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Chapter 693: Sending the Emperor to His Funeral

Xu Ying noticed the fluctuation of magical power behind him. Looking back, he saw a piece of blue sky suddenly decaying, mottled, and gradually falling apart.

Is it Mingman's grandfather Mingxun?

Xu Ying was thoughtful and very pleased, He should have achieved something in the way of heaven. My hard work is not in vain.

He learned many of Emperor Mingxi's magical powers from Man Kongming, but he admired Emperor Mingxi very much in his heart. This man had so few fights, but he could actually create many powerful magical powers. His aptitude and understanding were truly extraordinary. .

It's a blessing to fight against such a being. It's a pity. Xu Ying shook his head.

In today's confrontation, Emperor Mingxi may still be able to match him, but if they fight again after arriving in the Longting Imperial Capital, Emperor Mingxi will be far from his opponent.

Because the great avenues of creation, Tianxin, Burning Heaven, Cause and Effect, Qianyuan, Space, etc. that he has comprehended are all growing, and the caves and abyss are also growing.

The longer the emperor's son Mingxi delays, the more beneficial it will be to Xu Ying.

During this period of time, it can be said that Xu Ying's cultivation has become increasingly profound. When he reaches the Longting Imperial Capital, he will definitely be far better than he is today!

He slowed down and walked leisurely towards the Imperial Capital of Longting, admiring the magnificent scenery of the Celestial Realm along the way. While practicing, he gave guidance on Ming Man's practice, and exchanged Taoist techniques with Man Kong Ming. It was indescribably satisfying.

This is the first time I've felt so relaxed since I came to the Celestial Realm.

Xu Ying smiled at Man Kongming and said, When I came to the Celestial Realm, I was hunted down many times and was on the run every day. Now it's calm, which shows that the Dragon Clan also has etiquette.

Man Kongming smiled and said: We, the Dragon Clan, are not barbarians! In addition to inheriting the Taoism of the other side, we also inherited the etiquette of the other side. Don't say you are here to challenge, even if you are here to dig up the ancestral graves, we must uphold it. Don’t neglect your hospitality!”

Really? Xu Ying's eyes lit up and his breathing became rapid.

When he talked about digging his ancestors' graves, he couldn't help but get excited.

Man Kongming hesitated for a moment and did not dare to agree. He always felt that this barbarian had an evil background and had a gleam in his eyes.

In the imperial capital of Longting, the elder Yuan Bugui sacrificed a small heaven and attacked the emperor Mingxi among the heavens. The two people's abilities were unpredictable, like lightning, they could reach each other in an instant even if they were thousands of miles apart. Confrontation.

Yuan Bugui was one of the twenty-seven strong men who defeated the Holy Lord. This time he was invited by Yuan Heng to train the son of Emperor Mingxi.

Both sides tried their best. Emperor Mingxi faced such a powerful opponent for the first time. He was forced to break through his limits again and again, comprehending more profound Taoism and turning it into magical powers. He was able to survive Yuan Bugui's attacks time and time again. Come over.

Ten moves! I have to hold on for ten moves!

He thought of this and was hit on the shoulder by Yuan Bugui on the tenth move.

Yuan Bugui withdrew his strength at the right time and did not hurt him.

Emperor Mingxi looked sad and bowed: Thank you, elder.

Yuan Bugui laughed loudly and said: It doesn't have to be like this. Your Highness, your cultivation strength has far surpassed mine back then. I didn't have your strength back then. It's hard to grow in battle. Your talent Extremely high, I can actually comprehend more extraordinary magical powers, and my future is limitless.

Emperor Mingxi thanks you.

Yuan Bugui said: Your Highness, rest first, sort out the gains, and then continue the fight. Until the promise comes, you first fight to the death with another barbarian named Shengzun Yuan Yu, and use Yuan Yu's head to awaken your killing intent. Take advantage of this momentum and kill Xu Ying!

Emperor Mingxi said yes and watched him leave.

Yuan Bugui left this small Zhutian, only to see Yuan Heng waiting outside Zhutian for a long time.

When Yuan Bugui saw him, he was shocked: Is the Prime Minister injured?

Prime Minister Yuan Heng said: I met the Supreme Emperor.

Yuan Bugui's expression suddenly changed and he lost his voice: Is this true? Is the Supreme Emperor really not dead?

There have always been rumors in the Celestial World that the old emperor Ming Xun has been living in the world. He was tortured by the current world of heaven and earth, his face was ruined, and he became neither a dragon nor a ghost. The old emperor Ming Xun was like a ghost, wandering in the world of immortals. Sometimes, some people saw rolling mountains in the distance. When they looked closer, they discovered that it was an extremely huge silver dragon sleeping soundly.

Sometimes he is found in the sea. Rumor has it that the old emperor Ming Xun is plotting a restoration, changing the current way of heaven, returning to the ancient times, overthrowing his son Ming Dao Emperor, and regaining the position of Dragon Emperor.

There are also rumors that Emperor Ming Dao led many dragon immortals to search for his whereabouts underground, intending to send him on his way. Others say that another dragon immortal, King Cangzhu Zhen, had a confrontation with him.

It's indeed him.

Yuan Heng said, Back then, I followed Emperor Ming Dao to search for his whereabouts and saw him from a distance. At that time, his appearance was indeed destroyed, and there was always a trace of ash falling on his face. But this time when I saw him, his appearance was restored. .”

Yuan Bugui asked: Where did you see him?

Yuan Heng said: The barbarian promised to be by my side.

Yuan Bugui was shocked and murmured: I see. I said that the little kid from the human race could have such skills. It turned out that the Supreme Emperor taught him personally. The Supreme Emperor taught a human race to challenge us, and the purpose is probably to transform my dragon race into a human being. Our confidence has hit rock bottom, let us abandon Huan Hua and follow him to practice the ancient Dharma!

Yuan Heng said: It is difficult for His Highness Mingxi to defeat Xu Ying, but the Supreme Emperor is by his side, and I was hurt by the Supreme Emperor. For the sake of the country and the country of Longting, I have to ask fellow Taoists to take action.

Yuan Bugui said: You were injured by him, let alone me?

So, I also invited twelve other masters.

Yuan Heng smiled and said, Bi Youzhen, Yu Wendao, Long Tingyu, Meng Santong, Ying Wudi, Qiu Shaoyu, Jiaowen, Canglan, etc., twelve of them, like you and me, have all been in the Ten Moves Defeat the little barbarian Yuan Yu inside. The fourteenth of us are the top masters of the eighth level of the Tao realm. After transforming into Huan, we will definitely be able to send the Supreme Emperor back to his throne!

Yuan Bugui's face was uncertain and he said: This is the crime of regicide...

Yuan Heng said: Fellow Taoist, if we don't kill the king and don't seriously injure Xu Ying, if His Highness Mingxi is defeated in the future, do you know the consequences?

Yuan Bugui still hesitated.

Yuan Heng said: The consequence is that your Majesty will no longer insist on full humanization, and will definitely implement the old laws and ways! And doing so will only plunge Longting into civil strife, and the other side will have the opportunity to intervene in the Celestial Realm! At that time, all the elders will fight for their power and status. , will inevitably lead to the arrival of the Immortal True King from the other side!

Yuan Bugui exhaled a breath and said: By then, if the Immortal True King on the other side does not leave, they will be the masters of this world, and we are the slaves...Have you informed His Majesty of this matter?

Yuan Heng shook his head and said: Your Majesty is indecisive and will definitely not agree.

Yuan Bugui said in a deep voice: You shouldn't tell him. Let's kill this matter first and report it later. Let's go! Send the Supreme Emperor to his funeral!

The two walked outside, and outside the Longting Imperial Capital, twelve masters of the Great Perfection realm, including Bi Youzhen, Yu Wendao, Long Tingyu, Meng Santong, etc., were already waiting there. When everyone saw their arrival, they immediately set off. .

When they came near Xu Ying, Yuan Bugui said: Prime Minister, your injury has not healed, so you stayed to look for Xu Ying and severely injured him. We besieged the Supreme Emperor and sent him on his way.

Yuan Heng bowed and said, Thank you all very much!

Everyone returned the courtesy: It's your duty, for the sake of Longting's country, why should you be afraid of being infamy?

Prime Minister Yuan Heng took the lead and walked towards Xu Ying and others.

Xu Ying, Ming Man, and Man Kongming were admiring the scenery in Danxia Mountain. This Danxia Mountain is a mountain range formed after the Dragon Court was buried. There are dragon auras in some places, which spurt out all the year round. Because the dragon aura spurts out into a golden glow, Therefore it is called Danxia.

There are even rumors that some people have seen the ghost of the dragon immortal who died in Longting in vain here.

Xu Ying knew that the imperial mausoleum was probably near the Ancient Dragon Court, so he proposed to stay in Danxia Mountain for a while.

The place where the dragon energy spews should not be caused by the ghosts of the dragon immortals, but the dead dragon emperors are buried in the tombs, and their coffins seal the bodies. These tombs are affected by the heaven on the other side, and the seals are turned into ashes. This kind of The erosion phenomenon has invaded the coffin.

Xu Ying looked at the scenery of Danxia Mountain and thought to himself, The coffin cracked, which caused the Taoist magic in the Dragon Emperor's body to leak out, forming Danxia. Therefore, if you want to find the emperor's mausoleum, you only need to look where the Danxia emerges from. Where the emperor’s mausoleum is located.”

Just when he thought of this, he suddenly heard a voice chanting: The water curtain of Huang Hua is the most beautiful in the world. I first heard of the Snow River Weng. The Danxia Palace is high on the green wall, and the green hibiscus is blooming under the Milky Way. This place is the ancient capital of the old dynasty, but it is a pity that it is covered with dust. In tens of millions of years, there will be no chance of reappearing in this world.”

Xu Ying looked around and saw a slender old man with an ancient appearance walking towards him. He took the form of a human and had a human head and body, but he looked rough.

Man Kongming suddenly became nervous: Prime Minister Yuan Heng!

Xu Ying watched Prime Minister Yuan Heng approaching and said with a smile: Prime Minister Tian is here to enjoy the Danxia scenery?

Yuan Heng smiled and said: Xu Ying, you didn't come to Danxia to enjoy the scenery, and neither did I.

Xu Ying hesitated and said alertly: Could it be that you have met a colleague? Touching gold, moving mountains, making hills, and unloading mountains. May I ask which faction Prime Minister Tian belongs to?

Yuan Heng was stunned and thought about the meaning of his words. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure it out. He smiled and said: The purpose of my trip is to do a big thing. There once was a great emperor of the Dragon Clan. After the previous Dragon Emperor was murdered, , the world was in turmoil, he rose up in adversity, fought to quell the chaos, and finally ascended to the throne of God. After he became the Dragon Emperor, he worked diligently and loved the people, and never made many major mistakes.

Xu Ying felt awe-struck in his heart: Sure enough, I have also taken a fancy to the imperial mausoleum!

Yuan Heng said: During the time when the Dragon Emperor was in power, the Three Realms were at peace. Even the human race and the demon race gave birth to many outstanding geniuses. In his Dragon Court, there were many demons and immortals serving as officials. However, there are unforeseen circumstances. Wind and cloud, suddenly one day, the gods of Longting calculated a terrible result, that is, the three realms were about to be extinct, the Dragon Court was about to fall, and the Dragon Clan was about to be destroyed. This Dragon Emperor was so talented and strategic, he tried every means to extend the life of Dragon Court .”

Xu Ying noticed at this time that another group of people was walking towards Danxia Mountain in a leisurely manner.

Ming Man and Man Kongming were gradually attracted by his stories and did not notice this. Xu Ying noticed that these thirteen dragon clan experts were extremely powerful, far superior to other dragon clan elders.

He frowned slightly.

Yuan Heng said: Although this Dragon Emperor is extremely powerful, he has nothing to do in the face of this extinction. He came up with three ways to extend the life of the Dragon Court. The first plan is Ten Thousand Dragon Banners.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly. The Ten Thousand Dragon Banners plan almost failed. There were many Ten Thousand Dragon Banners left at that time, but only the Ten Thousand Dragon Banners that Xu Ying got was still there. The other Ten Thousand Dragon Banners had already accompanied them in the sky and the sea. The Dragon Court was annihilated and annihilated.

Xu Ying's Ten Thousand Dragon Banner was also taken away by the Immortal Emperor Meng Shanming. After Meng Shanming's death, it fell into the hands of Xu Ying and was given to his distant ancestor by Xu Ying.

The second plan, the plan to steal the sky. Use the best immortal gold in Guangluo Immortal World to build forty fastest ships, carrying the most promising seeds of Longting. There are dragon immortals, demon immortals, and human immortals. Break out of the three realms of the universe and find the other side to thrive.

Yuan Heng continued, The third plan is the recovery plan, which is divided into two aspects. First, in the 10 million years after the extinction, the Dragon Court will be revived, the Ten Thousand Dragon Flags will be activated, and the dragon soul will seize the body to continue the dragon clan. Civilization. Second, the dragon clan on the other side returned after the mass extinction, returned to the Three Realms, and restored the Dragon Court.

Xu Ying's eyes fell on the thirteen powerful figures. In front of the thirteen powerful dragons, a tall old man suddenly appeared.

He recognized the man as Ming Man's grandfather, Ming Xun.

This Dragon Emperor can be said to have saved the Dragon Clan. Without him, there would be no current Dragon Court and no current Dragon Clan revival.

Yuan Heng said, He is admired by all our dragons. He built forty golden ships to cross the world. However, he did not board the golden ships. Instead, he chose to stay and wait for the coming of extinction with the remaining dragons. He thought Fight this mass extinction.”

Xu Ying saw Daoxue falling from the sky on the other side of Danxia Mountain. Those thirteen extremely powerful beings entered Mingxun's Dao realm. They each offered sacrifices to the ancient gods and suppressed Mingxun's Dao realm. The downward trend has stopped!

He just failed.

Yuan Heng said, All his subjects, all the clansmen he knew and didn't know, all died in this mass extinction. He should have died too, but he was too powerful. He is immortal, and he is actually like this Survived the adversity until now.”

Xu Ying asked: What's his name?

He already knew the answer, but wanted to ask anyway.

Yuan Heng said: His name is Ming Xun, he is also the father of the current Ming Dao Emperor, and he is the Supreme Emperor of our Dragon Court.

Ming Man felt nervous and looked at Xu Ying hurriedly, worried: My identity has been exposed? Master Barbarian still won't teach me?

Xu Ying said: But now you want to kill the Supreme Emperor. Why is this?

Yuan Heng sighed and said: One moment and another moment. The Supreme Emperor's desire to restore tradition is a betrayal of today's Longting. Xu Ying, were you taught by him? If you defeat His Highness Mingxi, the Supreme Emperor will The conspiracy will succeed. As a result, our Dragon Court will fall into civil strife, so we have to come and take action against the Supreme Emperor and ask him to go on his way.

Xu Ying burst out laughing: Your Dragon Court, you dragon clans are all blessings to the Supreme Emperor. Without his three Dragon Court plans, where would you be today? But you repay kindness with hatred and want to kill him? Prime Minister Tian, ​​is this the etiquette and morality you learned from the other side?

He looked disappointed, shook his head and said, You have let down Emperor Mingxun. It's so disappointing.

Yuan Heng shook his head and said: You don't understand the situation of Longting, nor the power of the other side, nor our difficulties...

That's bullshit!

Xu Ying said calmly, Prime Minister Tian, ​​are you worthy? I know your purpose, to get rid of Ming Xun, injure Xu Ying, and let Ming Xi win. However, you underestimated Immortal and also underestimated me.

As soon as he finished speaking, a battle broke out among the thirteen powerful men of Perfection to encircle and suppress the old emperor Ming Xun!

Prime Minister Yuan Heng's face changed slightly, and he heard the sound of bones breaking. Those bones were definitely not those of Emperor Ming Xun, but the bones of the first person they met, who had their bones broken by Emperor Ming Xun!

You have transformed into a real dragon, and Emperor Ming Xun has also transformed into a real dragon. In addition, he has received my guidance, and his cultivation strength is even better than before.

Xu Ying's eyes fell on Yuan Heng's face, and he said calmly, You underestimated Mingxun, and you underestimated me. You shouldn't drag your injured body to see me.

Yuan Heng suddenly felt a creepy feeling and shouted hurriedly: Huan Hua!

Almost at the same time, Xu Ying also activated his transformation, and two figures rose from the ground!

————Eight thousand and eight hundred words have been updated today! Thanks to the two alliance leaders Bufan Ati and Bebu Sima for their rewards! !

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