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Chapter 702 Enlightenment

The Ancestral God, the distant ancestor, the Holy Lord, and Emperor Mingxun looked at each other in disbelief. Can you kill the immortal on the other side and push the Ming Emperor?

Ancestor God probed: Are you planning to push us old brothers into the fire pit?

The distant ancestor nodded repeatedly.

Xu Ying laughed and said: Immortality on the other side, what do we have to fear? We have three immortal realms, Yuanzu, Mingxun, and Ancestral God. We also have half of the immortal realm, Holy Lord. In addition, as long as we break through, we can prove The Dao Supreme Realm can be regarded as half-immortal. If we join forces, can't we kill an immortal true king from the other side?


The Ancestral God shook his head and said, The immortal skills on the piece of green rock thrown by Lord Xuhuang Daodao have been deciphered for several years, but they have not been completely deciphered. Not even a complete immortal skill has been deciphered, let alone the arrival of the immortal from the other side in person? There is no way we can win this battle.”

Xu Ying studied the other side technique obtained by the Dragon Clan. It only takes a few days to figure out the general outline of a technique, and he can quickly complete the cave. But the real immortality method on the other side is almost a comprehensive cultivation system, which requires masters from the earthly and immortal world to study it with all their wisdom.

From this point, we can also get a glimpse of the power of the Immortal Realm.

Xu Ying was full of confidence and said with a smile: The True King on the other side is also made of flesh and blood, so he may not be stronger than us. He just takes advantage of the skills. His body may not be able to defeat Lord Long, and his magic power may not be able to defeat him. Ancestral God, the fighting consciousness may not be comparable to the Holy Lord. What's more, there are Emperor Mingxun and me!

The distant ancestor Dalong was immediately encouraged and said: After what you said, it seems that it is not impossible to win.

Emperor Mingxun said: If you want to defeat immortality, you can't just rely on faith. I think the new rune pattern structure that Xu Dao ancestor mentioned before, I think it must be put first. The rune pattern structure can be completed first before we can kill that person. The Immortal True King.”

Xu Yingdao: The human world is shrouded in darkness, and the great road does not exist, but there are human beings who live and inhabit it. Finally, with the power of these mortals, the heavenly way in the human world is restarted. In the heavenly world, there are also immortal plants surviving tenaciously in the ground buried under the ashes. Maintain the immortality of the Heavenly Dao and resist the influence of Cuiyan. If you can master these two Heavenly Dao, you can improve the runes, Dao patterns or dragon patterns and establish a new Dao structure system.

The Heavenly Dao of the human world and the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm can both resist the influence of the Heavenly Dao of the other side brought by the green rock. Using the Heavenly Dao as the basis to improve the runes, although it is still not as good as the Liwen of the other side, the three green rocks can exterminate the Three Realms. Don't even think about it happening again!

Moreover, if the runes are improved and the infrastructure is stronger, their cultivation strength will be stronger, and they will have greater confidence in dealing with visitors from the other side!

Everyone's eyes fell on the Ancestral God. Now only the Ancestral God controls the way of heaven in the human world and the heavenly world. Whether they can make the Taoist runes and dragon patterns go further depends on whether they can study the Ancestral God thoroughly.

Ancestor God smiled and said: Fellow Taoists, should we find a quiet place?

Emperor Mingxun said: I know there is an ancient city nearby, which is buried underground.

Xu Yingdao: Let's go there first and try to thoroughly study the ancestral god's way of heaven!

Emperor Ming Xun immediately poured out the fog around him, leading everyone to sink into the ground, deep into the ashes thousands of miles thick, looking for the ancient Dragon Clan Immortal City.

Soon after, they entered the city. Emperor Ming Xun's own Heavenly Dao was not enough to completely turn the Dao Hui into the Dao Hui. If he relaxed a little, the Heaven and Earth Dao would turn into Dao Hui again.

But the Ancestral God's aura bloomed, and the surrounding avenues of heaven and earth revived one after another.

There are many great masters of the Dragon Clan in this ancient city, each offering their own Taoist Realm to resist the erosion and corruption of the green rock. In the end, the Taoist Realm also formed Dao Gray Fossils.

However, when the Ancestral God restored the great road of heaven and earth, these beautiful Tao realms were also restored, forming a layer of heavens, upside down on the Dragon City.

Dragon City has also returned to its splendor, as if it has returned to the glorious days of the Dragon Clan thousands of years ago.

It's just that the Dragon City is empty, and those dead dragons will never come back.

They stayed in this Dragon City, and the Ancestral God showed his vast true form for them to study. He is the primordial spirit of the universe, an innate god, and the incarnation of the law of heaven in the three realms. However, if he is asked to write down the law of heaven himself, he cannot do it.

The Tao cannot be expressed.

The Tao that can be spoken is not the real Tao.

Likewise, He Himself cannot study Himself.

Only when Xu Ying, Shengzun and others study the heavenly path contained in it and turn it into the most basic structure of runes and patterns can the continued evolution of the Dao structure be promoted.

Everyone first studied individually, then got together and compared each other, but found that their research directions were very different.

The distant ancestor Dalong and Emperor Mingxun followed the path of dragon patterns, while the Holy Lord followed the path of runes.

Xu Ying was the most sophisticated person, and he knew a little bit about Dao runes and dragon patterns, so he used whichever one he could easily use when deciphering.

As for Princess Mingman, although she was also studying the ancestral gods, she found out that her background was really shallow after studying for a while, so she simply gave up and focused on her own practice.

The distant ancestor is the most knowledgeable, Emperor Mingxun is also an immortal emperor, and Shengzun is the most knowledgeable person in the contemporary era. However, when it comes to the way of heaven, none of the three of them can live up to their promise.

Xu Yingcai is the person who has the most thorough research on the way of heaven. As early as when he was going through the tribulation of heaven in the human world, he continued to go through tribulations and was struck by the Zixiao tribulation thunder countless times, so as to study the way of heaven in the three realms. Even the way of heaven on the other side, he gained many mysteries from it.

This time studying the ancestral gods was even more familiar to him.

What he learned was the most complicated, but he also made the fastest progress, and he quickly sorted out the new way of heaven for the heavenly world and the human world.

Xu Ying saw that Yuanzu, Emperor Mingxun and Shengzun were still busy, so he imprinted the various heavenly runes, dao patterns and dragon patterns he had sorted out into the air and tried to figure them out one by one.

Suddenly, he transformed himself and started crying, trying to erode these rune patterns and dragon patterns.

However, these rune marks in the air remained motionless and did not turn into ashes.

Xu Ying showed a satisfied look and said to himself: The heavenly ways of the immortal world and the human world can resist the heavenly ways of the other side formed by Cuiyan. Sorting out these rune patterns and dragon patterns from these heavenly ways can be enough to deal with Cuiyan's Invasion, so as not to be transformed. In this way, Ming Dao Emperor should be able to make up his mind, right?

Yuanzu, Emperor Xun of Ming Dynasty and the Holy Lord were awakened by Dao's crying, and they all came to see the runes carved by Xu Ying. Xu Ying saw this, so he used runes and dragon patterns to burn one copy each.

The three of them examined it individually and compared it with the ancestors. After a long while, they each found some errors and omissions and corrected them.

Although Xu Ying has the highest attainments in the way of heaven, far surpassing them, these three people are also extremely knowledgeable. Where Xu Ying's understanding of the way of heaven is shallow, they can make up for the deficiencies in the way of heaven.

Everyone is trying to figure out the new way of heaven, trying to transform their own way into a new structure.

Xu Ying sat down, resting his chin on his hands, staring at the three sets of Heavenly Dao structures in the air. After a while, he stood up again and rewrote a set of Dao pattern structures using Dao patterns.

Then, he sat down again, resting his chin on his hands and continuing to stare at the four structures in a daze.

These four structures are the dragon pattern Tiandao framework, the Dao pattern Tiandao framework, the rune Tiandao framework, and the dragon pattern Dao pattern and rune mixed architecture that Xu Ying originally wrote.

Princess Mingman finished practicing and ran over happily. Seeing Xu Ying's eyes wandering back and forth on the four avenue structures, her face became more and more confused, and she smiled and said: Little Master, what's wrong?

Xu Ying said: Although we have understood the more profound way of heaven and perfected the runes, dao patterns and dragon patterns, I always feel that this is wrong and we have not found the essence of the dao.

Princess Mingman didn't quite understand, so she followed his meaning and said, So, what is the essence of Tao?

Xu Yingdao: The essence of Tao can be explained using only one kind of rune, or it can also be explained using a kind of dragon pattern or Tao pattern.

His mind moved slightly, and a branch-like texture flew out, saying: For example, the structure of the avenue on the other side uses this most basic theory and literature, and different combinations to form different Taoism and magical powers. Investigate its fundamentals , there was only one initial form of the Science and Arts architecture.”

Princess Mingman stared at the branch-like texture, feeling extremely surprised. Could it be that it is such a simple theory and literature that formed the various Taoism and glorious civilizations on the other side?

As for the runes and patterns of the Immortal Dao, as well as the dragon patterns of the dragon clan, there are too many basic textures, which are far less simple than the other side.

Xu Ying said, So, I think that the Great Dao can be expressed by Dao patterns, runes, and dragon patterns. What you get is definitely not the real Dao. There must be a unique way of expression!

His eyes flashed and he said: This expression must be extremely concise, unexpectedly simple, even simpler than the other side's structure!

Xu Ying stood in front of these four writing methods, looked at them, examined them, and looked for commonalities among them. He is looking for something basic, basic enough to form these four architectures!

His brain was running at a high speed, forgetting both things and myself, and there were only these various moving textures in his eyes. Runes, Dao patterns, and dragon patterns are constantly dividing and reorganizing themselves in the air, combining with each other in various incredible forms, searching for various possibilities.

Those jumping symbols are like jumping figures one by one, performing different magical moves, and at the same time, they are accompanied by various strange sounds of the avenue, roaring continuously.

Little Master? Princess Mingman came to him, raised her hand and waved it in front of his eyes.

The moment her palm was about to touch Xu Ying, she suddenly felt an invisible force coming, and there was a loud bang.

The next moment, Princess Mingman fell into the ashes hundreds of miles away, with only one pair of feet exposed.

Xu Ying was unaware of this and was still immersed in exploring these mysterious textures.

The distant ancestor Dalong, the old emperor Mingxun, Shengzun and the ancestral god were awakened by the loud noise and looked over one after another. The old emperor Ming Xun quickly flew forward and pulled his granddaughter out of the ashes. He was relieved when he saw that Princess Mingman was only knocked unconscious and not seriously injured.

He flew back with Ming Man, only to see some of the Yuanzu, the Holy Lord and the Ancestral God looking at Xu Ying, while others were looking at the textures written on Xu Ying in the air.

Everyone was confused, Dalong said: Weird, what is Ah Ying doing? You only need to practice one of these structures, does he want to practice all three?

The ancestor god shook his head and said: The power of the three structures of dragon pattern, dao pattern and rune is almost the same. The three types of practitioners cannot improve the power of dao method. On the contrary, they will delay their own cultivation to enter the capital, which is not worth the loss.

As soon as he said this, Xu Ying suddenly felt a strong real dragon energy coming from his body, and he actually transformed into a real dragon in front of them!

The eyes of the distant ancestor Dalong almost jumped out, and he lost his voice: After being brothers for so many years, it turns out that you are my descendant... No, no! This bloodline is not my bloodline? Aying, are you a distant ancestor too?

Emperor Ming Xun was also surprised. He also noticed that the aura of ancient ancestors in Xu Ying's body was different from the aura of Dalong, but it was indeed the aura of ancient ancestors!

The real dragon transformed by Xu Ying moved and changed in the air, and he performed various new heavenly methods. Even the distant ancestor dragon couldn't help but nod his head when he saw it, thinking it was wonderful.

Let me test the quality of his bloodline!

Emperor Mingxun jumped up and attacked Xu Ying. Xu Ying's eyes were empty, but he seemed to sense the danger coming, and without thinking, he used various Taoist techniques to fight against Emperor Mingxun.

Emperor Ming Xun was secretly shocked that Xu Ying actually resisted his magical power. Although he did not use all his strength, the power of the move was still extraordinary.

Xu Ying blocked these attacks. It was obvious that his cultivation strength had improved a lot compared to when he killed Young Master Hong Bo!

Is this the power of the new way of heaven?

Emperor Ming Xun couldn't hide his excitement, the power of the moves gradually increased, and Xu Ying was still able to take it, allowing him to see how powerful the improved dragon pattern was!

Mingxun, if you continue to attack, you are very likely to hurt him! came the voice of the ancestor god.

Ming Xun was about to retreat when suddenly, Xu Ying's body changed, from a dragon to a demon, and turned into a three-legged golden crow. It was like the purest emperor-blooded god of the demon clan, using Dao patterns as the foundation to cast the new sky. Tao Tao Dharma!

He is like a real Golden Crow, his moves are unpredictable, and he is like a Golden Crow Emperor descending into the world.

Everyone was shocked, and the Holy Lord flew up and said loudly: Let me try his new way of heaven!

When Emperor Ming Xun saw this, he immediately retreated. The Holy Lord greeted Xu Ying, but he saw Xu Ying using the Taoist patterns to fight him in the form of a demon emperor!

The two fought against each other for several rounds. The Holy Lord used the new heavenly methods that he had comprehended, but he was able to knock Xu Ying down, but he was still unable to win. He was secretly shocked.

The two fought for dozens of rounds. At this time, Xu Ying turned into a human body, used the immortal runes as the foundation, and used the new heavenly magic to attack the saint.

Let me do it! The distant ancestor Dalong was eager to give it a try.

The Holy Lord immediately retreated, and the distant ancestor dragon rushed towards Xu Ying. He had the head of a dragon, and his muscles were extremely strong. His punches and kicks had the power to shake the world, and he beat Xu Ying back steadily.

The Holy Lord, Emperor Mingxun and the Ancestral God stood together, each with solemn expressions. The Ancestral God murmured: The three systems of runes, Dao patterns and dragon patterns, operate and switch without any sluggishness. How did he practice? Have you cultivated one of them?

Emperor Ming Xun shook his head and said: I haven't fully understood the new way of heaven with dragon pattern yet.

The Holy Lord said: I have never achieved great success.

The Ancestral God looked at Xu Ying who was fighting with the dragon and said: He is running smoothly. Something must have happened to him...

Just as he said this, the light of Dao suddenly flew around Xu Ying, the avenue buzzed, and caves and abyss emerged. The caves and abyss took root in the void, and the power of Dao surged!

He's going to preach!

Ancestral God's eyes lit up and he shouted, Let's go and help him!

The three men immediately rushed forward and besieged Xu Ying together with Dalong, but none of them used their full strength.

At this moment, Xu Ying was in a wonderful state of enlightenment. He didn't care at all about whether he had attained the Supreme Dao. His body and mind were devoted to finding the essential origin of the three textures.

The greater the pressure that the distant ancestors, ancestral gods and others put on him, the closer he got to that origin!

But for Yuanzu, Ancestral God and others, Xu Ying was constantly resisting them, and obviously wanted to use their pressure to make a breakthrough.

Work harder! The distant ancestor Dalong shouted.

Everyone improved their skills, but they saw that Xu Ying's body was almost boiling, and rays of light flew out from his body, imprinting the caves and abyss. The caves and abyss seemed to have been opened to some kind of pass, and suddenly grew stronger, absorbing the energy in the void, and said Strength continues to increase!

At the same time, Xu Ying's cultivation level skyrocketed, and another secret of the great avenue kept coming, interrupting his enlightenment.

Xu Ying was stunned, suddenly stopped and stopped attacking everyone.

Aren't I meditating on that unique texture? Why did I suddenly realize the Supreme Dao?

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