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Chapter 692: Rebellion, starting from childhood

Xu Ying has been rebelling since he was a child. Starting from Jiang Jiatian's murder of God, he embarked on a path of rebellion. It is not an exaggeration to call it full-body rebellion.

I heard that fellow Taoist Xu calls himself a barbarian and comes to my heavenly world to discuss Taoism. Today I will discuss it with you!

Emperor Mingxi's eyes were full of divine light, and he said: The Tao is born innately, and it is completely natural, and it is the Supreme One. The Tao is born innately, and it evolves all things, and it is for nature. The Tao is born innately, embracing yin and negative yang. It is Yin and Yang. The mixture of Yin and Yang is Tai Chi. What is martial arts?

well said!

An elder of the tribe exclaimed, There are also so-called sword ways, sword ways, and formations. They are all avenues that did not exist in the first place. These superficial things are not even as good as the natural avenues of earth, water, wind, fire, thunder and lightning. Let alone be compared with the natural avenues of earth, water, wind, fire, thunder and lightning. Taiyi and yin and yang are equal.”

Many dragon immortals around nodded.

More and more Dragon Immortals are arriving in Jinque City. The Dragon Emperor's clear will has shocked the Dragon Court. There are many people who have hopes for this battle. This time, Xu Ying, a strong man from the Earthly Immortal Realm, went to the Celestial Immortal Realm, claiming to be a barbarian, to challenge the strong men from the Celestial Immortal Realm.

This is a serious matter. If no one in the world of immortals can defeat it, we will be disgraced and unable to raise our heads and become a dragon.

Emperor Mingxi personally came forward to fight Xu Ying. This incident was extremely sensational and attracted attention. Countless dragon masters rushed here.

At this time, Jinque City was filled with dragons, and the dragon immortals stood in the air, like a barrier, covering the sky behind Emperor Mingxi.

Xu Ying smiled slightly and said: This is the opinion of a fool. What you call Taiyi, creation, Yin and Yang, Tai Chi, if you don't learn it or understand it, no one will master it and it will be useless. As long as you learn it, It is your personal understanding that is no longer innate, but acquired. These avenues are acquired just like martial arts, so what qualifications do they have to be superior to others?

You fart! shouted a white-haired old dragon.

The elders of the Dragon Clan shouted and cursed one after another: The evil words confuse the public! Heresies confuse the Taoist mind! Innate is innate, how can it be said that after learning, it becomes acquired?

Emperor Mingxi was thoughtful. He felt that Xu Ying's words made some sense, but were too radical. However, the elders of the Dragon Clan were yelling and scolding Xu Ying, so he couldn't say much.

Xu Ying said loudly: Martial arts is a process in which people use acquired power to master innate skills. The so-called martial arts is when people create something from scratch and use the great avenues of heaven and earth.

His voice accompanied the sound of Dao, suppressing everyone's shouts and curses.

Then he separated his steps and practiced the most basic martial arts moves. Fists, fingers, wrists, palms, claws, hooks, elbows, knees, shoulders, hips, back, head, feet, etc. were all weapons and were practiced by him.

Every move he made was like the supreme magic weapon being smashed down, and the space was shattered.

His fists are like bells, his palms are like cauldrons, and his fingers are like swords. They are unparalleledly sharp. His moves are all over the place, the light of light overflows, and the avenue roars.

My martial arts, merge into Taiyi!

Xu Ying showed no scruples and used his martial arts moves in public, maneuvering the Taiyi Cave Abyss, stepping forward, and hitting the body of Emperor Mingxi with a palm, demonstrating the magical power of the Taiyi martial arts, and said, You can also smelt Tai Chi!

He crossed his arms, the Tai Chi Cave burst out, and Tai Chi Dao power came from his arms!

Can be transformed into Wuji!

Can control Taiying!

It's like Tai Cang entering Qing Ming!

It can be like the creation of all things!

Xu Ying walked around the Mingxi Emperor, maneuvering various caves and abyss with each move, using martial arts to control them, using his moves to show the characteristics and mysteries of different avenues, and to maximize his ability to change.

Including martial arts, he had a total of thirty-six caves and thirty-five moves, all of which were inseparable from the fatal point of Emperor Mingxi, but they all missed him.

Emperor Mingxi remained calm and allowed him to use various moves. After Xu Ying's thirty-five moves were completed, the dragon immortals and elders behind him became silent, and the silence was terrifying.

If you have the ability, you will know by doing it. But Xu Ying had just defeated Man Kongming, and his actions could not show the subtlety of his Taoist philosophy.

But this time, Xu Ying used martial arts to explain and evolve various innate avenues, allowing them to see the power and erudition of this human race boy.

Any one of them might be able to surpass Xu Yingliang in terms of cultivation level, but in terms of Taoism and philosophy, they are far inferior to such a person!

Can't beat...

A dragon clan elder had cold sweat rolling down his forehead and murmured, At the same level, I can't beat him at all! I can't even throw out a move...

His voice became lower and lower, becoming inaudible.

There are many powerful dragon clansmen who have the same idea as him. The moves Xu Ying used just now are all the most common moves. In the eyes of ancient beings like them, there are no flaws!

The power of his Taoism is far beyond that of his own at the same level!

Emperor Mingxi broke everyone's silence and said calmly: Xu Ying, the innate way, whether you learn it or not, understand it or not, it is there. Innate is innate, and the day after tomorrow is the day after tomorrow! Martial arts is the way of acquiring, no matter how you approach it It is impossible to go against nature through deduction. Let me tell you what the difference is.

He adjusted the Taiyi Avenue, and a supreme-level Taiyi Cave Abyss appeared above his head. Emperor Mingxi took a step forward, moved his skills, and said in a deep voice: The Taiyi is all things, it can transform black and yellow, it can transform yin and yang, it can determine life and death, it can break the void! The left one can control Tai Chi and Wu Ji, and the right one can control the two rituals of creation!

Every time he made a move, he saw another supreme-level cave abyss emerging, entwining and rotating with the Taiyi Cave Abyss. The two powers were compatible and turned into his magical power!

Emperor Mingxi's steps were steady, and every move was equally clear and clear, displaying the differences and integration between Taiyi Avenue and other avenues.

These magical powers passed by Xu Ying, but they did not hurt Xu Ying at all. They were also demonstrating Taoism!

The various caves and abyss above his head were changing, but the Taiyi Cave remained unchanged. In just a short moment, he changed eight kinds of caves and displayed eight magical powers. Then he stopped, took a step back, and still stood among the flowers.

There was silence for a moment, and then suddenly there was a burst of cheers.

Prime Minister Yuan Heng also came to Jinque City at some unknown time. Seeing the eight magical powers performed by Emperor Mingxi, he couldn't help but show joy and said with a smile: The ability of Emperor Mingxi is very similar to that of His Majesty. The Ming family is worthy of being a member of the Ming Dynasty. With the bloodline of our distant ancestors, Mingxi returned from studying on the other side. This body and Tao method has reached the state of transformation, changing unpredictably and remaining in one mind.

The cultivation levels of several dragon clan elders who followed him were also unpredictable. Hearing this, they couldn't help but admire: What Prime Minister Tian said is absolutely true. The emperor has great hope of breaking through the eighth level of the Tao realm and marching towards immortality.

Tian Prime Minister Yuan Heng's eyes fell on Xu Ying, and he said solemnly: But this Xu Ying is also very powerful. Emperor Mingxi has a low chance of winning in a battle with him.

The dragon clan elders nodded silently.

Just now, Xu Ying used martial arts to conquer the innate avenue, which really amazed everyone. It was a level where after reaching the extreme state, one path could lead to all the paths.

The outcome of this battle is difficult to predict.

As the most powerful elders of the dragon clan, they don't want to admit this, but it is the fact.

Xu Ying used his human body to cultivate to the point where it would be difficult for Emperor Mingxi to win. Although this does not mean that the Taoism of the Earthly Immortal Realm is better than the Taoism of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, if the Emperor Mingxi loses, he will definitely turn against the Heavenly Immortal Realm. The morale of the fairy world was dealt a huge blow.

No matter what happens in this battle, the emperor cannot be defeated. Yuan Heng said silently in his heart.

Xu Ying also realized how powerful and extraordinary Mingxi's son was, and couldn't help but feel happy when he saw Lie Xin, saying: It's better to see the truth in your hands than to say that you have no proof!

Emperor Mingxi's eyes lit up, and he also meant to compare. Just as he was about to speak, suddenly the Prime Minister Yuan Heng said with a smile: It would be rash to fight here. Xu Ying, our Dragon Clan will not bully you because you are a barbarian. If you want to fight, go to Dragon Clan. A battle in Tingdi Capital. No matter whether we win or lose, the whole world will know about the duel there. What do you think?

Emperor Mingxi was stunned and looked back at Prime Minister Yuan Heng.

Yuanheng smiled and nodded slightly. Emperor Mingxi didn't say anything more.

Xu Ying smiled and said: In that case, let's fight in the imperial capital!

Seeing his answer, Emperor Mingxi said: In that case, we will meet again in the imperial capital.

He turned around and boarded the chariot, the strings sounded, and the four dragons pulled the chariot away.

Tian Prime Minister Yuan Heng took a deep look at Xu Ying, then turned around and caught up with Emperor Mingxi's chariot, and said with a smile: Your Highness.

Emperor Mingxi stood up to greet him and said, Prime Minister, why don't you let me compete with Xu Ying?

Yuan Heng smiled and said: Although Your Highness has a great chance of winning, this battle involves a very important matter, so we must be cautious.

Emperor Mingxi asked in confusion: Why are you so cautious?

Your Majesty's determination.

Yuan Heng saw that he was a little confused and said, Back then, Your Majesty hesitated when he fully transformed into a human being. After he attained immortality, he once asked me whether it was too hasty to fully transform into a human being. This time he took action to capture the distant ancestors, ancestor gods, and The little barbarians did not kill them, but I feel that His Majesty's determination has been shaken. If His Majesty loses in this battle, I am afraid that Your Majesty may have to go back to the old ways.

Emperor Mingxi was slightly shaken and said: Father can't be so stupid. If he wants to go back to the old path, won't other dragon clans seize the opportunity and oust him? Behind those dragon clans, there is the immortality of the other side. Support! The status of my Ming family is not guaranteed because of this!

Yuan Heng smiled and said: So, Your Highness must win this battle. Although His Highness is superb in Taoism, his fighting experience is really insufficient. In the past few days before the duel with Xu, the old minister will let some old guys fight against His Highness.

The old guys he was referring to were the twenty-seven beings who defeated the Holy Lord Yuan Yu.

Each of these dragon immortals is a perfect being in the eighth level of Taoism!

With them personally sharpening Mingxi, even if he is a piece of stubborn iron, he can be polished into a sharp sword!

Mingxi bowed and thanked him.

Yuan Heng supported him, not daring to let him bow, and said: As long as you defeat Xu Ying, Your Majesty will not make any mistakes. Your Highness will have a hard time these days.

Emperor Mingxi said solemnly: I will definitely live up to my mission!

Yuan Heng said goodbye and left, watching the carriage of Emperor Mingxi go away, and said in deep thought: That Xu Ying, although gentle and quiet, dared to enter the world of immortals and claimed to be a barbarian to challenge the entire world of immortals. He was extremely fierce at first glance. A murderer. If the emperor's son fights with him to the death, he will definitely lose.

He frowned slightly. It was not enough for Emperor Mingxi to confront a perfect being in the eighth level of Taoism. He also needed experience in fighting with his life.

And this is difficult.

Unless this is promised, I can be injured before the decisive battle.

Yuan Heng's eyes flashed. There were still a few days to go to Longting Imperial Capital. If Xu Ying was injured on the way, he would not be Mingxi's opponent in the decisive battle.

Xu Ying led Princess Mingman towards Jinque City. Man Kongming struggled to get up and said with a smile: If Taoist Fellow Xu doesn't mind, we can go together. I have something I want to ask fellow Taoist for advice on the way.

Xu Ying stopped, agreed happily, and said with a smile: Brother Dao, if you have anything you don't understand, just ask me.

Man Kongming suppressed his injuries and said calmly: It's not like there's anything puzzling about...

Xu Ying glanced at him in surprise, Man Kongming's face turned red, and he quickly said: I am a bit confused about the Supreme Way.

Princess Mingman smiled and said: You dragon, you look bold, but you are not honest at all.

It's so empty and empty.

Xu Ying didn't take it seriously and said: The Supreme Dao is incomplete. If I want to complete this Dao, I can't do it. I also had to be taught by Taoist Wukong before I could achieve anything. You and I can just communicate.

Princess Mingman stretched out two fingers to make a walking gesture, signaling to Man Kong that there were steps to go down in the words promised.

Man Kongming suddenly realized: Fellow Daoist Xu is stepping down for me, not to communicate with me, but to give me guidance. This human girl is really considerate, lest I don't understand.

The three of them walked together, and Xu Ying taught Man Kong Ming Tai Shang Dao's remedial method on the road. Man Kong Ming was inexplicably grateful and said: I have fought against that boy Ming Xi the most, and this boy can't hide anything he has from me. I am familiar with him. If you follow his teachings, you will surely win!

He jumped up, used the magical skills of Emperor Mingxi, and taught Xu Ying how to crack the opponent's magical skills.

Prime Minister Yuan Heng saw this scene from a distance and couldn't help but frown.

Man Kongming, this savage dragon, has done a good job! I gave him a little benefit and then got rid of it!

He was angry and took an umbrella to hold it up. The moment he opened the umbrella, rain suddenly fell from the sky.

Yuan Heng held an umbrella, covered his face, and walked towards Xu Ying.

Xu Ying is too dangerous, we have to take action in advance!

At this moment, he saw patches of snow suddenly appearing in the falling rain, which were snow formed by ash.

The great way of heaven and earth in the ancient times has revived! No, it's not a revival, but someone has mastered the way of heaven at that time, and I have entered his realm!

Yuan Heng's heart skipped a beat and he held up an umbrella. The umbrella formed a world of its own, maintaining the way of heaven in this world and competing with that state.

He walked forward and soon saw a tall, tall old man with a dragon head standing in front of him, his back turned to him.

My descendant, Yuan Heng, pays homage to the Supreme Emperor. Yuan Heng held an umbrella in greeting.

The old emperor Ming Xun turned his back to him and said: The human race promised, I will protect him.

Yuan Heng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: The Supreme Emperor, your time has passed. I am afraid that you will not be able to protect him.

The old emperor Mingxun said calmly: You can try it.

As Yuan Heng walked forward, he transformed and suddenly raised the umbrella in his hand. The umbrella turned into a sky, covering tens of thousands of miles around!

Yuan Heng stood up and attacked the old emperor Ming Xun.

The moment he took action, the transformation around him immediately collapsed, snow fell on the road, and even the sky formed by the umbrella was decaying rapidly!

Yuan Heng ignored all this, deceived himself and killed himself behind the old emperor Ming Xun, mobilized the ancient god Yuan Shen, and unleashed his strongest attack!

The old emperor Ming Xun still had his back to him. He raised his palm and collided with the ancient god Yuanshen. Yuan Heng's body was shaken. Even the will of the ancient god could not shake the old emperor in the slightest.

He made a decisive decision and retreated in blood. His voice came from far away: The Supreme Emperor, you want to go against the Celestial Realm, you want to go against the other side, but you are just using your hands as a chariot! I am afraid that the other side will be involved in this matter and come to the Celestial Realm, and you will not be able to protect yourself!

The old emperor Mingxun did not pursue, but whispered: Does the immortal exist on the other side? I really want to know why they destroyed the Three Realms. But I want to know even more, after they destroyed the Three Realms, why you bastards are still loyal to the enemy? Geng Geng. What made you forget your hatred?

He roared in a low voice, as if he wanted to shatter this twisted world.

————The second update will be completed before twelve o'clock, but it will probably be past twelve o'clock.

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