal Realm to study and decipher the other side. Taoism. Peaceful exchanges between the two worlds will surely lead to prosperity.

Bi Yanhai said yes and said: Don't worry Daozu Xu, after I arrive in the Celestial Realm, I will definitely open the door for communication between the two realms.

Xu Ying then told Princess Mingman: If you return to the Celestial Realm and spread the new teaching, you will be the second ancestor. It only took ten days to preach in the Celestial Realm as a teacher, but the truth was not explained clearly. You have a lot to do.

Princess Mingman reluctantly waved her hand and left.

The Tiandao Ancestral Court is still very lively, and this preaching is so shocking that some remote monks are still coming to the Tiandao Ancestral Court in a steady stream.

These latecomers missed the lectures and preaching of Xu Ying, Ancestor God, Shengzun and others, but fortunately there were enough people who stayed in the ancestral court, and there were often people who had some insights and opened the altar to teach.

The Ancestral God likes to be pure, but he has not been able to do so for several years. There are debates and debates every day in the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court, and some people even fight for a piece of true scripture, and there are often beatings to death.

Xu Jing ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, and began to rectify the Immortal Court. He replaced a large number of officials, which was equivalent to a dynasty change, and completely replaced many of the original Immortal officials who did not do anything. He also promoted some smart and capable people from Xiao Tianzun, established the seventh academy department, and provided them with great weapons to open academies in all walks of life.

Xiao Tianzun is in charge of the academy department, and he has a group of brave and capable warriors under his command. While opening the academy, he also fights against local sects. The sect's counterattack was also extremely powerful, and there were many powerful people from the Immortal Family among them. However, Xiao Tianzun had cultivated to the Supreme Realm and was extremely powerful, so naturally he was not afraid at all.

Emperor Jing also established the Ministry of Tiangong, and Taoist Feng Yuji was appointed as the Heavenly Lord of the Ministry of Tiangong, responsible for magic weapons and communication with the three realms.

In just a few years, the Earthly Immortal World has taken on a new look. The academy has gradually improved and has many disciples.

Emperor Jing planned to make Xu Ying the Prince of the East Palace and built the East Palace. However, Xu Ying only lived there once. He occasionally came back to visit his parents and also lived in Lan Suying's palace.

He and Yuan Weiyang often travel around in the golden ship these days, and spend less time in the Immortal Court and the Heavenly Palace. The two travel around and enjoy the wonders in the universe, such as Star Lake, Interstellar Thunder, and Guixu. Waiting places.

They also planned to enter the Tianyuan Sea Eye to explore what happened, but they were worried that they would never be able to get out after entering, so they had to give up.

The two people's cultivation is getting stronger and stronger day by day, and their understanding of the True Legend of Taiyi and the Hunyuan Cave Abyss is getting deeper and deeper. There is another Hunyuan Cave Abyss in Xu Ying's Cave Abyss. No whereabouts.

The three Qi of Shi, Yuan and Xuan are related to the subsequent realm, so Xu Ying, Yuan Weiyang and others attach great importance to them. In the past few years, the two of them have visited Waste Qingxuan and Shengzun and often exchanged their findings.

It's just that the useless Qingxuan and Shengzun have never refined Xuan Qi.

The Supreme Realm is a broad and profound realm, and it took Xu Yinghe five or six years to reach the middle stage of cultivation.

On the other hand, the Holy Lord and useless Qingxuan has already reached the Dacheng state of the Supreme state and is sprinting towards the perfect state, which puts a lot of pressure on Xu Ying.

During this period, another major event occurred that shocked the immortal world and caused an uproar.

Taoist Xiao Tian has attained the supreme state of enlightenment.

From now on, it is no longer a joke that the Supreme Being will be inferior to a dog.

Dog Supreme is no longer a curse word.

During his travels, Xu Ying met Taoist Xiaotian several times and gave him guidance on how to practice. He didn't expect that he could cultivate to the supreme level so quickly. For those who have been working hard and trying to reach the Supreme Realm, it is indeed a big blow.

On the day Taoist Xiaotian achieved enlightenment, there was also a person who attacked the Supreme Realm, causing quite a stir. However, compared to Taoist Xiaotian, no one paid attention to Emperor Wu Shenluo's enlightenment.

However, Xu Ying came to the scene in person to congratulate Emperor Wu Shenluo.

Without this great martial arts emperor, Xu Ying would not have been able to overcome many obstacles.

The enlightenment of martial arts on him is huge.

Emperor Wu Shenluo was the same as before, only practicing martial arts and not any other Taoism. The same was true for Wu Tianzun, Wu Xian and others.

This group of martial arts masters are full of great strength and spirit. Even if Emperor Wu Shen Luo reaches the realm of martial arts supreme, he has no tendency to stop and continues to practice hard.

Yuan Weiyang said: There is no road ahead for the Supreme Martial Arts. The strongest Martial Emperor in history has only cultivated Tianwu Zhengdao to the eighth level of the Tao Realm. Martial Emperor sinks and continues to practice, I am afraid there will be no results.

Xu Ying smiled and said: It all depends on man-made things. The martial arts emperor of the Dragon Clan is trapped in the eighth level of the Tao Realm, but that doesn't mean that Emperor Wu Shen will be trapped in this realm as well. Maybe he can find an immortal path.

On this day, the passage between heaven and earth was finally penetrated by the strong men of the Dragon Clan. The first group of envoys from the Dragon Clan came to the Immortal World on a dragon boat, entered the Immortal Court, and paid homage to the Immortal Emperor Xu Jing.

The world of heaven and earth and the world of earthly immortals are officially communicating with each other.

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang also took a boat and came to the immortal world to look for the distant ancestor Dalong.

Have Master Long ever thought that Abyssal Sea might not be the next place to ascend, but an incredibly large cave abyss? Xu Ying said in a persuasive way.

When the distant ancestor Dalong heard this, he laughed out loud and said: How can it be a cave? Whose cave can be so big? Even the immortals at the ninth level of the Dao Realm on the other side, the cave and abyss are far less vast than the abyss.

Xu Ying asked tentatively: What about the tenth level of Taoism?

The distant ancestor Dalong laughed loudly and said: Xu Daozu, why are you so stupid? This abyssal sea is a treasured place in our three realms. We don't even have a few immortal realms in the three realms. How can we get the tenth level of the Tao realm?

Xu Ying smiled and said: So, what about before the Dragon Clan?

The distant ancestor Dalong shook his head and said: Our dragon clan inherits the destiny of heaven and earth. Where did it come from before? No one is older than me!

Xu Ying hesitated and said, So, when is the skull of the bull monster with two horns in the ancestral underworld?

The distant ancestor Dalong was stunned.

That bull monster skull is really weird, and its origin is even older than him. In the Dragon Court era, when the underworld had just appeared, the skull of the bull monster was already there.

When you said that, I remembered that there are indeed some incredible relics in the ancient times.

The distant ancestor murmured, Is there really a tenth level of Taoism? No, if it is true and as powerful as me, how come you didn't discover that there is a realm above immortality?

Yuan Weiyang thought about it: Is it possible, then, that you, Yuanzu, have just entered the Immortal Realm, just touched the threshold, and haven't entered the hall yet?

The distant ancestor laughed loudly: I haven't entered the palace yet? What a joke! Girl, standing in front of you is an immortal as old as this universe, the holy dragon descended from the sky, the dragon ancestor who opened up the Tao realm, the distant ancestor in the abyss! I still Entering the room without entering the hall...

He remembered that Yin Yuanzi was actually just a clone, and his face couldn't help but feel uncertain. Compared with Yin Yuanzi, he seemed to have just touched the threshold of the immortal realm.

Seeing his face, Xu Ying knew that he had convinced her and said with a smile: Master Long, can you summon the abyss and let us enter the abyss to take a look?


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