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Chapter 703 Yin Yuanzi and Lu Yiren

The hole above Xu Ying's head continued to expand, and his cultivation level continued to improve, interrupting his reverie and making him immersed in the joy of enlightenment.

Traditional realms, from the first level of the Tao realm to the seventh level of the Tao realm, from ascension to the Tao realm, from human immortal to heavenly king, are all just improvements in realm, and there has never been such a saying as enlightenment.

Only the Supreme Realm, the eighth level of the Tao Realm, and the Great Luo Wonderful Realm have a theory of enlightenment.

The so-called enlightenment means that the great road imprints the heaven and earth, forming a great world. The Tao proves the heaven and the earth, and the law inherits nature.

The Tao Realm of Taikoo Longting is at the eighth level, and the Tao Realm is its great world. The Daluo Wonderland in ancient times also imprinted its own avenue into the ashram, forming a world of avenues.

In ancient times, Qingxuan created the Supreme Realm, and the great road was imprinted in the cave abyss, and the cave abyss was his world of great roads. It's just that the caves and abyss at that time were all summoned, and the avenue was imprinted in other people's caves and abyss, and could be harvested at any time.

Now Xu Ying has attained enlightenment, and among the caves and abyss imprinted on him by the Great Dao, the six major caves and abyss have all been built into the Supreme Cave Abyss. Among them, Taiyi, Wuji, Hongmeng, Chaos, and Samsara all respect the martial arts.

The martial arts cave is the most peculiar, because there is no such thing as innate martial arts in the void nature. There is no such avenue, and there is no martial arts cave. It is the cave that Xu Ying created out of nothing.

When the martial arts cave abyss became the supreme-level cave abyss, the martial arts promised by Ying was imprinted in it, but the cave abyss did not grow because of it, so it drew power from the other five cave abyss, forming the vision that the five major cave abyss jointly respected the martial arts.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, and he adjusted various Taoist methods. He felt that the increase in magic power was like a vast ocean, unfathomable!

Especially the Tao realms in the major caves and abyss, each Tao landscape is extremely magnificent. The Tao landscapes such as Chaos Sea, Hongmeng Qi, Yujing City, Wuliang Mountain, Xuanhuang Erqi, etc. are growing and expanding rapidly, just like worlds in the heavens!

At this moment, his Dao Scenery is almost the same size as Qingxuan's Ten Scenes of Taixu, but the number is larger.

Especially the Taiyi Cave, which combines thirty other caves, has 256 Taoist scenes!

Power, I feel endless power!

Xu Ying murmured, With this power, I think I can definitely challenge the immortal true king from the other side... Poof!

He suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood and felt that his internal organs were severely damaged and various dojos were wrapped around his internal organs. Not only that, all kinds of weird injuries also appeared in every realm, and he was actually seriously injured!

Don't think too much.

The Ancestral God smiled kindly and said, We just helped you break through, but we were a little bit harsh.


Emperor Mingxun said: If I didn't put some pressure on you just now, it would be difficult for you to break through.

The Holy Lord smiled and said: The personal grudges between you and me have been wiped out.

He's apparently back with a vengeance.

Xu Ying groaned and hurriedly sat cross-legged, trying his best to treat the injuries.

Shengzun, Yuanzu and Emperor Mingxun each continued to comprehend the runes and dragon patterns of the immortal way. They did not have as deep a knowledge of the way of heaven as Xu Ying. They could switch between the three kinds of runes at will. Even if they understood one of them, it would take a long time. day.

The Ancestral God flew out of this underground dragon city and turned more ashes into the avenue of heaven and earth.

He is traveling underground, preparing to recreate a heavenly world underground. As long as the scope of Heavenly Dao underground becomes wider, the power of Heavenly Dao will become stronger and stronger. The heterogeneous heavenly ways in the immortal world will suppress him less and less, and the strength he can exert will become more and more brilliant.

Although he is opposed to directly facing the Immortal True King Yin Yuanzi, since everyone has agreed, he will prepare wholeheartedly and improve his cultivation strength to the extreme!

Today's Celestial Immortal World is built on a thousand-mile-thick layer of Dao Ash. There are many Dragon Clan Immortal Cities in it. When encountering these places, the Ancestral Gods will bypass them.

Especially the Longting Imperial Capital, he stayed away from it, so as not to alarm Yin Yuanzi and others because the underground was hollowed out.

Xu Ying healed his injuries and opened his eyes, only to see that Yuanzu and others were still practicing. Princess Mingman woke up, holding her head and moaning in pain.

Little Master, my head seems to have been hit by something, as if it is about to split. But my cultivation has improved a lot! Princess Mingman was surprised and happy, but she lost her memory for a while and could not remember herself. Being blown away by Xu Ying.

Xu Ying didn't know what was going on, and said: Ming Man, we will fight against the Immortal True King on the other side. The fate of this battle is unpredictable. You are not suitable to follow us, I will send you back to the Longting Imperial Capital.

Princess Mingman hesitated and nodded.

The battle with the Immortal True King is bound to be extremely fierce. She really cannot intervene, and she will die even if she even watches the battle. The best-case scenario is to return to the Longting Imperial Capital and be protected by her father, Emperor Mingdao, so there won't be any problems.

Xu Ying left words in the air to explain his movements, his thoughts moved slightly, he turned everything upside down, and returned to the ground with Ming Man.

Now that I have become a supreme master, I will definitely not be able to compare with immortal beings like Yin Yuanzi, but I should still be able to sneak into the imperial capital.

Xu Ying was extremely curious and wanted to see how far this immortal being from the other side was compared to immortal beings such as his distant ancestor and Emperor Mingxun.

His body quickly transformed into a dragon, and soon turned into a man with a dragon head and body, and whispered: Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle!

Upon seeing this, Princess Mingman also transformed from a human girl into a dragon girl. The two walked side by side, like a pair of lovers, attracting the looks of the dragon immortals on the road.

In the sky above the Imperial Capital of Longting, strangers from the other side walked out of the rotating caves and abyss from time to time. These strangers were the disciples of the Immortal True King Yin Yuanzi.

Yin Yuanzi came to the immortal world and wanted to attack the three realms and penetrate the gel zone between heaven and earth. But how could the True King personally take action in such a matter? Of course he wanted to enslave the dragon clan to penetrate the gel zone.

His disciple came this time to serve the powerful dragon clan on his behalf.

As for Yin Yuanzi himself, he was happy to be pure.

At this time, a disciple hurriedly walked over and bowed: Master, there is a young man from the Holy Clan outside, who calls himself Lu Yiren. His clothes and conversation are very strange, and he comes to see Master.

Lu Yiren?

Yin Yuanzi was surprised, What's this name? It's too weird. Let him in.

The disciple left, and after a while, Lu Yiren walked into the immortal palace and greeted Yin Yuanzi. Yin Yuanzi felt a little unhappy when he saw that he was practicing a strange etiquette, not the etiquette used by juniors meeting their elders on the other side. However, he did not know Lu Yiren's origin, so he said patiently: Lu Yiren, why did you come to see me?

Seeing that he didn't invite him to sit down, Lu Yiren stood up and replied with a smile: I'm here to ask for some advice on Kung Fu.

Yin Yuanzi frowned slightly, became even more unhappy, and said: If you want to ask for advice on martial arts, you should ask your teacher. The teacher's teachings are a hundred times better than an outsider like me. Why do you need to come to see me?

Lu Yiren said: I did not learn from him. My parents were the envoys who escorted the three green rocks. When they came to the Three Realms, they were misunderstood by the local dragon clan. As a result, both my parents died, leaving me alone in the Three Realms. I took two of them from Cuiyan went to school to learn the secrets of the other side, but there were many things he didn't understand, so he was trapped in the realm and could not break through.

The unhappiness in Yin Yuanzi's heart disappeared and he asked in surprise: Are you the son of a scout? Your parents were killed by barbarians from the Three Realms?

Lu Yi said yes.

Yin Yuanzi stood up and came to him, held his shoulders with both hands, looked up and down, and said with a smile: It's unusual for a child of a meritorious minister to grow up in a foreign land. You practice the Tao on the Green Rock Of course, one cannot cultivate to the highest level. Those three green rocks are used for slash-and-burn farming.

Lu Yiren was stunned and didn't understand what he meant: What is slash-and-burn farming?

Yin Yuanzi laughed, stepped out of the Immortal Palace, looked at the vast Immortal World, and said: Look, this universe is floating in the boundless sea of ​​chaos and developing wildly. It has countless galaxies and infinite wealth. This universe The monks in the universe are still very primitive, and they rely on their little intelligence to embark on the path of cultivation.

Lu Yiren smiled and said: The Taoism of the Three Realms is indeed very low. They have discovered and controlled too few Taoisms.

Yin Yuanzi said: So in our eyes, the Three Realms are a wild land full of weeds. If you want to grow crops here, you must cultivate the wild land through slash-and-burn cultivation.

Lu Yiren smiled and said: The other side comes to spread civilization, and my parents are the messengers.

Yin Yuanzi shook his head, interrupted him, and said: Your parents are scouts. Scouts who went to the Sea of ​​Chaos to escort Cuiyan and explore the wild universe in the chaos.

Lu Yiren had a bad feeling in his heart. He opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say.

When he was young, his parents told him that they were going to spread civilization. But now, something seems different.

What is slash-and-burn farming? It means weeding out the weeds of the original universe, just like burning them with fire. This is called fire. Your parents are the scouts responsible for sending fire to the wild universe. When the fire breaks out, you The parents also need to determine the location of the wild universe and return to the other side.

Yin Yuanzi's voice came to his ears, Once they determine the location, the other side can start to go to the wild universe where all the weeds have been burned away, and become the master there.

Lu Yiren's mind was buzzing, and there seemed to be a feeling of collapse of belief in his heart. His voice was a little hoarse and he said: What then?

Yin Yuanzi smiled and said: Slash-and-burn farming will not exterminate all life in the wild universe. It will still leave a group of people behind. This is the key to planting. These surviving barbarians will find these three green rocks, and they will be interested in them. Cuiyan is afraid, but also worships him extremely. He will learn the Taoism on Cuiyan, and even wants to master the power of Cuiyan. But as long as they practice...

The smile on his face became thicker and thicker, and he said leisurely: They will become crops planted on the other side. When the other side arrives, you can harvest these mature crops.

Lu Yiren murmured: Is this slash-and-burn farming?

Yin Yuanzi nodded lightly and said: This is slash-and-burn cultivation! The wild universe that has been cultivated by slash-and-burn cultivation will be transformed to suit the survival of people on the other side. Maybe this is the reason why you survived.

Lu Yiren opened his mouth. He wanted to say that the reason why he survived was because the dragon clan who killed his parents spared his life because he was a child. But he couldn't say this.

To transform the wild universe, all the geniuses in this universe delve into the Tao on the other side, use their wisdom to work hard to create Tao for us, strengthen our caves, and repair our damaged Tao. They are the most diligent and selfless people, When the other side comes, we will harvest them again and leave more seeds.

Yin Yuanzi looked at the thousands of dragons and said with a smile, It's just that the Three Realms are a bit strange, beyond the expectations of the other side. Not only did the scouts not come back to report the location of the Three Realms, but there was also a barbarian who claimed to be Tongtian and killed him on the other side...

His face gradually became a little unsightly, and he exhaled a breath and continued: Later, another person who called himself Hao Yi also came to the other side.

Hao Yi?

Lu Yiren's heart moved slightly, thinking of the human boy beside the green rock. He had taught him how to practice, and he was considered to be half of his disciple!

Hao Yi's talent is too high.

Yin Yuanzi's face trembled and he said, His achievements are so high that many of his colleagues on the other side almost fell into his hands. In addition to this Hao Yi, there are also some strange people who call themselves Buddhas and Taoists. Lord Dao’s also broke into the other side. These bastards are all from the Three Realms Universe.

Lu Yiren opened his mouth, but still didn't speak.

Buddha, Taiqing, Yuxu and other Taoist ancestors were actually sent to the other side by him.

Back then, he sacrificed Cuiyan and tried to find his birthplace, but Cuiyan flew away. Buddha, Taozu, and others immediately flew away with the green rock. Lu Yiren wanted to go with him, but was knocked down by Xuhuang Daojun and had to stay in the Three Realms.

He never expected that Lord Dao, Buddha and others would become the bastards Yin Yuanzi called him.

Yin Yuanzi looked forward and murmured: The Three Realms Universe, a relatively small universe, has given birth to so many powerful barbarians. We cannot help but be curious about this universe.

He turned around and said: Lu Yiren, the death of your parents is something I didn't expect. What's even more unexpected is that you can survive in this wild universe. You are a talent, and the other side will not let deserving officials die. The child continues to suffer.”

I... Lu Yi was heartbroken.

Yin Yuanzi said: You need to change these clothes first, and those messy etiquette. You have to change them too. Those are barbarian things, livestock and crops, and the noble saints on the other side cannot use these things.

Lu Yi said yes.

Yin Yuanzi called a disciple and said: Take him down, prepare some decent clothes for him, and teach him the etiquette of the other side. Lu Yiren, come to see me after you learn well, and I will take you to harvest the three realms!

Lu Yiren's mind was confused and he followed the stranger down.

Halfway through, Lu Yiren heard himself say: Isn't this senior brother, Bian Cuiyan, here to spread civilization? Comprehensive humanization is a good thing, right?

The stranger smiled and said: Of course they are here to spread civilization. If these native barbarians are planted and harvested, and our holy race settles here, high above them, isn't that civilization? As for full humanization, it is just a fertile fertilizer.

Lu Yiren's mind was in confusion. He followed him with one foot high and one foot low. A voice in his heart said: I am a saint, no, I am a citizen of the three realms. I was raised by the human race... but I am a saint! No, it was the Dragon Clan that gave you a life... But, I am a foreigner——

With tears in his eyes, he broke the neck of the stranger in front of him.

————Today’s two chapters are 8,700 words long, and I’m still an expert at coding! ! !

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